Khai Nam Transport

40 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
  • Stasiun
  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang Khai Nam Transport

Bus adalah sarana transportasi paling terjangkau dengan jumlah terminal yang banyak di seluruh negeri dan jadwal yang nyaman untuk membantu Anda merencanakan perjalanan Anda. Bus adalah pilihan yang nyaman baik bagi mereka yang bepergian dengan anggaran terbatas dan mereka yang tidak ingin berkompromi dengan kenyamanan. Khai Nam Transport menawarkan layanan bus dengan reservasi online. Sebelum memesan tiket Anda, baca ulasan wisatawan lain untuk memilih pilihan terbaik.

Khai Nam Transport Stasiun Utama

Khai Nam Transport mengoperasikan bus ke dan dari stasiun berikut:

  • Ho Chi Minh
  • Phnom Penh Khai Nam
  • Ho Chi Minh
  • Phnom Penh
  • Ho Chi Minh Khai Nam

Khai Nam Transport Rute Paling Populer

Tujuan paling populer dari Khai Nam Transport adalah:

Khai Nam Transport Tarif & Kelas Bus

Harga perjalanan bus Anda akan tergantung pada tujuan dan kelas tiket Anda. Perhatikan bahwa tidak semua kelas tiket tersedia di rute tertentu, namun untuk perjalanan yang lebih lama hampir selalu ada pilihan yang bagus. Pilihan untuk pelatih tidur untuk perjalanan semalam yang paling nyaman. Bus tidur biasanya dilengkapi dengan tempat berlabuh atau kursi bersandaran lembut, dilengkapi toilet di dalam pesawat dan tiket Anda mungkin juga termasuk fasilitas lain seperti makanan ringan atau bahkan makan siang. Naik bus malam juga merupakan ide bagus jika Anda ingin menghemat kamar hotel. Pada siang hari layanan ekspres seringkali merupakan nilai terbaik untuk uang karena membuat pemberhentian lebih sedikit daripada bus kelas biasa atau standar dan perjalanan lebih cepat. Pada beberapa rute mungkin penting untuk memilih kelas yang tepat karena, katakanlah, bus kelas biasa atau kelas dua mungkin memerlukan sekitar 6 jam untuk menempuh jarak yang ditempuh bus kelas satu atau bus ekspres dalam dua jam!

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Perjalanan Bus

Kelebihan Perjalanan Bus

  • Bus biasanya memiliki jaringan tujuan terluas yang tercakup. Mereka bepergian ke tempat-tempat yang tidak bisa Anda capai dengan pesawat atau bahkan dengan kereta api
  • Bepergian dengan bus itu mudah – tidak perlu tiba di terminal bus jauh-jauh hari, dan check-in biasanya merupakan formalitas yang sangat cepat berlawanan dengan perjalanan udara
  • Tiket bus sangat terjangkau. Ya, ada pilihan kelas satu atau VIP yang mahal tetapi jika Anda memiliki anggaran terbatas, bus adalah sarana transportasi pertama yang harus Anda pikirkan
  • Pada saat yang sama, ada berbagai kelas layanan yang sesuai dengan anggaran apa pun. Jika Anda menginginkan tingkat kenyamanan yang lebih tinggi, bus juga membantu Anda.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Bus

  • Terminal bus antar kota dapat berlokasi di luar pusat kota di pinggiran kota. Ini berarti Anda perlu menghitung waktu dan uang ekstra untuk sampai ke sana. Di tujuan tertentu dari terminal bus dapat dikenakan biaya lebih dari yang Anda harapkan karena hanya sejumlah perusahaan transportasi yang diizinkan untuk melayani rute – dan harga dapat meningkat.
  • Selama akhir pekan yang sibuk atau musim pemesanan bus yang tinggi yang melayani beberapa tujuan wisata mungkin kehabisan jadwal dan memerlukan pemesanan terlebih dahulu.
  • Meskipun bus tidak bergantung pada cuaca seperti feri, perjalanan bus juga dapat ditunda atau dibatalkan karena cuaca buruk atau kondisi jalan – ingatlah jika bepergian selama musim tertentu atau ke tujuan tertentu.
Baca lebih lanjut

Khai Nam Transport Rute Populer

Phnom Penh - Kota Ho Chi Minh
Bis Kursi
05:00, 12:00
Bis Tempat tidur
04:30, 05:00, 05:30, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30
Kota Ho Chi Minh - Phnom Penh
Bis Tempat tidur
04:30, 05:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30
Bis Kursi
05:30, 12:00
NaN penumpang

Khai Nam Transport Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
Tempat tidurPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam09:0016:007h 0m
Tempat tidurPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam10:3017:307h 0m
Tempat tidurPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam07:0014:007h 0m
Tempat tidurPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam05:0012:307h 30m
Tempat tidurPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam04:3011:307h 0m
Tempat tidurPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam13:3020:307h 0m
Tempat tidurPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam15:3022:307h 0m
Tempat tidurPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam14:3021:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam05:0012:007h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam04:3011:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam15:3022:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam07:0014:007h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam09:0016:007h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam10:3017:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam13:3020:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam14:3021:307h 0m
KursiPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam12:0019:007h 0m
KursiPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi Minh Khai Nam05:0012:007h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh15:3022:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh14:3021:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh13:3020:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh10:3017:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh07:0014:007h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh05:0012:007h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh04:3011:307h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh09:0016:007h 0m
Tempat tidurHo Chi MinhPhnom Penh08:0015:007h 0m
KursiHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam12:0019:007h 0m
KursiHo Chi Minh Khai NamPhnom Penh Khai Nam05:3012:307h 0m
Tempat tidurPhnom PenhHo Chi Minh07:0014:007h 0m

Khai Nam Transport Stasiun

Ho Chi MinhPhnom Penh Khai NamHo Chi MinhPhnom PenhHo Chi Minh Khai Nam

Khai Nam Transport Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Kami berangkat tepat waktu dan tiba-tiba sudah termasuk makan siang, yang rasanya enak (beberapa daging dengan nasi dan telur goreng). Saya naik bus yang berangkat dari Phenom Penh pada pukul 10:30. Saya belum tentu merekomendasikan waktu ini karena kami tiba di Kota Ho Chi Minh ketika lalu lintas paling buruk karena semua orang sedang dalam perjalanan pulang kerja. Selain itu, perjalanannya baik-baik saja, mereka akan mengambil paspor Anda untuk melintasi perbatasan dan Anda harus berjalan melintasi Pintu Keluar Kamboja dan Masuk Vietnam. Sopirnya sering membunyikan klakson, tapi saya kira begitulah cara mereka melakukannya di sini untuk memberi tahu orang-orang bahwa mereka lewat. Akan memesan perjalanan ini lagi!
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 29 Okt 2023
Pengemudi membunyikan klakson setiap 20 detik, tidak ada komunikasi antara staf dan pengendara terutama di perbatasan di mana kami diperintahkan untuk menyerahkan paspor dan visa kami tanpa ada upaya untuk memberi informasi atau menjelaskan. Bus itu sendiri baik-baik saja.
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 6 Jul 2023
The bus is reasonable, but it can be a little uncomfortable for taller people, as some seats don't have enough space to fully stretch your legs, and we were unlucky (I'm 1.73 tall). A few seats had the material (fake leather) a little damaged, but my seat luckily had its cover intact. The air conditioning can be strong at some times and they don't provide coverings on the bus, so I suggest you take a blanket or sweater on the trip as it can be cold. There was a small bottle of room temperature water free of charge at each seat. The trip was relatively uneventful, but none of them spoke English, so communication is limited. You get off at stops, for example, without knowing exactly how long you have to break to eat or go to the bathroom, or even when they take your passport, without telling you what will happen, when they will return it, what you should do, if you have already arrived at the final destination or not, then you end up getting a little lost and going with the flow without knowing what will come next. When we arrived at the final part of the journey, about a little less than an hour before reaching the center of Ho Chi Minh, we would need to get off the bus and take the final journey by Van, but I believe that due to their lack of organization, there were no enough seats in the Van, and we had to wait for the next car. They said the next car would arrive in 15 minutes, but it actually arrived 2 hours later. At least, halfway through this journey (after an hour of waiting super tired in the heat) the employees at that bus stop kindly made us wait comfortably inside an air-conditioned bus and gave us fresh water, they were very kind and polite. In the end everything worked out and we arrived at our destination. Important: If you need a visa to enter Vietnam (this depends on your nationality), only board the bus if your visa is approved, as visa on arrival is only possible when you enter the country through the airport. When entering by land, by bus or car, there is no way to obtain a visa on the spot and you have to arrange the visa in advance.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 26 Apr 2024
The overall trip was quite ok. We arrived about 2 hours late mostly due to traffic and the time spent when crossing the border. The bus does not have a lot of leg room, but it’s manageable. Also, we had enough brakes, they provide slippers, water and a free lunch. You will need to leave the passport and the visa (if required) when leaving PP, and they will help with the visa procedures. When exiting Cambodgia I had to personally go to the office, and when entering Vietnam you need to take your luggages and go through customs (there is a line for groups). Also, you will need to change the bus at some point. The communication in English was limited, so I mostly followed what the other passengers were doing. Overall, it was a good price value for the journey.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 17 Apr 2024
Border crossing was smooth but my bus arrived almost 2 hours late
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 12 Apr 2024
I read that the use of horn was excessive, and it really was. I was okay with the “aggressive” driving as it meant we would arrive faster but the first hour, the driver must’ve honked at least 100 times. AC didn’t fully work in the back. As we entered it felt nice and cool but in the back we were sweating for the whole duration. At least we had the whole row of 5 comfortable laid back seats to ourselves. My travel buddy would give it 2 stars due to mostly the heat but also other aspects, like the lack of communication skills… no English was talked nor understood (like I already read before). Border process was fast, yet unorganized. Our passports were taken at the beginning which was okay for me as this is seamungly common procedure here. We had to take out our bags to cross the border which was conveyed by shouting go go go (no first calm contact just immediate shouting like we were hostages) and then pointing to the back making discomforted noises as we were leaving without our bags… other than these “minor” incidents (for me it was manageable yet frustrating, for my buddy it was hell) the ride was quick, booking was easy and well organized, and it was cheap. We left where we were told and arrived where we should. Pauses were every 1-2 hours, which felt enough. I would do it again, my buddy wouldn’t, make of that as you will. Hope this helped.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 1 Mar 2024
The air-conditioner did not work very well. The ride was very hot. But, we arrived at the destination 30 minutes before I expected, so I was pleased with that.
Bis Kursi, Khai Nam Transport, 15 Feb 2024
No explanation of taking our passports and why, though I had read some other reviews prior to getting on so had an idea myself. We got on and off the bus a number of times even for the last 30 mins of the journey, we had to switch buses. Getting Vietnam visa was smooth (we had our evisa)
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 17 Nov 2023
Maybe the best organized bus trip we've had in all of South East Asia so far. The border crossing was especially well organized and fast. The stops along the way were sufficient and the seats comfy enough. As an extra, they had a free shuttle service from their head office in Ho-Chi-Minh City to District 1 where our hotel was located, so we didn't even need to order a Grab for the last bit of the journey, which we liked a lot.
Bis Kursi, Khai Nam Transport, 26 Okt 2023
They honestly took care of everything regarding passports and it's free lunch included. There was a language barrier so I was paranoid but I honestly had no reason to be. Thank you to the Driver and the main guy handling the passports. You did an amazing job. Just make sure you print a copy of your Visa prior to getting on bus.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 26 Okt 2023
Eventhough there are not so many information available about the trip and the border process, it went pretty smooth. Your passport will be taken away from time to time to process all the passport of the passengers a the same time. But will be given back when you need it (before going through the scanning at the vietnam side). We also got free food before the border. In the edge of HCMC we changed bus from sleeper to seater and continued to the center where we dropped off. I can only recommend them, but be prepared to go with the flow all the time.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 19 Okt 2023
The paperwork was quite confusing for the foreigners since they take the pasaports and nobody informa of anythibg in english and you have to basically believe that your passaport IS going to ve returned to you . If nobody IS going to speak english, It would be helpful to provide the instructions os what IS going to happen regarding the stops (how long are they taking and at what time and all the paperwork experiencia in the border going Up and down from the bus a thousand times, changing bus when arriving Nom Pen...) in the confirmation mail.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 25 Jul 2023
The bus was comfortable and the staff were very helpful. The visa process was interesting but easy. Basically you give your passport and money to one of the bus staff and they sort the visa for you at the border. We were a bit stressed that we didn’t get our passports back right away, but we eventually did get them back when we stopped for dinner on the Cambodian side. Free dinner was a great addition to this trip.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 21 Jul 2023
Going from HCM to PP took us 9 hours (and not 6) leaving at 5 am. This was not a very good experience. If you want to use this option you can go, but don’t be in a hurry: you know when you leave, you don’t know when you actually arrive. The staff of the bus is very helpful, trying their best. But still the border controls took overall almost 2 hours and the overall trip was just too long. Please also consider that they take your passport away 2 times and you need to be prepared to stay without passport for 1/2 hours which can make you very uncomfortable.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 20 Apr 2023
The driver honked the horn every fifth minute. We did not get any information about what to do, when to have breaks, how long etc. etc. I know that they say, the arrival time CAN be affected, but we arrived two hours later than expected. No possibilities to charge on the bus.
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 23 Mar 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 21 Feb 2024
Bis Kursi, Khai Nam Transport, 20 Apr 2024
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 8 Apr 2024
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 25 Mar 2024
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 20 Feb 2024
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 11 Des 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 4 Des 2023
Bis Kursi, Khai Nam Transport, 2 Des 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 24 Nov 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 18 Nov 2023
Bis Kursi, Khai Nam Transport, 18 Nov 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 9 Nov 2023
Bis Kursi, Khai Nam Transport, 8 Nov 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 23 Okt 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 22 Okt 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 19 Sep 2023
Bis Kursi, Khai Nam Transport, 21 Agu 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 11 Agu 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 25 Jul 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 20 Mei 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 12 Mei 2023
Bis Kursi, Khai Nam Transport, 9 Mei 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 24 Apr 2023
Bis Tempat tidur, Khai Nam Transport, 30 Mar 2023
40 Ulasan Pelanggan
87.5% dari 40 wisatawan senang dengan Khai Nam Transport karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan