HTX Van Tai 277

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O HTX Van Tai 277

Autobusi su najpovoljnije prijevozno sredstvo s velikim brojem terminala diljem zemlje i pogodnim voznim redovima koji će vam pomoći u planiranju putovanja. Autobusi su zgodna opcija i za one koji putuju s malim budžetom i za one koji ne žele napraviti kompromis u pogledu udobnosti. HTX Van Tai 277 nudi autobusnu uslugu s dostupnom online rezervacijom. Prije nego što rezervirate kartu, pročitajte recenzije drugih putnika kako biste odabrali najbolju opciju.

Apa Stasiun Utama HTX Van Tai 277?

HTX Van Tai 277 prevozi autobusima do i od sljedećih stanica:

  • Savannakhet Bus Station
  • Luang Prabang Southern Station
  • Khang Khai Market
  • Lao Bao Border Check Point
  • Nam Khan Border Station
  • Hanoi Nuoc Ngam Station
  • Xieng Khouang Hotel
  • Vientiane Southern Bus Station
  • Thakhek

Berapa Kelas & Harga Bus HTX Van Tai 277?

Cijena vašeg putovanja autobusom ovisit će i o odredištu i o klasi vaše karte. Imajte na umu da na određenim rutama nisu dostupne sve klase karata, ali za duža putovanja gotovo uvijek postoji dobar izbor opcija. Odlučite se za autobus za spavanje za najprikladnije putovanje preko noći. Autobusi za spavanje obično su opremljeni ležajevima ili mekim naslonjenim sjedalima, imaju ugrađeni WC, a vaša karta može uključivati ​​i druge pogodnosti kao što su grickalice ili čak ručak. Noćni autobus također je dobra ideja ako želite uštedjeti na hotelskoj sobi. Tijekom dana ekspresna usluga često je najbolja vrijednost za novac, jer ima manje zaustavljanja od autobusa običnog ili standardnog razreda i putuje brže. Na nekim rutama može biti ključno odabrati pravu klasu jer, recimo, autobusu običnog ili drugog razreda može trebati nekih 6 sati da prijeđe udaljenost koju autobus prvog razreda ili ekspres prijeđe za dva sata!

Prednosti i nedostaci putovanja autobusom

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobusi se obično mogu pohvaliti najširom mrežom pokrivenih destinacija. Putuju na mjesta do kojih ne možete doći avionom ili čak vlakom
  • Putovanje autobusom je jednostavno – nema potrebe da dolazite na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed, a prijava je obično vrlo brza formalnost za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom
  • Autobusne karte su vrlo povoljne. Da, postoje skupe opcije prve klase ili VIP, ali ako imate ograničena financijska sredstva, autobus je prvo prijevozno sredstvo o kojem morate razmišljati
  • Istodobno, postoje različite klase usluga koje odgovaraju svakom proračunu. Ako tražite višu razinu udobnosti, autobusi će vam je također pružiti.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Međugradski autobusni kolodvori mogu se nalaziti izvan centra grada na periferiji. To znači da ćete morati izračunati dodatno vrijeme i novac da biste stigli tamo. Na određenim destinacijama dolazak s autobusnog kolodvora može vas koštati više nego što biste očekivali, jer samo ograničenom broju prijevoznih tvrtki dopušteno je voziti ​​rutu – a cijene mogu biti napuhane.
  • Tijekom vikenda ili vrhunca sezone autobusi koji voze na neka turistička odredišta mogu ponestati u rasporedu i zahtijevaju rezerviranje unaprijed.
  • Iako autobusi ne ovise o vremenskim prilikama kao trajekti, autobusna putovanja također mogu biti odgođena ili otkazana zbog lošeg vremena ili uvjeta na cesti – imajte to na umu ako putujete tijekom određenih godišnjih doba ili na određena odredišta.
Pročitaj više

HTX Van Tai 277 Popularne Rute

Hanoi - Vientiane
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41
18:00, 18:30
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad
18:00, 18:30
Hanoi - Nong Khai
Hanoi - Nghe An
Phonsavan - Hanoi
Hanoi - Xiangkhouang
Khammouan - Hanoi
Hanoi - Phonsavan
Hanoi - Savannakhet
Savannakhet - Hanoi
Hanoi - Luang Prabang
Luang Prabang - Hanoi
Vientiane - Hanoi
17:45, 18:00
Nghe An - Hanoi
Quang Tri - Hanoi
Hanoi - Quang Tri
Hanoi - Khammouan
Xiangkhouang - Hanoi
NaN Putnika

HTX Van Tai 277 Raspored i Satnica

KlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazadVientiane Southern Bus StationHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station17:4516:4523h 0m
Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazadVientiane Southern Bus StationHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station18:0017:0023h 0m
Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazadHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationVientiane Southern Bus Station18:0017:0023h 0m
Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazadHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationVientiane Southern Bus Station18:3017:3023h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Luang Prabang Southern StationHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station18:0019:0025h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationLuang Prabang Southern Station18:0019:0025h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41ThakhekHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station12:0003:0015h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationVientiane Transfer18:0017:0023h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationVientiane Transfer18:3017:3023h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationThakhek18:0009:0015h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Xieng Khouang HotelHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station22:3023:3025h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Savannakhet Bus StationHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station10:0007:0021h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationLao Bao Border Check Point17:0001:008h 0m
Bus + VanHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationNongkhai Border Checkpoint18:0019:0025h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Khang Khai MarketHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station23:3023:3024h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationSavannakhet via Vientiane18:0001:0031h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationSavannakhet Bus Station17:3014:3021h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationThakhek via Vientiane18:0001:0031h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationKhang Khai Market18:0018:0024h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationXieng Khouang Hotel18:0019:0025h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Hanoi Nuoc Ngam StationNam Khan Border Station18:0019:0025h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Nam Khan Border StationHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station07:0008:0025h 0m
VIP vozilo za spavanje 41Lao Bao Border Check PointHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station13:0021:008h 0m

HTX Van Tai 277 Stanice

Savannakhet Bus StationLuang Prabang Southern StationKhang Khai MarketLao Bao Border Check PointNam Khan Border StationHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationXieng Khouang HotelVientiane Southern Bus StationThakhek

HTX Van Tai 277 Recenzije tvrtke

This is NOT a safe way to travel. Starting with the worst, here is a list of what happened on our bus from Hanoi to Luang Prabang: 1. A young girl was sexually assaulted by a drunk man on the bus touching her legs and offering her money during the night, the drivers did nothing, 2. The bus broke down in the middle of nowhere in Laos, we were stranded for 10 hours with no updates on what was going on, nor would the drivers let us access our belongings or even board the bus, we have no food or water, imagine what that was like as it started to go darn 3. The drivers drank beer and smoked on the bus, 4. The drivers hit people on the legs for not taking off their shoes to board their filthy bus, 5. People’s bags were damaged during the ride due to being put on the roof in favour of cargo in the storage compartments - they laughed at the damage as they were taken off… need I say more? Don’t put yourself in danger to save a little bit of money, just book the flight instead. I never usually do reviews but this was the worst experience of my life, it took us 3 days to get to Luang Prabang under the dominion of a group of thugs who had total power over us whilst we had nothing to eat, drink nor even safety over our person nor possessions. Don’t incentivise this company so that they can do this to other people again please.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 25. tra 2024.
I know exactly what I booked - but I still put 2 star. I saved 3 500 000 by doing this trip and that is why I give it 2 stars. Make sure to have 50.000 for the stamp OUT OF CONUTRY and 10.000 Kep for the stamp in of the country. (But it’s good to bring extra in case they raise the “price” the day you arrive. ) The bus driver was super super rude to us over and over, and the end we just gave up trying to ask anything. If you have some money saved I recommend you spending your money on a flight ticket instead to save you a headache and a bumpy ride. But if you take this bus you will get a memory for life - and it’s not all that we are looking for ? Good luck!
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 10. tra 2024.
6 hours late... Arrived at 1h in luang prabang
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 10. ožu 2024.
Too hot, no ac, took way lobger than necesarry, bus driver had a 6 hour sleep break mid drive
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 8. velj 2024.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 30. sij 2024.
It was better that I expected. I've read all the reviews before and was expecting something worse. The bus left on time. It's was Wednesday so the bus didn't have a toilet or outlets to charge phones. We didn't experience racism, we were just sitting in front of the bus when they called us and we got on. The seats were pretty comfortable and sleapable. There were 2 seats together and then one - on the side, so couples could sleep next to each-other. The driver knew a few English words but even without it we could have basic communication about stops and border crossing. The driver was not very friendly, but it was okay. The second driver was more attentive and helped us to search for lost headphones. The first toilet stop was in 2-3 hours at approximately 9 PM and the drivers yellled "toilet" so it was easy to understand. I recommend taking this change because there were no toilet stops until 8AM when we reached the border. The toilets in Laos side of the border were manageable, no paper though so make sure to have it. Also, make sure you don't put on the clothes you don't want to get dirty, because the border crossing was muddy. We had passports and Vietnamese E-Visa so there were no problems crossing the border. At first we went to Laos border and they checked our e-visas. Then we walked like 3-4 minutes and got to the Vietnamese side, took bags from our bus and got also checked for our passports and e-visas as well as bags. No queue and no extra fee. After that, we walked again for 4-5 minutes and stopped at a covered area (like a bus stop) after the barrier, where we got picked by our bus. We didn't have to walk a lot at all. The whole proess took us 1-1.5 hours. We stopped to eat at 1:30-2PM (there was a toilet there) and then didn;t stop anymore. At 5PM, we echnaged busses because our bus had to be repaired and got a bus with 3 rows with separate beds. We got to Hanoi 1.5 hours later. The roads were a bit bumpy in Laos, but got better in Vietnam. But the driver honked very frequently in Vietnam (apparently, that's normal in Vietnam). Overall, it was pretty good for such a long drive. Nothing to be scared of.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 23. pro 2023.
The sleeper bus itself was completely fine, though no toilets. The bus left 1:30 hours later than it was originally supposed to. Around 50 I’m away from Hanoi the bus had a technical problem and we waited 6 hours for a different bus, though we were only 6 passengers by this point and they could have took us sooner by cars. We ended up arriving in Hanoi at 10:30 am instead of 3 am.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 18. pro 2023.
It was wat I expexted
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 25. svi 2023.
It was better then we expected. The driver was really nice and helpful. The only thing that was not great was that we arrived 2 hours later then expected
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 22. svi 2023.
I took the bus on a Saturday from Hanoi to Vientiane, according to 12goasia, it's one of the days with better busses. Bus was clean, staff friendly although they spoke almost 0 English. Comfort will be lower if you're taller than 1m80. In Laos there's a lot of road works and the ride gets bumpy. It would be nice if their was clearer communication about where we would stop and for how long. Overall quite comfortable, nothing to do with some horror stories that other travelers experienced.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 25. tra 2023.
This was the second time we took this route since the first time we arrived to the border and had to go back to Hanoi since we didn't know that it wasn't possible to get on-arrival visas to Laos anymore. We left on time from Hanoi and arrive almost at 9 pm to Luang Prabang. More than a formal transport for people, the bus was a goods delivery service.The bus stopped more than a dozen times to collect and deliver multiple items on the way, including more people with no tickets. All felt more like of it was a side business from corrupted drivers than something organized from the company. There were few stops to go to proper toilets (specially for women) and to eat. The drivers smoked constantly inside the bus and the air conditioning damaged a couple of times.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 15. ožu 2023.
Overall very good ride. I‘ve experienced none of all the bullying behavior against Western people described in some reviews. Very kind staff but unable to speak English, so it‘s more of a gesture-based communication :) Vientiane-Hanoi: Arrived at the border around 2.30 am, took a rest until the border opens, paid 10k Kip tip to the Lao staff and 50k Kip to the Vietnamese staff at immigration. Everything worked well having the eVisa in advance. No visa on arrival available. One guy had the wrong border crossing checkpoint to enter Vietnam in his eVisa, so he paid about 2M Dong to the Vietnamese staff to get in. Didn’t need any Dong at the border, I could pay everything in Kip. Bus was comfortable and we arrived only with a delay of 1-2 hours. Hard to tell if I‘d do it again bc it‘s a very long ride in the end but that‘s what you pay for I assume. Good job!
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 10. sij 2023.
A comfortable ride that ran on time, a slightly chaotic boarder crossing but we got through fine with our e-visas (this was on a Saturday bus)
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 25. lis 2022.
No way near as bad as the description makes it out to be, even the border crossing was fine, just lots of waiting. Comfortable sleeper bus and altogether easy journey.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 10. lis 2022.
I don't feel very comfortable in the car. The place is quite narrow and the mattress is hard while moving for 12 to 14 hours, and the staff does not drink anything. The garage should install additional USB connector-type phone chargers like many other night runs because of the urgent need for communication. Especially, the staff are very friendly and enthusiastic to support customers, but if they improve their English further, it will be a plus for the journey.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 6. lis 2022.
Bus was overcrowded, people with stinky feet slept next to our faces. Luggage was on the roof. Bus was 1 1/2h delayed and at the end of our journey the bus broke down
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 18. velj 2020.
Ok trip, as mentioned somewhere before asians got seated first, westerners last. Procedure on the borderline was as described on the website - hectic and little bit confusing. We paid small fee/bribe on both sites (10000 kip pp, we got receipt on Laos side), we had few stops on the way for food, toilet etc. Temperature inside bus was ok. Departure and arrival was roughly one hour later than stated, but this is normal in asia. Overall ok.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 2. pro 2019.
Водители ужасные. Все передние места резервируют для своих и туристов на них не пускают. У половины сидений в автобусе сломаны спинки. По дороге постоянно останавливаются, чтобы брать грузы. Везли даже мотоцикл и живых куриц. Для обеда остановились у дорогого кафе. Мы пошли в соседнее, там было намного дешевле. В итоге ехали 25 часов
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 25. stu 2019.
We were pretty nervous about getting this bus after reading the very unnecessarily aggressive terms&conditions, but it really is fine BAR getting on at Vientiane. When we arrived, an hour before our ticket time (as instructed) it would seem we were actually 2 hours early. After reading so much about locals snatching tickets and forcing you to pay again, we were pretty concerned when lots of apparent bus pushers started trying to grab ours and put our bags on their busses. Turns out this ticket is not for a specific bus but any of the many that are parked there. After much pushing and grabbing and some arguing between the bus guys (and absolutely NO letting go of our ticket) we had no choice but to assume the bus we eventually got on would take us to Hanoi. Anyway once we got settled it was fine. The bus had no toilet (travelled on a Sunday) but we stopped every few hours. We stopped around 1am and everyone including the drivers went to sleep. Apparently because we were queued at the border ready for when it opened at 7am. Fully prepared for a chaotic border crossing we were actually very relieved to find that our bus guys and other locals were happy to point us clueless tourists in the right direction. In low season we were 2 of only 5 westerners we could see doing the crossing. In conclusion, it’s fair to lower your expectations, but the Laos staff are very nice, as long as your not expecting any special treatment. Prepare for stress at Vientiane.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 24. lis 2019.
The ride was okay, but it will be better if you get the bottom bed rather than the top bunk. Lots of stop getting locals, and cargos. Communication with the driver is hard. But it was a memorable 24 hours bus ride experience :)
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 22. lis 2019.
Trip went smoothly. Drivers didn't speak English so we didn't know at first what to do at the border. Good thing some people who were with me in the bus helped me with the process. Wasn't as bad as I thought the trip was gonna be.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 23. ruj 2019.
Safely arrived in Hanoi on time. Staff can not speak English which seem to be normal. Overall Okay for me
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 23. ruj 2019.
One star for getting there. One star for staff being that they got us here. 12go tells you in the voucher (after you've booked) that certain days of the week have subpar busses. We had one of those. Would have been good info for 12go to share prebooking to earn the fee they charge. Left two hours late (standard in SE Asia) but that meant arriving in the dark at 8pm. Despite no assigned seats, westerners are directed to the worst seats and you have to accept it or argue back. Really only a good option if saving money. Skip 12go, they provide nothing, just book at the station.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 7. srp 2019.
The journey is fine and reasonably comfortable. But the level of completely blatant racism is just laughable. Asians are treated like people, westerners are treated like dirt. Every Asian was allowed on the bus to choose a seat prior to departure. We (having been the very first to arrive) were made to wait until the very end and were constantly shouted at for no reason. In the UK, the staff on this trip would have been fired within days.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 6. srp 2019.
They didn't stopped at my stop and I had to pay 500bath for a taxi to go to the stop.....
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 20. svi 2019.
The quality of the Sleeper Bus was good. Service was normal as staff are not able to communicate in English. However trip took longer than expected. We were informed to arrive 1hour before the departure time at 1730hrs but the bus only left the station at 1900hrs. Not sure why there was a delay but we were told to wait every time we asked.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 18. svi 2019.
Well, you get what you pay for. It did say on the ticket don't expect much. But I thought it was fine. Staff don't speak English, but as long as you are nice and polite they are also nice and polite so no big deal. No toilet but they make plenty of stops, and I got the feeling that if you asked to stop to use a toilet that would be no problem. Towards the end of the journey, the air con started leaking hahaha was a bit crazy but all part of the fun. Yeah the border is a little hectic but everyone finds their way. It's not up to the bus driver to hold your hand. All in all I thought it was fine and would probably do it again.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 23. tra 2019.
To be honest even just sitting on a bus for 24h is not a 5 star experience in general. But a toilet and wifi would habe definitely make the time on the bus better. It is true - bus full of stuff like packages, ready-to-sell-tshirts and ohter things. You got your seat and that’s it - no wandering around as there is people (even staff) laying in the narrow walkway. We got brought to the passport-check-out in Vietnam at the border (btw. 1 USD) and then to the Laos border where it was a little chaotic. But well the bus waited for everyone (at least it seemed like it) and we made the it to Vientiane. Earplugs are a must.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 17. tra 2019.
Bus left at 18:00 from Vientiane Southern Bus Station. As usual in Laos, it travelled quite slowly due to the numerous potholes and washouts in the road. The Bus made it into Nam Phao/Cau Treo Border post at 02:30, whereupon the driver, lined up in the growing queue of busses and turned off the engine (and therefore the AirCon). I was only just getting used to the various tonal snores of the various people when I dropped off myself. The bus driver and his offsider were helpful, though they didn't speak any English, giving me the nod when to get off the bus and where they would pick me up from. Get off at the Lao side, get stamped, walk about 1km to the Vietnam side, get your passport stamped, hopefully you have an e-visa and meet the bus. You have to then take your luggage off the bus and send it through the luggage scanner, collect it and wait while the border guards give the bus the once over. After they have, put your luggage back on and hi-ho away we go to Hanoi Nuoc Ngam Station. Bus was comfortable,in that I fell asleep a number of times. The AirCon is Arctic. They do give you a pillow and blanket, which is helpful, but wear thick socks and rug up. You HAVE to remove your shoes to get on the bus. They lay a strip of mattress on the aisle, so passengers can really stretch out and when you get off the bus, especially to the toilets, the ground is just plain filthy and you don't want to bring that back. They do provide you with slippers for when you get off the bus. However, either bring your own or buy some at Vientiane Southern Bus Station, which is what I did. All in all a good experience, The driver was exceptional as a driver, managing to avoid most of the potholes and just keeping the bus journey really smooth. Caught the Wednesday bus (with no on-board toilet or WiFi), rest stops about every 2 hours. Got into Hanoi Nuoc Ngam Station at 18:00.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 11. sij 2019.
We arrived 3 hours early and the bus staff did not assign us a seat until the last minute and gave us the worst seat at the back of the bus. I have been told this always happens to westerners.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 13. pro 2018.
This really gives me PTSD. Would highly recommend against anyone doing this trip. Its not for the faint of heart. 24 hours on a bus is no joke. The place is quite dirty, pillows feel a bit damp so you really aren’t sure what was on it before you. Also the toilet onboard is really smelly and damp too. You can’t wear shoes onboard so I’m not sure how you’re supposed to use the toilet without dirtying your feet with urine and fecal matter. Also the drivers and assistants weren’t friendly to foreigners at all and were actually quite hostile. If you are traveling alone, I would definitely recommend you reconsider because they will bully you. Just don’t do this.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 9. pro 2018.
The driver was VERY unfriendly to all the foreigners but the seats were comfortable and it wasn't as bad as I had expected! And it only took us 18 hours!
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 30. stu 2018.
Our trip wasn't as bad as other reviews I have read. The bus was loaded with random packages, and was cramped, but it didn't bother me and my girlfriend too much. The guys on the bus were nice enough, and tried to be helpful at the border (pointing in a general direction, but he did actually take us to the first passport gate). The only thing that would help is if they spoke even very basic English. But then again I suppose we could learn very basic Vietnamese. Yes, it was long, but we tried to sleep most of the way and succeeded. Ear plugs are a MUST. I asked for the toilet and had to wait another 90 minutes for what was a planned stop anyway. No wifi, toilet, so be prepared to be dehydrated for risk of going to the toilet on yourself.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 18. kol 2018.
The trip started badly when I got to the Hanoi Bus Station and counter 57, I kept trying to give my voucher in exchange for ticket as I was instructed to do. I was told nothing and kept getting sent to sit down. It got to 5 minutes until the bus (time written on my 12goAsia booking) was due to leave until someone told me it was due to leave an hour later and then I was asked to pay for my ticket, I had to repeat again and again I had already paid and argue with the person in charge before I got my ticket. I found my bus and it was ok, nothing special or terrible. Our bus journey took 30 hrs in total (i timed it out of curiousity), we had a few stops but the length of time was mostly due to the deliveries being loaded on the bus. We stopped very often in Vietnam to pick them up and a lot in Laos to drop them off. Overall not as bad as I had thought and i came well prepared with lots of films. Most of those of us travelling slept ok, at one point the bus turned on the radio for us all to hear quite late in on the 2nd night at a deafening volume which was not so great so i suggest earplugs. Expect very little and you cannot be disappointed.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 5. srp 2018.
The bus left one hour later, than originally planned, but they told me already at the counter. Instead of having chosen a Saturday bus, it was definitely one of those that is "below my expectations". No electricity, no wifi, no toilets, no space for sitting, no space for the legs. Luckily in the beginning and towards the end the bus was not too crowded, so that you could actually make yourself comfortable. There were several stops on the way for food and toilet. Border passing took more than two hours. But in the end I arrived after 26.5 hours. As I was the only western tourist, it appeared to me, that all the other guests were really nice and even showed me where to eat and so on
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 27. svi 2018.
Bus was delayed by 3 hours without explanation. The staff were very cold and rude to the western tourists not giving us information at any point. Leg room was poor and had no usb ports
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 16. svi 2018.
Instructions on the booking voucher was to go to counter 3 at the bus station to exchange for a boarding pass. But no one was at the counter (it was empty, and didn't look like the counter was in operation). Checked with a couple of other counters (other companies) and was finally directed to go straight to the bus bay. By sheer luck, met a staff (who turned out to me the driver) who spoke both English and Mandarin, and he helped me to settle everything. And since I was the only foreigner on board the bus that day, he also took care of me during the journey especially at the border crossing, telling what to do since the locals got to stay on the bus while I had to go through immigration myself. A big thank you to him (I didn't manage to get his name). Other staff didn't speak English but could see they were trying to help as well. The bus ride was decent. Overall an okay experience, less the boarding pass issue at the bus station.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 4. svi 2018.
The staff has been very rude,they don't speak ONE word of English and they don't care about you, they just about words in their language and treat you bad when you try to ask something. The bus has no WiFi and no toilet,the air conditioning was so high that u need a blanket to stay,they put loud Vietnamese music for almost all night so it was not possible to sleep, and they drive so fast the you cannot lay down. At the border they didn't explain us what we should do and ask us one dollar to Stan our passports (I don't know if it was a real fee or a fake one). Very hard and uncomfortable trip
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 17. tra 2018.
My experience was better than most stories that I've heard but still an interesting one to tell my friends. Be prepared for bugs, VERY rude bus attendents (segregated the foreigners from the laos obly gave us wifi to shut us up but refused water and snacks, yelled and pushed us), be on your toes at immigration otherwise you bus will just leave without you and laugh ( almost happened to the other foreign couple sitting next to us. Only had wifi til Laos border but there was a toilet on board and blankets and very loud Laos music through the speakers by 9am the next day :)
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 14. tra 2018.
The bus I took was a replacement service so I'm not sure how helpful my review can be. The scheduled bus caught fire so I was offered a replacement bus that promised arrival in 14hr instead of the usual 24hr. Actual journey took 20hr so I just wish that the promised arrival time was more realistic as some of us make changes to our accommodation bookings only to find it gone to waste. The bus we were on seemed to have just completed a trip so it was pretty messy and smelly. We had to switch buses some distance after the border so we waited in a freezing cold restaurant for 2-3hr without any information. In terms of service the staff of 12Go whom I communicated with (Hong Nguyen) was quite helpful and prompt with replies but I guess there are just some things that are out of their control.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 19. velj 2018.
Very friendly operators! They'll help out if you have any kind of problem.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 4. sij 2018.
Said 24 hour and some reviews online said it could be worse. My experience was good. Only took 22hr. Be aware the visa points have no ATM and won't accept card. Carry cash. I had to borrow of the driver and I was a little embarrassed. All in all, bus was comfortable enough and if you don't want to pay the extra for the flight it's a reasonable option. :-)
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 9. pro 2017.
Late leaving and getting to Hanoi . Left us at border and drove off to Vietnam side without telling us. Dirty bus bathroom , trash etc. not helpful in any way.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 19. srp 2017.
Didn't arrive at the time provided. 4 hours later than expected arrival. Also they will have other passengers joins in the middle of the trip. Take the 2nd bunks so you'll avoid the hassle of getting your face hit with bags and people's legs/arms
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 17. lip 2017.
The bus was late to reach Hanoi as compared to the ticket timing, but was expected after reading the reviews. The actual time to reach is about 6pm. Got to the bus station early to get good seats. Went there a bit too early, around 430pm would have been fine. Buses set off too early from the station as we reach immigration at about 2am, while waiting for immigration to open at 630am. Could have set off later to ease the travel waiting time. Immigration was a mess as people jostle to get their passport stamped first. Luckily our bus conductor was nice to ensure that we get through immigration together. Overall bus was ok and not too bad if you get good seats.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 24. svi 2017.
All round horrible can't meant
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 16. svi 2017.
Considering this is meant to be 'the journey from hell' we had a good journey. Comfy bus seats. We managed to get the back 3 seats between 2 of us because it was practically empty. Only negative is some of the staff was so rude to us. Hurrying us along at immigration as if we had any control over the ridiculously slow process!
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 24. ožu 2017.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 1. ožu 2024.
Autobus Autobus za spavanje sa sjedalima koja se mogu nagnuti unazad, HTX Van Tai 277, 21. velj 2024.
Autobus VIP vozilo za spavanje 41, HTX Van Tai 277, 2. sij 2024.
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