05 5月 2024

Virak Buntham Express

1,051 件のカスタマーレビュー
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Virak Buntham Express スケジュールと時刻表

シェムリアップ - バンコク
バス Seater 27
バス VIP
05:30, 06:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00
バス Seater 40
シェムリアップ - バッタンバン
07:00, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00
シェムリアップ - プノンペン
バス ラグジュアリー
00:15, 01:00, 19:00, 19:30, 20:30, 23:30, 23:55
バス ミニバン 7人用
06:00, 11:00, 13:00, 17:30
バス バン
07:00, 07:30, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 18:30
シェムリアップ - シアヌークビル
バス ホテルバス
バス ラグジュアリー
19:00, 19:30, 20:30
プノンペン - シェムリアップ
バス ラグジュアリー
00:05, 00:30, 01:00, 01:30, 02:00, 20:30, 21:30, 22:30, 23:00, 23:55
バス ミニバン 7人用
06:00, 11:00, 13:00, 17:30
バス バン
07:00, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 18:30
シアヌークビル - シェムリアップ
バス ラグジュアリー
19:30, 20:30, 21:30
バス ホテルバス
20:30, 21:00
プノンペン - シアヌークビル
バス ホテルバス
00:30, 01:30
バス ラグジュアリー
01:00, 02:00
バス ミニバン 7人用
05:30, 06:30, 07:00, 10:30, 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 15:00
バス バン
05:30, 06:30, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00
シアヌークビル - プノンペン
バン ミニバン 7人用
05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 10:30, 14:00, 15:00, 18:00, 19:00
バン バン
05:00, 06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00
バン ラグジュアリー
19:30, 21:30
バン ホテルバス
20:30, 21:00, 23:55
プノンペン - バンコク
バス Coaster
06:00, 06:30, 07:15, 11:00
バス ミニバン 7人用
バス ラグジュアリー
20:30, 21:30, 21:45, 22:30
バス ホテルバス
21:00, 22:00
ホーチミン市 - プノンペン
06:30, 07:00, 11:00, 15:00
バッタンバン - シェムリアップ
07:00, 08:30, 11:00, 12:30, 13:00, 14:30, 17:00, 18:30
バッタンバン - プノンペン
バン ミニバン 7人用
07:30, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30
バン バン
08:30, 14:30, 15:30
バン ホテルバス
22:30, 23:30
バン ラグジュアリー
プノンペン - バッタンバン
バス Coaster
06:30, 11:00, 12:30
バス ミニバン 7人用
07:00, 07:30, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30
バス バン
08:30, 09:00, 14:30, 15:30
バス ホテルバス
21:00, 22:00
シアヌークビル - バンコク
プノンペン - ホーチミン市
06:30, 07:00, 07:05, 11:00, 15:00
シェムリアップ - カンポット
カンポット - シェムリアップ
モンドルキリ - プノンペン
バン ミニバン 7人用
07:15, 14:00, 15:00
バン ホテルバス
22:30, 23:00, 23:05
プノンペン - モンドルキリ
バン ミニバン 7人用
07:15, 12:00, 14:00
バン ホテルバス
19:45, 23:00
バンテアイ メアンチェイ - シェムリアップ
21:00, 22:00
カンポット - プノンペン
バン ミニバン 7人用
08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00
バン ホテルバス
バッタンバン - バンコク
バス Coaster
バス VIP
07:30, 08:00, 13:00
シェムリアップ - バンテアイ メアンチェイ
バス Seater 27
バス VIP
00:45, 05:30, 06:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 14:00, 18:00
バス Seater 40
プノンペン - カンポット
バス ホテルバス
05:00, 06:30
バス ミニバン 7人用
08:00, 08:30, 10:00, 12:00, 12:30, 14:00, 15:30, 16:00, 18:00
プノンペン - コンポンチャム
バン ミニバン 7人用
07:00, 08:00, 12:00, 13:30, 14:45, 15:30, 16:30
バン ラグジュアリー
19:00, 20:30
バン ホテルバス
19:45, 21:15, 23:00

Virak Buntham Expressについて

バスは国内に数多くのターミナルがあり、便利なタイムテーブルで旅行をサポートする最もリーズナブルな移動手段です。低予算の旅行者と快適さを大切にしたい旅行者にとって、便利なオプションでもあります。Virak Buntham Expressはオンライン予約が可能なバス会社です。チケットを予約する前に、旅行者のレビューを読んで最もよいオプションを選びましょう。

Virak Buntham Expressの主要駅を教えてください。

Virak Buntham Expressは次のステーションから発着しています。

  • シェムリアップ Virak Buntham
  • プノンペンビラクブンサム
  • シアヌークビル Virakbuntham
  • バンコク
  • Siem Reap
  • バッタムバン Virakbuntham
  • ホーチミンビラクブンタム
  • カンポット・ビラック・ブンタム
  • ポイエット Virakbunthamバス
  • バッタンバン

Virak Buntham Expressのバスのクラスと料金を教えてください。




  • バスは目的地のネットワークを幅広くカバーしています。飛行機や電車で行けない場所へも向かうことができます。
  • バスでの移動は簡単です。何時間も前にバスターミナルに到着する必要もなく、飛行機と比べると素早くチェックインすることができます。
  • バスチケットはとてもリーズナブルです。一等クラスやVIPオプションは高額ですが、予算に限りがある場合、まず最初に検討したい移動手段です。
  • どの予算に対しても、適切なクラスとサービスがあります。バスでもより快適な旅をすることができます。


  • インターシティバスターミナルは市街地の外れや郊外に位置していることがあります。アクセスの追加時間と料金を検討する必要があります。特定の目的地では、限られたバス会社しか運行を許可されていなく、料金が高騰しているため、バスターミナルからの移動費用が予想以上にかかることもあります。
  • 混雑している週末やピークシーズン中は、観光地を運行しているバスはスケジュール通りでないため、事前予約が必要になることがあります。
  • バスはフェリーのように天候に依存していませんが、悪天候や道路状況によって遅延やキャンセルになることがあります。特定シーズンや目的地に旅行する際は、ご注意ください。
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Virak Buntham Express 会社レビュー

バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/04/22
On time and comfortable enough for the 3 hour journey
バス ラグジュアリー, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/03/16
The trip went fine! Took the night bus with the small capsules. We left a bit late as we waited for late people but we also arrived 30 minutes earlier.
バン バン, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/03/15
Smooth ride, brand new mini van, very comfy, totally recommended
バン バン, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/03/08
Bus was a little old and worn out inside. Staff were friendly and informative. Bus was on time despite traffic jams. However, we were asked to be ready one hour before departure (8.00am so ready at 7am) for pick up. A minibus arrived at 7.30 - we were told this was to take us to the office just out of town to catch the main bus. We then sat in traffic for nearly half an hour (10 min journey usually) and changed to a bigger bus at the office for the journey. Thus bus then travelled BACK into Phnom Penh in horrendous traffic to pick up a bunch of people from the hotel in the road next to where we were staying - at 8.40!! So we basically wasted over an hour and a half waiting and waiting in traffic. I’m sure this could have been planned better! Other than that it was all fine and did what we needed it to do.
バス ラグジュアリー, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/03/06
It was sold as "luxury" bus but it was not really luxury. We tried before to change the bus but we had the feeling the people in the office don't care. Next time I would not pre book a bus but look when arriving there which bus leaves as the next. If you book a "sleeping" bus make sure you take the upper blaces, not the lower places.
バン バン, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/03/02
Good company, i booked my ticket for the day later and received it the same day on my email. Check-in is very fast (they just check your QR code), they have a waiting room. Bus leaves on time and reaches the destination 30 min earlier. Confortable seat, 1 bottle of watter, A/C, 1 stop.
バン バン, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/02/28
Véhicule très confortable, chauffeur sérieux et prudent, départ et arrivée à l'heure, bouteille d'eau pour chacun, pause à mi parcours, déposer le sur le trajet à l'arrivée si prévenu.
バス ラグジュアリー, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/02/23
On the upside: bus was on time and arrived 30min before ETA in Sahanoukville; On the downside: sleeping cabin is 1,60m long, which makes it nearly impossible to sleep/lie straight; bus stopped various times without passengers knowing for how long; bus goes via Phnom Penh with change of passengers there at night hours + noise/light/aggressive driving make it unlikely to sleep
バン ミニバン 7人用, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/02/13
The journey was about 5 hours long but the driver ensured that the journey took no longer! Prompt, professional and comfortable
バス ラグジュアリー, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/02/10
Everything went well, bus was comfortable and punctual.
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/01/24
Beds we’re very small - very limited room in general The Ride itself was good
バン ミニバン 7人用, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/01/23
The driver talked on the phone and send a message all the driving time
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/01/19
The AC was way to strong and I got sick, when we asked them to lower it we did not see a difference (I don’t know they did), the empty seat next to me could not be taken by my friend and the bus arrived 45 min early (4:45 AM) so we had to wait outside to check in in our hotel.
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2024/01/11
We had to change busses before starting out. But this was done quickly and efficiently. We arrived on time and the journey was smooth.
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/12/19
Amazing Bus & great organisation. Driving style was a bit aggressiv and they took 10$ more for cambodian visa, which is very sad. But as everything went super well it’s okay…
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/12/18
30 minutes late leaving Siem riep looked like we were waiting for late passengers
バス Seater 40, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/12/17
Our guide was amazing The girl was perfect 💛 It was super good bus ride Ps: Dont take the last seats like 34/35 because it's bed for the feet if you aren't tall
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/12/08
Clean and spacious bus. Left on time and arrived at stated time. I would use again and recommend to a friend.
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/12/06
The journey went really well and we received great support at the border. The staff were very nice and helpful. Can highly recommend this coach trip.
バン VIP, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/11/24
Didn’t make through the border and by the time immigration released me my luggage was on the other side. One of the workers found me and got my luggage back to me. I was happy after a very diffficult situation. Reliable service
バン バン, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/11/18
No fueron 3 horas, fueron 4 porque no salio hasta 30 minutos más tarde. Se lo dije varias veces al chico y me dijo que esperara. Basicamente tienen que llegar la furgoneta… El aire acondicionado demasiado alto.
バン ミニバン 7人用, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/11/04
Excellent fast ride, but the air conditioner was not very cool.
バン バン, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/10/25
Very comfy ride from Phnom Penh to Battambang. Nothing to complain :)
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/09/25
No notification that the bus was delayed 1.5 hours until I walked up to check in. Also no note anywhere saying that it was a normal bus with seats for the first half and then we had a layover in PO for 30min before our bus with beds arrived.
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/09/16
Super comfortable, they are not seats, are completely beds in an acceptable size (mucho bigger than the normal bus that we took in Vietnam) also they provide you water. Our trip was from kampot to Siem reap everything on time.
バン VIP, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/09/09
We left on time but stopped a lot on the way, without picking anybody up. Next to this 2 reststops, but journey should have only taken 3 hours. With all the additinal stops it was much longer. The bus was fine, but airco not working properly.
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/09/01
At the lunch break stop, don’t feel obligated to leave the bus.
バス Air Bus, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/08/23
I was very unhappy that my friend and I were not given breakfast on the bus, although almost all the people on the bus were given it
バス ラグジュアリー, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/08/22
Good in general the experience.bus ontime. Sleeping vehicle was totally different from the one expected and shown in the image. It Was less comfortable…For this reason I cannot give 5 stars
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/08/16
This bus was on time. However the bunks were way too small to fit two people and they weren’t quite long enough for me (5’9) so I had to keep my legs bent all night.
バン バン, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/08/01
My window seat was taken for a woman who decided to talk with the driver loudly through me the entire trip.
バス Air Bus, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/07/30
Everything was very clean and the service was great.
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/07/15
It arrives 90 minute before than it says, very inconvenient for the night trips
バス Air Bus, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/06/09
The air-conditioning was,so cold that all the passengers did freeze and the driver did,catch a heavy cold and,was coughing for 3 hours. I did put on my wool shirt and two trousers. You could make me ill and destroy my holiday. For the rest the journey was perfect.
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/06/08
I booked my ticket for the wrong day and they were so helpful getting us on a bus for no extra charge. However I left my portable charger in the backseat attached to the cable and when I asked they had the cable but not the charger :( Think the driver must have taken it. My own fault for leaving it. Couple of hours late
バン VIP, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/06/05
The van was very comfortable. The road was very bumpy and we drove very slowly. The most annoying thing was that they did not take us to the port and we had to go there on our own. Although all the passengers had to go there.
バン VIP, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/05/30
Even though we departed late, we arrived ahead of time. The driver went fast but never felt dangourous. The new highway made for a smooth ride even though it's not fully finished by the time we took the trip. Stopped 30min for lunch at a roadhouse.
バス ラグジュアリー, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/05/20
Barring the fact that the lights were not working, everything was amazing Oh and the sheets are too small - should give bigger sheets to people.
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/05/09
The VET tour people at the border were terrible at explaining and helping. I could nowhere read anywhere on the VET website that you can only pay cash for your visa and that would cost me $40! When I asked where can I buy a sim card he said at the restaurant 10 mins away, we never stopped at a restaurant! When I asked the driver how far we were at 8 pm he said 10-15mins, I really needed a toilet, and we stopped in PP 1 hour later!
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/05/09
Look, it was really comfortable, pretty fast. We had a minivan, no toilet but stopped enough. Didn’t stop for dinner (left Ho Chi Minh at 3pm) but we all voted not to stop and also we had brought sandwiches from Saigon Centee so we were fine. But, they get half a star for communication, pretty terrible. Didn’t tell us we were stopping for toilet break sometimes or how long we we (first time yes but then just stopped and we guessed). Crossing the border worked but all our passports were taken and while we showed them on the Vietnamese side we never met a Cambodian official, so seemed a bit shady. Still, it worked, we made it to Phnom Penn! Of course drivers drive crazy but that’s a given, I’d say no worse than the general standard.
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/04/27
I think the ratings should also be broken down into the route taken and not just the company overall as i read a few scary reviews about this company but they all seemed to be around one route (one to stay away from) But for Battembang - siem reap (and the other way) i highly recommend this company! Easy ride, on time, good driving, bottle of water as you get on the bus, friendly staff and comfy bus!
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/04/27
The bus was very cold, even with long clothes. Furthermore the timeline said, that we will arrive at 5:30am but we actually arrived at 3:00am without anyone telling us.
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/04/23
There is no indication that you are sharing the bed with someone else anywhere on the booking or ticket. Also you get dropped off in the middle of nowhere in Sihanoukville and are told to make your own way and pay to get to the port when the bus could easily drop you there
バス ラグジュアリー, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/04/17
Good that I arrived earlier because my later bus was apparently cancelled. One person looked at my ticket and said that it's all good and to sit and wait, I pressed about whether maybe I need a physical ticket or something, then another staff member told me that actually my (more expensive) bus cannot arrive and can I go with the one 5 hours later (it's almost midnight and a storm is coming). I say no. Luckily i get put on an earlier one that's about to depart. Bed was ok till i realized it's for 2 people and as someone who's 183cm tall, well, it's not really comfortable.
バス Air Bus, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/04/03
We had a good trip with this great bus! Service was perfect, bus was perfect in time. We were happy to go off near Phnom Penh Airport, as we asked the driver.
バン VIP, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/04/02
The arrival at vital Burnham was great. But it was a bumpy road, the driver was continuously accelerating and braking
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/04/02
The trip was ok. The trip was ok and the bus was clean but the bed space is really small, even for short people. The departure was in time but we choose this bus because it was announced to arrive at 7 am, so we could sleep more, but it arrived at 5 am, as the cheaper buses do.
バン VIP, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/03/17
Trajet de Siem reap à Phnom Penh de 6h. Nous étions sur les sièges arrières qui sont trop petits en largeur. La climatisation n'était pas assez puissante. Le chauffeur s'arrête sans nous dire combien de temps cela va durer.
バス Coaster, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/03/11
Le voyage s’est bien passé mais les dossiers du siège sont très étroit donc manque de confort
バス ホテルバス, Virak Buntham Express, 2023/03/09
bus was comfortable but you have to share a small compartment bed with someone which would not be good if you didn’t know them. It arrived late yet still arrived 3.5 hours before it was supposed to, this meant we arrived in phnom penh at 4am instead of 7:30, with no accomodation booked and no plan. This felt unsafe