Lexxus Shuttle

269 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
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  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang Lexxus Shuttle

Sementara beberapa wisatawan merasa skeptis tentang van, pilihan tujuan yang baik dan harga yang kompetitif menjadikan van sebagai salah satu sarana transportasi paling populer bagi orang lain. Van selalu lebih fleksibel dibandingkan bus besar. Jika ada permintaan tumpangan mendadak ke beberapa tujuan baru, operator van selalu yang pertama menawarkan layanan mereka. Memang lebih mudah meluncurkan rute baru jika Anda mengoperasikan kendaraan berkapasitas 10-15 pax, bukan?

Lexxus Shuttle mengoperasikan layanan van dan menawarkan tiket dengan pemesanan online yang mudah. Periksa mereka jika Anda sedang mencari pilihan untuk bepergian dengan van.

Lexxus Shuttle Stasiun Utama

Van Lexxus Shuttle berjalan ke dan dari terminal berikut:

  • Sabang
  • San Jose Terminal
  • Sabang
  • El Nido Transport Terminal
  • Sabang Wharf
  • San Jose Port
  • Sabang
  • San Vicente Hotel Transfer
  • El Nido
  • El Nido Airport
  • Puerto Princesa
  • El Nido
  • Port Barton
  • Port Barton Bus Terminal
  • Puerto Princesa
  • El Nido Hotel Transfer
  • Astoria Palawan
  • Puerto Princesa Transfer
  • Port Barton Transfer
  • Dipnay
  • Nacpan Beach

Lexxus Shuttle Kelas & Harga Vans

Biasanya, tidak mungkin memilih kelas tiket saat bepergian dengan van. Namun Anda dapat menghubungi operator dan/atau memilih jenis van yang melayani rute Anda. Beberapa van hanya dapat menampung 9-10 penumpang, yang lain menampung hingga 15 wisatawan. Kasus pertama berarti Anda mungkin memiliki lebih banyak ruang untuk kaki, kursi yang lebih luas, dan pengendaraan yang lebih nyaman, yang terakhir – bersiaplah untuk ruang terbatas untuk kaki, siku, dan barang bawaan Anda. Baca ulasan tentang layanan van Lexxus Shuttle untuk memastikan mereka memenuhi harapan Anda.

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Van Travel

Kelebihan Perjalanan Van

  • Van sering mencapai tujuan di mana baik bus maupun kereta api tidak bepergian. Ini termasuk kota-kota sekunder dan desa-desa kecil
  • Dalam kebanyakan kasus, van adalah cara tercepat untuk mencapai tujuan Anda jika bepergian ke jarak yang relatif pendek melalui darat hanya karena mereka lebih kecil dari bus dan lebih dapat bermanuver
  • Van dapat membiarkan Anda turun di titik yang lebih nyaman dalam perjalanan – tidak harus di terminal, yang sebenarnya dapat menghemat banyak waktu dan uang Anda dalam beberapa kasus.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Van

  • Beberapa van bisa sangat sempit dengan ruang terbatas untuk bagasi yang tersedia. Yah, sebenarnya hampir semua van menawarkan ruang bagasi yang terbatas dan jika Anda memiliki lebih dari satu tas, koper atau ransel, mungkin ide yang baik untuk membeli kursi terpisah untuk bagasi Anda – ya, Anda akan membayar dua kali lipat untuk perjalanan Anda, sayangnya
  • Sebaiknya periksa apakah van Anda berjalan sesuai jadwal atau berangkat saat penuh – dalam kasus terakhir ini Anda mungkin akan menunggu terlalu lama karena di beberapa rute dibutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama hingga sebuah van terisi penuh.
  • Anda harus tahu bahwa pengemudi van terkenal karena kecepatan mengemudinya. Bahkan perusahaan paling terkemuka pun terkadang gagal membujuk pengemudi untuk menghormati batas kecepatan. Bahkan jika pengemudi van Anda tidak memaksanya, selalu kencangkan sabuk pengaman Anda saat bepergian dengan van
  • Jika Anda mudah mabuk laut dan perjalanan Anda termasuk jalan yang berliku, kemungkinan untuk merasakan mabuk perjalanan lebih tinggi saat bepergian dengan van daripada dengan bus. Minum obat Anda setengah jam sebelum perjalanan Anda untuk berada di sisi yang aman.
Baca lebih lanjut

Lexxus Shuttle Rute Populer

Mimaropa - Port Barton
El Nido - Port Barton
00:00, 13:00
Palawan - El Nido
Puerto Princesa - Mimaropa
00:00, 07:00, 16:00
Palawan - Puerto Princesa
Port Barton - Mimaropa
El Nido - Palawan
El Nido - Puerto Princesa
00:00, 06:00, 07:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 18:00
Port Barton - El Nido
00:00, 08:00
Puerto Princesa - Palawan
Mimaropa - Puerto Princesa
00:00, 08:30, 15:00
Port Barton - Puerto Princesa
00:00, 08:00, 10:00, 13:00
Puerto Princesa - Port Barton
00:00, 08:00, 13:00, 15:00
Puerto Princesa - El Nido
00:00, 07:00, 08:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00
NaN penumpang

Lexxus Shuttle Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
Van bersamaPuerto PrincesaEl Nido17:0022:005h 0m
Van bersamaPuerto PrincesaEl Nido07:0012:005h 0m
Van bersamaPuerto PrincesaEl Nido08:0013:005h 0m
Van bersamaPuerto PrincesaEl Nido11:0016:005h 0m
Van bersamaPuerto PrincesaEl Nido13:0018:005h 0m
Van bersamaPuerto PrincesaEl Nido15:0020:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl Nido Transport TerminalSan Jose Terminal18:0023:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl Nido Transport TerminalSan Jose Terminal16:0021:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl Nido Transport TerminalSan Jose Terminal13:0018:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl Nido Transport TerminalSan Jose Terminal10:0015:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl Nido Transport TerminalSan Jose Terminal07:0012:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl Nido Transport TerminalSan Jose Terminal06:0011:005h 0m
Van bersamaSan Jose TerminalPort Barton Bus Terminal15:0019:004h 0m
Van bersamaSan Jose TerminalPort Barton Bus Terminal13:0017:004h 0m
Van bersamaSan Jose TerminalPort Barton Bus Terminal08:0011:303h 30m
Van bersamaPort Barton Bus TerminalSan Jose Terminal13:0017:004h 0m
Van bersamaPort Barton Bus TerminalSan Jose Terminal10:0014:004h 0m
Van bersamaPort Barton Bus TerminalSan Jose Terminal08:0012:004h 0m
Van bersamaPort Barton Bus TerminalEl Nido Transport Terminal08:0012:004h 0m
Van bersamaEl Nido Transport TerminalPort Barton Bus Terminal13:0018:005h 0m
Van bersamaSan Jose TerminalSabang Boat Terminal16:0018:002h 0m
Van bersamaSan Jose TerminalSabang Boat Terminal07:0009:002h 0m
Van bersamaSabang WharfSan Jose Terminal15:0017:002h 0m
Van bersamaSabang WharfSan Jose Terminal08:3010:302h 0m
Van bersamaPuerto Princesa TransferEl Nido00:0005:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl NidoPuerto Princesa Transfer00:0005:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl NidoPort Barton Transfer00:0005:005h 0m
Van bersamaEl NidoSan Vicente Hotel Transfer00:0004:304h 30m
Van bersamaNacpan BeachEl Nido00:0000:450h 45m
Van bersamaSan Vicente Hotel TransferPuerto Princesa Transfer00:0004:304h 30m

Lexxus Shuttle Stasiun

SabangSan Jose TerminalSabangEl Nido Transport TerminalSabang WharfSan Jose PortSabangSan Vicente Hotel TransferEl NidoEl Nido AirportPuerto PrincesaEl NidoPort BartonPort Barton Bus TerminalPuerto PrincesaEl Nido Hotel TransferAstoria PalawanPuerto Princesa TransferPort Barton TransferDipnayNacpan Beach

Lexxus Shuttle Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Titik keberangkatan bus berjarak 300 meter dari terminal - ini informasi penting karena becak ingin mengantar saya ke terminal baru yang berjarak 8 km
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 31 Jul 2023
Van itu bersih dan sepenuhnya ber-AC. Staf sangat profesional. Pasti akan menggunakan lagi. Adikku lupa tas dengan barang-barangnya dan mereka baik untuk kembali pada hari yang sama. Pujian untuk itu.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 6 Apr 2023
Tur yang sangat bagus, sungai bawah tanahnya indah dan tim turnya luar biasa!
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 19 Feb 2023
Deskripsi hilang catatan yang harus Anda ubah. Ini menyebabkan kebingungan karena itu normal untuk semua orang tetapi kami takut ditinggalkan di suatu tempat. Apalagi printout perjalanan harus diserahkan di awal. Tapi semua orang teratur dan kami dipandu dengan aman ke bus berikutnya. Secara keseluruhan, waktu perjalanan persis seperti yang disebutkan. Bahkan dengan istirahat untuk transisi. Akan menjadi contoh untuk perkeretaapian Jerman..... THX
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 4 Mar 2020
Perjalanan yang sangat nyaman dan menyenangkan. Ber-AC sepanjang perjalanan. Pengemudi sangat baik dan berhenti untuk makan siang dan juga berhenti untuk menggunakan toilet dalam perjalanan. Saya pasti akan merekomendasikan menggunakan layanan ini
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 3 Feb 2020
Di tiket tertulis kita harus tiba 30 menit lebih awal, jadi kita sampai di terminal bus jam 3.30 pagi, tapi van datang terlambat 30 menit, jam 4:30 pagi, jadi kita harus menunggu selama 1 jam, para wanita di konter sangat kasar dan tidak membantu, dia meneriaki kami setiap kali kami bertanya dan memberi tahu kami bahwa van memiliki waktu tunda 30 menit. Ketika van tiba, mobil itu sudah mengumpulkan sisa penumpang dan kami diberi tempat duduk terpisah selama 5 jam. Karena keterlambatan dan kurangnya informasi kami menjadi cemas kehilangan penerbangan. Pada akhirnya kami tiba lebih awal dari yang dijadwalkan dan semuanya baik-baik saja, tetapi layanan itu sendiri memiliki ruang untuk perbaikan.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 25 Nov 2019
Mereka mengisi Van sampai penuh, empat jam tanpa bisa bergerak. Mereka melewati tiga kota menempatkan orang
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 12 Agu 2019
Perjalanan dari Puerto princessa ke El nido memakan waktu lama dengan shuttle, keberangkatan direncanakan jam 1 siang dan akhirnya berangkat jam 2 siang. Pukul 14.00 masuk ke van di bandara puerto tetapi van berhenti di terminal antar-jemput dan kami harus berganti van. Kami akhirnya tiba pada jam 8 malam, bukannya jam 6 sore, pengemudi mengemudi dengan sangat cepat dan seperti biasa di Filipina. Sulitnya mendapatkan informasi dimana dan kapan kami akan diantar. Bukan perjalanan yang bagus
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 19 Mar 2019
Sempit tidak nyaman tidak seperti yang dijelaskan di situs. Penjemputan orang secara acak juga cukup mengejutkan, bukan transfer pribadi melainkan bus umum. Saya dapat menghargai alasan mengemas bus adalah untuk menjadikan perjalanan ini bermanfaat, tetapi mungkin uraiannya perlu disesuaikan
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 25 Feb 2019
Pemesanan cepat dan mudah untuk harga yang benar. Pengemudi melakukan pekerjaan luar biasa di jalan yang sulit ini, kami tiba lebih awal dari yang diharapkan! Kerja bagus!
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 11 Apr 2018
Overcrowded and 2 hours late. More than 9 people in a minivan for 9. If you can I reccomend to avoid this company
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 27 Apr 2024
Easy and uncomplicated
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 13 Apr 2024
We spent 3h in the van before leaving Puerto Princesa, just oicking uo other passengers. The pickups were tined so badly that often we had to wait for an hour for some of the passengers. The organizstion could be better so that people have to wait the minimmum amount of time possible, and making the pick up route logical would be aopreciated, instead of going around town in circles. The drivers were poirly communicative the entire time. We often didn’t know why we were stopping, which made us more impatient. The driving was reckless, speeding too much in small roads. The driver was driving without propper lights at some points during the night. There was only one driver. I would feel safer if the drivers switch, 8h driving straight is not good for any human and the focus might be lost. Consider adding a second driver, as they do in long distance buses. We arrived to El Nido 3h later than the scheduled time. I would not do this again…
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 30 Mar 2024
Was good shedule on Time as it was preview
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 11 Mar 2024
Ready with a sign the minute we walked out of the airport with our name. We only booked the night before. Driver friendly and played chilled music. Tyre blew on the way but he changed it really quickly, dropped off at our hostel.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 5 Mar 2024
I was looking for a shuttle with a pick-up at the airport. So I booked this shuttle service, because on the internet it says so. But in reality the shuttle terminal is 30 minutes away from the airport and you have to get there by yourself. So I was waiting at the aiport to get picked up. After nobody showed up, I asked the security people for help and they called the company for me. If you dont have internet access it is very stressful and not well organized. Luckily the shuttle waited for me, because after I found out where to go, I had to find a taxi and drive there for 20-30 Minutes. It is very stressful, after many hours of travelling. If I would have known that before, I would have chosen something else or would have prepared better.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 18 Feb 2024
The driver was excellent and very kind! However, the vehicle was an absolute disaster. It was a very, very old car, no seatbelts, no license plate in the back and rusty.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 17 Des 2023
He was driving really fast, a bit crazy ride.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 27 Nov 2023
The van had to leave at 8:00 am and it left at 9:30 pm. The driver had to go to fuel station for filling the tank before go and then He stopped as three time. Total time to arrival… 3 hours and a half
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 26 Nov 2023
Good driver, not fast so comfortable, and on time.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 1 Okt 2023
Very uncomfortable.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 30 Sep 2023
The driver made a few breaks for us to go to the toilet which was nice, but he didn’t communicate at all. He stopped quite a few times during the ride, without saying anything and started talking to people on the road, which got a bit scary after awhile. Also, 3 locals joined the ride for a while and we had to make room for 3 people but there was only 1 seat available. Me and my friend where forced to sit on 1,5 seat because of this, really unprofessional and unsafe. We paid money for 1 seat each so this is not what we expected. Then they were dropped somewhere again, but the ride was unpleasant. The AC didn’t work. Happy we got to our destination.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 7 Agu 2023
Trip took 6:30 hours. Car seats were comfortable, but driver drove too fast and one customer vomited.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 19 Jul 2023
The van driver was driving fast making the ride uncomfortable. The van picked up and dropped off people along the way to El Nito so the van was full for most of the trip.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 31 Mei 2023
very fast tour, friendly driver
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 17 Mei 2023
Be prepared to wait. We left about 30 minutes late. l would recommend looking for a hotel pick-up option to avoid extra transport fees getting to the station. The driver drove at a reasonable speed and I felt safe during the ride.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 17 Mei 2023
Sat at the front of the vehicle so had a nice air conditioned journey with a great view from Puerto Princesa upto to El Nido. Great value for money
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 17 Mei 2023
It was about as good as a 6 hour trip in Philippines heat can get. Van was full but there was aircon, stopped twice for short breaks. We got there in one piece. The instructions say to book an extra seat if you have a large bag so I did, but didn’t need to so paid double for no reason.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 6 Mei 2023
Good air conditioning and arrived on time even with extra stops.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 21 Apr 2023
Driver was on time, polite and friendly. Driving was safe and pretty smooth going (says a lot out here). Stop offs were well timed and offered enough to get you through the journey. Seats in the van were comfy enough. couple stops along the way to pickup random solo local passengers seeming to need a lift up the road an hour. Considering the journey length, it was fairly comfortable.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 1 Jan 2023
The agent was helpful and contacted us before the trip, the driver was 50’ late and the vehicle was overloaded with stuff on the top and people inside (16 persons) also as everybody in Philippines he drove like crazy. Finally arriving in port Barton we figured out that we paid 150pesos each than the usual cost of the trip and also 350 more to drive to terminal (usual there also mini vans from airport as well).
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 26 Des 2022
They where 45min late, after 5 guests where in the car we sopped right on the market to stuff the vehicle full with other people. After that we went directly to a gas station where we drove on a ramp to completely fill thr tank, lasting 15 minutes. We were lucky that we had booked 3 seats for 2 Persons. You should rather take an other option to go/fly to el nido. The driver was getting faster and fastet to the end if the trip, felt very unsafe. Never again...
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 24 Des 2022
I scheduled a ride to depart at 1:15 pm, or 13:15. I paid $130 US for a private ride so that i could go from hotel to hotel and choose my time of departure. The ride arrived at 9:30 am and expected me to go! My ride was scheduled for 13:15!!!!!!!! Hello! Why am I being pressured to go so early??? WRONG!
taksi Mobil Van 09 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 11 Des 2022
We were told we had to wait until 8am to leave instead of the 7am departure we had booked. We ended up waiting for 90 minutes before we set off! It seemed like they were waiting to fill the van before leaving but considering they didn’t offer an 8am journey when we booked this felt unreasonable - we wouldn’t have gotten up early to get the bus if we knew it wouldn’t leave until 8:30!
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 11 Des 2022
Safe and comfortable journey.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 3 Des 2022
A little scary towards the end because the driver kept stopping at places without explaining why. Otherwise, very happy with the trip!
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 29 Nov 2022
We left almost 2h later than planned waiting n a ban for 1,5h so we were at our destination late.
Mobil van Van bersama, Lexxus Shuttle, 29 Nov 2022
Super expensive from the actual rate
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 17 Agu 2022
We arrived after 5 hours, safe driving and we felt comfortable in the van. Our seniors who were with us felt safe and relaxed during the land trip
taksi Mobil Van 09 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 9 Jun 2022
very good driver :)
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 8 Mar 2020
Very good travel and very good service and driver
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 4 Mar 2020
Not the best confort but you will get there in time. More information on what happens at times from the driver would be appreciated.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 2 Mar 2020
Van went on time. Driver was quick and not overly dangerous. Three stops. Five and a half hours duration.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 20 Feb 2020
Awesome and friendly driver who made great time to the destination. Even allowing to drop me off at Nagtabon intersection
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 17 Feb 2020
The driver was very fast, it make the trip unpleasant. We asked him to slow down but didn’t care. It was scary.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 12 Feb 2020
I can only recommend you get there sooner everything went fine!
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 6 Feb 2020
Cannot complaint about delays. Erratic driving, glad that did not had breakfast otherwise I would be in serious trouble. The van as so full that we had to share 3 seats with 4 people ( and this was a 4 hour journey).
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 6 Feb 2020
It’s my second time to visit Palawan but my first time to travel to El Nido. Prior to my arrival, I had a teleconversation with your team and clarify the rules of arriving just in time and the location of pick up. The description during the booking clearly says PPS airport but when I received the voucher there was additional information that I have to go to San Jose terminal which is I am not familiar hence I need to pay additional Php 150 for airport tricycle.. I have coordinated that I will arrive at exactly 11am as my flight will land at 10:20. And when I reached there 5 minutes before 11am.. there was no van hence I need to wait for more than 30 minutes and we left the terminal at 12noon. And I reached my accomodation 15 minutes before 6pm. I had 7 hours travel and there are more than 2 stops (lunch and taytay). Unfortunately, I have a return booking but I am not going because of what had happened I am afraid I will miss my flight because your timings are unreliable despite the notice that there could be delays of 1 to 2 hours. The driver is good but the operator needs improvement and proper coordination. Thanks
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 4 Feb 2020
Got back to PP very quickly. The driver knew the looooong road very well so knew when to be fast and when to slow down appropriately.
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 1 Feb 2020
No organization. We left late. Driver was too fast
Mobil van Regional 14 Orang, Lexxus Shuttle, 1 Feb 2020
269 Ulasan Pelanggan
81.8% dari 269 wisatawan senang dengan Lexxus Shuttle karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan