Vietnam Railways

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O Vietnam Railways

Putovanje željeznicom prikladan je način da istražite zemlju. Bez obzira na to želite li iskustvo stare škole sa sporim dugolinijskim vlakom ili super modernim brzim ekspresom, putovanje vlakom Vam omogućuje da stignete na odredište sa stilom i maksimalno uživate u putovanju. Vietnam Railways je jedan od operatera kod kojeg možete rezervirati vožnju vlakom. Prije nego što potvrdite svoju rezervaciju, ne zaboravite provjeriti datum putovanja, klasu, cijenu i uvjete Vaše karte.

Koje su glavne stanice Vietnam Railways?

Glavne postaje pokrivene zemljovidom rute Vietnam Railways uključuju

  • Tu Son
  • Mau A
  • Cho Sy
  • Viet Tri
  • Minh Le
  • Dong Le
  • My Duc
  • Long Bien
  • Thach Loi
  • Binh Thuan
  • Nha Trang
  • Lang Khay
  • Bao Ha
  • Cam Giang
  • Trai Hut
  • Kim Lien
  • Da Nang
  • Song Mao
  • Quy Nhon
  • Ninh Binh
  • Hai Duong
  • Nam Dinh
  • Tam Ky
  • Phu Ly
  • Thuong Ly
  • Sapa Lao Cai
  • Quang Ngai
  • Tuy Hoa
  • Pho Lu
  • Yen Vien
  • La Hai
  • Hue
  • Co Loa
  • Minh Khoi
  • Nga Ba
  • Hai Phong
  • Bim Son
  • Huong Pho
  • Gia
  • Yen Trung
  • Gia Huynh
  • Yen Bai
  • Tra Kieu
  • Dong Hoi
  • My Trach
  • Song Than
  • Phu Dien
  • Hanoi
  • Giap Bat
  • Van Dien
  • Phu Tho
  • Long Khanh
  • Ninh Hoa
  • Ngoc Lam
  • Nui Thanh
  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phu Thai
  • Phan Thiet
  • Thanh Hoa
  • Vinh Yen
  • Bong Son
  • Dong Ha
  • Bien Hoa
  • Dieu Tri
  • Thap Cham
  • Vinh
  • Suoi Kiet
  • Duc Pho
  • Lang Co
  • Gia Lam

Koje su najpopularnije linije Vietnam Railways?

Evo nekih ruta koje nudi Vietnam Railways koje uživaju najveću popularnost među putnicima:

Koje su klase i cijene vlakova Vietnam Railways?

Ovisno o duljini Vašeg putovanja i Bašim željama, možete odabrati kartu prvog ili drugog razreda u vagonu za noćenje ili se odlučiti za tvrdo ili meko sjedalo, ako je dostupno. Imajte na umu da izbor klasa karata ovisi i o ruti i o duljini Vašeg putovanja. U osnovi, Vaš vlak može imati ležajeve prve klase, ali nećete moći rezervirati jedan ako se vozite samo kratku dvosatnu vožnju. Općenito, ležajevi u drugom razredu dobar su izbor za duža putovanja, a meka sjedala će Vam biti dostatna ako bi Vaša vožnja vlakom trebala trajati manje od 4-5 sati.

Prednosti i nedostaci putovanja vlakom

Prednosti putovanja vlakom

  • Najbolja stvar kod putovanja željeznicom je da nema prometnih gužvi. Čak i u špici, dugim vikendima ili tijekom vrhunca sezone
  • Jednostavan proces online rezervacije – ne morate ići na željeznički kolodvor, što je ne tako davno bio slučaj na mnogim mjestima!
  • Cijene karata za vlak obično su pristupačnije u odnosu na zrakoplovne, ali za određena odredišta i putovanja ukupno vrijeme putovanja može biti gotovo isto
  • Dok je putovanje željeznicom očito sporije od zračnog putovanja, željezničke stanice se često nalaze u centru grada, što Vam štedi puno vremena da stignete do/od tamo, dok su zračne luke gotovo uvijek prilično udaljene od grada
  • Noćno putovanje omogućuje Vam uštedu na hotelskoj sobi i istovremeno dobro spavanje – suprotno noćnom autobusu, gdje je čak i klasa spavanja veliki kompromis
  • Na određenim rutama dostupna je luksuzna usluga

Nedostaci putovanja vlakom

  • Za dulja putovanja vožnja vlakom definitivno oduzima više vremena od putovanja zrakoplovom.
  • Vlakovi voze prema rasporedu, ali zakašnjenje nije neuobičajeno za putovanja vlakom – a kašnjenja mogu biti ogromna, pa ako planirate vezu s Vašim letom, pažljivo provjerite vrijeme kada Vaš vlak stiže na stanicu i dvaput razmislite.
  • Čistoća je ponekad problem s kartama za drugi i treći razred, a također i s WC-om.
  • Ako vaš vlak puno staje, u nekim je slučajevima teško shvatiti kada treba sići, jer stajališta nisu uvijek jasno najavljena ili označena, osim na elektroničkom ekranu.
Pročitaj više

Vietnam Railways Popularne Rute

Dong Nai - Quang Binh
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
06:38, 06:48, 07:42, 07:51, 14:05, 15:22, 20:18, 21:20, 21:21
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
06:38, 06:48, 07:42, 07:51, 14:05, 15:22, 20:18, 21:20, 21:21
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
06:38, 06:48, 07:42, 07:51, 14:05, 15:22, 20:18, 21:20, 21:21
Da Nang - Quang Ngai
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
01:13, 01:49, 05:02, 06:10, 07:39, 08:15, 08:50, 08:51, 09:39, 10:50, 11:29, 11:40, 12:47, 13:12, 14:22, 15:08, 17:40, 20:05, 21:07, 22:15, 23:25, 23:27
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
01:13, 01:49, 05:02, 06:10, 07:39, 08:00, 08:15, 08:50, 09:39, 10:50, 11:29, 11:40, 12:47, 13:12, 14:22, 15:08, 16:13, 17:40, 20:05, 21:07, 22:15, 23:25
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
01:13, 01:49, 05:02, 06:10, 07:39, 08:00, 08:15, 08:50, 09:39, 10:50, 11:29, 11:40, 12:47, 13:12, 14:22, 15:08, 17:40, 20:05, 21:07, 22:15, 23:25
Vlak Kabina 2x
01:13, 12:47, 13:12
Quang Binh - Hue
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:41, 03:52, 05:18, 06:40, 07:38, 13:06, 14:17, 14:55, 15:13, 15:53, 17:32, 18:10, 20:24, 22:18, 23:03
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
00:41, 03:52, 05:18, 06:40, 07:38, 14:55, 15:13, 15:53, 17:32, 18:10, 22:18, 23:03
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:41, 03:52, 05:18, 06:40, 07:38, 13:06, 14:17, 14:55, 15:13, 15:53, 17:32, 18:10, 20:24, 22:18, 23:03
Vlak Kabina 2x
Quang Nam - Hanoi
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
05:55, 05:57, 07:10, 07:43, 07:53, 08:26, 08:29, 08:30, 09:00, 09:09, 09:23, 11:06, 11:12, 11:15, 11:48, 11:54, 12:15, 12:58, 13:02, 13:47, 14:40, 14:43, 21:45, 23:05, 23:06
Vlak Kabina 2x
08:26, 12:15, 12:58
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
05:55, 05:57, 07:10, 07:43, 07:53, 08:26, 08:29, 08:30, 09:00, 09:09, 09:23, 11:06, 11:12, 11:15, 11:48, 11:54, 12:15, 12:58, 13:02, 13:47, 14:40, 14:43, 21:45, 23:05, 23:06
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
05:55, 05:57, 07:10, 07:43, 07:53, 08:26, 08:29, 09:00, 09:09, 11:06, 11:12, 11:15, 11:48, 11:54, 12:15, 12:58, 13:02, 13:47, 14:40, 14:43, 21:45, 23:05, 23:06
Hanoi - Quang Ngai
Vlak Kabina 2x
08:40, 20:55, 22:15
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
05:50, 06:10, 08:00, 08:40, 10:20, 12:55, 13:50, 14:20, 15:30, 19:20, 20:20, 20:55, 21:20, 22:15
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
05:50, 06:10, 08:00, 08:40, 10:20, 12:55, 13:50, 14:20, 15:30, 19:20, 20:20, 20:55, 21:20, 22:15
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
05:50, 06:10, 08:00, 08:40, 10:20, 12:55, 13:50, 14:20, 15:30, 19:20, 20:20, 20:55, 21:20, 22:15
Quang Tri - Ho Chi Minh
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
00:36, 01:52, 02:43, 04:17, 04:29, 05:24, 06:50, 07:28, 08:48, 09:16, 09:32, 10:21, 18:15, 19:21, 20:54, 21:26
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:36, 01:52, 02:43, 04:17, 04:29, 05:24, 06:50, 07:28, 08:48, 09:16, 09:32, 10:21, 11:33, 15:58, 18:15, 19:21, 20:54, 21:26
Vlak Kabina 2x
08:48, 09:16, 20:54
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:36, 01:52, 02:43, 04:17, 04:29, 05:24, 06:50, 07:28, 08:48, 09:16, 09:32, 10:21, 11:33, 15:58, 18:15, 19:21, 20:54, 21:26
Hanoi - Sapa
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
21:35, 22:11
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
21:35, 22:00, 22:11, 22:36
Vlak Kabina 2x
21:35, 22:00, 22:11, 22:36
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
21:35, 22:11
Nha Trang - Dong Hoi
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:15, 02:36, 02:37, 03:01, 03:56, 04:00, 04:17, 04:26, 05:06, 06:34, 07:17, 11:44, 12:04, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 14:31, 14:33, 16:24, 17:04, 17:35, 17:58, 19:07, 20:18, 20:37, 21:10, 21:19, 22:33, 23:25, 23:28, 23:30
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
00:15, 02:36, 02:37, 03:01, 03:56, 04:00, 04:17, 04:26, 05:06, 06:34, 07:17, 11:44, 12:04, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 14:31, 14:33, 16:24, 17:04, 17:35, 17:58, 19:07, 20:18, 20:37, 21:10, 21:19, 22:33, 23:25, 23:28, 23:30
Vlak Kabina 2x
03:56, 05:06, 17:04, 21:10, 23:30
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:15, 02:36, 02:37, 03:01, 03:56, 04:00, 04:17, 04:26, 05:06, 06:34, 07:17, 11:44, 12:04, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 14:31, 14:33, 16:24, 17:04, 17:35, 17:58, 19:07, 20:18, 20:37, 21:10, 21:19, 22:33, 23:25, 23:28, 23:30
Ha Tinh - Ho Chi Minh
Vlak Kabina 2x
04:09, 04:54
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
04:09, 04:54, 05:31, 06:11, 13:12, 13:46, 15:38, 19:00, 20:40, 21:47, 23:04, 23:32
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
04:09, 04:54, 05:31, 06:11, 09:44, 10:44, 13:12, 13:46, 15:38, 18:00, 19:00, 20:40, 21:32, 21:47, 22:24, 23:04, 23:32
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
04:09, 04:54, 05:31, 06:11, 13:12, 13:46, 15:38, 19:00, 20:40, 21:32, 21:47, 23:04, 23:32
Quang Ngai - Phu Yen
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:13, 01:26, 02:03, 03:54, 05:06, 07:05, 08:39, 09:09, 10:53, 11:37, 12:15, 12:20, 12:58, 13:40, 14:22, 14:45, 15:00, 15:29, 15:48, 17:22, 17:57
Vlak Kabina 2x
03:54, 15:29, 15:48
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
01:26, 02:03, 03:54, 05:06, 07:05, 08:39, 09:09, 10:53, 11:37, 12:15, 12:20, 12:58, 13:40, 14:22, 14:45, 15:29, 15:48, 17:22, 17:57
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:13, 01:26, 02:03, 03:54, 05:06, 07:05, 08:39, 09:09, 10:53, 11:37, 12:15, 12:20, 12:58, 13:40, 14:22, 14:45, 15:00, 15:29, 15:48, 17:22, 17:57
Hanoi - Quang Tri
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
05:50, 06:10, 08:00, 08:40, 10:20, 12:55, 13:50, 14:20, 15:30, 19:20, 20:20, 20:55, 21:20, 22:15
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
05:50, 06:10, 08:00, 08:40, 10:20, 12:55, 13:50, 14:20, 15:30, 19:20, 19:50, 19:55, 20:20, 20:55, 21:20, 22:15
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
05:50, 06:10, 08:00, 08:40, 10:20, 12:55, 13:50, 14:20, 15:30, 19:20, 19:50, 19:55, 20:20, 20:55, 21:20, 22:15
Vlak Kabina 2x
08:40, 20:55, 22:15
Thanh Hoa - Dong Nai
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
09:01, 15:46, 18:21
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
09:01, 15:46, 18:21
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
15:46, 18:21
Nghe An - Nam Dinh
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
02:45, 11:29, 11:40, 14:39, 21:01, 21:33, 22:52, 23:11, 23:47
Vlak Kabina 2x
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
05:01, 11:29, 11:40, 14:39, 21:01, 21:33, 22:52, 23:11, 23:47
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
02:45, 11:29, 11:40, 14:39, 21:01, 21:33, 22:52, 23:11, 23:47
Binh Thuan - Nam Dinh
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
00:04, 01:16, 09:27, 09:46, 11:40, 12:55, 15:18, 16:49, 17:40, 18:46, 22:41, 23:08, 23:13
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:04, 01:16, 09:27, 09:46, 11:40, 12:55, 15:18, 16:49, 17:40, 18:46, 22:41, 23:08, 23:13
Vlak Kabina 2x
00:04, 01:16, 12:55, 18:46
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:04, 01:16, 09:27, 09:46, 11:40, 12:55, 15:18, 16:49, 17:40, 18:46, 22:41, 23:08, 23:13
Ha Nam - Ninh Binh
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
06:53, 07:15, 09:04, 09:43, 11:25, 14:00, 15:01, 15:32, 16:33, 20:23, 21:25, 21:59, 22:25, 23:17
Vlak Kabina 2x
09:43, 21:59, 23:17
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
06:53, 07:15, 09:04, 09:43, 11:25, 14:00, 15:01, 15:32, 16:33, 20:23, 21:25, 21:59, 22:25, 23:17
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
06:53, 07:15, 09:04, 09:43, 11:25, 14:00, 15:01, 15:32, 16:33, 20:23, 21:25, 21:59, 22:25, 23:17
Ha Tinh - Ha Nam
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
09:57, 19:55, 21:39
Ninh Binh - Quang Ngai
Vlak Kabina 2x
00:23, 10:55, 23:10
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:23, 08:04, 08:26, 10:15, 10:55, 12:39, 15:11, 16:13, 16:48, 17:46, 21:34, 21:35, 22:39, 23:10, 23:36
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
00:23, 08:04, 08:26, 10:15, 10:55, 12:39, 15:11, 16:13, 16:48, 17:46, 21:34, 21:35, 22:39, 23:10, 23:36
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:23, 08:04, 08:26, 10:15, 10:55, 12:39, 15:11, 16:13, 16:48, 17:46, 21:34, 21:35, 22:39, 23:10, 23:36
Ha Tinh - Binh Thuan
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
04:54, 13:12, 15:38, 21:47
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
04:54, 13:12, 15:38, 21:47
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
04:54, 13:12, 15:38, 21:47
Quang Tri - Phu Yen
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
04:17, 04:29, 06:50, 09:16, 09:32, 10:21, 18:15, 19:21, 20:54, 21:26
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
04:17, 04:29, 06:50, 09:16, 09:32, 10:21, 18:15, 20:54, 21:26
Vlak Kabina 2x
09:16, 20:54
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
04:29, 06:50, 08:48, 09:16, 09:32, 10:21, 18:15, 19:21, 20:54, 21:26
Yen Bai - Gia Lam
Vlak Kabina 2x
00:03, 00:31, 01:23, 12:07, 23:35
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
00:03, 00:31, 00:36, 01:23, 12:07, 23:35, 23:46
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:36, 23:46
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:36, 23:46
Dong Hoi - Nghe An
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:56, 05:14, 07:02, 08:56, 10:27, 12:49, 14:49, 15:04, 16:01, 17:05, 17:34, 18:44, 18:49, 19:30, 20:06, 21:48, 22:40
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:56, 05:14, 07:02, 08:56, 10:27, 12:49, 14:49, 15:04, 16:01, 17:05, 17:34, 18:44, 18:49, 19:30, 20:06, 21:48, 21:52, 22:40, 23:56, 23:58
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
00:56, 05:14, 07:02, 08:56, 10:27, 12:49, 14:49, 15:04, 16:01, 17:05, 17:34, 18:44, 18:49, 19:30, 20:06, 21:48, 22:40, 23:56, 23:58
Vlak Kabina 2x
08:56, 17:05, 19:30, 20:06
Thanh Hoa - Nha Trang
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
08:39, 11:30, 13:42, 16:53, 17:37
Vlak Kabina 2x
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
08:39, 11:30, 13:42, 16:53, 17:37, 18:21
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
08:39, 09:01, 11:30, 13:42, 16:53, 17:37, 18:21
Nha Trang - Hanoi
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
00:15, 02:36, 02:37, 03:01, 03:56, 04:00, 04:17, 04:26, 05:02, 05:06, 05:33, 11:44, 12:04, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 14:31, 14:33, 16:24, 17:04, 17:10, 17:42, 17:58, 19:07, 20:18, 20:37, 21:09, 21:10, 21:19, 22:33, 23:16, 23:25, 23:28, 23:30
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
00:15, 02:36, 02:37, 03:01, 03:56, 04:00, 04:17, 04:26, 05:02, 05:06, 05:33, 11:44, 12:04, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 14:31, 14:33, 15:02, 16:24, 17:04, 17:10, 17:42, 17:58, 19:07, 20:18, 20:37, 21:09, 21:10, 21:19, 22:33, 23:16, 23:25, 23:28, 23:30
Vlak Kabina 2x
00:15, 03:56, 05:06, 17:04, 21:10, 23:30
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
00:15, 02:36, 02:37, 03:01, 03:56, 04:00, 04:17, 04:26, 05:02, 05:06, 05:33, 11:44, 12:04, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 14:31, 14:33, 15:02, 16:24, 17:04, 17:10, 17:42, 17:58, 19:07, 20:18, 20:37, 21:09, 21:10, 21:19, 22:33, 23:16, 23:25, 23:28, 23:30
Quang Binh - Ha Nam
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
Nghe An - Binh Thuan
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
01:24, 02:41, 04:00, 12:17, 19:02, 21:37
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
01:24, 02:41, 19:02, 21:37
Nha Trang - Quang Binh
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
04:17, 04:26, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 22:33
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
04:17, 04:26, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 22:33
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
04:17, 04:26, 13:23, 13:46, 13:59, 22:33
Binh Dinh - Hanoi
Vlak Kabina 2x
03:51, 08:17, 09:08, 21:23
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
01:03, 01:24, 02:58, 03:42, 03:51, 03:57, 04:30, 05:27, 06:52, 07:12, 08:17, 08:52, 09:08, 09:28, 10:17, 17:34, 18:41, 18:52, 20:17, 21:23, 21:58, 23:19
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
01:03, 01:24, 02:58, 03:42, 03:51, 03:57, 04:30, 05:27, 06:52, 07:12, 08:17, 08:52, 09:08, 09:28, 10:17, 17:34, 18:41, 18:52, 20:17, 21:23, 21:58, 23:19
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
01:03, 01:24, 02:58, 03:42, 03:51, 03:57, 04:30, 05:27, 06:52, 07:12, 08:17, 08:52, 09:08, 09:28, 10:17, 17:34, 18:41, 18:52, 20:17, 21:23, 21:58, 23:19
Ha Tinh - Dong Nai
Vlak Kabina 2x
04:09, 04:54
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
04:09, 04:54, 05:31, 06:11, 13:12, 13:46, 15:38, 19:00, 20:40, 21:47, 23:04, 23:32
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
04:09, 04:54, 05:31, 06:11, 10:44, 13:12, 13:46, 15:38, 19:00, 20:40, 21:47, 23:04, 23:32
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
04:09, 04:54, 05:31, 06:11, 10:44, 13:12, 13:46, 15:38, 19:00, 20:40, 21:47, 23:04, 23:32
Nam Dinh - Quang Tri
Vlak Kabina 2x
10:19, 22:35, 23:49
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
07:28, 07:51, 09:39, 10:19, 12:01, 14:36, 15:37, 16:08, 17:11, 20:59, 21:23, 21:31, 22:01, 22:35, 23:01, 23:49
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
07:28, 07:51, 09:39, 10:19, 12:01, 14:36, 15:37, 16:08, 17:11, 20:59, 21:23, 21:31, 22:01, 22:35, 23:01, 23:49
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
07:28, 07:51, 09:39, 10:19, 12:01, 14:36, 15:37, 16:08, 17:11, 20:59, 22:01, 22:35, 23:01, 23:49
Hanoi - Vinh Phuc
Vlak 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala
21:35, 22:11
Vlak Spavaća kola 1. klase
21:35, 22:00, 22:11, 22:36
Vlak Kabina 2x
21:35, 22:00, 22:11, 22:36
Vlak Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase
21:35, 22:11
NaN Putnika

Vietnam Railways Raspored i Satnica

Vlak brojKlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
SE6Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang23:3010:0210h 32m
SE6Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang23:2810:1010h 42m
D2Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang23:2510:4511h 20m
SE10Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang22:3309:1210h 39m
TN4Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang21:1907:1910h 0m
TN4Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang20:3707:3410h 57m
SE42Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang19:2507:1511h 50m
SE22Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang19:1906:5011h 31m
SE22Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang19:1206:0510h 53m
SE22Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang18:4005:5511h 15m
SE22Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang18:2906:0011h 31m
SE38Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang17:3505:2411h 49m
SE6Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang17:0402:439h 39m
SE12Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang16:2403:5111h 27m
SE8Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang14:1200:4110h 29m
SE8Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang13:5900:3610h 37m
SE8Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang13:4600:3610h 50m
SE8Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang13:2323:069h 43m
SE18Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang07:1719:5112h 34m
SE14Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang06:3418:3011h 56m
SE2Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang05:0614:179h 11m
SE2Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang04:3214:5110h 19m
SE12Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang04:2615:2811h 2m
SE12Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang04:1715:2511h 8m
SE24Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang04:0016:0412h 4m
SE2Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang03:5613:369h 40m
SE4Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang03:0112:489h 47m
SE4Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang02:4112:389h 57m
SE4Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang02:3712:4210h 5m
SE4Spavaća kola 1. klaseNha TrangDa Nang02:3612:4210h 6m

Vietnam Railways Stanice

Tu SonMau ACho SyViet TriMinh LeDong LeMy DucLong BienThach LoiBinh ThuanNha TrangLang KhayBao HaCam GiangTrai HutKim LienDa NangSong MaoQuy NhonNinh BinhHai DuongNam DinhTam KyPhu LyThuong LySapa Lao CaiQuang NgaiTuy HoaPho LuYen VienLa HaiHueCo LoaMinh KhoiNga BaHai PhongBim SonHuong PhoGiaYen TrungGia HuynhYen BaiTra KieuDong HoiMy TrachSong ThanPhu DienHanoiGiap BatVan DienPhu ThoLong KhanhNinh HoaNgoc LamNui ThanhHo Chi Minh CityPhu ThaiPhan ThietThanh HoaVinh YenBong SonDong HaBien HoaDieu TriThap ChamVinhSuoi KietDuc PhoLang CoGia Lam

Vietnam Railways Recenzije tvrtke

40 minutes late leaving, but the 2 berth carriage was great. Had about an hours sleep before woken by announcement saying land slip meant we would be bussed to a further train. Got ready to go but it was about 2 hours before we were called to leave. A fleet of coaches awaited us. During this 1 hour journey we learned that the landslide had occurred 4 days ago. The new train was old and poorly maintained. The beds were like boards, uncomfortable to sit on let alone sleep. It had no coaches for two. No advertised free food was provided. Staff did not seem to understand our complaints even when we showed them our phone. However after an hours journey the other couple (also previously in a two person cabin) seemed to have some luck and we were shown to our own 4 people cabin. We were 3.5 hours late reaching Da Nang. Would not recommend
Vlak#SE2 Kabina 2x, Vietnam Railways, 24. tra 2024.
there was an hour delay
Vlak#SE2 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 23. tra 2024.
The train broke out 2h before arrival. We had to take a bus and then another train. Total delay time was 4h late
Vlak#SE3 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 19. tra 2024.
Lovely carriage, great views,.very welcoming staff.
Vlak#HÐ1 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 19. tra 2024.
The train was 3 hours late and I wasn’t aware
Vlak#SE12 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 16. tra 2024.
The train was 3hours late and I wasn’t aware bur the confort was super, clean sheets, a pillow, curtains at the window and and clean restroom too!
Vlak#SE2 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 15. tra 2024.
The aircon was not working so paying for an aircon seat was useless. It was unbearably hot inside also
Vlak#SE2 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 13. tra 2024.
The food was not very good, compared to other local restaurants
Vlak#SE11 Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase, Vietnam Railways, 7. tra 2024.
It was OKAY but not recommended specially if you are travelling from an European or Western country. Don't fall for the labels VIP and FIRST CLASS because they are not true for sure. The train was average and the hygiene was not a thing that they maintain since their trains are not yet ready for tourism. Btw, because we took the the sleeping beds that are on the top side, they shake a lot comparing to the bottom beds. Usually, I have seen different things in Vietnam when it comes to tourism. They prioritize tourist facilities over anything and make you feel like you are getting more than what you are paying for. But in this case it was not the thing. According to the price it was not cheap at all and I would add that it costed me less price from Saigon to Dalat by air. SO, NOT HAPPY AT ALL.
Vlak#SE6 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 2. tra 2024.
시골갬성..예전 기차기억 ㅎㅎㅎ
Vlak#SE8 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 31. ožu 2024.
The air conditioner was broken, it could not be adjusted, it was very cold in carriage 6, compartment 1
Vlak#SNT2 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 28. ožu 2024.
Train on time. Seats ok.
Vlak#SE2 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 27. ožu 2024.
Could’ve been worse. Any 14h train ride I feel wouldn't be ideal, especially when you’re on the top bunk and you can barely see out the window. The beds weren’t soft beds (by Vietnam standards anyway) they just felt like hard mats but was able to get sleep anyway. Toilets were filthy. Make sure you bring your own toilet paper. Staff weren’t that helpful helping you board like they say they would but they do alert you when it’s your stop. Overall, a very average experience and definitely the maximum amount of time I would take the train.
Vlak#SE7 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 23. ožu 2024.
Dirty, but the view was excellent
Vlak#SE2 Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase, Vietnam Railways, 23. ožu 2024.
We are a family of four and were lucky to get a soft sleeper cabin to ourselves. The cabins were clean and we got some sleep even if the train ride is not that smooth. The train attendant even woke us up 20mins before our stop. The train left and arrived within two minutes of the schedule! The toilets are the only negative. Bring your own toilet paper and don't expect a clean toilet.
Vlak#SE2 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 22. ožu 2024.
It's a loud train and felt incredibly disgusting. I took another train with another company after and it was much better. While the toilet was being cleaned throughout the nice, it didn't feel clean at all at any stage. That said, the welcoming thing was the view and the boiling water tap, which allowed me to heat some noodles I purchased at the train station. The bed was firm and the train was loud and rickety so please bring ear plugs.
Vlak#SE4 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 18. ožu 2024.
Train is slow and people smoke in it and got their phone
Vlak#SE2 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 18. ožu 2024.
No AC, really hot, air was terrible, also the toilet really dirty, 2 stars because train was on time and there was plugs
Vlak#SE6 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 13. ožu 2024.
AC wasn't much good. One of the train guards had a bad attitude. Think the uniform went to his head
Vlak#SE3 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 8. ožu 2024.
Cabin and bathrooms aren't clean
Vlak#SE22 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 3. ožu 2024.
Nice big seats, clean very pleasant trip
Vlak#SE1 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 26. velj 2024.
Very cold,freezing because of the AC and dirty train
Vlak#TN6 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 17. velj 2024.
Comfortable and clean train. On time and we'll organised.
Vlak#SE6 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 16. velj 2024.
Train has a shake but rest everything is perfect. It has a restaurant compartment for food. 12go is not supporting some international debit cards like Niyo DCB. It shows declined but it is working in other booking sites.
Vlak#SE22 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 16. velj 2024.
The train was on time but absolutely filthy inside. Rubbish and food waste all over the floors.
Vlak#SE8 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 11. velj 2024.
It got us from A to B, but was delayed, then extremely uncomfortable and cramped cabins with nowhere to put our bags- toilets were disgusting.
Vlak#SE7 Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase, Vietnam Railways, 9. velj 2024.
Good seats, food to buy on the train, not to cold (24-25 C) everything OK.
Vlak#SE32 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 27. sij 2024.
Great experience all round
Vlak#SE19 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 27. sij 2024.
AC too cold in the upper bed and bring your own blanket as the given one is full of hair and dirt, but overall a great experience.
Vlak#LP6 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 20. sij 2024.
+ Good service and the train was on time. - The ride was bumpy and we couldn‘t really sleep. The toilet could be modernised.
Vlak#SE1 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 19. sij 2024.
Excellent and so easy. Thank you 🤙
Vlak#SE7 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 17. sij 2024.
Train was on time and arrived on time to destination. We chose the 2nd class seats, our carriage wasn't too full, it was mainly local passengers, the train ride is at a nice pace, doesn't feel too fast or dangerous, we loved that we could choose our seats, unlike our bus journey, overall we had a okay night sleep, seat were fairly comfortable, great value for money
Vlak#SE7 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 14. sij 2024.
It was very nice to travel with you. But the beds were very hard!
Vlak#SE6 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 12. sij 2024.
The seats were very comfortable, but the train was very loud (not the people, just the train itself)
Vlak#SE2 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 9. sij 2024.
Everything was good and on time, except about people smoking cigarettes inside the train all the time.
Vlak#SE5 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 9. sij 2024.
We booked 1st class sleeper compartment and yet it was so awfully dirty and ran down. There were cockroaches and mice running around so we didn’t feel like closing our eyes for a second. The section between da nang and hue was very beautiful but unfortunately the windows were very „foggy” almost milky, so you barely get to enjoy them. Just take a sleeper bus instead.
Vlak#SE4 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 7. sij 2024.
We had a good rest on the train, no delays and arrived on time.
Vlak#SE22 Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase, Vietnam Railways, 5. sij 2024.
Quite shaky for a night train, not great to sleep.
Vlak#SE1 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 5. sij 2024.
The operator
Vlak#SE4 Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase, Vietnam Railways, 1. sij 2024.
Lots of luggage roomand comfortable chairs
Vlak#SE4 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 26. pro 2023.
Great experience. Train left 10 minutes late but we still arrived ahead of schedule. Travelled from Danang to Quy Nhon. Booked soft seats with AC and trip was very comfortable. Plenty of food and drink carts throughout the trip.
Vlak#SE3 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 24. pro 2023.
Was a beautiful trip, a great experience
Vlak#SE1 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 24. pro 2023.
Smooth and efficient journey. Safer than the bus!
Vlak#SE1 Klimatizirano vozilo 2. klase, Vietnam Railways, 23. pro 2023.
Sleeper train was fine. Train was only a few minutes late. Live cockroaches on the train though which was jarring.
Vlak#SE7 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 23. pro 2023.
Compartment was great but no dinner or breakfast was served which was supposed to be included and the toilets were very old
Vlak#SE2 Kabina 2x, Vietnam Railways, 20. pro 2023.
Well organised, efficient.
Vlak#SE5 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 19. pro 2023.
Good trip but it was much too cold in the cabin, and it was impossible to lower it.
Vlak#SE4 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 18. pro 2023.
seating cabin is crammed, not very clean and we had a 1.5hr delay.
Vlak#SE7 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 16. pro 2023.
We booked a 1st class sleeper cabin, the cabin itself was okay. However, the AC couldnt have been turned off so it was freezing cold on the top bed. The worst was that the AC was blowing this mouldy air into the cabin. I still have a sore throat. The wc was dirty but we expected this, it was not a surprise, there was no toiletpaper, which i would expect on the 1st class. The train was ca. 10 minutes late, so it was okay.
Vlak#SE1 Spavaća kola 1. klase, Vietnam Railways, 13. pro 2023.
The train was on time so really good, but it stinked and the windows were closed the whole time, so i changed the wagon where thi ac was on there it was too cold and i hadnt a jacket with me maybe my fault all in all okay. But the way back i took the limousine and this was much better more comfortable and new vans. So i definetly would recommend for the trips the limousine same price
Vlak#SE7 2. klasa samo klimatizirana sjedala, Vietnam Railways, 10. pro 2023.
8563 recenzija kupaca
87.4% od 8.563 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Vietnam Railways, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju