The Angkal Fastboat

141 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
  • Stasiun
  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang The Angkal Fastboat

Untuk sampai ke pulau yang paling indah, Anda tidak bisa menghindari naik feri. Beberapa tujuan dilayani oleh feri mobil yang lebih besar dan lebih stabil, yang lain dihubungkan oleh speedboat atau katamaran yang lebih kecil tetapi lebih cepat. Jika Anda mudah mabuk laut, hindari bepergian dengan kapal katamaran yang mengarungi ombak saat laut sedang ganas – alih-alih memilih kapal berkecepatan tinggi karena memotong air sehingga perjalanan menjadi lebih lancar. Selain itu, duduk di dek terbuka atas dapat membantu mengatasi gelombang tinggi. The Angkal Fastboat menawarkan tiket online untuk perjalanan feri – bahkan tidak perlu datang ke kantor mereka untuk membelinya.

Apa Stasiun Utama The Angkal Fastboat?

Feri The Angkal Fastboat melakukan perjalanan ke sejumlah tujuan populer. Daftar stasiun yang dilayani oleh The Angkal Fastboat termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada:

  • Banjar Nyuh Pier
  • Tribuana Pelabuhan
  • Sanur pantai Pelabuhan Angkal
  • Sampalan Pantai

Apa Rute Terpopuler The Angkal Fastboat?

Berikut adalah beberapa dermaga paling populer yang dicakup oleh jadwal The Angkal Fastboat:

Berapa Kelas & Harga Feri The Angkal Fastboat?

Aturan praktisnya adalah semakin cepat kapalnya, semakin tinggi harganya. Sebelum memesan, putuskan apakah Anda memerlukan layanan ekspres atau opsi yang lebih lambat juga dapat diterima. Harga untuk yang terakhir jauh lebih terjangkau. Namun perbedaan waktu perjalanan mungkin sangat besar, jadi selalu periksa berapa lama waktu perjalanan feri sebelum Anda memesan tiket. Selain itu, ketersediaan beberapa kelas dapat dibatasi dan selalu memerlukan pemesanan terlebih dahulu. Selalu ingat untuk memeriksa dermaga tempat kapal Anda berangkat dan berlabuh untuk memilih dermaga yang paling nyaman untuk perjalanan Anda selanjutnya dan membaca ulasan wisatawan lain.

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Perjalanan Feri

Kelebihan Perjalanan Feri

  • Naik kapal adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mencapai beberapa pulau. Dan dalam banyak kasus – beberapa pulau terindah, kartu pos, dan surga yang selalu ingin Anda kunjungi!
  • Kelas tiket yang berbeda sering tersedia sehingga Anda dapat memilih tarif, tingkat kenyamanan, waktu perjalanan, dan jadwal yang paling sesuai untuk Anda.
  • Pesan online untuk menghemat waktu – di banyak rute, pemesanan terlebih dahulu adalah hal yang mutlak. Pertama, menyangkut perjalanan yang lebih lama, perjalanan pada masa sibuk seperti hari libur nasional, akhir pekan yang panjang atau musim ramai. Sebaiknya Anda memesan setidaknya beberapa hari sebelum tanggal perjalanan Anda jika rute Anda juga dilayani oleh sejumlah perjalanan per hari.
  • Bepergian dengan feri itu menyenangkan. Selalu menyenangkan untuk melihat tempat-tempat yang telah Anda kunjungi dari sudut lain – baik, dalam hal ini – dari air. Hampir semua tujuan terlihat luar biasa dari air dan Anda akan memiliki kesempatan besar untuk mengambil gambar yang cemerlang.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Feri

  • Mabuk laut adalah masalah utama bagi wisatawan feri. Semakin lama perjalanan dan semakin ganas lautnya, semakin besar kemungkinan perut Anda akan protes. Agar perjalanan Anda lebih menyenangkan, minum obat setengah jam sebelum perjalanan Anda dan ikuti rekomendasi kami di atas.
  • Perjalanan feri sangat bergantung pada cuaca. Artinya pada hari hujan keberangkatan bisa saja ditunda atau bahkan dibatalkan. Bukan hal yang aneh untuk menutup koneksi feri bahkan dengan pulau-pulau yang lebih besar selama cuaca badai selama beberapa hari. Artinya, Anda harus mengingat kemungkinan ini jika perjalanan feri Anda terhubung dengan penerbangan – peluang untuk sampai ke daratan lebih lambat dari yang diharapkan bisa tinggi selama periode tertentu.
Baca lebih lanjut

The Angkal Fastboat Rute Populer

Sanur - Nusa Penida
08:25, 08:30, 10:25, 10:30
Nusa Penida - Bali
06:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:00, 10:45, 12:45, 14:30, 16:00
Nusa Penida - Sanur
09:25, 09:30, 16:30, 16:55, 17:00
Bali - Nusa Penida
06:30, 07:00, 08:00, 09:30, 11:45, 13:45, 16:00, 17:00
NaN penumpang

The Angkal Fastboat Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
Kapal CepatSanur pantai Pelabuhan AngkalBanjar Nyuh Pier10:3011:000h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur pantai Pelabuhan AngkalBanjar Nyuh Pier10:2510:550h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur pantai Pelabuhan AngkalBanjar Nyuh Pier08:3009:000h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur pantai Pelabuhan AngkalBanjar Nyuh Pier08:2508:550h 30m
Kapal CepatTribuana PelabuhanSampalan Pantai06:3006:500h 20m
Kapal CepatTribuana PelabuhanSampalan Pantai13:4514:050h 20m
Kapal CepatTribuana PelabuhanSampalan Pantai16:0016:200h 20m
Kapal CepatTribuana PelabuhanSampalan Pantai17:0017:200h 20m
Kapal CepatTribuana PelabuhanSampalan Pantai11:4512:050h 20m
Kapal CepatTribuana PelabuhanSampalan Pantai09:3009:500h 20m
Kapal CepatTribuana PelabuhanSampalan Pantai08:0008:200h 20m
Kapal CepatTribuana PelabuhanSampalan Pantai07:0007:200h 20m
Kapal CepatSampalan PantaiTribuana Pelabuhan06:3006:500h 20m
Kapal CepatSampalan PantaiTribuana Pelabuhan07:0007:200h 20m
Kapal CepatSampalan PantaiTribuana Pelabuhan07:3007:500h 20m
Kapal CepatSampalan PantaiTribuana Pelabuhan08:0008:200h 20m
Kapal CepatSampalan PantaiTribuana Pelabuhan12:4513:050h 20m
Kapal CepatSampalan PantaiTribuana Pelabuhan14:3014:500h 20m
Kapal CepatSampalan PantaiTribuana Pelabuhan16:0016:200h 20m
Kapal CepatSampalan PantaiTribuana Pelabuhan10:4511:050h 20m
Kapal CepatBanjar Nyuh PierSanur pantai Pelabuhan Angkal09:2509:550h 30m
Kapal CepatBanjar Nyuh PierSanur pantai Pelabuhan Angkal09:3010:000h 30m
Kapal CepatBanjar Nyuh PierSanur pantai Pelabuhan Angkal16:3017:000h 30m
Kapal CepatBanjar Nyuh PierSanur pantai Pelabuhan Angkal16:5517:250h 30m
Kapal CepatBanjar Nyuh PierSanur pantai Pelabuhan Angkal17:0017:300h 30m

The Angkal Fastboat Stasiun

Banjar Nyuh PierTribuana PelabuhanSanur pantai Pelabuhan AngkalSampalan Pantai

The Angkal Fastboat Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Proses yang sangat sederhana Hanya menggunakan taksi ambil dari Kuta sudah sampai dalam 40 menit. Perjalanan ke Nusa Penida hanya 30 menit
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 7 Feb 2020
We boarded a bit later than expected but it’s bali and everyone’s relaxed. Very well organised, not too stuffy especially if you sit near the front of the boat or next to a window. Not much leg room though.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 26 Apr 2024
We left on time and everything was very organised. The boat is very clean and has an actual A/C and not those small fans. You can open the windows and you can choose to sit up or down. Very nice staff, they helped with our luggage. This company was definitely a very good choice.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 15 Apr 2024
Well organised and good service
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 11 Apr 2024
Good !! very comfortable boat
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 22 Mar 2024
Great trip. On time.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 19 Mar 2024
Good service on time
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 17 Mar 2024
The coordinates that they gave were wrong and I had to search their place by myself. If I had little less time I would stay at Nusa penida for another day.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 30 Jan 2024
Perfecto 👌
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 7 Jan 2024
We boarded on time and the journey was quick
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 5 Des 2023
It was on time and very easy to get the tickets. Boat ride was about 45 min.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 31 Okt 2023
The fast boat was very full and we found that some people didn't want to move to make room for others to sit down. There were no fans or aircon so it was very uncomfortable on the boat with so many people onboard. We went with another company on return to Sanur and they had fans/aircon which really helped. It was very confusing how our luggage was going to be transported as we were told with minimal direction that our luggages needed to be left with the staff as we were walking towards the pier. There were no tags put on them and many other fast boat companies leaving at the same time. Luckily there were no issues and our luggage turned up at the correct boat with us but it was concerning at the time how everything was being organised.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 30 Okt 2023
Staff helped with backpack. Good trip!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 28 Okt 2023
Perfect, i booked through 12go an hour before. Fast procedure.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 19 Okt 2023
Cheap prices !
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 19 Okt 2023
Easy check in comfortable a fast boat
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 4 Okt 2023
Good organization at the harbour. The ferry office is at the parking space. There you get the tickets and wait with the other passengers. All together you walk with the operator to the ferry. The ferry is relative new but there was no safety instructions and not enough life wests. In an emergency you would just die.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 23 Sep 2023
Good for what it is, but that’s about it! Acceptable delay (but delay nevertheless). We safely navigated through the rough sea without feeling unsafe at any moment, but it was also an advanced sauna experience in a closed overbooked cabin without ventilators or ac! I remind you these are one of the best ones out there for crossing to Nusa Penida - I wouldn’t even want to try any other company with much worse reviews! :)
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 17 Sep 2023
Going from Kusamba port was stress free, not busy like Sanur port is. Set off slightly late, but was loading stuff onto boat. Comfy seats. Not too bad of journey there and back. Sampalan port is nice as well. Would use this again.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 7 Sep 2023
Wrong time listed on 12go confirmation. The boat departs daily at 17:00, but 12Go says 16:30. Moreover, the 12Go confirmation says it's a 30-minute journey, but it is always 45-minutes per the staff. Also, the wrong GPS coordinate location is listed for the boarding point on the same 12Go confirmation. As a precaution, I sent the company a WhatsApp several hours earlier to see where to go for boarding (pier, ticket office, or GPS harbor location) but they never responded. The waiting area to board is very hot and crowded with no aircon and only a squat toilet. The boat itself has no toilet for 90+ people on a 45 minute journey, also without aircon. The boat was overcrowded with more people than seats, so several people standing. On the positive side, the boat itself was in good working condition, and the staff were nice and helpful. Also, if you buy the ticket in person they want IDR 200k but only IDR 115k via 12Go. From my observations, these comments likely apply to most other ferry operators and are not necessarily specific to this company. That said, if coming to Bali, do yourself a favor and fly whenever possible. If you must take a ferry, at least the El Ray boat has a toilet.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 3 Sep 2023
1h30 of delay
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 31 Agu 2023
Great service great boat. Left on time. No complaints would definitely use them again.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 25 Agu 2023
Smooth process from booking to payment to confirmation
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 24 Agu 2023
Excellent customer service! Even carried me to the boat cuz I had an injured leg and couldn’t get it wet!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 14 Feb 2020
Easy to use.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 8 Feb 2020
The trip itself was good. At the port, it was a bit chaotic. We had to look for the stand of the boat to check in. There were no signs and it was crowded so that made it a bit difficult. But after that, the trip went well.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 26 Jan 2020
Everything is ok.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 15 Jan 2020
Fine trip to Nusa Penida, fast and nice view. We checked in at the Angkal office and our luggage was carried for us to the boat. Onto the boat we had to walk over some large rocks (kinda scary in case you lose your balance or slip) and then through the water. I had my shoes off and wanted to put them back on on the boat (for hygiene reasons), but they were janked out of my hands and thrown on the floor. They only did this to some travellers, so they may have had a reason but never told me why even though I asked repeatedly.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 12 Jan 2020
Everything was good
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 5 Des 2019
Boat was in good condition and everybody was nice
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 26 Nov 2019
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 26 Apr 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 20 Apr 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 13 Apr 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 1 Apr 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 19 Mar 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 17 Mar 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 13 Mar 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 10 Mar 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 16 Feb 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 10 Feb 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 8 Feb 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 21 Jan 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 8 Jan 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 3 Jan 2024
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 18 Des 2023
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 14 Des 2023
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 11 Des 2023
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 7 Des 2023
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 25 Nov 2023
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, The Angkal Fastboat, 25 Nov 2023
141 Ulasan Pelanggan
96.5% dari 141 wisatawan senang dengan The Angkal Fastboat karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan