Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka

Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka

Hatten Hotel Melaka
Sel, 28 Mei
Sekali Jalan
NaN penumpang

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Transportasi dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka

  • Kereta - Kereta tidak tersedia
  • Bis tidak tersedia
  • Kapal Feri tidak tersedia
  • Penerbangan tidak tersedia
  • Taksi tidak tersedia
  • Mobil Van tidak tersedia

Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka Ulasan Destinasi

Santai, tepat waktu, dan perjalanan bus terbaik yang pernah saya alami
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Ekspres, 707, 18 Feb 2023
This was a bad experience. The bus driver was probably one of the rudest people i have ever met. He yelled at the passengers for no reason. He told us we were wasting his time when grabbing our luggage. He didn't drop us off at a bus stop. He just stopped on the middle of the road close by en drove off. While gathering our luggage he almost drove away while i was still trying to grab my last bag from underneath the bus. He was very lazy and never moved out of his chair. A different passenger was confused at the border security and asked if we were getting transfered to a different bus. He just started yelling at her and never gave her a clear answer. There was never any comunication. We arrived 2 hours earlier then what the ticket said. He didn't tell us we arrived at the destination. He just stopped, and people walked out confused. We first thought it was a break. We never actually got a break. We had to get off the bus twice for border security but we were not informed what was going on both times. Make sure you grab all your stuff each time you leave the bus, because the driver doesn't care about you and won't tell you what is happening or where he will pick you up. If I am being honest, I am not entirely sure everyone got back on the bus before we drove off. I'm not blaming the company because everything went very well. And the the people that gave us our ticket were very helpfull. But it was just the bus driver that made it not an unpleasent experience.
Bis Ekspres 27, StarMart, 20 Mei 2024
It was supposed to arrive at 5:50am, arrived at 2:45! We were in the middle of nowhere at that time.
Bis Ekspres, Super Nice Express, 1 Mei 2024
Great vehicle, exceeded expectations with fully electric reclining chairs, 3 per row so nice and big. Electric hook up and free WiFi.
Bis Ekspres, Super Nice Express, 9 Nov 2023
Buro was, were it was toll, the bus also. And the Bus was very comfortable.
Bis Ekspres, 707, 22 Mar 2023
Busdriver was on time and the people at the information desk were really helpful. Bus seats were big and comfortable. There was not much information given when crossing the borders and getting check by customs, but it all worked out.
Bis Ekspres, 707, 25 Jan 2023
Bus was on time. They told us very clear that we had to go to another bus after immigration.
Bis Ekspres 27, StarMart SG, 11 Des 2022
Te bus arrives whit 1'30" delayed
Bis Ekspres 27, StarMart SG, 6 Okt 2022
Only 1hr late, seats were bigger than expected, plenty of toilet stops
Bis Ekspres, 707, 28 Sep 2022
The trip is safety. And the staff is very professtional and kindly.
Bis Ekspres 27, StarMart SG, 18 Sep 2022
420 ulasan pelanggan

Rute populer di Singapura

Bagaimana cara pergi dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka?

Ketika Saudara ingin pergi dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka, pilihan Saudara terbatas. Hanya ada satu opsi yang kami tawarkan untuk rute ini:

  • Bis

Seberapa jauh Singapura dari Hatten Hotel Melaka?

Jarak darat dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka adalah 170 mil (273 km).
Jarak terbang adalah 131 mil (210 km).

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka?

Waktu tempuh dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka membutuhkan waktu sekitar 5 jam.

Berapa biayanya dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka?

Untuk pergi dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka bersiaplah untuk mengeluarkan uang sekitar USD 18.93 untuk tiket Saudara.

Berapa banyak perjalanan per hari dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka?

Bis dari Singapura ke Malacca naik 1 kali dalam sehari.

Tip bermanfaat untuk perjalanan dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka

Meskipun bis adalah satu-satunya opsi yang kami tawarkan untuk rute ini, tips sederhana ini dan rekomendasi akan membantu meningkatkan pengalaman perjalanan Saudara.


Hal yang perlu diingat sebelum membeli tiket bus:

  • Jika memungkinkan, pastikan memilih bus kelas atas untuk pengalaman perjalanan yang lebih nyaman. Bus seperti itu sering kali memiliki sistem AC, kursi sandaran yang empuk, Wi-Fi, kamar mandi, dll.
  • Seperti halnya tiket pesawat, bus lebih baik dipesan terlebih dahulu sehingga Saudara dapat mengamankan kursi yang baik.
  • Saat memesan bus, perlu diingat bahwa penundaan mungkin saja terjadi. Untuk sampai ke terminal bus setidaknya 15 menit sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.

Apakah banyak pelancong menggunakan bis dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka?

Hingga saat ini, 534 memesan tiket bis dari Singapura ke Hatten Hotel Melaka melalui layanan kami. Saudara dapat memeriksa ulasan di atas.