16 Mei 2024
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Phuket Travel

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Tentang Phuket Travel

Bus adalah sarana transportasi paling terjangkau dengan jumlah terminal yang banyak di seluruh negeri dan jadwal yang nyaman untuk membantu Anda merencanakan perjalanan Anda. Bus adalah pilihan yang nyaman baik bagi mereka yang bepergian dengan anggaran terbatas dan mereka yang tidak ingin berkompromi dengan kenyamanan. Phuket Travel menawarkan layanan bus dengan reservasi online. Sebelum memesan tiket Anda, baca ulasan wisatawan lain untuk memilih pilihan terbaik.

Phuket Travel Stasiun Utama

Phuket Travel mengoperasikan bus ke dan dari stasiun berikut:

  • Phuket Bus Terminal 2
  • Southern Terminal Bangkok
  • Mochit

Phuket Travel Rute Paling Populer

Tujuan paling populer dari Phuket Travel adalah:

Phuket Travel Tarif & Kelas Bus

Harga perjalanan bus Anda akan tergantung pada tujuan dan kelas tiket Anda. Perhatikan bahwa tidak semua kelas tiket tersedia di rute tertentu, namun untuk perjalanan yang lebih lama hampir selalu ada pilihan yang bagus. Pilihan untuk pelatih tidur untuk perjalanan semalam yang paling nyaman. Bus tidur biasanya dilengkapi dengan tempat berlabuh atau kursi bersandaran lembut, dilengkapi toilet di dalam pesawat dan tiket Anda mungkin juga termasuk fasilitas lain seperti makanan ringan atau bahkan makan siang. Naik bus malam juga merupakan ide bagus jika Anda ingin menghemat kamar hotel. Pada siang hari layanan ekspres seringkali merupakan nilai terbaik untuk uang karena membuat pemberhentian lebih sedikit daripada bus kelas biasa atau standar dan perjalanan lebih cepat. Pada beberapa rute mungkin penting untuk memilih kelas yang tepat karena, katakanlah, bus kelas biasa atau kelas dua mungkin memerlukan sekitar 6 jam untuk menempuh jarak yang ditempuh bus kelas satu atau bus ekspres dalam dua jam!

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Perjalanan Bus

Kelebihan Perjalanan Bus

  • Bus biasanya memiliki jaringan tujuan terluas yang tercakup. Mereka bepergian ke tempat-tempat yang tidak bisa Anda capai dengan pesawat atau bahkan dengan kereta api
  • Bepergian dengan bus itu mudah – tidak perlu tiba di terminal bus jauh-jauh hari, dan check-in biasanya merupakan formalitas yang sangat cepat berlawanan dengan perjalanan udara
  • Tiket bus sangat terjangkau. Ya, ada pilihan kelas satu atau VIP yang mahal tetapi jika Anda memiliki anggaran terbatas, bus adalah sarana transportasi pertama yang harus Anda pikirkan
  • Pada saat yang sama, ada berbagai kelas layanan yang sesuai dengan anggaran apa pun. Jika Anda menginginkan tingkat kenyamanan yang lebih tinggi, bus juga membantu Anda.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Bus

  • Terminal bus antar kota dapat berlokasi di luar pusat kota di pinggiran kota. Ini berarti Anda perlu menghitung waktu dan uang ekstra untuk sampai ke sana. Di tujuan tertentu dari terminal bus dapat dikenakan biaya lebih dari yang Anda harapkan karena hanya sejumlah perusahaan transportasi yang diizinkan untuk melayani rute – dan harga dapat meningkat.
  • Selama akhir pekan yang sibuk atau musim pemesanan bus yang tinggi yang melayani beberapa tujuan wisata mungkin kehabisan jadwal dan memerlukan pemesanan terlebih dahulu.
  • Meskipun bus tidak bergantung pada cuaca seperti feri, perjalanan bus juga dapat ditunda atau dibatalkan karena cuaca buruk atau kondisi jalan – ingatlah jika bepergian selama musim tertentu atau ke tujuan tertentu.
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Phuket Travel Ulasan tentang perusahaan

853 Ulasan Pelanggan
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 9 Jan 2020
Все супер, доехали быстрее на 2 часа
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 25 Okt 2019
It was a nice journey. Very spaces even for well built person. Unless other than the time factor it is more comfortable than the flight.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 23 Jul 2019
Traveling like this you can rest perfectly!!! Bring water because you only get a small bottle of water and some cakes!! At 1:30 in the night the bus stops at this place where you can go to Wc and eat...but at that time I bought some fruit for breakfast!! Toilet is grose!! This needs better care!!
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 7 Jun 2019
Voyage long mais confortable . La prise usb de mon siege ne fonctionnait pas . les toilettes pas tres propres. bcp d espace pour les jambes.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 24 Mar 2019
Everybody was very helpful and friendly when we picked up our tickets, checked in and boarded the bus. The seats were super comfortable and we were even provided with a bottle of water and some snacks! The wifi on the bus was speedy and we each had a charge port for our phones. All round a superb experience!
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 12 Feb 2019
Very nice service. Late night dinner is included in the trip for free and it is very tasty. They also give free juice and two pastries. Overall, bus ride went really fast. However, i do wish there were more seats below because upstairs is too bumpy
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 9 Jan 2019
Как всегда хорошо! На этот раз в автобусе было тепло, кондиционер не продувало.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 5 Jan 2019
The bus was clean and the blankets were nice. The snack and water provided was a nice touch. The food stopover nice too. The bus LEAKED at the top next to my seat and no one could figure out the Wi-Fi password despite having asked the bus driver.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 3 Nov 2018
Spacious and comfortable. Lots of legroom..seat is very wide and the seat in front of you is far from you.The stewardess was friendly and could speak a bit of English. Stop included a free meal and snacks also provided at the start of the trip. Wifi was good.Occassionaly put off mainly after we had stopped..but was quickly put back on, on request. We enjoyed the trip.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 27 Okt 2018
Брали экспресс, за два часа до отправления поменяли на vip,слипинг бас, автобус. очень удобно камфортно, но отправление передвинули ещё на час. Вода, сок, печенье,плед, вай фай бесплатно, в каждом кресле есть две зарядки для сот тел., На 1.5 и 2 ампер. Была остановка на пол пути, шведский стол, для каждого автобуса свой, в зависимости от класс, можно объесться, правда на еду всего 20 минут, там же на стоянке есть душ и туалет. Затем на автобус сломался, но тайцы два водителя и проводница в течение часа пересадили ночью всех тайцев кроме нас на другие проходящие автобусы. Нас и ещё 5 тайцев в последнию очередь посадили на мини бас, через полтора часа стояния ночью на трассе. В итоге опоздали в Бангкок на три часа . Эта была неприятность , но общего впечатления неиспортило. Спасибо водителям за их заботу.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 10 Okt 2018
Excellent service vip Chauffeurs dotés de maîtrise de conduite Je trouve que la pause donner est très courte pour mieux digérer. Prendre son café et peut être fumer Très bon dans l ensemble
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 16 Agu 2018
The bus was just ok, not that much space to sleep, the driver would have been best suit on a race car than on a bus so the level of comfort wasn't that great.... Arrived 1h earlier in a different bus station (the location was a better one for us but better be prepared that you may not end up where supposed to)
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 21 Jul 2018
The bus had comfortable seat to sleeping but around at 1.30 am stopped at market in the middle of the road so i woke up and i could see that there were so many cockroaches on the bus so i wasn’t able to sleep again.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 7 Jun 2018
ผมนั่งขาไปและขากลับ กรุงเทพภูเก็ต เอาไอแมคขนไปด้วย นั่งชั้นล่าง เลขที่37 ชั้นล่างคือแอร์นรกมาก ร้อนไฟฟไหม้ รถขับเร็วแล้วแอร์หาย หายใจแทบไม่ออกเหงื่อโทรมเลย ควรปรับปรุง แมลงแกลบตัวเล็กๆ กินขนมผมไปหมดเลย และไต่บนตัวนิดหน่อย คนเกลียดกลัวแมลงสาบควรเลี่ยง นอกนั้น ก็โอเคครับ รถถึงเร็วกว่ากำหนดการ อาจจะหวาดเสียวหน่อย เกือบสวัสดีท้ายรถสิบล้ออยู่รอบนึง ที่นั่ง ใครจะไปควรหาหมอนรองคอไปด้วยครับ แต่คะแนนน้อยเพราะ จองรถวีไอพี 24 คุณพระวีไอพียังน่ากลัวขนาดนี้ ธรรมดาจะเป็นอย่างไร โกรธมาก แจ้งว่าแอร์เสีย เจ้าหน้าที่บอกว่าก็ขึ้นไปนั่งข้างบน อ้าวววว
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 15 Mei 2018
Le bus de nuit etait tres confortable. On y dort bien mieux que dans un avion. La collation etait un peu legere.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 26 Mar 2018
Comfy chairs but the WiFi was turned off, it arrived two hours early and our bags were dumped out of the bus as soon as we arrived and the bus left immediately and only one stop was made (at 1.30am)
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 10 Mar 2018
Trajet bien passé, avec une arrivée en avance. Les sièges sont relativement confortables. La clim est plutôt forte mais une couverture est fournie ainsi que de l’eau et des gateaux.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 7 Mar 2018
No WiFi , no charge for phone , and the wc is too small
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 2 Jan 2018
Немного непонятен процесс регистрации на рейс, поэтому на автовокзал рекомендуется приходить заранее. В остальном - все отлично - автобус комфортный, прибыл даже раньше расписания. Также, в автобусе прохладно, но это "национальная" особенность Тайского транспорта, оснащенного кондиционерами.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 28 Des 2017
Отдельное спасибо за адрес на тайском в билете - очень помог объяснить таксисту, на какой вокзал нужно ехать. Поездка прошла хорошо - сидения удобные, плед не дал замёрзнуть. Во время остановки никто не инструктировал пассажиров о том, куда идти, чтобы поесть. В результате поели лишь те, что знали, что с билетом нужно идти внутрь здания (в нашем случае зал №3) напротив остановки автобуса.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 21 Des 2017
Wi-Fi cut out a few hours into the drive and never came back on
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 26 Nov 2017
Всё понравилось, автобус отошёл вовремя. Кондишн регулируется (можно вообще закрыть).Тёплые вещи не понадобились. Прибыли в Пхукет на 2часа раньше. Единственное, мне , ростом185см., Нужно было приспособиться к креслу, а супруга с сынкой(7лет) даже выспались. Ну и ещё, в кассы нужно подняться на 3 этаж торгового центра SC PLAZA(сразу можно не найти, они находятся среди торговых рядов).
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 1 Agu 2017
Perfect! I got upgraded to VIP and advanced schedule 1 hr earlier that bcoz there are still available free seats on this class i think and they hope can sell my seat to another passanger maybe,but i like it both feel happy!
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 29 Jun 2017
Verry good trip and thank you for your service ! It was very simple to get the tickets. Just too much AC for us. Just a question, I think I forgot my cap (a hat, black with the word "sauvage" on the right). Can you please ask if the company find it ? Or maybe can you give me the number of the finding objetcts ? Thank you very much for your help.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 9 Apr 2017
Nice Bus, comfortable seat, shawl also given, No one knows English, Less leg space in first row of upper deck
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 1 Feb 2017
Nous nous sommes arrêté pour manger qu'à deux heures du matin, pour nous lâcher 20min dans un endroit à touristes où tout était évidemment 3 fois plus cher. D'autant plus que le personnel était assez mal aimable. Pas de bonjour, pas de merci et encore moins un sourire. Trajet long et désagréable.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 8 Des 2016
Great service, wasn't expecting a great deal as we booked the cheapest ticket, the bus was clean, spacious, loads of room to recline, blankets and no annoying films. Oh and also free cakes and water.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 3 Des 2016
Roof of bus kept making terrible noise for entire journey. It sounded like somebody walking on squeaky floor. We could not sleep. They really need to fix that problem. The rest is bearable for the price.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 25 Nov 2016
I was late but they came back for me THANK YOU SO MUCH! Bus was clean air conditioned had plenty of room to recline and came with free baked pastries water and blanket. Arrived ahead of schedule
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 27 Okt 2016
The trip went perfectly fine, as expected. A few things to note: - bring sweaters as air conditioning is intense. They provided us with blankets, but used our sweaters too. - staff was helpful but didn't speak much English, but we managed everything we needed to know - provided us with a small water and some snacks upon leaving, and a dinner at midnight at a stop, all for free (local flavours of course) - this is a bus ride. But for a bus ride, it's almost perfect. Beats all my long range bus trip experiences.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 24 Jul 2016
All good, except that the toilet of the bus was closed! Gosh i was going to piss in my pants ????
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 23 Mei 2016
Great smooth bus ride from Phuket to Bangkok! However, the steward cant speak english, also majority of staff at Phuket Bus terminal 2 (some aren't even trying to help us out).
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 2 Mei 2016
Ехала на шикарном автобусе, с широченными сидениями и большим пространством для ног, кондиционер, плед, вода, сок и кексы для каждого, также в середине пути полноценное питание. Все отлично
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 18 Apr 2016
La musique et les micros assourdissants. Le film tres vieux avec un son trop fort. Sinon tres bien
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 26 Mar 2016
The trip was awesome. Everything was as expected. Supercomfortable seats that can be transformed to a bed. I worked on my laptop for 3 hours then read, then sleep. Then we were being woke up to have an eating which was good. So only one stop, but there is a toilet in a bus. Asked to stop near a turn to Phuket Intl Airport and the driver did it!
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 11 Feb 2016
Couldn't switch off air con or turn it down, so spent 12 hours freezing. All lights were switched off at 7.30pm so everyone was just left to sit in the dark as none of the individual lights are working. None of the chairs reclined properly
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 7 Feb 2016
Everything was great. Super comfortable bus. Not too much AC as some said, it was fine!. But we thought we would get something to eat. We got a brownie, juice and water when we got on The bus but then we stopped at 1.30 in a pretty awful place to buy food. We only bought a few snacks. But the rest was perfect!! The employees from The beginning to The end were super nice
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 6 Feb 2016
Seats were very comfortable with more than enough leg room. We only have issues with the toilet in the bus. It was so small that it was very hard to move and all the smell became entrapped in the toilet (very foul smell). I suggest dont drink too much water during the trip. Free water, juice and snack were given. Overall a pleasant experience
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 19 Nov 2015
The bus was smelly and hot. They did not serve food as we thought They will. One stop was made during the trip to eat.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 12 Nov 2015
W takim autokarze jeszcze nie jechałem. Autokar jest bardzo wygodny, dużo przestrzeni. Siedzenia rozkładane, spokojnie można całą podróż przespać. Polecam !!!
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 27 Okt 2015
Worst bus trip I ever had. Let's start from the positive: A lot of space in every seat, clean seats and bus in general. A bottle of water and cake snaks offered. BUT: A horrible driving (sudden breaks, for example) and (maybe) too small wheels for such a big bus mad the bus move like hell on the road. It was very very unconfortable and we couldn't rest at all during the whole night. Moreover, music was very loud, until they turned it off during sleeping time. The individual lights were not working so if you wanted to read it was not possible. The stops in Bangkok were confusing, the driver did not speak English and so he couldn't tell us where we were. We got off in the northern terminal instead of in southern terminal. A hell of a trip.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 16 Sep 2015
Very comfortable 12 hour ride...no complaints and would definitely do it again!
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 11 Agu 2015
There are no information on the trip. Not a quick info, that 20min break is or witch stop we are.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 3 Agu 2015
Clean, comfortable travel. well, in the middle night it called up to have a break at one stop.
Bis Ekspres, Phuket Travel, 22 Jul 2015
Relatively comfortable ride. Pleasant staff. Nice touches of water, snack and complimentary meal at rest stop. Bathroom on board reeked though. Maybe this was addressed after we brought it to the operator's attention, as it stopped smelling after a while. Overall good experience. Would do it again.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 11 Apr 2015
I was definitely satisfied but it was way too cold in the bus.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 25 Feb 2015
They dont care about tourist they are not nice . Even for the only stop to have lunch they just let you like nobody tell you where to go to eat neither how long the stop is gonna be . No wifi no plugs.only one screen for everybody and its an awfull chinese concert no movies nothing. Nobody speaks english .The only good point is that its comfortable.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 9 Jan 2015
12GO is a great service to book tickets. I had an issue with my booking with my iPad, so I wrote them at around 1am and they replied straight away. The issue was fixed and the booking process was done without a problem. Tickets where ready when we arrived at the Southern Terminal in Bangkok. Overnight bus was comfortable and arrive to Phuket according to the schedule.
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 6 Jan 2015
Bis VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2 Sep 2020
Bus doesn't provide anything as they said in web site , and service also very bad