Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

Hue Luxury SSB
Ninh Binh Luxury SSB
Min, 23 Jun
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Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB Jadwal

Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB Jadwal
Nama TransportWaktu RuteHarga
Grouptour Sleeper 41 16:30 - 04:30VND 518k

Transportasi dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

  • Bis
    $ 20.86
  • Kereta - Kereta tidak tersedia
  • Kapal Feri tidak tersedia
  • Penerbangan tidak tersedia
  • Taksi tidak tersedia
  • Mobil Van tidak tersedia

Fakta-fakta mengenai transportasi dari Hue Luxury SSB menuju Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

Transportasi TermurahUS$21
Transportasi Tercepat12J
Keberangkatan Paling Awal4:10 PM
Keberangkatan Paling Akhir4:30 PM
Keberangkatan per hari3
Jarak600 kilometer
Perusahaan TransportasiGrouptour

Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB Ulasan Destinasi

Bus tidak dibersihkan sebelum kami naik dan Anda bisa mencium bau toilet dari belakang bus. Kami mendapatkan kabin 3 tempat duduk untuk diri kami sendiri (2 orang) jadi itu merupakan nilai tambah.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Bis dengan tempat tidur 34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 17 Jul 2023
Kecuali toilet bersih, itu adalah perjalanan yang sangat baik, makanan, kopi untuk dijual di kapal. Hampir tepat waktu setelah perjalanan 13 jam
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kereta Api #SE12 Sleeper Kelas 1, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 1 Agu 2022
I want to share my disappointing experience with Luxury Travel Vietnam's night VIP20 bus service from Hue to Ninh Binh. **Service Date and Time:** We booked the VIP20 bus for [insert date here], initially scheduled to depart at 8pm. However, the company unexpectedly notified us at 6pm that the departure time had changed, causing us to rush back to the hotel to gather our belongings. They did arrange a taxi from the hotel to the bus, which was appreciated. **Service Quality:** The communication regarding the departure time change was poor and caused unnecessary stress. Despite visiting their office earlier to confirm details, we were still left uncertain about the departure location until we were en route. **Comfort:** The bus we boarded was not the same as advertised. Instead of the spacious VIP20 bus we expected, we were placed on a different bus with more beds, resulting in cramped conditions that did not match what we paid for. The journey was not direct as promised, involving numerous stops and navigating small, winding roads that made sleep difficult, as anticipated. **Staff:** Upon boarding, neither the driver nor the assistant knew which company we had booked with, indicating a lack of coordination or communication within the company. **Hygiene and Safety Concerns:** To add to the disappointment, my backpack was returned to me at the destination with a strong odor, likely from unsanitary conditions on the bus. Shortly after the journey, I developed contact dermatitis on my right hamstring, a location that suggests it may have been caused by the bus seats. **Overall Experience:** Overall, the experience fell far short of expectations. The bus conditions, route deviations, and hygiene issues were significant drawbacks, making it difficult to recommend Luxury Travel Vietnam's VIP20 bus service for travelers seeking comfort and reliability.
Bis VIP 20, Vietnam Luxury Travel, 15 Jun 2024
The Bus was Nice, but the driver drove so fast and reckless so that the Bus was shaking and it was Hard to find some Sleep. We First had to Drive with a transit vehicle to the Bus and he just dropped us off in the middle of nowhere. Would have been nice to know that.
Bis VIP 20, Duc Duong Bus, 2 Apr 2024
for some reason, once in the meeting point… someone told me (just me, not the rest of the passengers) to go with him as he needed to drop me somewhere else in his car. Was a little bit confusing and uncomfortable. So he dropped me off in a petrol station where another bus came to pick me up and I was the only passenger in that bus and they stopped on the road for more people and I was the only foreigner… and they asked me up to 3 times where should they drop me ? at least I arrived to my destination tho !
Bis VIP 20, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 29 Mar 2024
We had two beds in a nice and clean 4-Person-Cabin. The toilets were also clean. Thank you!!
Kereta Api #SE20 Bis dengan tempat tidur 4x, Laman Express, 6 Jan 2024
We was supposed to arrive to our destination at 8 am and we arrive at 4.30 am, so we had to wait in the night. And someone was sleeping in the floor next to our cabin
Bis VIP 20, Duc Duong Bus, 29 Des 2023
Wasn't t bus that picked us up, it was queen Cafe. Bus smelt really bad, which I got used to the seats were very dirty and uncomfortable. Leather was ripped on the chair, the pillow wasn't attached to the seats so they kept sliding and the recliner on the chair did not work. Also the seat I was in was none stop vibrating anytime the bus would idle. Bus ride was relatively smooth compared to other sleeper busses I've experienced.
Bis Bis dengan tempat tidur 34, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 24 Des 2023
Easy and stress free. Bus was on time, clean and reliable.
Kereta Api #SE20 Sleeper Kelas 1, Laman Express, 9 Des 2023
Great journey, comfortable sleeper train, clean and on time.
Kereta Api #SE20 Sleeper Kelas 1, Vietnam Railways (Đường sắt Việt Nam), 27 Nov 2023
279 ulasan pelanggan

Rute populer di Vietnam

Bagaimana cara pergi dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Ketika Saudara ingin pergi dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB, pilihan Saudara terbatas. Hanya ada satu opsi yang kami tawarkan untuk rute ini:

  • Bis

Seberapa jauh Hue Luxury SSB dari Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Jarak darat dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB adalah 373 mil (600 km).
Jarak terbang adalah 373 mil (600 km).

Berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Waktu tempuh dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB membutuhkan waktu sekitar 12 jam.

Berapa biayanya dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Untuk pergi dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB bersiaplah untuk mengeluarkan uang sekitar USD 20.86 untuk tiket Saudara.

Berapa banyak perjalanan per hari dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Bis dari Hue ke Ninh Binh naik 3 kali dalam sehari.

Tip bermanfaat untuk perjalanan dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB

Meskipun bis adalah satu-satunya opsi yang kami tawarkan untuk rute ini, tips sederhana ini dan rekomendasi akan membantu meningkatkan pengalaman perjalanan Saudara.


Hal yang perlu diingat sebelum membeli tiket bus:

  • Jika memungkinkan, pastikan memilih bus kelas atas untuk pengalaman perjalanan yang lebih nyaman. Bus seperti itu sering kali memiliki sistem AC, kursi sandaran yang empuk, Wi-Fi, kamar mandi, dll.
  • Seperti halnya tiket pesawat, bus lebih baik dipesan terlebih dahulu sehingga Saudara dapat mengamankan kursi yang baik.
  • Saat memesan bus, perlu diingat bahwa penundaan mungkin saja terjadi. Untuk sampai ke terminal bus setidaknya 15 menit sebelum jadwal keberangkatan.

Apakah banyak pelancong menggunakan bis dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB?

Hingga saat ini, 1177 memesan tiket bis dari Hue Luxury SSB ke Ninh Binh Luxury SSB melalui layanan kami. Saudara dapat memeriksa ulasan di atas.