Nakhon Si Racha

37 recenzija kupaca
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O Nakhon Si Racha

Autobusi su najpovoljnije prijevozno sredstvo s velikim brojem terminala diljem zemlje i pogodnim voznim redovima koji će vam pomoći u planiranju putovanja. Autobusi su zgodna opcija i za one koji putuju s malim budžetom i za one koji ne žele napraviti kompromis u pogledu udobnosti. Nakhon Si Racha nudi autobusnu uslugu s dostupnom online rezervacijom. Prije nego što rezervirate kartu, pročitajte recenzije drugih putnika kako biste odabrali najbolju opciju.

Apa Stasiun Utama Nakhon Si Racha?

Nakhon Si Racha prevozi autobusima do i od sljedećih stanica:

  • Pak Phanang
  • Southern Terminal Bangkok
  • Nakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal

Apa Rute Terpopuler Nakhon Si Racha?

Berapa Kelas & Harga Bus Nakhon Si Racha?

Cijena vašeg putovanja autobusom ovisit će i o odredištu i o klasi vaše karte. Imajte na umu da na određenim rutama nisu dostupne sve klase karata, ali za duža putovanja gotovo uvijek postoji dobar izbor opcija. Odlučite se za autobus za spavanje za najprikladnije putovanje preko noći. Autobusi za spavanje obično su opremljeni ležajevima ili mekim naslonjenim sjedalima, imaju ugrađeni WC, a vaša karta može uključivati ​​i druge pogodnosti kao što su grickalice ili čak ručak. Noćni autobus također je dobra ideja ako želite uštedjeti na hotelskoj sobi. Tijekom dana ekspresna usluga često je najbolja vrijednost za novac, jer ima manje zaustavljanja od autobusa običnog ili standardnog razreda i putuje brže. Na nekim rutama može biti ključno odabrati pravu klasu jer, recimo, autobusu običnog ili drugog razreda može trebati nekih 6 sati da prijeđe udaljenost koju autobus prvog razreda ili ekspres prijeđe za dva sata!

Prednosti i nedostaci putovanja autobusom

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobusi se obično mogu pohvaliti najširom mrežom pokrivenih destinacija. Putuju na mjesta do kojih ne možete doći avionom ili čak vlakom
  • Putovanje autobusom je jednostavno – nema potrebe da dolazite na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed, a prijava je obično vrlo brza formalnost za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom
  • Autobusne karte su vrlo povoljne. Da, postoje skupe opcije prve klase ili VIP, ali ako imate ograničena financijska sredstva, autobus je prvo prijevozno sredstvo o kojem morate razmišljati
  • Istodobno, postoje različite klase usluga koje odgovaraju svakom proračunu. Ako tražite višu razinu udobnosti, autobusi će vam je također pružiti.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Međugradski autobusni kolodvori mogu se nalaziti izvan centra grada na periferiji. To znači da ćete morati izračunati dodatno vrijeme i novac da biste stigli tamo. Na određenim destinacijama dolazak s autobusnog kolodvora može vas koštati više nego što biste očekivali, jer samo ograničenom broju prijevoznih tvrtki dopušteno je voziti ​​rutu – a cijene mogu biti napuhane.
  • Tijekom vikenda ili vrhunca sezone autobusi koji voze na neka turistička odredišta mogu ponestati u rasporedu i zahtijevaju rezerviranje unaprijed.
  • Iako autobusi ne ovise o vremenskim prilikama kao trajekti, autobusna putovanja također mogu biti odgođena ili otkazana zbog lošeg vremena ili uvjeta na cesti – imajte to na umu ako putujete tijekom određenih godišnjih doba ili na određena odredišta.
Pročitaj više

Nakhon Si Racha Popularne Rute

Bangkok - Autobusni kolodvor Surat Thani
Autobus VIP 24
Autobus Express
07:00, 07:29, 07:30
Autobus VIP
17:29, 18:00, 18:30, 20:00
Nakhon Si Thammarat - Bangkok
Autobus VIP 24
18:00, 18:05
Autobus Express
08:00, 09:00, 16:50, 17:50
Autobus VIP
08:00, 09:00, 17:10, 17:30, 17:50, 18:10, 18:30
Bangkok - Nakhon Si Thammarat
Autobus VIP 24
18:30, 18:50, 19:00, 19:30, 19:40
Autobus Express
07:29, 07:30
Autobus VIP
17:29, 17:30, 18:30
NaN Putnika

Nakhon Si Racha Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
ExpressSouthern Terminal BangkokSurat Thani Bus Terminal07:3017:159h 45m
ExpressSouthern Terminal BangkokSurat Thani Bus Terminal07:0016:459h 45m
ExpressSouthern Terminal BangkokSurat Thani Bus Terminal07:2917:149h 45m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokSurat Thani Bus Terminal17:2903:149h 45m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokSurat Thani Bus Terminal18:0003:459h 45m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokSurat Thani Bus Terminal18:3004:159h 45m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokSurat Thani Bus Terminal20:0005:459h 45m
ExpressNakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok17:5004:5011h 0m
ExpressNakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok09:0020:0011h 0m
VIP 24Nakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok18:0505:0511h 0m
VIP 24Nakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok18:0005:0011h 0m
ExpressSouthern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal07:2918:2911h 0m
ExpressSouthern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal07:3018:3011h 0m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal17:2904:2911h 0m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal17:3004:3011h 0m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal18:3005:3011h 0m
VIPNakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok18:3005:3011h 0m
VIPNakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok18:1005:1011h 0m
VIPNakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok17:5004:5011h 0m
VIPNakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok17:3004:3011h 0m
VIPNakhon Si Thammarat Bus TerminalSouthern Terminal Bangkok09:0020:0011h 0m
VIP 24Southern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal18:3005:3011h 0m
VIP 24Southern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal19:4006:4011h 0m
VIP 24Southern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal19:3006:3011h 0m
VIP 24Southern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal19:0006:0011h 0m
VIP 24Southern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal18:5005:5011h 0m
ExpressSouthern Terminal BangkokPak Phanang07:3019:3012h 0m
ExpressSouthern Terminal BangkokPak Phanang07:2919:2912h 0m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokPak Phanang18:3006:3012h 0m
VIPSouthern Terminal BangkokPak Phanang17:2905:2912h 0m

Nakhon Si Racha Stanice

Pak PhanangSouthern Terminal BangkokNakhon Si Thammarat Bus Terminal

Nakhon Si Racha Recenzije tvrtke

Thank You for so nice trip🙂
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 15. pro 2023.
Was a bit tricky to find the booth to get the tickets. The booth was actually inside the main building, level 1. Converted our online booking to paper tickets. There are a few stalls and food options depending on what time. A bit tricky to find the right bus, we were on 56 which is around the back/side. Once on board, we were given some light snacks, water, blankets ane a pillow. They stopped quiet a few times along the way to pick up mail etc but didn't bother me. The chairs reclined and it was alot easier to sleep on than a plane. Was woken up at 1am ish for a 20 minute break where we could use the bahtroom and have a smoke. Overall good experience and would do it again for the amount you save vs flying.
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 29. ožu 2023.
It was a good trip with complimentary water and cookies . You also got a blanket and pillow for sleep. The bus was a bit to bunny for my taste so couldn't really sleep but otherwise good.
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 19. sij 2020.
Wir wurden geweckt und irgendwo in Suratthani rausgelassen. Wir waren nicht am Busbahnhof. Wurden von einem Tuktuk Fahrer abgefangen der uns für 350 Baht zum Busbahnhof brachte. So war die Reise nicht gebucht. Schade, das war nicht in Ordnung. Ansonsten hat alles gut geklappt.
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 5. sij 2020.
I was so impressed with this trip. Not only was the bus very comfortable and quiet but we had so much leg room sat at the front, we were given water, juice, biscuits and we stopped off for a free meal along the way. We were also given a blanket and pillow when we got on which made sleeping so much easier. I would definitely recommend. The bus schedule did say we'd arrive at 7am but we arrived just before 6am which I can't complain about and we had read another review saying similar but just be aware when planning your trip that you may arrive early
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 7. srp 2019.
All perfect. Lunch included
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 12. sij 2019.
Bus was comfortable but missed power to charge and WiFi. It was saying arrival at 7am we arrived at 5.30am. Not a problem just maybe give a better schedule for people to know
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 29. stu 2018.
Buses are quite dated, dusty and dirty. Opened the curtains and was instantly sneezing from dust. Seats are not the most comfortable. We were woken up at 1am for food at a little market but would have preferred to sleep. But what was the real frustrating part was when our bus arrived to our destination 45-50 mins early, and the stewardess woke us up and started rushing us off the bus saying, "hurry hurry!!" without even an explanation that we had arrived, and in my rush and sleepy stupor I forgot some of my things on the bus. :( Then a tuk tuk driver (who we thought was a staff member from the bus at first) unloaded our bags from the bus and rushed them into his truck without even asking us if we wanted to pay an exorbitant amount of money to drive for 10 mins. We were so rushed, confused, and half asleep, that we got completely taken advantage of. If the bus was that early, there was absolutely no reason to be rushing us off like that, it was unacceptable in my opinion. We then had to wait even longer, outside surrounded by mosquitoes with nowhere open at 3:30am, for our connecting bus. Not impressed.
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 24. svi 2018.
Blankets were not given. The toilet smells so awful!
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 17. tra 2018.
The bus was very comfortable. They gave us blankets and pillows, and even a snack bag with bottled water. We made one stop at a truck stop, where you could use the restroom and get a snack. The staff was super friendly. I would book again!
Autobus VIP 24, Nakhon Si Racha, 3. tra 2018.
The seats Don't fit for europeiske
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 14. ruj 2017.
the stewardess keept an eye on me that i dont miss the station. i booked the ticket online. iam really satisfied
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 25. lip 2017.
i slept very good on the bus, kind assistance and very clean!
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 29. pro 2016.
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 28. pro 2022.
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 17. stu 2022.
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 11. lip 2022.
ร ท
Autobus VIP, Nakhon Si Racha, 30. ruj 2021.
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 10. velj 2020.
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 14. pro 2019.
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 19. svi 2019.
Autobus VIP 24, Nakhon Si Racha, 22. velj 2018.
Autobus Express, Nakhon Si Racha, 12. kol 2017.
Autobus VIP 24, Nakhon Si Racha, 5. kol 2016.
37 recenzija kupaca
86.5% od 37 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Nakhon Si Racha, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju