Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh

Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh

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Prijevoz od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh

Činjenice o prijevozu od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh

Najjeftiniji prijevoz24 USD
Najbrži prijevoz50m
Najraniji polazak5:00 AM
Najkasniji polazak10:30 PM
Polasci po danu38
Udaljenost709 kilometara
Prijevozničke kompanijeCambodia Angkor Air, Danh Danh Bus, Giant Ibis Transport, Khai Nam Transport, Kumho Samco, Long Phuong Cambodia, SIMA Car, Thai AirAsia, Thai Duong Limousine, Vietnam Airlines

Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh Recenzije odredišta

The bus is reasonable, but it can be a little uncomfortable for taller people, as some seats don't have enough space to fully stretch your legs, and we were unlucky (I'm 1.73 tall). A few seats had the material (fake leather) a little damaged, but my seat luckily had its cover intact. The air conditioning can be strong at some times and they don't provide coverings on the bus, so I suggest you take a blanket or sweater on the trip as it can be cold. There was a small bottle of room temperature water free of charge at each seat. The trip was relatively uneventful, but none of them spoke English, so communication is limited. You get off at stops, for example, without knowing exactly how long you have to break to eat or go to the bathroom, or even when they take your passport, without telling you what will happen, when they will return it, what you should do, if you have already arrived at the final destination or not, then you end up getting a little lost and going with the flow without knowing what will come next. When we arrived at the final part of the journey, about a little less than an hour before reaching the center of Ho Chi Minh, we would need to get off the bus and take the final journey by Van, but I believe that due to their lack of organization, there were no enough seats in the Van, and we had to wait for the next car. They said the next car would arrive in 15 minutes, but it actually arrived 2 hours later. At least, halfway through this journey (after an hour of waiting super tired in the heat) the employees at that bus stop kindly made us wait comfortably inside an air-conditioned bus and gave us fresh water, they were very kind and polite. In the end everything worked out and we arrived at our destination. Important: If you need a visa to enter Vietnam (this depends on your nationality), only board the bus if your visa is approved, as visa on arrival is only possible when you enter the country through the airport. When entering by land, by bus or car, there is no way to obtain a visa on the spot and you have to arrange the visa in advance.
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Khai Nam Transport, 26. tra 2024.
The overall trip was quite ok. We arrived about 2 hours late mostly due to traffic and the time spent when crossing the border. The bus does not have a lot of leg room, but it’s manageable. Also, we had enough brakes, they provide slippers, water and a free lunch. You will need to leave the passport and the visa (if required) when leaving PP, and they will help with the visa procedures. When exiting Cambodgia I had to personally go to the office, and when entering Vietnam you need to take your luggages and go through customs (there is a line for groups). Also, you will need to change the bus at some point. The communication in English was limited, so I mostly followed what the other passengers were doing. Overall, it was a good price value for the journey.
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Khai Nam Transport, 17. tra 2024.
Border crossing was smooth but my bus arrived almost 2 hours late
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Khai Nam Transport, 12. tra 2024.
No tables, recline of the seats only a little bit possible, bad communication Crew to guest. They should let us know some Minutes before a stop, that we will stop. Instead they pushed us after the bus stop. Bad English skills of the crew, bad behavior, watching movies next to guest without headphones. Would be easier, when writing the complete Adresse for PickUp and DropOff on the voucher instead of „Ho-Chi-Minh City“.
Autobus Seater 41, Airbus, 17. ožu 2024.
Smooth driving, comfortable seats, water given out, 2 stops (one was the border). Driver’s assistant was helpful in fixing my seat that was broken, and then allowing me to change seats. Left on the dot, arrived about 30 minutes late due to rush hour traffic (took the 11am bus). Print your visa before the bus ride! This is paramount as you will give over your passport and visa at the beginning of the trip. Don’t be upset with the giving and getting your passport, taking your luggage off the bus only to put it back on, waiting around, etc. If you spoke Khmer, I’m sure they would be happy to explain the specific border policies to you. Since you don’t, that’s YOUR problem. Be patient, just do as you are told, you get where you are going in the end.
Autobus Express, Long Phuong Cambodia, 3. ožu 2024.
I read that the use of horn was excessive, and it really was. I was okay with the “aggressive” driving as it meant we would arrive faster but the first hour, the driver must’ve honked at least 100 times. AC didn’t fully work in the back. As we entered it felt nice and cool but in the back we were sweating for the whole duration. At least we had the whole row of 5 comfortable laid back seats to ourselves. My travel buddy would give it 2 stars due to mostly the heat but also other aspects, like the lack of communication skills… no English was talked nor understood (like I already read before). Border process was fast, yet unorganized. Our passports were taken at the beginning which was okay for me as this is seamungly common procedure here. We had to take out our bags to cross the border which was conveyed by shouting go go go (no first calm contact just immediate shouting like we were hostages) and then pointing to the back making discomforted noises as we were leaving without our bags… other than these “minor” incidents (for me it was manageable yet frustrating, for my buddy it was hell) the ride was quick, booking was easy and well organized, and it was cheap. We left where we were told and arrived where we should. Pauses were every 1-2 hours, which felt enough. I would do it again, my buddy wouldn’t, make of that as you will. Hope this helped.
Autobus Prijevozno sredstvo koje nudi mogućnost spavanja, Khai Nam Transport, 1. ožu 2024.
It Should Be 3 Seats In A Row, Which Is Business Class Anyway.
Autobus Universe Noble 37, Giant Ibis Transport (Giant ibis Transport), 27. velj 2024.
The air-conditioner did not work very well. The ride was very hot. But, we arrived at the destination 30 minutes before I expected, so I was pleased with that.
Autobus Seater, Khai Nam Transport, 15. velj 2024.
Was great nice and easy, border crossing was fast and there were not many people on the bus so it was peaceful, only thing I could think of that wasn’t good is we only actually stopped once for the bathroom not including the border stop
Autobus Express, Long Phuong Cambodia, 28. sij 2024.
In the beginning they take your passport without really explaining why but at the border to Vietnam everything went smoothly and easy. We arrived 30 min late but I think that is reasonable.
Autobus VIP 31, Techbus VN JSC (Techbus Vietnam Joint stock company), 4. sij 2024.
619 recenzija kupaca

Kako doći od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh

Kada želite stići od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh, morate razmotriti nekoliko opcija. Putovanje između ovih odredišta moguće je različitim prijevoznim sredstvima:

  • Let
  • Autobus
  • Taxi

    Ako tražite brzo putovanje, preporučujemo da koristite Let. Međutim, ako biste radije odvojili vrijeme za sporiju i pristupačniju opciju putovanja, možete rezervirati Let kartu.

    Trošak putovanja ovisit će o prijevoznom sredstvu koje odaberete za svoje putovanje. Karta Let najskuplja je opcija - koštat će vas oko USD 328.60. Ako želite uštedjeti na prijevozu, bolje je uzeti autobus, jer karta za autobus košta samo USD 24.15.

Koliko je Phnom Penh udaljen od Ho Chi Minh?

Ako putujete kopnom, važno je znati udaljenost od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh. Vaše će putovanje biti ukupno 441 milja (709 km). Udaljenost leta je 441 milja (709 km).

Koliko je potrebno da stignete od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh?

Vrijeme putovanja od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh može varirati ovisno o načinu prijevoza koji odaberete. Uzimajući sve u obzir, cijelo bi putovanje trebalo trajati od 1 do 12 sati.

Koliko košta doći od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh?

Cijena putovanja od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh varira ovisno o tome koje prijevozno sredstvo odaberete za svoje putovanje. Najpovoljniji operater je Kumho Samco: putujući autobus očekujte da ćete platiti samo USD 24.15 za svoju kartu.

Međutim, ako tražite luksuznija putovanja, najskuplja varijanta je da se odlučite za Let - jednosmjerna karta Let može koštati koliko i USD 328.60.

Ovdje je grafikon prosječnih cijena karata i mogućnosti prijevoza dostupnih od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh:

  • Let
  • Autobus
  • Taxi

Koliko putovanja dnevno ima između Phnom Penh i Ho Chi Minh?

Ovisno o vašem izboru prijevoza, broj dnevnih putovanja varira.

  • Autobusi počinju voziti rutom od 05:00 - autobusom možete ići i sve do 15:30. Postoje 25 dostupnih autobusnih putovanja svaki dan.
  • Letovi od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh polaze tijekom dana - ima otprilike 11 polazaka dnevno.
  • Taksiji su dobra opcija za razmatranje i za ovu rutu. Rezervirajte taksi koji će vas odvesti od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh u bilo koje doba dana.

Koje je prijevozno sredstvo najbolje za rutu?


Putovanje avionom najbrži je način da stignete od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh. Iako je to često najskuplja opcija, način, povremeno možete ugrabiti promotivne karte za manje-više cijenu karte za vlak ili trajekt. Obično je minimalni iznos koji trebate platiti za avionsku kartu USD 109.00.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti prije ulaska u avion:

  • Preporučuje se rezervirati kartu unaprijed i prijaviti se putem interneta. Na ovaj način možete uštedjeti više od 2 sata u zračnoj luci, a ako je vaš odabir sjedala na principu tko prvi dođe, imat ćete više mogućnosti za odabir.
  • Prolazak sigurnosnih provjera može potrajati - preporučuje se doći do zračne luke najmanje 1,5 sat unaprijed.

Zračne tvrtke koje lete od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh

Cambodia Angkor Air, Thai AirAsia (แอร์เอเชีย), Vietnam Airlines (เวียดนาม แิอร์ไลน์)


Putovati autobusom od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh jeftinije je nego letjeti. Često je međugradski autobus najjeftinija opcija prijevoza. Autobusi se obično usput zaustavljaju u toaletima i/ili restoranima.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti prije nego se odlučite za vožnju autobusom:

  • Ako je moguće, svakako odaberite autobuse više klase za ugodnije iskustvo putovanja. Takvi autobusi često imaju klimatizacijski sustav, mekana pomična sjedala, Wi-Fi, toalete, itd.
  • Kao i kod avionskih karata, autobuse je bolje rezervirati unaprijed kako biste si osigurali dobro mjesto.
  • Prilikom rezervacije autobusa imajte na umu da su kašnjenja moguća. Ipak, isplati se doći do autobusnog kolodvora barem 15 minuta prije planiranog polaska.


Uhvatiti taksi najlakši je način da stignete od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh. Omogućuje vam da skrojite svoje putovanje, planirate sve obilaznice i vidite sva mjesta koja želite. Možete odabrati i vrstu i veličinu vašeg automobila kako biste bi vam bilo udobno koliko želite.

Ovisno o ruti, može koštati i USD 150.00.

Stvari koje treba zapamtiti: Dobro je pratiti rutu na Google kartama ili bilo kojem drugom GPS navigatoru.

Najpopularniji prijevoz od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh

Kako odabrati najprikladniji način putovanja od Phnom Penh do Ho Chi Minh? Kako bismo vam olakšali odabir prijevoza, zamolili smo 1000 korisnika da izdvoje svoje preferencije za ovu rutu. Evo rezultata ankete:

  • 98% je odabralo autobus.
  • 1% Druge