Starlite Ferries

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O Starlite Ferries

Da biste došli do najslikovitijih otoka ne možete izbjeći ići trajektom. Neka odredišta opslužuju veći i stabilniji auto trajekti, a druga su povezana manjim, ali bržim gliserima ili katamaranima. Ako lako dobjete morsku bolest, izbjegavajte putovanje katamaranom koji se vozi na valovima kada je more nemirno – radije se odlučite za gliser, jer on reže vodu, što rezultira manje uzburkanim putovanjem. Također, sjedenje na gornjoj otvorenoj palubi može pomoći u prevladavanju visokih valova. Starlite Ferries nudi online karte za putovanja trajektom – nije potrebno ni ući u njihov ured da biste je kupili.

Koje su glavne stanice Starlite Ferries?

Starlite Ferries trajekti putuju do brojnih popularnih odredišta. Popis postaja koje opslužuje Starlite Ferries uključuje, ali nije ograničen na:

  • Calapan Pier
  • Odiongan Port
  • Bogo
  • Romblon Pier
  • Dapitan Pier
  • Cebu Starlite Ferries
  • Nasipit Seaport
  • Surigao City Ferry Terminal
  • Roxas Dangay Port
  • Bacolod
  • Estancia
  • Caticlan Jetty Boracay
  • San Agustin Port
  • Fort San Pedro Iloilo Pier
  • Batangas Terminal
  • Roxas City Capiz Port
  • Sibuyan

Koje su klase i cijene trajekta Starlite Ferries?

Opće pravilo je što je brod brži, to je viša cijena. Prije rezervacije odlučite trebate li ekspresnu uslugu ili su prihvatljive i sporije opcije. Cijene za potonje su mnogo pristupačnije. Ipak, razlika u vremenu putovanja može biti zaista ogromna, stoga uvijek provjerite koliko traje putovanje trajektom prije nego što rezervirate kartu. Također, dostupnost nekih klasa može biti ograničena i uvijek je potrebna prethodna rezervacija. Uvijek se sjetite provjeriti pristanište s kojeg Vaš brod polazi i na koje pristaje kako biste odabrali najprikladniji za Vaše daljnje putovanje i pročitajte recenzije drugih putnika.

Prednosti i nedostaci putovanja trajektom

Prednosti putovanja trajektom

  • Jedini način da dođete do nekog od otoka je brodom. I u mnogim slučajevima – na neke od najljepših otoka s razglednica i rajskih otoka na koje ste oduvijek željeli ići!
  • Često su dostupne različite klase karata pa ćete moći odabrati cijenu, razinu udobnosti, vrijeme putovanja i raspored koji Vam najviše odgovara.
  • Rezervirajte online kako biste uštedjeli vrijeme – na mnogim rutama rezervacija unaprijed je neophodna. U prvom redu, to se tiče dužih putovanja, putovanja u prometnim razdobljima kao što su državni praznici, dugi vikendi ili vrhunac sezone. Dobra je ideja rezervirati barem nekoliko dana prije datuma putovanja, ako je na Vašoj ruti također ograničen broj putovanja po danu.
  • Putovanje trajektom je zabavno. Uvijek je lijepo pogledati mjesta koja ste posjetili iz drugog kuta – pa, u ovom slučaju – iz vode. Gotovo svaka destinacija izgleda sjajno iz vode i imat ćete izvrsnu priliku napraviti briljantne fotografije.

Nedostaci putovanja trajektom

  • Dobivanje morske bolesti glavna je briga za putnike trajektom. Što je putovanje duže i što je more uzburkanije, veće su šanse da osjetite kako vam želudac protestira. Kako bi Vam putovanje bilo ugodnije, uzmite lijek pola sata prije putovanja i slijedite naše preporuke odozgo.
  • Putovanja trajektom uvelike ovise o vremenskim prilikama. To znači da se u kišnim danima polasci mogu odgoditi ili čak otkazati. Nije neuobičajeno zatvaranje trajektnih veza čak i s većim otocima tijekom olujnog vremena na nekoliko dana. To znači da biste trebali imati na umu ovu mogućnost ako se Vaše putovanje trajektom povezuje s letom – šanse da stignete na kopno kasnije od očekivanog mogu biti velike tijekom određenih razdoblja.
Pročitaj više

Starlite Ferries Popularne Rute

Caticlan - Orijentalni Mindoro
Trajekt Ekonomska klasa
01:00, 05:00, 09:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00
Trajekt Poslovna klasa
01:00, 05:00, 09:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00
Trajekt Turistička klasa
01:00, 05:00, 09:00, 12:00, 16:00, 20:00
Romblon - Roxas City
Trajekt Kabina za 8 putnika
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Kabina za 4 putnika
Sibuyan - Batangas
Trajekt Kabina za 4 putnika
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Kabina za 8 putnika
Roxas City - Sibuyan
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Kabina za 8 putnika
Batangas - Roxas City
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Kabina za 4 putnika
Orijentalni Mindoro - Caticlan
Trajekt Ekonomska klasa
02:00, 06:00, 11:00, 14:00, 18:00, 23:00
Trajekt Poslovna klasa
02:00, 06:00, 11:00, 14:00, 18:00, 23:00
Trajekt Turistička klasa
02:00, 06:00, 11:00, 14:00, 18:00, 23:00
Romblon - Batangas
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
13:00, 22:00
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
13:00, 22:00
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
13:00, 22:00
Trajekt Kabina za 4 putnika
13:00, 22:00
Butuan - Cebu
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Batangas - Romblon
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Kabina za 4 putnika
Cebu - Butuan
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
20:00, 21:00
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
20:00, 21:00
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
20:00, 21:00
Cebu - Surigao
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Orijentalni Mindoro - Batangas
Trajekt Poslovna
05:30, 06:30, 10:30, 14:30
Trajekt Turistička klasa
01:00, 03:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:30, 17:00, 19:00, 20:30, 21:00, 23:00
Trajekt Poslovna klasa
01:00, 03:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 20:30, 21:00, 23:00
Trajekt Ekonomska klasa
01:00, 03:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 16:30, 17:00, 19:00, 20:30, 21:00, 23:00
Odiongan - Orijentalni Mindoro
Trajekt Ekonomska klasa
Trajekt Poslovna klasa
Trajekt Turistička klasa
Sibuyan - Roxas City
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Roxas City - Batangas
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Batangas - Orijentalni Mindoro
Trajekt Ekonomska klasa
01:00, 03:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00
Trajekt Turistička klasa
01:00, 03:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00
Trajekt Poslovna klasa
01:00, 03:00, 05:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00
Trajekt Poslovna
08:30, 12:30, 16:30
Batangas - Caticlan
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
07:30, 13:00, 19:30
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
07:30, 13:00, 19:30
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
07:30, 13:00, 19:30
Trajekt Kabina za 2 putnika
07:30, 19:30
Trajekt Kabina za 5 putnika
07:30, 19:30
Romblon - Sibuyan
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Batangas - Sibuyan
Trajekt Kabina za 8 putnika
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Kabina za 4 putnika
Dapitan - Cebu
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Sibuyan - Romblon
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Surigao - Cebu
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Roxas City - Romblon
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
01:00, 13:00
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
01:00, 13:00
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
01:00, 13:00
Trajekt Kabina za 4 putnika
Cebu - Dapitan
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
Caticlan - Batangas
Trajekt Kabina za 5 putnika
07:30, 19:30
Trajekt Kabina za 2 putnika
07:30, 19:30
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat
07:30, 13:00, 19:30
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi
07:30, 13:00, 19:30
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag
01:00, 07:30, 13:00, 19:30
NaN Putnika

Starlite Ferries Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
Turistički krevet na katCebu Starlite FerriesSurigao City Ferry Terminal21:0007:0010h 0m
Krevet u ekonomskoj klasiCebu Starlite FerriesSurigao City Ferry Terminal21:0007:0010h 0m
Turistički krevet na katSurigao City Ferry TerminalCebu Starlite Ferries09:0019:0010h 0m
Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatragSurigao City Ferry TerminalCebu Starlite Ferries09:0019:0010h 0m
Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatragCebu Starlite FerriesSurigao City Ferry Terminal21:0007:0010h 0m
Krevet u ekonomskoj klasiBatangas TerminalCaticlan Jetty Boracay19:3005:3010h 0m
Krevet u ekonomskoj klasiBatangas TerminalCaticlan Jetty Boracay13:0023:0010h 0m
Krevet u ekonomskoj klasiBatangas TerminalCaticlan Jetty Boracay07:3017:3010h 0m
Krevet u ekonomskoj klasiSurigao City Ferry TerminalCebu Starlite Ferries09:0019:0010h 0m
Krevet u ekonomskoj klasiCaticlan Jetty BoracayBatangas Terminal19:3005:3010h 0m
Krevet u ekonomskoj klasiCaticlan Jetty BoracayBatangas Terminal13:0023:0010h 0m
Krevet u ekonomskoj klasiCaticlan Jetty BoracayBatangas Terminal07:3017:3010h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal01:0004:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal07:0010:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal03:0006:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal05:0008:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal23:0002:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal21:0000:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal19:0022:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal20:3006:3010h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal17:0020:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal15:0018:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal13:0016:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal11:0014:003h 0m
Poslovna klasaCalapan PierBatangas Terminal09:0012:003h 0m
Turistički krevet na katBatangas TerminalCaticlan Jetty Boracay19:3005:3010h 0m
Turistički krevet na katBatangas TerminalCaticlan Jetty Boracay13:0023:0010h 0m
Turistički krevet na katBatangas TerminalCaticlan Jetty Boracay07:3017:3010h 0m
Turistička klasaBatangas TerminalCalapan Pier05:0008:003h 0m
Turistička klasaBatangas TerminalCalapan Pier23:0002:003h 0m

Starlite Ferries Stanice

Calapan PierOdiongan PortBogoRomblon PierDapitan PierCebu Starlite FerriesNasipit SeaportSurigao City Ferry TerminalRoxas Dangay PortBacolodEstanciaCaticlan Jetty BoracaySan Agustin PortFort San Pedro Iloilo PierBatangas TerminalRoxas City Capiz PortSibuyan

Starlite Ferries Recenzije tvrtke

It was a great way to avoid the late booking of a flight which would have been 5x this. I had a comfortable and safe journey - recommend you come tired so that you can sleep, and bring earplugs and an eyemask. Totally safe and viable if not long alternative to get around PH.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 5. ožu 2024.
Paid an additional 91 pesos for the "text alerts/notification" before the trip but did not received any.
Trajekt Turistička klasa, Starlite Ferries, 13. sij 2024.
Someone should remind passengers if they already paid terminal fee, not on the time of boarding, specially early morning trips, every one are not familiar with the process.
Trajekt Turistička klasa, Starlite Ferries, 12. sij 2024.
Time of departure is 1PM but the Ship left around 2:10PM.
Trajekt Poslovna klasa, Starlite Ferries, 5. sij 2024.
Overall, it was great.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 10. pro 2023.
The trip was delayed by 1 hr and 30minutes and there was no announcement of the cause of delay
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 30. lis 2023.
CR disgusting both areas. Bunks in tourist old need recovering. Other ferries better in cleanliness.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 19. lis 2023.
the only thing to improve are the instruction to get to the port ( pier4 does not say anything if everybody need to go to gate 3 first, hard and confusing also for the taxi driver Everything else was very good
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 12. lis 2023.
Your tourist cabin airconditioning is not functioning creating a very warm to hot place.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 10. lis 2023.
Had difficulty changing online ticket to physical ticket better if instead use QR code scanning
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 5. lis 2023.
the trip was ok. it was a little late when it left batangas city pier but still arrived on time in Caticlan
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi, Starlite Ferries, 30. ruj 2023.
Comfortable trip
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 1. ruj 2023.
The vessel crew were not so accomodating. No alternative provided for charging areas.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 23. lip 2023.
No shower room and other toilet available
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 20. lip 2023.
Should improve proper gesture.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 17. lip 2023.
Ferry on time, took AC tourist bed and they were comfortable with clean sheets, decent showers and toilets. Definitely worth the price instead of flight
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 27. svi 2023.
Fast travel time good accomodation. Problem is charging electronics although it cost but always no available coins onboard
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi, Starlite Ferries, 25. svi 2023.
Everything perfect, clean sheets but they kept the lights on all night
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 30. tra 2023.
They have 3 women toilet, but only one was open but the flush didn’t work. So u need to use timba. No tissue, no soap to wash your hands. I asked the crew, she said they are out of stock. I hope next time they make this right before ferry leaves the place.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 28. tra 2023.
Arrived more or less on time. Cheap alternative to flying.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 7. ožu 2023.
You have free meal .BUT you don't have free bootle water.....and you will wait for almost 2hours for the meal to be claim...
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 27. velj 2023.
Good and Fastest
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 11. sij 2023.
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 10. sij 2023.
Great accomodation
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 28. pro 2022.
Already bought a ticket online but has to line up for hours as the printed copy is not accepted
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 28. pro 2022.
It was my first time to travel going to Nasipit and I must say very worth it. The vessel is very nice and clean as well as the staff are very accommodating and courteous together with their warm smiles. Kudos to all the team of Starlite and of course to our Captain for bringing us safe to our places. I do hope you will keep it up and exceed more the standards of local shipping industry.
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 2. pro 2022.
It was really good!
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi, Starlite Ferries, 5. lis 2022.
It was really good!
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi, Starlite Ferries, 5. lis 2022.
The waiting room crowded and all indoors during Covid season. The port does not allow waiting in outdoors area. The seating area was much nicer than the bunk bed areas jammed with people. There were only ten of us in an area for 150! I guess people did not want to pay a bit extra for the reclining seating. Many seats were in bad repair, the Co. does not seem to care about the maintenance. The charging stations where you had to pay for charging your cellphones (Absurd) were mostly broken and no cables. The ones supposedly working, you dropped the money and your phone got no juice! waste of time and effort with people crowding the charging stations areas. Not a good idea for Covid era. I don't know why the company cannot have plugs everywhere for people to charge their phones. They have them in buses that cost 200, 300 pesos for 60 to 100 kilometers. You paid close to 1500 here and no charging free? Cafe was nice but once it closed it never opened for morning coffee. I WILL SAY THIS I LIKE THIS COMPANY BETTER THAN 2GO WHICH TREATS PEOPLE LIKE ANIMALS. MY LAST EXPEIRENCE WITH 2GO FERRY WAS THEY DELAYED THE FERRY FOR 5 HOURS WITH 1000 PASSENGERS SO THEY COULD LOAD A FEW MORE TRUCKS ON THE WAY. THE TIME FOR 1000 PEOPLE WAS DISPOSABLE FOR A FEW MORE PESOS FOR THE TRUCKS COMING!
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 25. ruj 2022.
I like the staff, they are all accommodating and friendly. The bunk beds are great specially in tourist area. The comfort rooms in ladies are great except that there are no tissue in the room, may be if you ask the staff they can provide, but who have time for that.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 3. ruj 2022.
The ship left in time Surigao and arrived even earlier than expected in Cebu. The weather, the sea and the meal were fine.
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 25. kol 2022.
The free linen provided was the fitted bed sheet. We had to rent and pay 60 pesos for a blanket to use in a cabin that was fully air conditioned & the temp was fixed. The free food did not include any type of beverage not even service water.
Trajekt Cabin, Starlite Ferries, 1. kol 2022.
Starlite: 2 dirty CR . 12Go: misleading information. I thought there was a free food
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 12. svi 2022.
We booked the Tourist option to have the food (dinner) & snack included in the payment. But during the trip, they informed us that those traveling to odiongan (8-10hr trip) do not have that option, even though it was reflected in the website.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 6. svi 2022.
no blankets/ramp was not passable so we had to carry our luggages with our kids thru the stairs, crew members are rude. ticketing office crew in caticlan starlite was soooo rude. would not recommend
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 5. svi 2022.
Not really clear if needed spass or no
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 2. svi 2022.
It was a great travel, arrived at expected time...☺️ Till next travel...
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 1. svi 2022.
We are supposed to be in tourist then you emailed us that the tourist slots are full already, so you came up with the solution that we have to book in cabin, so we did. Then when we were on board already, the crew said that their are no cabin available for us so they transferred us to tourists again and refund the money that we added for cabin. Your system is so poor and the crew had a hard time to fix the problem we encountered.
Trajekt Cabin, Starlite Ferries, 20. tra 2022.
Unorganized crew, bathroom lock in the beginning
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 19. tra 2022.
We experienced a lot of delays before and during on board. The crews had a hard time to fixed the problem and led to confusion.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 19. tra 2022.
The ticketing outlet in culasi port is very slow.. A lot of passengers are already in the line but the one who is in charge of releasing the ticket keeps on calling, lying in his chair and talking to someone.
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 12. tra 2022.
It is not well organize...
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 1. tra 2022.
Super fast trip to iloilo city yung estimate time of arrival 8am pero naka dock na yung barko 630am. Kaya 10 star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ kayo sakin.
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi, Starlite Ferries, 12. ožu 2022.
There is this crew at the Starbite Counter that is so rude to every passenger when he answered questions and provide service. His name is JAYVEE btw. He doesnt deserve a position in the hospitality industry. I am a waiter in a cruise ship and what he showed to every passenger is not tolerable for me. If he has a problem in private, he must hide it and not show anger and disrespect passenger at all. I observed him the whole time until he was changed by another crew that is better than him.
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 7. sij 2022.
T’was a good experience. Thank you.
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 7. sij 2022.
It was very good
Trajekt Krevet u ekonomskoj klasi, Starlite Ferries, 1. sij 2022.
Starlite Management has no coordination with Port personnel. 6pm schedule was delayed of 3 hrs. and we were advised that it was resched to 9pm. We were not allowed to enter boarding due to overloaded passengers inside. We were advised to wait until they have called that vessel is ready for boarding and that was the time we will go inside. We were called to enter around 9pm, only to be disgusted that the vessel have left already. You have no idea of our struggles outside the boarding area. We have our online bookings and you're not checking if those who have booked were there inside before your captain left. SO UNPROFEESIONAL! Your crews don't even bother to offer a hand for passengers upon entering the vessel for their baggage. You should be checking your passengers list before boarding just like 2go travels. Make sure you have made a final call of your passengers. Comfort rooms are not comfortable. Nobody's cleaning from time to time and other doors were locked. Only 2 is operating.
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 27. pro 2021.
The free meal is not that good,and the water is not included on the free meal. But over all, its nice experience.
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 26. pro 2021.
thank you for your Excellent customer Service Work
Trajekt Turistički krevet na kat, Starlite Ferries, 24. pro 2021.
nice trip everythings is excellent from crew to the place .
Trajekt Sjedala koja se mogu nagnuti unatrag, Starlite Ferries, 21. pro 2021.
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