Travel Mart

1.108 recenzija kupaca
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O Travel Mart

Autobusi su najpovoljnije prijevozno sredstvo s velikim brojem terminala diljem zemlje i pogodnim voznim redovima koji će vam pomoći u planiranju putovanja. Autobusi su zgodna opcija i za one koji putuju s malim budžetom i za one koji ne žele napraviti kompromis u pogledu udobnosti. Travel Mart nudi autobusnu uslugu s dostupnom online rezervacijom. Prije nego što rezervirate kartu, pročitajte recenzije drugih putnika kako biste odabrali najbolju opciju.

Apa Stasiun Utama Travel Mart?

Travel Mart prevozi autobusima do i od sljedećih stanica:

  • Siem Reap
  • Travel Mart Bangkok Office
  • Siem Reap Psar Samki
  • Rong Kluea Travel Mart Office
  • Bangkok Hotel Transfer
  • Bangkok Transfer
  • Khao San Travel Mart
  • Travel Mart Bangkok Office
  • Siem Reap Travel Mart
  • Battambang Virak Buntham
  • Virak Buntham Battambang Office
  • Siem Reap Virak Buntham
  • Siem Reap Psar Samki
  • Pattaya Hotel Transfer
  • Siem Reap Arng Kror Peur
  • Virak Buntam Siem Reap Bus Branch
  • Pratunam Travel Mart
  • Phnom Penh
  • Travel Mart Watergate office
  • Siem Reap Virak Buntham office
  • Koh Chang Hotel Transfer
  • Khao San Travel Mart Office

Berapa Kelas & Harga Bus Travel Mart?

Cijena vašeg putovanja autobusom ovisit će i o odredištu i o klasi vaše karte. Imajte na umu da na određenim rutama nisu dostupne sve klase karata, ali za duža putovanja gotovo uvijek postoji dobar izbor opcija. Odlučite se za autobus za spavanje za najprikladnije putovanje preko noći. Autobusi za spavanje obično su opremljeni ležajevima ili mekim naslonjenim sjedalima, imaju ugrađeni WC, a vaša karta može uključivati ​​i druge pogodnosti kao što su grickalice ili čak ručak. Noćni autobus također je dobra ideja ako želite uštedjeti na hotelskoj sobi. Tijekom dana ekspresna usluga često je najbolja vrijednost za novac, jer ima manje zaustavljanja od autobusa običnog ili standardnog razreda i putuje brže. Na nekim rutama može biti ključno odabrati pravu klasu jer, recimo, autobusu običnog ili drugog razreda može trebati nekih 6 sati da prijeđe udaljenost koju autobus prvog razreda ili ekspres prijeđe za dva sata!

Prednosti i nedostaci putovanja autobusom

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobusi se obično mogu pohvaliti najširom mrežom pokrivenih destinacija. Putuju na mjesta do kojih ne možete doći avionom ili čak vlakom
  • Putovanje autobusom je jednostavno – nema potrebe da dolazite na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed, a prijava je obično vrlo brza formalnost za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom
  • Autobusne karte su vrlo povoljne. Da, postoje skupe opcije prve klase ili VIP, ali ako imate ograničena financijska sredstva, autobus je prvo prijevozno sredstvo o kojem morate razmišljati
  • Istodobno, postoje različite klase usluga koje odgovaraju svakom proračunu. Ako tražite višu razinu udobnosti, autobusi će vam je također pružiti.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Međugradski autobusni kolodvori mogu se nalaziti izvan centra grada na periferiji. To znači da ćete morati izračunati dodatno vrijeme i novac da biste stigli tamo. Na određenim destinacijama dolazak s autobusnog kolodvora može vas koštati više nego što biste očekivali, jer samo ograničenom broju prijevoznih tvrtki dopušteno je voziti ​​rutu – a cijene mogu biti napuhane.
  • Tijekom vikenda ili vrhunca sezone autobusi koji voze na neka turistička odredišta mogu ponestati u rasporedu i zahtijevaju rezerviranje unaprijed.
  • Iako autobusi ne ovise o vremenskim prilikama kao trajekti, autobusna putovanja također mogu biti odgođena ili otkazana zbog lošeg vremena ili uvjeta na cesti – imajte to na umu ako putujete tijekom određenih godišnjih doba ili na određena odredišta.
Pročitaj više

Travel Mart Popularne Rute

Bangkok - Battambang
Bangkok - Phnom Penh
Autobus Bus 38 seat
05:30, 06:00, 07:00, 07:30, 08:00
Autobus Bus 40 seat
Siem Reap - Bangkok
Autobus Bus 40 seat
Autobus Bus 26 seat
Kombi Kombi za 10 putnika
05:30, 06:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00
Bangkok - Aranyaprathet
Autobus Bus 40 seat
Autobus Bus 26 seat
Kombi Kombi za 10 putnika
02:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00
Battambang - Bangkok
Phnom Penh - Bangkok
06:00, 07:00
Aranyaprathet - Bangkok
07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00
Bangkok - Siem Reap
Kombi Kombi za 10 putnika
06:30, 08:30, 10:30, 11:30, 13:00
Autobus Bus 40 seat
Autobus Bus 26 seat
NaN Putnika

Travel Mart Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
Bus 40 seatKhao San Travel MartSiem Reap Travel Mart08:0017:009h 0m
Bus 26 seatKhao San Travel MartSiem Reap Travel Mart01:3009:508h 20m
Kombi za 10 putnikaKhao San Travel Mart OfficeVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus Branch13:0021:008h 0m
Kombi za 10 putnikaKhao San Travel Mart OfficeVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus Branch11:3019:007h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaKhao San Travel Mart OfficeVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus Branch10:3018:007h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaKhao San Travel Mart OfficeVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus Branch08:3016:007h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaKhao San Travel Mart OfficeVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus Branch06:3014:007h 30m
Bus 40 seatSiem ReapKhao San Travel Mart08:0017:009h 0m
Kombi za 10 putnikaVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus BranchKhao San Travel Mart Office05:3013:007h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus BranchKhao San Travel Mart Office06:0013:307h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus BranchKhao San Travel Mart Office10:0017:307h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus BranchKhao San Travel Mart Office12:0019:307h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus BranchKhao San Travel Mart Office14:0021:307h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office14:0018:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office15:0019:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office16:0020:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office02:0006:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office07:0011:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office08:0012:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office09:0013:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office10:0014:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office12:0016:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaTravel Mart Watergate officeRong Kluea Travel Mart Office13:0017:304h 30m
Bus 26 seatSiem Reap Travel MartKhao San Travel Mart00:4513:1512h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaBattambang Virak BunthamKhao San Travel Mart Office08:0015:307h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaRong Kluea Travel Mart OfficeTravel Mart Watergate office10:0014:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaRong Kluea Travel Mart OfficeTravel Mart Watergate office09:0013:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaRong Kluea Travel Mart OfficeTravel Mart Watergate office08:0012:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaRong Kluea Travel Mart OfficeTravel Mart Watergate office11:0015:304h 30m
Kombi za 10 putnikaRong Kluea Travel Mart OfficeTravel Mart Watergate office12:0016:304h 30m

Travel Mart Stanice

Siem ReapTravel Mart Bangkok OfficeSiem Reap Psar SamkiRong Kluea Travel Mart OfficeBangkok Hotel TransferBangkok TransferKhao San Travel MartTravel Mart Bangkok OfficeSiem Reap Travel MartBattambang Virak BunthamVirak Buntham Battambang OfficeSiem Reap Virak BunthamSiem Reap Psar SamkiPattaya Hotel TransferSiem Reap Arng Kror PeurVirak Buntam Siem Reap Bus BranchPratunam Travel MartPhnom PenhTravel Mart Watergate officeSiem Reap Virak Buntham officeKoh Chang Hotel TransferKhao San Travel Mart Office

Travel Mart Recenzije tvrtke

It was a very comfortable and great experience. The booking app12go was easy and was confirmed the following day. The bus guide Alex was very friendly, accomodating and gave us tons of tips from crossing the boarder to exchanging money and even what sim card to buy. Overall I am very satisfied and now booking my trip to another city :-)
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 29. ožu 2024.
With the help of Party and team everything was smooth, every step was explained very well. The journey was pleasant. We was provided with water, a breakfast pastry, lunch from a few options (Pad Thai was tasty) and unlimited coffee. There was a toilet onboard and wifi.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 27. velj 2024.
Luxury car, but with aggressive driving and an arrival two hours behind schedule.
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 21. velj 2024.
Overall good. The van departs on time, the ride was smooth, there's a 20 minutes stop in the mid of the trip for toilet or some drink/snack. The van has usb port & electric socket too.
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 12. velj 2024.
Very nice company, explained everything, guided us through and offered good food on board. Would recommend
Autobus Bus 26 seat, Travel Mart, 19. sij 2024.
The schedule is perfect, we depart at 1.30 am and arrived at 10 am. The tour operator is amazing and very helpfull
Autobus Bus 26 seat, Travel Mart, 15. sij 2024.
Very comfy seatspace. Very nice guide. Top food supply. Unfortunately the part where the feet should rest, flipped down all the time. So it was very very uncomfortable to 'sleep' because the feet could not rest. At least in 3 seats I tried. All seemed broken. In fact I could get no sleep. Even with a Xany. For such a price I would have expected better. Even the cheap buses with way less space work better here.
Autobus Bus 26 seat, Travel Mart, 12. sij 2024.
This was our best bus ride till now. Very friendly you get free lunch en snacks. And for 2 dollar more they arrange everything at the border for your visum. Definitely recommend this trip and the 2 dollar extra
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 9. sij 2024.
Very good travel. The host/guide "Party" was very friendly and helpful. If you need comfortable journey from Bangkok to Cambodia go for it.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 2. sij 2024.
Our bus host Barti was very informative. They guided us through the visa process to Cambodia. I got travel Mart to organise my Visa and it was well worth it because the bus guard managed giving the Visa applications and passports to the officials and we Work walked through as a group. People didn’t get the buses to organise their visa arrived about an hour later, on the other side of the border. we waited for them, but we waited in comfort while they stood in lines. The bus was very clean. It had charges and air-conditioning complementary coffee and complementary meal.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 1. sij 2024.
The guide and the driver were so nice. They Really took Care of us at all the moment. But the footrest didnt work therefore it was so unconfortable trying to sleep. Also my lunch had a long long Black hair and i couldnt eat anything else because there were no more vegetatian meals left. The guide tryed to help me, he offered me another meals but those were with meat in it. He gave me 50bath compensation.
Autobus Bus 26 seat, Travel Mart, 17. pro 2023.
Montanatip rescheduled the trip on the spot, delaying the departure more than an Hour and changing the destination to Sura Thani instead of Krabi. This resulted in a longer wait in the sun and an extended journey in a van instead of the VIP bus. The Mini van was completely packed with people and luggage on the floor. The bus driver couldn't talk any English so no one knew what going on. Would never pick this company again.
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 12. pro 2023.
Very smooth drive, all the way. The paper works at the border went smooth as can be. I has e visa but there were about 20 passengers who did thru the bus service provider and by the time I was with my stamp, those group has already got there visa too. Wifi all the way, goody bag and bottle of water when about to start the trip and lunch provided half way. Very happy with the service
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 8. pro 2023.
All good, very confortable van, plugs and wifi, a small breakfast and water offered, they stop along the way for breaks, the border crossing was very quick 'cause we all paid 100 baht more for the vip service. we were 1h30 late but that's nothing.
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 4. pro 2023.
The Staff was really friendly and everything worked out perfectly. They assisted us at the border and we made enough breaks. So we would travel with them again!
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 14. lis 2023.
The trip was perfect. We even arrived before the predicted time. Border crossing with the VIP option to get faster visa was very easy. Special thanks to Budy our hostess for the good organisation and advices. The bus driver was very good also.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 14. lis 2023.
Fantastic journey - check in, immigration documentation and breaks were all well managed. Bus was also very good - you sit on the top floor of a double decker; charge points and WiFi were provided and reliable throughout the day. We were also given water and food for breakfast and lunch. Our assistant for the day was very pleasant and helpful. I was very happy with the service provided.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 10. lis 2023.
Excellent operator, Charlie the host was so friendly and made sure everything ran smoothly. Arrived in Siem Riep 1 h ahead of schedule. Would recommend.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 2. lis 2023.
Blasted through to the border without a single stop which was great! I thought we’d make it on time or even early… but then stopped 3 times in Thailand. We were a bit late, but overall a safe and comfortable ride
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 27. ruj 2023.
We went from Bangkok - Siem Reap. The bus left on time and we arrived in Siem Reap almost 2 hours earlier than planned. The bus was comfortable and the staff were very friendly and helpful. We were told exactly where to go at the border and it was a fairly straight forward process. We didn’t do the VIP pass and just did it ourselves and it was easy enough. We had lunch included and it was very nice, and also a small snack pack with some cakes, mints and a water. There was an area to make yourself coffee on the bus and also a toilet. The toilet wasn’t the best (but they never are on buses).
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 5. ruj 2023.
I was late and I was asking what would be
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 4. ruj 2023.
Definitely exceeded my expectations. The coach was very clean and modern. Staff made the border crossing easy, we even got a free lunch. The bus also made stops at three different places in Bangkok to be convenient for as many people as possible. Overall great experience.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 4. kol 2023.
The employees were very kind! Everything went well and we arrived earlier to Siem Reap
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 4. kol 2023.
Great journey! Lovely staff
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 3. kol 2023.
Really easy to use. We came in Siem Reap 1,5 hour earlier than planned (16.00 local time). The guide was really helpful and friendly. Also the visum support is great.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 29. srp 2023.
Everything went perfect
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 18. srp 2023.
The bus was comfortable, nice AC temperature (not freezing). We got to destination one hour before planned. There was a woman helping us and explaining any detail you may need during the trip and border cross, she was amazing. The food included with the price was very good too.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 13. srp 2023.
good trip, 2 hours early which was great
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 7. srp 2023.
Ontime, free coffee, free snack, free lunch, free wifi on the journey, toilet on the bus. Highly recommended
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 25. lip 2023.
Smooth experience. Well informed from the start, informed clearly about crossing the border. Food and water provided.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 19. lip 2023.
The guide was really nice and very helpful
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 8. lip 2023.
It was the best trip on a bus in SE Asia, really good and organized, they gave us snacks and water, there were also free coffee on the bus, i recommend this trip!
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 29. svi 2023.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 22. svi 2023.
The bus ride was very good. They give you some snacks and also 3 options of lunch that they will be waiting you with after passing the border to the Thai side. There was an assistant during the bus ride that gave out indications as how to do when we got to the border Cambodia-Thailand and how to find the bus on the other side after passing migration control, which was helpful. He gives you the option to pay them 3 dollars to do the exit 'paperwork' on the Cambodian side because they say it will take a lot of time, but that's not really true. The people that decided not to pay and do it themselves were right behind us in the migration queue on the Thailand side (there is quite some corruption on the Cambodian side from everyone: bus companies, police officers, etc) which was actually what took the longest time and we all had to do the 2h migration queue (that time might vary depending day and time of the day). So my only recommendation is not to pay the 3 dollars and do the paperwork yourself like you would do anywhere else, as it doesn't make a difference. Other then that, the service was very nice.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 3. svi 2023.
Nice lunch, and a lovely guide Waan who helped us cross the border :)
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 2. svi 2023.
Comfortable bus , support team is excellent!!!
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 28. tra 2023.
I arrived on the bus station in time. Tickets were paid 2 days ago. Operator spend 10 minutes in front of his computer and told, that they have NO FREE SPACE FOR ME! How it's possible? Company sell more tickets, then places in van? Of course they let me go on next van. But i came late. And that's why i got some troubles...
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 15. tra 2023.
I paid extra to have extra attention (I thought they would help me more at the border) but they made me seat downstairs and didn't hear the explanations and at the border I didn't have the VIP pass so the border was confusing and I had problems with the papers... But the journey was good and the girl was nice.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 5. tra 2023.
Nice and helpful staff. On time. No need to take vip pass on the border during low season;) Lunch included. All paperwork done before departure.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 5. tra 2023.
The 40 person bus had air con one stop for lunch. The process at the border was easy. So in the end it was a good way to travel
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 31. ožu 2023.
Very professional team
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 24. ožu 2023.
Very comfortable bus, nice drivers who helped us crossing the border. We were perfectly on schedule, not a second too late or early. Tip: buy the VIP passes. They are worth the money and help you to cross tbe border very fast and easy.
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 21. ožu 2023.
Very good! Easy and smooth, the guide Charlie was very helpful! Comfortable bus seats. It was nice that food provided and we were thankful, but for me it was too spicy to eat
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 18. ožu 2023.
On ti
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 7. ožu 2023.
Nice service, very well organized. We even got a lunch at the border and a snack and water.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 4. ožu 2023.
Everything went perfect. Comfortable ride, food and water and snacks provided. Staff speaks decently to good English. Lots of help getting through the border (even if you didn't purchase the 7USD VIP Package for the Visa). I was amazed and can only recommend.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 28. velj 2023.
The bus was comfortable and the guide was helpful as well. I am Pakistani (with single entry visa) and I entered Cambodia via bus. However, I had the confirmed flight tickets to get out of Cambodia, so they checked everything and let me pass. Thanks to the border security.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 27. velj 2023.
Well informed during the journey and on time, food provided on Bangkok to Siem Reap transit. They offer 200 TBH Vip visa service but we declined it and got through border check with no problems.
Autobus Bus 40 seat, Travel Mart, 22. velj 2023.
kombi Kombi za 10 putnika, Travel Mart, 22. velj 2023.
We are satisfied withe transport. From Bangkok we were on time. Bus was comfortable with blankets and wifi. On the border there was a guide that had helped us and guided us through the border procedure. We got a meal also. Then we changed to mini bus. Was also ok, but without wifi und not that comfortable like the first one. Overall we were happy with the trip. For return trip we used another agency on the recommendation from tuk-tuk driver and have regret it. Id I had to do it again, would book with Travel Mart again.
Autobus Bus 26 seat, Travel Mart, 21. velj 2023.
1108 recenzija kupaca
94% od 1.108 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Travel Mart, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju