Starfish Fast Boat

206 ulasan pelanggan
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  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang Starfish Fast Boat

Untuk sampai ke pulau yang paling indah, Anda tidak bisa menghindari naik feri. Beberapa tujuan dilayani oleh feri mobil yang lebih besar dan lebih stabil, yang lain dihubungkan oleh speedboat atau katamaran yang lebih kecil tetapi lebih cepat. Jika Anda mudah mabuk laut, hindari bepergian dengan kapal katamaran yang mengarungi ombak saat laut sedang ganas – alih-alih memilih kapal berkecepatan tinggi karena memotong air sehingga perjalanan menjadi lebih lancar. Selain itu, duduk di dek terbuka atas dapat membantu mengatasi gelombang tinggi. Starfish Fast Boat menawarkan tiket online untuk perjalanan feri – bahkan tidak perlu datang ke kantor mereka untuk membelinya.

Apa Stasiun Utama Starfish Fast Boat?

Feri Starfish Fast Boat melakukan perjalanan ke sejumlah tujuan populer. Daftar stasiun yang dilayani oleh Starfish Fast Boat termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada:

  • Matahari Terbit Port
  • Gili Trawangan Sama Sama Reggae
  • Sanur Starfish
  • Nusa Penida Dermaga
  • Gili Trawangan Pelabuhan
  • Nusa Penida
  • Dermaga Banjar Nyuh
  • Bangsal dermaga
  • Sanur pantai Pelabuhan
  • Gili Air

Berapa Kelas & Harga Feri Starfish Fast Boat?

Aturan praktisnya adalah semakin cepat kapalnya, semakin tinggi harganya. Sebelum memesan, putuskan apakah Anda memerlukan layanan ekspres atau opsi yang lebih lambat juga dapat diterima. Harga untuk yang terakhir jauh lebih terjangkau. Namun perbedaan waktu perjalanan mungkin sangat besar, jadi selalu periksa berapa lama waktu perjalanan feri sebelum Anda memesan tiket. Selain itu, ketersediaan beberapa kelas dapat dibatasi dan selalu memerlukan pemesanan terlebih dahulu. Selalu ingat untuk memeriksa dermaga tempat kapal Anda berangkat dan berlabuh untuk memilih dermaga yang paling nyaman untuk perjalanan Anda selanjutnya dan membaca ulasan wisatawan lain.

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Perjalanan Feri

Kelebihan Perjalanan Feri

  • Naik kapal adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mencapai beberapa pulau. Dan dalam banyak kasus – beberapa pulau terindah, kartu pos, dan surga yang selalu ingin Anda kunjungi!
  • Kelas tiket yang berbeda sering tersedia sehingga Anda dapat memilih tarif, tingkat kenyamanan, waktu perjalanan, dan jadwal yang paling sesuai untuk Anda.
  • Pesan online untuk menghemat waktu – di banyak rute, pemesanan terlebih dahulu adalah hal yang mutlak. Pertama, menyangkut perjalanan yang lebih lama, perjalanan pada masa sibuk seperti hari libur nasional, akhir pekan yang panjang atau musim ramai. Sebaiknya Anda memesan setidaknya beberapa hari sebelum tanggal perjalanan Anda jika rute Anda juga dilayani oleh sejumlah perjalanan per hari.
  • Bepergian dengan feri itu menyenangkan. Selalu menyenangkan untuk melihat tempat-tempat yang telah Anda kunjungi dari sudut lain – baik, dalam hal ini – dari air. Hampir semua tujuan terlihat luar biasa dari air dan Anda akan memiliki kesempatan besar untuk mengambil gambar yang cemerlang.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Feri

  • Mabuk laut adalah masalah utama bagi wisatawan feri. Semakin lama perjalanan dan semakin ganas lautnya, semakin besar kemungkinan perut Anda akan protes. Agar perjalanan Anda lebih menyenangkan, minum obat setengah jam sebelum perjalanan Anda dan ikuti rekomendasi kami di atas.
  • Perjalanan feri sangat bergantung pada cuaca. Artinya pada hari hujan keberangkatan bisa saja ditunda atau bahkan dibatalkan. Bukan hal yang aneh untuk menutup koneksi feri bahkan dengan pulau-pulau yang lebih besar selama cuaca badai selama beberapa hari. Artinya, Anda harus mengingat kemungkinan ini jika perjalanan feri Anda terhubung dengan penerbangan – peluang untuk sampai ke daratan lebih lambat dari yang diharapkan bisa tinggi selama periode tertentu.
Baca lebih lanjut

Starfish Fast Boat Rute Populer

Kepulauan Gili - Sanur
Nusa Penida - Sanur
Nusa Penida - Kepulauan Gili
10:15, 10:30
Gili Trawangan - Sanur
Sanur - Gili Trawangan
Lombok - Nusa Penida
13:30, 13:45
Kepulauan Gili - Nusa Penida
13:00, 13:15
Nusa Penida - Gili Trawangan
10:15, 10:30
Sanur - Lombok
Sanur - Nusa Penida
09:00, 10:45
Lombok - Sanur
Nusa Penida - Lombok
10:15, 10:30
Gili Trawangan - Nusa Penida
12:45, 13:00
Sanur - Kepulauan Gili
NaN penumpang

Starfish Fast Boat Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
Kapal CepatSanur StarfishGili Trawangan Sama Sama Reggae09:0012:153h 15m
Kapal CepatNusa PenidaGili Trawangan Sama Sama Reggae10:1512:001h 45m
Kapal CepatNusa PenidaGili Trawangan Sama Sama Reggae10:3012:151h 45m
Kapal CepatNusa PenidaGili Air10:1512:001h 45m
Kapal CepatNusa PenidaGili Air10:3013:152h 45m
Kapal CepatNusa PenidaBangsal dermaga10:1512:152h 0m
Kapal CepatNusa PenidaBangsal dermaga10:3013:453h 15m
Kapal CepatSanur StarfishGili Air09:0013:154h 15m
Kapal CepatGili Trawangan Sama Sama ReggaeNusa Penida12:4515:302h 45m
Kapal CepatGili Trawangan Sama Sama ReggaeNusa Penida13:0015:452h 45m
Kapal CepatSanur StarfishBangsal dermaga09:0013:454h 45m
Kapal CepatSanur StarfishNusa Penida09:0009:300h 30m
Kapal CepatSanur StarfishNusa Penida10:4511:150h 30m
Kapal CepatGili Trawangan Sama Sama ReggaeSanur Starfish13:0017:154h 15m
Kapal CepatGili AirSanur Starfish13:1517:154h 0m
Kapal CepatBangsal dermagaNusa Penida13:3015:452h 15m
Kapal CepatBangsal dermagaNusa Penida13:4515:301h 45m
Kapal CepatGili AirNusa Penida13:0015:302h 30m
Kapal CepatGili AirNusa Penida13:1515:452h 30m
Kapal CepatBangsal dermagaSanur Starfish13:3017:153h 45m
Kapal CepatNusa PenidaSanur Starfish16:3017:000h 30m

Starfish Fast Boat Stasiun

Matahari Terbit PortGili Trawangan Sama Sama ReggaeSanur StarfishNusa Penida DermagaGili Trawangan PelabuhanNusa PenidaDermaga Banjar NyuhBangsal dermagaSanur pantai PelabuhanGili Air

Starfish Fast Boat Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Perahu berangkat terlambat sekitar setengah jam dan tiba terlambat sekitar setengah jam, yang menurut saya sangat fantastis untuk Bali. Sebenarnya tidak ada masalah dengan kapal atau boarding atau apa pun. Awaknya ramah dan semuanya dikomunikasikan dengan sangat jelas. Saya sangat senang dengan seluruh pengalaman.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 7 Jun 2023
5 jam, bukannya 3 jam untuk melakukan Sanur/Gili. Ketika mereka pergi ke perusahaan pada saat kedatangan untuk mengambil tiket, mereka kewalahan, beberapa tidak dapat memberi label pada bagasi mereka dan barang-barang mereka diturunkan tetapi tidak ke pelabuhan yang tepat...
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 15 Mei 2023
Perjalanan itu memakan waktu dua kali lipat dari waktu yang seharusnya. Kapal datang terlambat dan kemudian mereka tidak membiarkan orang duduk di lantai atas sehingga tidak ada yang punya tempat duduk. Kemudian ketika kami akhirnya tiba tas kami ditempatkan di air dan semuanya basah kuyup.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 7 Feb 2023
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 20 Des 2022
Keberangkatan kapal terlambat 30 menit dan tiba terlambat satu jam. Staf membuat lelucon dan tertawa ketika saya meminta informasi
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 8 Nov 2022
Kami berkendara dari gili air ke nusa penida. Tidak seperti yang dinyatakan dengan bintang laut tetapi didorong dengan Caspla. Sejauh ini tapi tidak buruk hanya ada beberapa pelabuhan di nusa penida dan kami tiba di pelabuhan lain seperti yang disebutkan semula. Itu sebabnya sopir kami salah pelabuhan... Perjalanan dengan kapal itu baik-baik saja.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 6 Okt 2022
Walaupun seharusnya ini adalah perjalanan langsung dari Sanur ke Gili Trawangan, kami pertama kali dikirim ke Nusa Penida, di mana kami harus menunggu selama 2 jam. Setelah itu, sebuah van membawa kami ke pelabuhan lain, dari mana perahu ke-2 berangkat ke Gili Trawangan.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 5 Okt 2022
Tidak lebih baik tetapi juga tidak lebih buruk dari Fastboat lainnya. Jika ingin berkendara lebih tenang Anda harus naik kapal yang lebih besar dari Eka Jaya ke Padang Bay lalu naik taksi. Laut memiliki ombak yang sangat bagus di sana. Saya pergi ke Sanur dari Gili Air. Persinggahan adalah Lombok dan Nusa Penida. Dan kami terlambat lebih dari satu jam, tapi saya pikir itu normal untuk semua kapal cepat :-D
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 21 Agu 2022
Perahunya terlambat satu jam. Perahu yang seharusnya membawa kita ke perahu yang lebih besar telah rusak. Mesinnya tidak berfungsi. Topi perahu lain untuk membawa kita ke perahu yang lebih besar. Barangnya sangat ramah dan membantu.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 29 Jun 2022
Smelt like petrol the whole trip, air conditioning didn’t work. People were late as to board so our trip was delayed
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 1 Mar 2024
Did book a direct connection from Nusa Penida to Lombok. On Board the staff says there is no direct connection so we did Stop at 2 Gilli Islands. Not 1,5h but 3 hours. 12go please fix this.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 1 Jan 2024
Good fun, chill area at the down floor - beer/music area on the roof. Crew also v fun
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 18 Des 2023
The boat arrived 1 hour later than expected time, but we were not surprised cause we read that in a lot of comments. The boarding starts at 9, not the departure, and we had a stop at Nusa Penida, they gave us 30 min, but once we were all in the boat it took another 30min to depart cause they were refilling the tank and the smell of fuel was strong. No air conditioning but if you seat next to an open window is not that bad and you will have an extra refresh with the waves. After purchaising the tickets you have to go 1hour earlier to the ticket office to wait for a tag and a QR code to get on the boat, and pay the taxes. They could generate the qr once purchase is done and save a lot of time.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 8 Des 2023
30min late but it's OK, service is nice, people are kind. a bit messy to go and leave the boat. AC is available but smells bad so they advice us to open the windows but it was really hot inside so really unconformable.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 25 Nov 2023
The trip was fine. The only problem is that we ended paying twice the entrance fee of Gili T. We paid 10k when we left Nusa Penida and then when we arrived we had to pay another 10k for the entrance fee. It smells SCAM...
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 20 Okt 2023
Love it, best ship ever. You can go on the top with music, enjoying. The crew it’s amazing too.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 18 Okt 2023
On time
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 17 Okt 2023
The counter of Starfish in the harbour is difficult to find and the boat departures much later than is indicated on the ticket. The temperature on the boat is good and the seats are comfortable. Also, the boat takes longer to arrive then is estimated on the site but with a little help of Google, we already figured that out. So, keep in mind that you will arrive at least an hour later than stated on the ticket.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 28 Sep 2023
comfortable , nice crew
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 25 Sep 2023
The crew members were good at keeping us updated with expected arrival times. They were efficient in loading luggage and people onto the boat. There was a good safety briefing at the beginning which put me at ease when travelling. Although the boat did smell heavily of petrol and the aircon was subpar. The journey over was a bit rocky I did get sea sick!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 24 Sep 2023
20min delay, but we arrived faster then arrival time, A/C very low, but it was good because it wasn’t sunny day
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 14 Sep 2023
From Gili air the departure was late for 1 hour, after this delay also stop in lombok. Boat dont have AC for a trip of 2 hours. I don't recommend this company
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 1 Sep 2023
Boat was quite comfortable (only 6 seats per row). Unfortunately no AC. Still, I would take it again.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 27 Agu 2023
Best boat. Felt so safe and comfortable feel asleep on the way the boat was so calm.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 25 Agu 2023
One of the engines broke, then a propeller broke. We were one hour late, it’s was overbooked.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 18 Agu 2023
Great party on the boat from Sanur to Gili. Great crew and captain. Fantastic trip great experience. Arrived a bit tipsy haha!
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 20 Jul 2023
I can't believe how uneventful this trip was (considering all the bad reviews i read prior to boarding.) Gili Air to Nusa Penida. 1:30 pm. Checking in was simple. Just showed the reservation, got a lanyard and was told to wait. The small harbour has some seats, plenty of food/drink stalls, and a horribly smelly bathroom. The  boat was supposed to leave at 13:30. It arrived 13:40 and left ten minutes later. No AC, just lots of windows open. Okay toilet. Crew was selling beer. First, we went to Lombok for another 10-minute stop. Then, straight to Penida. We arrived 2h30min later and the journey was smooth (in comparison to Bali/Gili where it felt like i was on a rollercoaster and people were throwing up left and right.) The only bad part: when you get to Nusa penida you need to climb on a wobbly metal platform that's quite scary looking. But just climb fast and it's over. ( it could be tricker for people with mobility problems.)
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 20 Jun 2023
While boat was comfortable, we're not too thrilled with the not on-time departure. Apparently the operator was 'willing' to wait for other fashionably late bule. Whereas we ourselves started our morning early, paying attention to ticket pickup cut off time, when there were people who probably got up at 10am (boat was 'scheduled' at 10:30am) and asked their hostels/hotels to "hold" the boat from departing on time. Need to send a msg to these people that tardiness does not pay, otherwise they will continue doing it again and again because they feel they were a special type of people?
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 16 Jun 2023
Booking easy, check-in uncomplicated. Staff helpful and friendly. Departed with 1 hour delay. No aircondition on board. Overall ok for the price.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 6 Jun 2023
Was expecting the worst regarding the reviews but in the end it was ok. The boat isn’t meant to go over open sea and has no a/c. But we dit arrive earlier than scheduled and at the right destination.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 27 Mei 2023
No way to arrive for taxi to the gate of port. We should walk 600 meters to the gate, all traffic. Buying online you have bar code but still you need to go find office to make paper tickets, some paper bracelets, language tags. All this make crowds around and stress, taking time and make simple things complicated. The boat was very old, overloaded with people and languages, ac not working, very hot 5,5 hours trip from Bali to Gili Tawagan. They put out language under lader so everyone step on it when go out and in boat. I asked staff to move it other place, they said ok, but didn’t do nothing. Then I started to move bags to take out my language from that place. When staff see I’m blocked they way only then they start help me. Seats are very small, no underarms and dirty black stains on it
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 21 Mei 2023
The speedboat was over an hour late. During the transport, the whole interior smelled of exhaust to the point that I was breathing through my shirt.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 19 Mei 2023
We arrived at the destination almost 1.5h later than the ticket said. There was no AC, it smelled like gasoline the whole time and seats were extremely narrow.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 17 Mei 2023
After reading some bad reviews before taking the trip, I can honestly say I had a very positive experience. It was efficient, straightforward and I would definitely travel with Starfish again. I'm a bit confused about why others are so negative.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 9 Mei 2023
Start was not at 10:45am but at 11:15
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 26 Apr 2023
Information on website was not given that the ferry haf multiple stops. We took 1hour longer than it said
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 23 Apr 2023
Boat was playing loud music which is unnecessary, especially people who prefer to sleep.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 18 Apr 2023
The "boat" departed at 11:30 so more than one hour later than planned. Water entered the boat on people, during the travel.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 31 Mar 2023
They left us waiting for an hour!! And the boat smelled of petrol due to inappropriate ventilation
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 28 Mar 2023
Timing was 1,5 hours later than it should be.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 28 Mar 2023
Left 30 mins late, but still arrived pretty close to expected time. Water splashing up came through windows, and with all closed it was very hot - but this is not specific to this company just the journey itself.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 28 Mar 2023
A bit of a walk to the boat. It was really hot when we stood still, no water was given but possibility to buy cold beer, not so smart at sea with waves and I don’t drink bear.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 12 Mar 2023
Great crossing from Sanur to Gili T
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 11 Mar 2023
Just as much as you can expect for the money you pay. Positive first: They are friendly, there is a toilet and the seats are quite comfortable. Negatives: -Departs way to late - the stated 3 hours could have never been realised with all the stops, the fuel refill and overall unorganised trip. At the end it had been a little more than 5 hours -Many stops that take way longer than stated -No way they ever did this tour in 3 hours... -very hot, no fans or anything else -very crowded, 3 seat-rows that, if there is someone next to you a little bit bigger than the norm, will get you some nice fullcontact ride for 5 hours + Because I expected this it is not that bad, especially if you're not in a hurry. But if time an important indicator for you, you should maybe stick to another company. Even though I don't know if they are better.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 5 Feb 2023
Had a quite rough trip during the bad weather, with some passengers already wore a life suits and scared. For the crews it may be a typical journey, but not for passengers who aren’t ready to risk their life or loose their belongings. The journey details, including the weather condition, needs to be informed clearly
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 30 Jan 2023
speedboat was canceled, substitute (mantraexpress)came 2½h later. Arival at Padang Bai, not Sanur, nobody told us about that, chaos because of busshuttles to Sanur harbour...
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 29 Jan 2023
3,5 hours later than was communicatie.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 27 Jan 2023
The trip itself was fine. But it was a little off putting that we first left the port of Sanur half an hour late, then stood still for one and a half hour in Nusa Penida for petrol before heading for Gili T. Why didn't they take the petrol in advance? 12go was not very helpful in the process towards the trip. I texted them if the boats were leaving on WhatsApp and never got a response.
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 29 Des 2022
Hot sweaty and rough
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 8 Nov 2022
Boat smell gasoline, 4h to go to sanur, so hot…
Kapal cepat Kapal Cepat, Starfish Fast Boat, 7 Nov 2022
206 Ulasan Pelanggan
81.6% dari 206 wisatawan senang dengan Starfish Fast Boat karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan