Rayong Tour

162 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
  • Stasiun
  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang Rayong Tour

Sementara beberapa wisatawan merasa skeptis tentang van, pilihan tujuan yang baik dan harga yang kompetitif menjadikan van sebagai salah satu sarana transportasi paling populer bagi orang lain. Van selalu lebih fleksibel dibandingkan bus besar. Jika ada permintaan tumpangan mendadak ke beberapa tujuan baru, operator van selalu yang pertama menawarkan layanan mereka. Memang lebih mudah meluncurkan rute baru jika Anda mengoperasikan kendaraan berkapasitas 10-15 pax, bukan?

Rayong Tour mengoperasikan layanan van dan menawarkan tiket dengan pemesanan online yang mudah. Periksa mereka jika Anda sedang mencari pilihan untuk bepergian dengan van.

Rayong Tour Stasiun Utama

Van Rayong Tour berjalan ke dan dari terminal berikut:

  • Ekkamai
  • Km 10 Rayong Tour
  • Mochit New Van Terminal
  • Rayong Tour Office Sai 4
  • Southern Terminal Bangkok
  • Southern Terminal Bangkok
  • Ban Chang
  • Rayong Tour Office Sai 4
  • Rayong Tour
  • Map Ta Phut
  • Mochit New Van Terminal
  • Rayong Bus Terminal 2
  • Ekkamai
  • Mochit Terminal Platform 3

Rayong Tour Rute Paling Populer

Tujuan perjalanan paling populer dari jadwal Rayong Tour adalah:

Rayong Tour Kelas & Harga Vans

Biasanya, tidak mungkin memilih kelas tiket saat bepergian dengan van. Namun Anda dapat menghubungi operator dan/atau memilih jenis van yang melayani rute Anda. Beberapa van hanya dapat menampung 9-10 penumpang, yang lain menampung hingga 15 wisatawan. Kasus pertama berarti Anda mungkin memiliki lebih banyak ruang untuk kaki, kursi yang lebih luas, dan pengendaraan yang lebih nyaman, yang terakhir – bersiaplah untuk ruang terbatas untuk kaki, siku, dan barang bawaan Anda. Baca ulasan tentang layanan van Rayong Tour untuk memastikan mereka memenuhi harapan Anda.

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Van Travel

Kelebihan Perjalanan Van

  • Van sering mencapai tujuan di mana baik bus maupun kereta api tidak bepergian. Ini termasuk kota-kota sekunder dan desa-desa kecil
  • Dalam kebanyakan kasus, van adalah cara tercepat untuk mencapai tujuan Anda jika bepergian ke jarak yang relatif pendek melalui darat hanya karena mereka lebih kecil dari bus dan lebih dapat bermanuver
  • Van dapat membiarkan Anda turun di titik yang lebih nyaman dalam perjalanan – tidak harus di terminal, yang sebenarnya dapat menghemat banyak waktu dan uang Anda dalam beberapa kasus.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Van

  • Beberapa van bisa sangat sempit dengan ruang terbatas untuk bagasi yang tersedia. Yah, sebenarnya hampir semua van menawarkan ruang bagasi yang terbatas dan jika Anda memiliki lebih dari satu tas, koper atau ransel, mungkin ide yang baik untuk membeli kursi terpisah untuk bagasi Anda – ya, Anda akan membayar dua kali lipat untuk perjalanan Anda, sayangnya
  • Sebaiknya periksa apakah van Anda berjalan sesuai jadwal atau berangkat saat penuh – dalam kasus terakhir ini Anda mungkin akan menunggu terlalu lama karena di beberapa rute dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama hingga sebuah van terisi penuh.
  • Anda harus tahu bahwa pengemudi van terkenal karena kecepatan mengemudinya. Bahkan perusahaan paling terkemuka pun terkadang gagal membujuk pengemudi untuk menghormati batas kecepatan. Bahkan jika pengemudi van Anda tidak memaksanya, selalu kencangkan sabuk pengaman Anda saat bepergian dengan van
  • Jika Anda mudah mabuk laut dan perjalanan Anda termasuk jalan yang berliku, kemungkinan untuk merasakan mabuk perjalanan lebih tinggi saat bepergian dengan van daripada dengan bus. Minum obat Anda setengah jam sebelum perjalanan Anda untuk berada di sisi yang aman.
Baca lebih lanjut

Rayong Tour Rute Populer

Rayong - Bangkok
03:20, 03:45, 03:50, 04:00, 04:05, 04:10, 04:15, 04:20, 04:25, 04:30, 04:35, 04:45, 04:50, 04:55, 05:00, 05:05, 05:10, 05:20, 05:25, 05:30, 05:31, 05:35, 05:40, 05:45, 05:50, 05:55, 06:00, 06:05, 06:06, 06:10, 06:15, 06:25, 06:30, 06:31, 06:35, 06:40, 06:50, 06:55, 07:00, 07:05, 07:10, 07:15, 07:20, 07:25, 07:30, 07:35, 07:40, 07:45, 07:50, 07:55, 08:00, 08:05, 08:10, 08:15, 08:20, 08:25, 08:30, 08:35, 08:40, 08:45, 08:50, 08:55, 09:00, 09:05, 09:10, 09:20, 09:25, 09:30, 09:35, 09:40, 09:45, 09:50, 09:55, 10:00, 10:05, 10:10, 10:15, 10:25, 10:30, 10:35, 10:40, 10:45, 10:55, 11:00, 11:05, 11:10, 11:20, 11:25, 11:30, 11:35, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 12:00, 12:05, 12:10, 12:15, 12:20, 12:25, 12:30, 12:35, 12:40, 12:45, 12:55, 13:00, 13:05, 13:10, 13:20, 13:25, 13:30, 13:35, 13:40, 13:45, 13:50, 13:55, 14:00, 14:05, 14:15, 14:20, 14:25, 14:30, 14:40, 14:45, 14:50, 14:55, 15:00, 15:05, 15:10, 15:15, 15:20, 15:25, 15:30, 15:35, 15:40, 15:45, 15:50, 15:55, 16:00, 16:05, 16:10, 16:15, 16:25, 16:30, 16:35, 16:40, 16:55, 17:00, 17:05, 17:10, 17:20, 17:25, 17:30, 17:35, 17:45, 17:50, 17:55, 18:00, 18:05, 18:10, 18:15, 18:20, 18:25, 18:30, 18:35, 18:40, 18:45, 18:55, 19:00, 19:05, 19:10, 19:20, 19:25, 19:30, 19:35, 19:40, 19:45, 19:55, 20:00, 20:05, 20:20
Bangkok - Rayong
04:00, 04:30, 05:00, 05:05, 05:10, 05:20, 05:30, 05:50, 06:00, 06:10, 06:20, 06:30, 06:40, 07:00, 07:20, 07:30, 07:40, 08:00, 08:10, 08:30, 08:40, 09:00, 09:10, 09:20, 09:30, 09:40, 10:00, 10:10, 10:30, 10:40, 10:50, 11:00, 11:10, 11:20, 11:30, 11:40, 12:00, 12:10, 12:30, 12:40, 12:50, 13:00, 13:10, 13:20, 13:30, 13:40, 13:50, 14:00, 14:10, 14:20, 14:30, 14:40, 14:50, 15:00, 15:10, 15:20, 15:30, 15:40, 15:50, 16:00, 16:10, 16:30, 16:40, 16:50, 16:55, 17:00, 17:10, 17:20, 17:25, 17:30, 17:40, 17:50, 18:00, 18:05, 18:10, 18:15, 18:20, 18:25, 18:30, 18:40, 18:50, 19:00, 19:20, 19:25, 19:30, 19:40, 20:00, 20:10, 20:20, 20:30, 20:40
NaN penumpang

Rayong Tour Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 220:4023:232h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 220:3023:132h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 220:0022:432h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 219:3022:132h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 219:2022:032h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 219:0021:432h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 218:5021:332h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 218:4021:232h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 218:3021:132h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 218:2021:032h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 218:1020:532h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 218:0020:432h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 217:3020:132h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 217:2020:032h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 217:1019:532h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 217:0019:432h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 216:5019:332h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 216:4019:232h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 216:3019:132h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 216:1018:532h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 216:0018:432h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 215:5018:332h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 215:3018:132h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 215:2018:032h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 215:1017:532h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 215:0017:432h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 214:5017:332h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 214:4017:232h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 214:3017:132h 43m
Antar kotaEkkamaiRayong Bus Terminal 214:2017:032h 43m

Rayong Tour Stasiun

EkkamaiKm 10 Rayong TourMochit New Van TerminalRayong Tour Office Sai 4Southern Terminal BangkokSouthern Terminal BangkokBan ChangRayong Tour Office Sai 4Rayong TourMap Ta PhutMochit New Van TerminalRayong Bus Terminal 2EkkamaiMochit Terminal Platform 3

Rayong Tour Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Semuanya baik-baik saja kecuali saya harus menunggu satu bulan untuk mengembalikan deposit 5.000 Bath
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Antar kota, Rayong Tour, 5 Nov 2023
เ อ
Pelayanan bagus, sopan, hati-hati
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Antar kota, Rayong Tour, 31 Mei 2023
Konduktor ramah dan membantu. Pengalaman keseluruhan bagus.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 20 Okt 2021
Perjalanan yang sangat baik, tepat waktu, kendaraan bersih dan pengemudi sopan.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 5 Mar 2020
Sopir ramah yang baik, taruh paket kami di bus untuk kami, berhenti untuk istirahat yang nyaman di jalan.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 19 Mei 2019
Sangat membantu dan ramah... meskipun saya tidak suka bepergian dengan minivan, rute ini meyakinkan saya.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 6 Jan 2019
Easy to book, good price, bus on time.
Bis Antar kota, Rayong Tour, 7 Nov 2023
Comfy for a few hours. Seats were good. We arrived earlier than scheduled. Will
Bis Antar kota, Rayong Tour, 13 Okt 2023
It was a great experience
Bis Antar kota, Rayong Tour, 9 Agu 2023
No room for luggage. Bus station bathrooms disgusting.
Bis Antar kota, Rayong Tour, 2 Jan 2023
Polite staff. Good experience overall
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 21 Okt 2022
Excellent. From the easy and fast booking, to the comfort and clean Van. Very good driver and helped me to make a transfer to arrive to another location.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 28 Sep 2022
Trip okay only the seats were very uncomfortable.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 15 Sep 2022
The first leg from Rayong to Bangkok was great. The second from Bangkok to Kimchamuri was terrible we left 10.30 instead of 12.30 and the driver drove like he was out for suicidal. He drove on the wrong side of the road to get by other cars and were speeding the whole time
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 25 Feb 2022
The bus made unnecessary stops to drop people off at random locations throughout Rayong. We also booked to Ban Phe and had to find a taxi from the station to the pier. Just something to look out for. The check-in staff was not able to communicate.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 19 Okt 2021
First of all, it was pretty easy to find the exact terminal from where the mini-bus departed. Seats were decent, but not comfortable for long tours. Bus departed exactly on time. The only issue is that the bus takes a long route instead of the normal short one which increases the travel time by 45mins to 1hr. So please keep this in mind. Overall tour was nice, driver was friendly as well. Did not face any trouble mid-way. One small note: For me, 12go.asia showed wrong time-schedule (just once until now), so please cross check with the operator before booking. The return trip from rayong to ekkamai, bangkok showed departure time as 13:00h in 12go.asia, but when I reached the bus terminal at rayong, they said the bus is scheduled to depart at 13:30h. Thats it!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 3 Okt 2021
If you are tall, forget it - less leg space. If you have luggage, also forget it as there is no baggage compartments. You need to buy extra seat or two for the luggage. And there was very strong air fragrance smell which gave headache. Apart from that, it was clean, on time and drive was smooth.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 26 Feb 2020
Everything was Fine, in time, Good Diving Skills and Perfect Price!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 23 Feb 2020
easy to use
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 30 Jan 2020
Our trip going to Rayong was scheduled at exactly 10:30am but we have to wait for another 30 mins because the van was delayed. We sincerely asked the operators why our trip was moved to 11am but it was so hard to communicate with them since they don't speak English that much.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 2 Jan 2020
Very good a and safe driving! ????
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 1 Jan 2020
I didn't use it, i took another trip to Hua Hin with another traveling agency
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 19 Nov 2019
New and comfortable mini bus. Toilet stop half way.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 15 Nov 2019
We have to take 1 More seat for luggage and that was not necessary. Too small for a tal person. Nobody speak english. So it was very hard to know where we have to stop exactly because the bus stop many Times.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 31 Okt 2019
Easy trip. Helpful staff
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 26 Okt 2019
Good bus and good toilet stop
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 22 Okt 2019
Booking online was easy. Print out your reservation. Once at Mochit New Van Terminal, check-in was simple. If you arrive early and there is room on an earlier van, Rayong Tour will accommodate you. So plan ahead for Bangkok traffic to get to the terminal in time, but if you are there early, you may be able to get on the road early as well. The ride was smooth, the driver was good, and the van was comfortable. The driver made a “comfort stop” for the restroom and stretching about halfway through the trip. The trip took about 50 minutes longer than advertised, but you can attribute that to traffic. It’s not to be unexpected, so plan accordingly. When we arrived at the final stop, it is a coffee shop with the Rayong Tour office there. My wife, who is Thai, asked the lady at the window if there were taxis or transportation nearby to take us to our hotel. She told my wife no. So I went online and booked a “Grab car” (think Uber) for 600 baht to take us to our hotel. Well, as we learned the next day, one block away was the Rayong Bus Station Number 1. At this station, there are “songtaews” (covered pickup trucks with two rows of seating) that operate around Rayong for public transportation. Why did the woman at Rayong Tour office not give us this information when we asked ? In retrospect, seems like malicious intent as she dismissed my wife with few words. Lessons learned: 1. There are TWO Mochit terminals. Be sure you go to the address on your reservation for the “New Van Terminal.” 2. Print out your reservation for ease at the terminal. Do not rely on your phone. 3. When in Rayong, know that there are several color-coded songtaew transportation lines. They cost 20-25 baht per person vs. 600 baht for a private car. 4. Don’t listen to the woman at Rayong Tour in the coffee shop near Star Market in Rayong. She doesn’t care about you.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 13 Okt 2019
Even though I have a ticket, firstly they could not find my name from the list I had to wait to get on the bus
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 15 Sep 2019
I liked safe driving.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 12 Jul 2019
Good price from BKK to Raymond. Nothing fancy. More AC please, it was hot in the van.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 1 Mar 2019
Very easy to use. Slight language barrier but all worked out :)
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 11 Feb 2019
Ok. Highly recommend this and sure soon again
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 3 Feb 2019
Very efficient driver
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 22 Jan 2019
As the oldest person in the bus, i hit the badestrand seat.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 7 Jan 2019
We departed on time and arrived way before the time that was mentioned on the timetable. Good driver, comfortable seats. Good service at the Bangkok bus station, they brought us all the way to our van. The van services at Rayong bus station were not honest with prices for transfer to the koh samet pier..
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 6 Jan 2019
flexible, they were helpful
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 22 Des 2018
Clean and safe feeling. Was shorter than expected. Nice ride. No jerking the speed limit which was very comfortable.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 13 Des 2018
Old, non-comfortable car. everything else was OK
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 17 Sep 2018
Perfect organization
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 27 Apr 2018
On time, fast, all good. But absolutely no space for your bag, make sure to reserve an extra seat if you feel it to big.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 12 Apr 2018
very fast and smooth! Arrived earlier than expected!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 12 Apr 2018
Trip went very smoothly. I came early to Rayong Bus Terminal 2 and they put me on an earlier minivan that left 5 min later. Van had very comfortable seats, but legroom was not great.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 4 Mar 2018
Faster than expected. Overall it was good :)
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 19 Feb 2018
The van was not Good.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 6 Feb 2018
We went from Rayong to Bangkok, getting to the bus station (the new one - terminal 2) in Rayong was ok (take a bus for 15 baht), the bus station is small and we got our tickets fast. The van is ok, seats are small for tall persons, the ride was fast but we got stuck in the Bangkok in a traffic jam for an hour or so. From there we crossed Chatuchak park to get to the skytrain.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 29 Des 2017
I booked the wrong day and they helped me to arrive to my destination without paying extra. ????
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 27 Des 2017
The journey was perfect, the problem is that the counter is very difficult to find at the station. Tere are several 95 counters. We arrive at 7:30 and didn't find it until 8:25. In the counter isnt written Rayong tour in english and nobody knew where It was when I saw the bus tickets
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 27 Agu 2017
Journey time was slightly quicker than expected, driver was safe & courteous throughout. However Shock absorbers on van badly need renewing. Good overall experience.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 23 Jun 2017
Not so good as expected, because check counter point in Mochit Terminal is really hard to find, I cannot even manage to do without help of a kind-hearted man who speaks Thai language. He led me all the way across a small market, down small path, across the waiting room and finnaly got there- a very small counter in Platform 6, together with many others which look similar.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 17 Apr 2017
Their instructions section needs to be updated -- paper says that Rayong Tour buses leave from Star Market, but when I got there, I was told that they now leave from Rayong Bus Terminal 2, which is a good 5km away (according to my motorbike driver). One could very easily miss their bus because of this misinformation.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Rayong Tour, 15 Jan 2017
162 Ulasan Pelanggan
96.9% dari 162 wisatawan senang dengan Rayong Tour karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan