Go Ho Travel

48 ulasan pelanggan
  • Tentang operator
  • Rute Populer
  • Stasiun
  • Ulasan
  • Jadwal dan Agenda

Tentang Go Ho Travel

Bus adalah sarana transportasi paling terjangkau dengan jumlah terminal yang banyak di seluruh negeri dan jadwal yang nyaman untuk membantu Anda merencanakan perjalanan Anda. Bus adalah pilihan yang nyaman baik bagi mereka yang bepergian dengan anggaran terbatas dan mereka yang tidak ingin berkompromi dengan kenyamanan. Go Ho Travel menawarkan layanan bus dengan reservasi online. Sebelum memesan tiket Anda, baca ulasan wisatawan lain untuk memilih pilihan terbaik.

Go Ho Travel Stasiun Utama

Go Ho Travel mengoperasikan bus ke dan dari stasiun berikut:

  • Siem Reap
  • Poipet Go Ho Travel
  • Battambang
  • Poipet Go Ho Travel
  • Pattaya Go Ho Travel
  • Poipet
  • Siem Reap Go Ho Travel
  • Battambang Go Ho Travel
  • Thailand Tour and Travel Office
  • Pattaya Go Ho Travel
  • Bangkok
  • Pakse
  • Phnom Penh Go Ho Travel
  • Siem Reap Go Ho Travel
  • Don Det
  • Phnom Penh
  • Bangkok Go Ho Travel

Go Ho Travel Tarif & Kelas Bus

Harga perjalanan bus Anda akan tergantung pada tujuan dan kelas tiket Anda. Perhatikan bahwa tidak semua kelas tiket tersedia di rute tertentu, namun untuk perjalanan yang lebih lama hampir selalu ada pilihan yang bagus. Pilihan untuk pelatih tidur untuk perjalanan semalam yang paling nyaman. Bus tidur biasanya dilengkapi dengan tempat berlabuh atau kursi bersandaran lembut, dilengkapi toilet di dalam pesawat dan tiket Anda mungkin juga termasuk fasilitas lain seperti makanan ringan atau bahkan makan siang. Naik bus malam juga merupakan ide bagus jika Anda ingin menghemat kamar hotel. Pada siang hari layanan ekspres seringkali merupakan nilai terbaik untuk uang karena membuat pemberhentian lebih sedikit daripada bus kelas biasa atau standar dan perjalanan lebih cepat. Pada beberapa rute mungkin penting untuk memilih kelas yang tepat karena, katakanlah, bus kelas biasa atau kelas dua mungkin memerlukan sekitar 6 jam untuk menempuh jarak yang ditempuh bus kelas satu atau bus ekspres dalam dua jam!

Kelebihan & Kekurangan Perjalanan Bus

Kelebihan Perjalanan Bus

  • Bus biasanya memiliki jaringan tujuan terluas yang tercakup. Mereka bepergian ke tempat-tempat yang tidak bisa Anda capai dengan pesawat atau bahkan dengan kereta api
  • Bepergian dengan bus itu mudah – tidak perlu tiba di terminal bus jauh-jauh hari, dan check-in biasanya merupakan formalitas yang sangat cepat berlawanan dengan perjalanan udara
  • Tiket bus sangat terjangkau. Ya, ada pilihan kelas satu atau VIP yang mahal tetapi jika Anda memiliki anggaran terbatas, bus adalah sarana transportasi pertama yang harus Anda pikirkan
  • Pada saat yang sama, ada berbagai kelas layanan yang sesuai dengan anggaran apa pun. Jika Anda menginginkan tingkat kenyamanan yang lebih tinggi, bus juga membantu Anda.

Kekurangan Perjalanan Bus

  • Terminal bus antar kota dapat berlokasi di luar pusat kota di pinggiran kota. Ini berarti Anda perlu menghitung waktu dan uang ekstra untuk sampai ke sana. Di tujuan tertentu dari terminal bus dapat dikenakan biaya lebih dari yang Anda harapkan karena hanya sejumlah perusahaan transportasi yang diizinkan untuk melayani rute – dan harga dapat meningkat.
  • Selama akhir pekan yang sibuk atau musim pemesanan bus yang tinggi yang melayani beberapa tujuan wisata mungkin kehabisan jadwal dan memerlukan pemesanan terlebih dahulu.
  • Meskipun bus tidak bergantung pada cuaca seperti feri, perjalanan bus juga dapat ditunda atau dibatalkan karena cuaca buruk atau kondisi jalan – ingatlah jika bepergian selama musim tertentu atau ke tujuan tertentu.
Baca lebih lanjut

Go Ho Travel Rute Populer

Phnom Penh - Bangkok
Bis Tempat tidur
Bis Minibis
Mobil Van mobil minivan
07:30, 08:00
Battambang - Pattaya
Mobil Van VIP
08:00, 08:30, 13:30
Mobil Van mobil minivan
08:00, 08:30, 13:30
Bis Minibis
08:00, 08:30, 13:30
Pakse - Siem Reap
Phnom Penh - Pattaya
Mobil Van mobil minivan
07:30, 08:00
Bis Tempat tidur
Bis Minibis
Siem Reap - Don Det
Battambang - Siem Reap
Bis Shuttle
09:30, 13:45
Bis Minibis
09:30, 13:45
Bangkok - Phnom Penh
Mobil Van mobil minivan
Bis Minibis
Siem Reap - Poipet
Mobil Van mobil minivan
Bis Minibis
01:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 13:15
Bis Shuttle
01:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00
Siem Reap - Pattaya
Bis Minibis
01:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 13:15
Mobil Van mobil minivan
01:30, 03:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 13:15
Battambang - Bangkok
Bis Minibis
Mobil Van mobil minivan
08:30, 13:30
Siem Reap - Trat
01:30, 07:30
Champassak - Siem Reap
08:05, 09:00
Poipet - Phnom Penh
Siem Reap - Champassak
Bangkok - Battambang
Mobil Van mobil minivan
01:30, 04:30, 08:30, 13:30
Bis Minibis
01:30, 04:30, 08:30, 13:30
Pattaya - Siem Reap
Bis Minibis
04:00, 08:00, 11:00
Mobil Van mobil minivan
04:00, 08:00, 11:00
Battambang - Phnom Penh
10:30, 12:45
Siem Reap - Pakse
Mobil Van mobil minivan
Bis Minibis
Siem Reap - Bangkok
Mobil Van mobil minivan
03:30, 13:15, 15:30
Bis Minibis
01:30, 08:30, 09:00, 13:15
Bis Shuttle
01:30, 03:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00
Bangkok - Siem Reap
Bis Minibis
01:30, 04:30, 08:30, 13:30
Mobil Van mobil minivan
01:30, 04:30, 08:00, 08:30, 13:30
Banteay Meanchey - Siem Reap
07:30, 10:30, 13:45, 14:45, 17:00
Poipet - Siem Reap
Mobil Van mobil minivan
07:30, 10:30, 13:45, 14:45, 17:00
Bis Minibis
07:30, 10:30, 13:45, 14:45, 17:00
Pattaya - Phnom Penh
Mobil Van mobil minivan
Bis Minibis
Siem Reap - Battambang
Bis Minibis
09:30, 13:45
Bis Shuttle
09:30, 13:45
Banteay Meanchey - Phnom Penh
07:30, 09:30
Poipet - Pattaya
01:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 13:15
Siem Reap - Banteay Meanchey
01:30, 07:30, 08:30, 09:00, 13:15
Pattaya - Battambang
Mobil Van mobil minivan
04:00, 08:00, 11:00
Bis Minibis
04:00, 08:00, 11:00
Siem Reap - Stung Treng
Banteay Meanchey - Bangkok
06:00, 11:30, 12:30, 14:00
NaN penumpang

Go Ho Travel Jadwal dan Agenda

KelasPelabuhan KeberangkatanPelabuhan KedatanganKeberangkatanKedatanganWaktu Perjalanan
ShuttleSiem Reap Go Ho TravelBattambang Go Ho Travel09:3012:303h 0m
ShuttleSiem Reap Go Ho TravelBattambang Go Ho Travel13:4516:453h 0m
ShuttleBattambang Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel13:4516:453h 0m
ShuttleBattambang Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel09:3012:303h 0m
MinibisSiem Reap Go Ho TravelBattambang Go Ho Travel09:3013:304h 0m
MinibisSiem Reap Go Ho TravelBattambang Go Ho Travel13:4518:154h 30m
mobil minivanPattaya Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel08:0018:0010h 0m
mobil minivanPattaya Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel04:0014:0010h 0m
mobil minivanPattaya Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel11:0021:0010h 0m
mobil minivanSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel13:1523:1510h 0m
mobil minivanSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel01:3011:3010h 0m
mobil minivanSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel03:3013:3010h 0m
mobil minivanSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel07:3017:3010h 0m
mobil minivanSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel08:3018:3010h 0m
mobil minivanSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel09:0019:0010h 0m
MinibisSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel09:0019:0034h 0m
MinibisSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel07:3017:3010h 0m
MinibisSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel01:3011:3010h 0m
MinibisSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel08:3018:3010h 0m
MinibisSiem Reap Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho Travel13:1523:1510h 0m
MinibisBattambang Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel13:4517:454h 0m
MinibisBattambang Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel09:3013:304h 0m
mobil minivanSiem Reap Go Ho TravelLao Adventurer Travel08:1518:1510h 0m
MinibisPattaya Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel08:0019:0011h 0m
MinibisPattaya Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel04:0015:0011h 0m
MinibisPattaya Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel11:0022:0011h 0m
mobil minivanPoipet Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel17:0020:003h 0m
mobil minivanPoipet Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel14:4517:453h 0m
mobil minivanPoipet Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel13:4516:453h 0m
mobil minivanPoipet Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho Travel10:3013:303h 0m

Go Ho Travel Stasiun

Siem ReapPoipet Go Ho TravelBattambangPoipet Go Ho TravelPattaya Go Ho TravelPoipetSiem Reap Go Ho TravelBattambang Go Ho TravelThailand Tour and Travel OfficePattaya Go Ho TravelBangkokPaksePhnom Penh Go Ho TravelSiem Reap Go Ho TravelDon DetPhnom PenhBangkok Go Ho Travel

Go Ho Travel Ulasan tentang perusahaan

Kami berkendara dari Siem Reap ke Battambang dengan GO HonTravel. Perjalanannya sangat bagus, bus (sedikit lebih besar dari minivan) sangat nyaman dan kami bahkan tiba satu jam lebih awal, meskipun pengemudi mengemudi dengan sangat baik dan tidak terburu-buru. Namun, kami juga melakukan rute Battambang ke Phnom Penh dengan penyedia yang sama dan itu mengerikan! Busnya sudah sangat tua (masih ada stiker tol Jerman dari tahun 2014 di jendelanya) dan kursinya sangat tidak nyaman. Saat mengerem, seluruh kursi didorong ke depan dan kami merasa tidak aman (Anda juga tidak bisa memasang sabuk pengaman). Setelah 6 jam semuanya terasa sakit dan kami diusir ke suatu tempat di luar pusat! Kami pasti tidak akan merekomendasikan penyedia untuk rute ini!!!
Ulasan ini diterjemahkan secara otomatis
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 1 Feb 2023
The reviews scared us a little bit but the journey was so good! Bus was there before we were, only 4 people on a massive bus and it stopped half way through for a toilet break! Would highly recommend
Bis Shuttle, Go Ho Travel, 16 Apr 2024
Great trip, fantastic driver and everything really professional. 5 stara
Bis Shuttle, Go Ho Travel, 5 Apr 2024
Minibus mit ca. 15 Plätzen. Nicht ausgebucht und rucksichts
Bis Shuttle, Go Ho Travel, 31 Mar 2024
Great staff, very helpful and careful, nice driver
Bis Shuttle, Go Ho Travel, 7 Feb 2024
The seats in the middle are a bit uncomfortable. The driver doesn’t speak English. They did’t give us the seats I chose.
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 3 Jan 2024
They were on time to leave and arrive. Comfortable seats and journey
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 28 Des 2023
The driver was courteous and drove safely. Only problem was, we were dropped off far from siem reap center, and left with tuk tuk drivers who offers 2x the price of Angkor Wat tour.
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 24 Agu 2023
We booked a minibus VIP and at the end, we went with a private car with a woman and her child. A little bit small the space but comfortable enough, and we arrive 1h early, so at the end it was great!
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 12 Agu 2023
Fast and reasonably comfortable. We made multiple stops and picked up or dropped off various packages but we got to siem reap on time. We were going in 7 seater van which was fairly comfortable for 3h journey.
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 23 Jan 2023
Perfect, got a car instead of bus, but everything went smooth and faster
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 13 Jan 2023
We had a car instead of a mini van but that was fine. A bit small for tall people though. Got their early.
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 27 Nov 2022
We had booked a mini bus however as their wasn't enough people we took the journey in a very comfortable people carrier with AC, journey was great and I would book again, arrived ahead of time quoted too :)
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 9 Nov 2022
2 stars because we made it alive and on the same day we had hoped. It was late 3 hours but they warned us of that due to traffic. The driver also was a bit reckless. The pick up process after crossing the border was very confusing and not organized. We lost 2 members of our group. But again; we made it somehow! If you’re high strung and anxiety ridden maybe spend the extra money on a flight or for a luxury transport business. If youre a very go with the flow person, this was cheap and it gets you there.
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 30 Sep 2022
The bus up until the border was fine, but after crossing into Cambodia I was put in a car with a family. The driver kept making stops the whole way there so ended up getting to siem reap nearly 2 hours later than expected. The driver also picked up two locals so the car was very cramped. Not what I paid for.
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 16 Sep 2022
People were very friendly. Before the border we had a van, after the border we got a private car with a chauffeur.
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 8 Sep 2022
ca. 15 Min. zu früh abgefahren; Es ging mit einem privatem Auto und keinem Van bis zur Grenze, wo wir selbst den Grenzübergang beschreiten mussten. An der thailändischen Seite mussten wir das Fahrzeug wechseln (nun in einem VAN mit mehr Personen als zuvor). Ich konnte nicht meinen gebuchten Platz (1. Reihe) nutzen.
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 3 Sep 2022
We turned up at Go Ho travel with 25 mins to spare before our departure date. Spoke to someone who worked there but he didn’t seem to have any idea about our bus. When it got to half 1 which was when our bus was meant to depart, no bus was to be seen. So I asked again, where is our bus. After he made a few phone calls to his ‘boss’ a random car pulled up and he advised that this was our ride to siem reap. I questioned it as it wasn’t a company van. He got be on the phone to his boss and he assured me, the driver would take me and my partner to siem reap. Anyway, that was the case. So 30 mins later we were on the road. The ride was comfortable but it was very unprofessional and slightly stressful overal experience. Especially when you’ve paid for it all already and your bus doesn’t even turn up.
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 18 Agu 2022
Bis Shuttle, Go Ho Travel, 1 Apr 2024
Bis Shuttle, Go Ho Travel, 19 Mar 2024
Bis Shuttle, Go Ho Travel, 22 Jan 2024
Bis Shuttle, Go Ho Travel, 12 Jan 2024
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 30 Des 2023
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 27 Des 2023
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 16 Des 2023
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 16 Des 2023
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 12 Des 2023
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 12 Des 2023
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 9 Nov 2023
Bis Minibis, Go Ho Travel, 7 Nov 2023
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 11 Okt 2023
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 28 Mei 2023
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 27 Mei 2023
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 19 Mei 2023
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 27 Mar 2023
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 15 Mar 2023
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 9 Mar 2023
Bis Kursi, Go Ho Travel, 7 Feb 2023
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 5 Des 2022
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 17 Nov 2022
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 8 Nov 2022
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 27 Okt 2022
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 13 Okt 2022
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 6 Sep 2022
Mobil van VIP, Go Ho Travel, 30 Agu 2022
48 Ulasan Pelanggan
87.5% dari 48 wisatawan senang dengan Go Ho Travel karena memeberikan ulasan yang bagus atau tidak ada ulasan