The Tanis Express

169 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
  • Stasiun
  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang The Tanis Express

Untuk sampai ke pulau yang paling indah, Anda tidak bisa menghindari naik feri. Beberapa tujuan dilayani oleh feri mobil yang lebih besar dan lebih stabil, yang lain dihubungkan oleh speedboat atau katamaran yang lebih kecil tetapi lebih cepat. Jika Anda mudah mabuk laut, hindari bepergian dengan kapal katamaran yang mengarungi ombak saat laut sedang ganas – alih-alih memilih kapal berkecepatan tinggi karena memotong air sehingga perjalanan menjadi lebih lancar. Selain itu, duduk di dek terbuka atas dapat membantu mengatasi gelombang tinggi. The Tanis Express menawarkan tiket online untuk perjalanan feri – bahkan tidak perlu datang ke kantor mereka untuk membelinya.

Apa Stasiun Utama The Tanis Express?

Feri The Tanis Express melakukan perjalanan ke sejumlah tujuan populer. Daftar stasiun yang dilayani oleh The Tanis Express termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada:

  • Matahari Terbit Port
  • Lembongan Tanis
  • Sanur Tanis
  • Nusa Penida Tanis
  • Mushroom Bay Harbour
  • Banjar Nyuh Pier
  • Gili Trawangan Pelabuhan
  • Bangsal dermaga
  • Sanur pantai Pelabuhan
  • Gili Air
  • Sanur pantai Transfer

Apa Rute Terpopuler The Tanis Express?

Berapa Kelas & Harga Feri The Tanis Express?

Aturan praktisnya adalah semakin cepat kapalnya, semakin tinggi harganya. Sebelum memesan, putuskan apakah Anda memerlukan layanan ekspres atau opsi yang lebih lambat juga dapat diterima. Harga untuk yang terakhir jauh lebih terjangkau. Namun perbedaan waktu perjalanan mungkin sangat besar, jadi selalu periksa berapa lama waktu perjalanan feri sebelum Anda memesan tiket. Selain itu, ketersediaan beberapa kelas dapat dibatasi dan selalu memerlukan pemesanan terlebih dahulu. Selalu ingat untuk memeriksa dermaga tempat kapal Anda berangkat dan berlabuh untuk memilih dermaga yang paling nyaman untuk perjalanan Anda selanjutnya dan membaca ulasan wisatawan lain.

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Perjalanan Feri

Kelebihan Perjalanan Feri

  • Naik kapal adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mencapai beberapa pulau. Dan dalam banyak kasus – beberapa pulau terindah, kartu pos, dan surga yang selalu ingin Anda kunjungi!
  • Kelas tiket yang berbeda sering tersedia sehingga Anda dapat memilih tarif, tingkat kenyamanan, waktu perjalanan, dan jadwal yang paling sesuai untuk Anda.
  • Pesan online untuk menghemat waktu – di banyak rute, pemesanan terlebih dahulu adalah hal yang mutlak. Pertama, menyangkut perjalanan yang lebih lama, perjalanan pada masa sibuk seperti hari libur nasional, akhir pekan yang panjang atau musim ramai. Sebaiknya Anda memesan setidaknya beberapa hari sebelum tanggal perjalanan Anda jika rute Anda juga dilayani oleh sejumlah perjalanan per hari.
  • Bepergian dengan feri itu menyenangkan. Selalu menyenangkan untuk melihat tempat-tempat yang telah Anda kunjungi dari sudut lain – baik, dalam hal ini – dari air. Hampir semua tujuan terlihat luar biasa dari air dan Anda akan memiliki kesempatan besar untuk mengambil gambar yang cemerlang.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Feri

  • Mabuk laut adalah masalah utama bagi wisatawan feri. Semakin lama perjalanan dan semakin ganas lautnya, semakin besar kemungkinan perut Anda akan protes. Agar perjalanan Anda lebih menyenangkan, minum obat setengah jam sebelum perjalanan Anda dan ikuti rekomendasi kami di atas.
  • Perjalanan feri sangat bergantung pada cuaca. Artinya pada hari hujan keberangkatan bisa saja ditunda atau bahkan dibatalkan. Bukan hal yang aneh untuk menutup koneksi feri bahkan dengan pulau-pulau yang lebih besar selama cuaca badai selama beberapa hari. Artinya, Anda harus mengingat kemungkinan ini jika perjalanan feri Anda terhubung dengan penerbangan – peluang untuk sampai ke daratan lebih lambat dari yang diharapkan bisa tinggi selama periode tertentu.
Baca lebih lanjut

The Tanis Express Rute Populer

Sanur - Nusa Lembongan
07:30, 08:15, 10:00, 12:00, 13:45, 16:00
Nusa Penida - Sanur
10:00, 16:30
Nusa Lembongan - Sanur
07:00, 08:30, 10:30, 12:00, 14:30, 16:00
Sanur - Nusa Penida
08:00, 12:00
Jum, 7 Jun
Sekali Jalan
NaN penumpang

The Tanis Express Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
Kapal CepatNusa Penida TanisSanur Tanis10:0010:300h 30m
Kapal CepatNusa Penida TanisSanur Tanis16:3017:000h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur TanisNusa Penida Tanis08:0008:300h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur TanisNusa Penida Tanis12:0012:300h 30m
Kapal CepatLembongan TanisSanur Tanis07:0007:300h 30m
Kapal CepatLembongan TanisSanur Tanis08:3009:000h 30m
Kapal CepatLembongan TanisSanur Tanis10:3011:000h 30m
Kapal CepatLembongan TanisSanur Tanis12:0012:300h 30m
Kapal CepatLembongan TanisSanur Tanis14:3015:000h 30m
Kapal CepatLembongan TanisSanur Tanis16:0016:300h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur TanisLembongan Tanis07:3008:000h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur TanisLembongan Tanis08:1508:450h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur TanisLembongan Tanis10:0010:300h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur TanisLembongan Tanis12:0012:300h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur TanisLembongan Tanis13:4514:150h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur TanisLembongan Tanis16:0016:300h 30m

The Tanis Express Stasiun

Matahari Terbit PortLembongan TanisSanur TanisNusa Penida TanisMushroom Bay HarbourBanjar Nyuh PierGili Trawangan PelabuhanBangsal dermagaSanur pantai PelabuhanGili AirSanur pantai Transfer

The Tanis Express Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Sampai perahu mulai bergerak, Anda hampir tidak bisa bernapas. Hampir semua kipas rusak. Setelah itu kami baik-baik saja, segarnya udara laut masuk melalui banyak jendela yang terbuka. Kursinya nyaman, setengah jam perjalanan berlalu dengan cepat. Tidak ada dermaga di Lembongan, Anda harus melompat ke dalam air. Hati-hati siapa yang pakai celana ????
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 25 Agu 2023
Saya mulai tepat waktu, dan stafnya baik.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 3 Agu 2023
Semuanya berjalan dengan baik, tetapi agak aneh bahwa kami harus berada di sana satu jam sebelum keberangkatan. Itu hanya feri kecil bukan penerbangan
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 29 Nov 2022
Saya dengan 1,74 meter saya sangat kencang, suami saya 1,90 cm benar-benar macet. Jauh lebih banyak tiket yang terjual daripada tempat duduk, dan kami harus turun di suatu tempat dekat bebatuan di Sanur, saya telah melihat beberapa orang jatuh ke air keluar.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 10 Okt 2022
Halaman sempurna untuk memesan tiket Anda dengan aman dan tanpa kerumitan apa pun.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 2 Mar 2020
On time. Everything as promised. The boat does not have AC, but I gets cooler on the way with the wind. No complaints
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 9 Mei 2024
For no reason at all (ideal weather, no crowd in Ssnur harbout building) we were 50 minutes late and I almost missed scuba diving trip because of that delay.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 1 Mei 2024
On time. Comfortable boat and it only took 25 minutes for the trip. We showed staff at Mushroom Beach our ticket from 12go to receive our ticket to board the boat.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 14 Apr 2024
Fast - that’s what counts…
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 23 Feb 2024
We boarded the boat 30 minutes later and the journey took 45 minutes, not 30 like they say. So in total we got to Nusa Penida 45 minutes later than the expected arrival time. The seats are super uncomfortable, there's AC but it's like there's nothing.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 4 Des 2023
Departen on time. Had to walk in the sea to board. Boat well maintained. Arrive 15 minutes before departure is enough
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 12 Okt 2023
Not clear where to check in. Had to go on your own to the boat. Boat was 30min late for departure while we where waiting inside it. No airco and a 1h trip.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 23 Sep 2023
Hopping off into the water was not the best experience I've had. Besides the steps were slippery and some people nearly fell down. The seats are too low so you can't see anything, it's frustrating and can make you feel sick. It's ok for 30 mn, but for a 3 or 4 hours' trip, forget it!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 9 Sep 2023
Good trip in general, fast and almost on time (left just 10 min late). But a bit of misinformation in departure since nobody called us to the boat, just followed people when everybody else started moving and had to ask several times to confirm that was our boat to Sanur. We already knew we had to access the boat from beach (getting inside water) in Mushroom Bay, so no surprise there.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 8 Sep 2023
Everything good
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 4 Sep 2023
My suitcase was very wet outside and everything inside saturated. You should put a tarp over luggage if the seas are rough.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 22 Agu 2023
Malgré le monde, tout est très bien organisé, prise en charge des bagages et des passagers. Bon accuril et port tout neuf. Checking et embarquement au même endroit. Ai du contacter le bureau sur wahatsapp, super service, à '' ecoute et efficace. Despite the crowds, everything was very well organised, with baggage and passengers taken care of. Good accuril and brand new port. Checking and boarding in the same place. Had to contact the office on wahatsapp, great service, attentive and efficient.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 5 Agu 2023
The ride was fast and efficient however the operator was 30min late so waited more than the prescribed 1 hour to board
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 23 Jul 2023
Easy to use and had no problem catching the ferry! There was a little confusion about the departure location, for first timers, but it was a simple as going to Sanur Harbour
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 10 Jul 2023
We had tickets for the boat at 12:00 but arrived at the harbour at 9:30. They gave is tickets for the boat at 10:00. Nice area to wait (with A/C), luggage check-in went quick and we left on time. The boat itself is a bit hot and you don’t have much space, but the trip is only 40 minutes so that is fine. When we arrived at Lembongan you get in less than knee deep water, so that is fine.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 4 Mei 2023
We travelled with other companies and so far we had the best experience with them. Short delay, the boat was not too crowded, pleasant crossing. Recommended!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 2 Mei 2023
The boat left half an hour late with too many people on board. It was tight inside.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 25 Apr 2023
The coordinates on the confirmation were not correct. The ferry was actually a quarter of a mile away from the coordinates which made it really stressful for us because we didn’t know exactly where to go. Luckily, like other reviews have said, we departed 30 minutes late. The ferry was really hot and it was hard to breathe
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 25 Mar 2023
The operator was quite well organized and service was god, but departure was approx. 30 min. late.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 17 Mar 2023
Very well organised and professional boarding gservice
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 1 Jan 2023
It was very stormy; no safety instructions were given; did not know where the lifewests are located; window broke during cruise and water splashed into the boat……
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 23 Des 2022
Very good for going to Lembongan but 30 minutes late for the return to Sanur and uncomfortable seats. 2 different boat. First one excellent but the second one very bad!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 19 Des 2022
From mushroom bay at Lembongan was there not a real Harbour like Sanur real New Harbour.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 20 Nov 2022
Very slow customer support.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 6 Okt 2022
We arrived one hour early like the info on the ticked said and our trip was at 12:00 and should had lasted 30 minutes. The boat left at 12:20 and the trip was 45 minutes because they made a stop on another island. The boat is very clean, and the staff helpfull. They even carried our bag onto the boat.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 25 Sep 2022
Check in was easy and suitcases carried safely over the water. The boat left a little later and the trip took almost 45 minutes (not 30 as advertised) and it was not too hot inside with the windows open. Although not much leg space, we really liked the trip!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 22 Sep 2022
Goof ride, proffesional
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 15 Sep 2022
40 minutos de retraso prácticamente. Esperando a usuarios hasta 30min después de la hora de salida cuando pedían estar 1h antes de la hora
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 11 Sep 2022
We departed late. We arrived 13:30 instead of 12:30 The boat had engine problems that took while to solve them in the middle of the sea. No Ac and is really hot and we were on top of each other in the cabin. Wear slippers and shorts since you will enter the sea in order to board the fast boat.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 7 Sep 2022
On the voucher it says we have to come 1 hour earlier which was not necessary at all. The boat left 30 minutes late and once we arrived They took an eternity to park the boat In addition not comfortable at all
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 6 Sep 2022
1 hour of delay
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 22 Agu 2022
Too many people, dangerously all in the water near the engines to board. Not a good experience. But the crew are very hard workers, nothing to complain about them
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 16 Agu 2022
Transfer lasted more than the advertised 30 minutes. Departure was over 30 minutes late.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 15 Agu 2022
The boat was 1h late for departure and the trip was supposed to last 30 minutes well it lasted 1h30
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 13 Agu 2022
Ticket says 30 min, but the journey took 2 hours since we had to stop at Lombongan first. Moreover we were 30 min delayed from start. So total of 2.5 hours journey. Did see someone else write a similar review, and the crew didn't seem rushed, so just expect a bit of "island time".
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 10 Agu 2022
Late, crowded, unconfortable seats and travel time was 2 hours.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 9 Agu 2022
The boat arrived 2 hours late. Very crowded, little space and dubious cleanliness
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 7 Agu 2022
1 hour late on 30 minutes trip! One extra stop that was not previously anticipated
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 22 Jul 2022
Great service.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 1 Mar 2020
12Go worked perfectly, easy to use and reliable. The trip was well organised embarking and desembarking. A bit too hot inside the boat so a fan or some kind of AC would have been very welcome.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 29 Feb 2020
Excellent service from start to finish.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 28 Feb 2020
Hot inside the fast boat, could have fans installed. Safer for passengers if everyone wore a safety jacket too.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 11 Feb 2020
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 2 Jun 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 28 Mei 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Tanis Express, 28 Apr 2024
169 Ulasan Pelanggan
88.8% dari 169 wisatawan senang dengan The Tanis Express karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan