Seila Angkor Express

109 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
  • Stasiun
  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang Seila Angkor Express

Bus adalah sarana transportasi paling terjangkau dengan jumlah terminal yang banyak di seluruh negeri dan jadwal yang nyaman untuk membantu Anda merencanakan perjalanan Anda. Bus adalah pilihan yang nyaman baik bagi mereka yang bepergian dengan anggaran terbatas dan mereka yang tidak ingin berkompromi dengan kenyamanan. Seila Angkor Express menawarkan layanan bus dengan reservasi online. Sebelum memesan tiket Anda, baca ulasan wisatawan lain untuk memilih pilihan terbaik.

Seila Angkor Express Stasiun Utama

Seila Angkor Express mengoperasikan bus ke dan dari stasiun berikut:

  • Phnom Penh Seila Express
  • Siem Reap Bus Stop
  • Siem Reap Bus Station
  • Seila Angkor Khmer Express

Seila Angkor Express Rute Paling Populer

Tujuan paling populer dari Seila Angkor Express adalah:

Seila Angkor Express Tarif & Kelas Bus

Harga perjalanan bus Anda akan tergantung pada tujuan dan kelas tiket Anda. Perhatikan bahwa tidak semua kelas tiket tersedia di rute tertentu, namun untuk perjalanan yang lebih lama hampir selalu ada pilihan yang bagus. Pilihan untuk pelatih tidur untuk perjalanan semalam yang paling nyaman. Bus tidur biasanya dilengkapi dengan tempat berlabuh atau kursi bersandaran lembut, dilengkapi toilet di dalam pesawat dan tiket Anda mungkin juga termasuk fasilitas lain seperti makanan ringan atau bahkan makan siang. Naik bus malam juga merupakan ide bagus jika Anda ingin menghemat kamar hotel. Pada siang hari layanan ekspres seringkali merupakan nilai terbaik untuk uang karena membuat pemberhentian lebih sedikit daripada bus kelas biasa atau standar dan perjalanan lebih cepat. Pada beberapa rute mungkin penting untuk memilih kelas yang tepat karena, katakanlah, bus kelas biasa atau kelas dua mungkin memerlukan sekitar 6 jam untuk menempuh jarak yang ditempuh bus kelas satu atau bus ekspres dalam dua jam!

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Perjalanan Bus

Kelebihan Perjalanan Bus

  • Bus biasanya memiliki jaringan tujuan terluas yang tercakup. Mereka bepergian ke tempat-tempat yang tidak bisa Anda capai dengan pesawat atau bahkan dengan kereta api
  • Bepergian dengan bus itu mudah – tidak perlu tiba di terminal bus jauh-jauh hari, dan check-in biasanya merupakan formalitas yang sangat cepat berlawanan dengan perjalanan udara
  • Tiket bus sangat terjangkau. Ya, ada pilihan kelas satu atau VIP yang mahal tetapi jika Anda memiliki anggaran terbatas, bus adalah sarana transportasi pertama yang harus Anda pikirkan
  • Pada saat yang sama, ada berbagai kelas layanan yang sesuai dengan anggaran apa pun. Jika Anda menginginkan tingkat kenyamanan yang lebih tinggi, bus juga membantu Anda.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Bus

  • Terminal bus antar kota dapat berlokasi di luar pusat kota di pinggiran kota. Ini berarti Anda perlu menghitung waktu dan uang ekstra untuk sampai ke sana. Di tujuan tertentu dari terminal bus dapat dikenakan biaya lebih dari yang Anda harapkan karena hanya sejumlah perusahaan transportasi yang diizinkan untuk melayani rute – dan harga dapat meningkat.
  • Selama akhir pekan yang sibuk atau musim pemesanan bus yang tinggi yang melayani beberapa tujuan wisata mungkin kehabisan jadwal dan memerlukan pemesanan terlebih dahulu.
  • Meskipun bus tidak bergantung pada cuaca seperti feri, perjalanan bus juga dapat ditunda atau dibatalkan karena cuaca buruk atau kondisi jalan – ingatlah jika bepergian selama musim tertentu atau ke tujuan tertentu.
Baca lebih lanjut

Seila Angkor Express Rute Populer

Siem Reap - Phnom Penh
06:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30
Phnom Penh - Siem Reap
06:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30
NaN penumpang

Seila Angkor Express Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop06:3012:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop07:3013:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop08:3014:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop09:3015:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop10:3016:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop11:3017:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop12:3018:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop13:3019:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop14:3020:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop15:3021:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop16:3022:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop17:3023:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSeila Angkor Khmer ExpressSiem Reap Bus Stop18:3000:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express06:3012:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express07:3013:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express08:3014:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express09:3015:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express10:3016:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express11:3017:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express12:3018:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express13:3019:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express14:3020:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express15:3021:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express16:3022:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express17:3023:306h 0m
VIP 15 OrangSiem Reap Bus StopSeila Angkor Khmer Express18:3000:306h 0m

Seila Angkor Express Stasiun

Phnom Penh Seila ExpressSiem Reap Bus StopSiem Reap Bus StationSeila Angkor Khmer Express

Seila Angkor Express Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Perjalanan busnya bagus dan cepat. Itu adalah perjalanan yang tenang karena semua orang menggunakan ponsel cerdas mereka. Saya berharap jalanannya lebih baik karena terkadang sulit memprediksi apa yang akan terjadi pada lalu lintas. Saya akan merekomendasikan moda transportasi ini kapan saja.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 1 Feb 2020
Tepat waktu. Tidak ada masalah menemukan kantor. Pengemudi yang baik dan berhati-hati. Mengantar kami sebelum waktunya. 12go asia salah menunjukkan terminal bus di Sieam Reap jadi berhati-hatilah.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 16 Nov 2019
The van is comfortable and we arrived 1 hour before the schedule. So this was good. But the driver drove in an unsafe speed and crossed every vehicle in the road. I was a really afraid of something bad happen. The van stopped every 1 hour to buy snacks/toilet and 1 stop to lunch that took around 30min
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 27 Des 2023
Whole experience was excelent, from booking till arrival in Siem Reap. It is very well organized!
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 13 Nov 2023
Arrived nearly an hour early. 30 minute stop halfway for food/drinks. Fast driver but always felt safe as he probably does the journey a number of times a week. Minibus was as comfortable as you would expect and I think definitely better than the coach option.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 8 Nov 2023
Good experience. The driver was safe and nice. We stopped 3 times, 2 short toilet breaks and 1 lunch break. The bus left on time and arrived in 5 1/2 hours. I made the mistake of picking the back seats, they are the least comfortable - but the other seats look comfy.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 16 Sep 2023
The arrival was earlier then expected all thanks to the driver that was overtaking everyone on every possible lane.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 24 Agu 2023
There are so many stops, I can’t sleep for a while.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 22 Jul 2023
Excellent service! As a solo, female traveler I felt exceptionally safe and secure. Driver was friendly, punctual and accommodating and his driving was immaculate.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 17 Mei 2023
Everything was excellent . And the bus was I. The point before the schedule 1 hour .
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 17 Feb 2023
We arrived 30 minutes earlier than the schedule time. However the seat is not comfortable
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 8 Jan 2023
The driver was driving calm and good and we arrived on time.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 7 Jan 2023
We started perfectly on time and arrived even 45 minutes earlier. The legroom could have been a little bigger but was not a real issue. Overall we can recommend this operator.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 19 Des 2022
Arrived on time at 15:3 to find our bus had been cancelled. They said they it only had 2 passengers so wanted to put us on the next bus leaving at 16:30 instead. This wasn’t an issue for us on this occasion but if there had been a tight schedule may have been difficult.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 14 Des 2022
The bus left very punctually, was clean and since there were not many people on the bus, there was plenty of room. The driver drove a bit wild, but we also arrived 45 minutes early. On the way we stopped twice for toilet breaks and snacks/lunch.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 7 Des 2022
Start at time, good driver. Just not enough space for the legs but it's ok
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 5 Des 2022
Getting the 6.30am bus on a Monday morning was bliss! Only 3 passengers to 12 seats in the minivan, therefore i could stretch out across 4 seats and sleep we stopped 3 times to get food and use the toilet. We arrived before schedule aswell! A great journey considering the cost. 10/10!
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 1 Des 2022
Everything worked fine. Totally recommend. But you should go with long shirt. The ac is strong.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 22 Nov 2022
Great service. Left on time, got a complimentary bottle of water and arrived slightly earlier. Safe driver also
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 18 Nov 2022
They staff and the service was excellent. Ride was on time and journey smooth. Be advised, if you are a tall, the minivan seat doesn't have a lot of room. I recommend Seila Express 👍
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 1 Nov 2022
Very uncomfortable 5 hour drive. Would not recommend for anyone over 5"6 , had little leg and head room (as the roof was curved).
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 29 Sep 2022
The staff were good and they have dropped me on time. The overall journey was comfortable.
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 27 Jul 2022
The minibus was clean and the seats were comfortable. We arrived to Phnom Penh early but it never felt like we were driving too fast or unsafe. Made two stops along the way: lunch+bathroom. At first the AC was working too strong so recommend to take a long sleeve with you so that you’re not cold
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 23 Jul 2022
Quick and confortable
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 23 Jun 2022
It was a pretty comfortable ride from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, and it was neat to see the country which otherwise wouldn't have if taken a flight. The description of the minivan was a bit fuzzy but pleasant ride and quick.
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 27 Jan 2020
We did get in early but we had the back row seats. They had put bags and boxes under the seats and on the floor in our row.. We had no place to put our feet. We are also not tall. Luckily we did not have anyone beside us so we got 4 seats for 2 people. Everytime we got out, we had to climb over bags to get out. It seems the bus was more of a delivery bus that passager
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 24 Jan 2020
Very little space available
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 20 Jan 2020
We were squished in the last row. There isn’t room for 4 people with moderate shoulders... but if you book any other seat it should be fine. The A/C was on but could’ve been stronger as we were a bit sweaty still
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 15 Jan 2020
Nice seats, few people! Perfect ride
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 4 Jan 2020
very good.
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 29 Des 2019
driver cant speak english so we basically cant raise questions during our trip
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 26 Des 2019
As our flight landed at around 4 pm, we had to find a bus to Siem Reap at around 5 pm. Hence we took the Seila Express, and of course with the reviews we went with some doubts already about the service quality. However, the trip was surprisingly pleasant. We were in a minivan and we were given the front seats which we reserved. We also managed to reach Siem Reap at 10 pm, way faster than the approximated time, which was supposed to be 11 pm. The minivan was airconned at all times, and we were given two breaks along the journey. Make sure to eat first before the journey if you don't want to spend an exorbitant amount of money on the restaurants which of course overcharges for tourists. The bus driver did speed up to uncomfortable speeds at some times, but as an Indonesian I am used to it. Thank you Seila for the safe and quick journey.
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 15 Des 2019
Very nice driver, two stops. One for wc and one for lunch. And very nice bus also.
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 8 Des 2019
All in time
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 1 Des 2019
Very nice staff, good driving As it was by van, less space than in a bus. Arrived even earlier :)
Mobil van VIP, Seila Angkor Express, 27 Nov 2019
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 5 Apr 2024
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 8 Feb 2024
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 5 Jan 2024
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 1 Des 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 20 Nov 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 7 Nov 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 29 Okt 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 28 Okt 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 25 Sep 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 20 Sep 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 19 Sep 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 30 Agu 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 16 Jun 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 13 Mei 2023
Bis VIP 15 Orang, Seila Angkor Express, 26 Apr 2023
109 Ulasan Pelanggan
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