Hoang Long

387 recenzija kupaca
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O Hoang Long

Autobusi su najpovoljnije prijevozno sredstvo s velikim brojem terminala diljem zemlje i pogodnim voznim redovima koji će vam pomoći u planiranju putovanja. Autobusi su zgodna opcija i za one koji putuju s malim budžetom i za one koji ne žele napraviti kompromis u pogledu udobnosti. Hoang Long nudi autobusnu uslugu s dostupnom online rezervacijom. Prije nego što rezervirate kartu, pročitajte recenzije drugih putnika kako biste odabrali najbolju opciju.

Apa Stasiun Utama Hoang Long?

Hoang Long prevozi autobusima do i od sljedećih stanica:

  • Hai Duong HoangLong
  • Nha Trang HoangLong
  • Can Tho Bus Station
  • Cat Ba HoangLong
  • Phia Nam Hue Bus Station
  • Bus Tien Giang
  • Da Nang HoangLong
  • Dong Hoi HoangLong
  • Hai Phong HL
  • Hai Phong HoangLong
  • Cai Vieng
  • Quang Ninh
  • Ninh Binh HoangLong
  • Nam Dinh HoangLong
  • Hanoi Nuoc Ngam Station
  • Dong Nai Station
  • Ha Noi Nuoc Ngam HL
  • Hanoi HL
  • Mien Dong

Berapa Kelas & Harga Bus Hoang Long?

Cijena vašeg putovanja autobusom ovisit će i o odredištu i o klasi vaše karte. Imajte na umu da na određenim rutama nisu dostupne sve klase karata, ali za duža putovanja gotovo uvijek postoji dobar izbor opcija. Odlučite se za autobus za spavanje za najprikladnije putovanje preko noći. Autobusi za spavanje obično su opremljeni ležajevima ili mekim naslonjenim sjedalima, imaju ugrađeni WC, a vaša karta može uključivati ​​i druge pogodnosti kao što su grickalice ili čak ručak. Noćni autobus također je dobra ideja ako želite uštedjeti na hotelskoj sobi. Tijekom dana ekspresna usluga često je najbolja vrijednost za novac, jer ima manje zaustavljanja od autobusa običnog ili standardnog razreda i putuje brže. Na nekim rutama može biti ključno odabrati pravu klasu jer, recimo, autobusu običnog ili drugog razreda može trebati nekih 6 sati da prijeđe udaljenost koju autobus prvog razreda ili ekspres prijeđe za dva sata!

Prednosti i nedostaci putovanja autobusom

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobusi se obično mogu pohvaliti najširom mrežom pokrivenih destinacija. Putuju na mjesta do kojih ne možete doći avionom ili čak vlakom
  • Putovanje autobusom je jednostavno – nema potrebe da dolazite na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed, a prijava je obično vrlo brza formalnost za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom
  • Autobusne karte su vrlo povoljne. Da, postoje skupe opcije prve klase ili VIP, ali ako imate ograničena financijska sredstva, autobus je prvo prijevozno sredstvo o kojem morate razmišljati
  • Istodobno, postoje različite klase usluga koje odgovaraju svakom proračunu. Ako tražite višu razinu udobnosti, autobusi će vam je također pružiti.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Međugradski autobusni kolodvori mogu se nalaziti izvan centra grada na periferiji. To znači da ćete morati izračunati dodatno vrijeme i novac da biste stigli tamo. Na određenim destinacijama dolazak s autobusnog kolodvora može vas koštati više nego što biste očekivali, jer samo ograničenom broju prijevoznih tvrtki dopušteno je voziti ​​rutu – a cijene mogu biti napuhane.
  • Tijekom vikenda ili vrhunca sezone autobusi koji voze na neka turistička odredišta mogu ponestati u rasporedu i zahtijevaju rezerviranje unaprijed.
  • Iako autobusi ne ovise o vremenskim prilikama kao trajekti, autobusna putovanja također mogu biti odgođena ili otkazana zbog lošeg vremena ili uvjeta na cesti – imajte to na umu ako putujete tijekom određenih godišnjih doba ili na određena odredišta.
Pročitaj više

Hoang Long Popularne Rute

Hai Phong - Hanoi
06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:02, 13:00, 14:03, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:30
Hanoi - Hai Phong
06:00, 07:00, 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, 11:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:30
NaN Putnika

Hoang Long Raspored i Satnica

Autobus brojKlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
148ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong06:0007:301h 30m
1ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong07:0008:301h 30m
2ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong08:0009:301h 30m
3ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong09:0010:301h 30m
4ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong10:0011:301h 30m
5ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong11:0012:301h 30m
3528ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong13:0014:301h 30m
7ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong14:0015:301h 30m
8ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong15:0016:301h 30m
9ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong16:0017:301h 30m
10ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong17:0018:301h 30m
11ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong18:0019:301h 30m
315ExpressHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationHai Phong HoangLong19:3021:001h 30m
13ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station06:0007:301h 30m
14ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station07:0008:301h 30m
15ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station08:0009:301h 30m
16ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station09:0010:301h 30m
17ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station10:0011:301h 30m
3688ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station11:0212:321h 30m
732ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station13:0014:301h 30m
3901ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station14:0315:331h 30m
21ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station15:0016:301h 30m
22ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station16:0017:301h 30m
23ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station17:0018:301h 30m
24ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station18:0019:301h 30m
738ExpressHai Phong HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam Station19:3021:001h 30m

Hoang Long Stanice

Hai Duong HoangLongNha Trang HoangLongCan Tho Bus StationCat Ba HoangLongPhia Nam Hue Bus StationBus Tien GiangDa Nang HoangLongDong Hoi HoangLongHai Phong HLHai Phong HoangLongCai ViengQuang NinhNinh Binh HoangLongNam Dinh HoangLongHanoi Nuoc Ngam StationDong Nai StationHa Noi Nuoc Ngam HLHanoi HLMien Dong

Hoang Long Recenzije tvrtke

Rude driver, no toilet stops. We couldn’t access our booked seats. Bus arrived to Ho Chi Minh 2,5 hours earlier.
Autobus VIP 36, Hoang Long, 17. ožu 2020.
40 Minuten zu spät und nicht am Abholpunkt erschienen. Der Fahrer konnte kein einziges Wort englisch also wussten wir nicht ob wir überhaupt im richtigen Bus sitzen und ob und wann Pausen gemacht werden. Die Fahrt war ansonsten ruhig.
Autobus VIP 36, Hoang Long, 15. ožu 2020.
Not a good experience in general. Nuoc Ngam Station in Hanoi is hot, no air conditioning at passengers waiting room. Hoang Long staff and counter do not show a friendly face when we approached him, do not provide good information to us. The bus driver that night are rude, not only to customers, also the way he drive, every 5 seconds he will sound the horn, we can't sleep well. He were angry when other passangers requested for an emergency stop for toilet. He and his assistant smoke in the bus, it was really uncomfortable for this as I expecting an aircon coach without smoking. The assistant character slightly better. The meal provided are really simple, low quality. Overall the service acceptable but their staff are bad. The trip were delay for about 30 minutes. The luggage compartment were used by the drivers for the extra private earning services... So ours have to keep inside the bus... This is odd.
Autobus VIP 36, Hoang Long, 15. ožu 2020.
Bus journey was good but we had to wait on highway which was bot explained in electronic ticket.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 11. ožu 2020.
Perfekt every time again Thank you.
Autobus Express, Hoang Long, 5. velj 2020.
From what we heard about this bus company it was really OK. We probably got lucky. Bus was only half full, so we got space and we had only hour delay (on 13h trip it is a huge success in my mind). The staff were not friendly but they did their job.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 21. sij 2020.
Bus pour les locaux pas chère. Celui que nous avons pris avec mon amie était très bien, la musique n'était pas trop forte. Il faisait un peu froid à cause de la clim mais il suffit de fermer les bouches d'aération au dessus des sièges et ça va déjà mieux.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 16. sij 2020.
Наш рейс отменили, нам никто не сообщил, приехали на автовокзал поздно вечером с сумками и облом, пришлось ждать несколько часов до 2 ночи рейса который все таки поехал, было много свободного места, и удалось немного поспать, берите с собой влажные салфетки если хотите спать на чистом месте.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 11. sij 2020.
I didn't took the bus as the operator she's kept saying delay 30 mind my schedule to leave hue is 9:45 I came early to the bus station around 8:30 and show my ticket he didn't say anything that bus will be delay, when time is 9:30am I asked where is the bus there's a lady in the office and she said wait 10:30am and when time is 10:30 she said bus will arrive 11:00 - 11:30! You know that there's is cheap local bus 70,000 vnd there are on time. This is mistake to book the ticket I read properly in what is in your platform I should have serve refund. I don't deserved to be treat it like that! FYI DON'T BOOK IN 12GO ASIA IF YOUR TRAVELLING BY BUS EXPECT THERE BUS ALWAYS DELAY. Better to book in your home stay or hostel.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 5. sij 2020.
Schedule is not precise and arrival point at nha trang is too far from the city center. (This is just to give other traveler a heads up.) The ride was just ok though.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 5. sij 2020.
2hr delay. A 9hour turned into a 12 hour journey as we stopped in Saigon for a 3hr detour. It was nice having a bed to lie on but the delay and detour having been unexpected was not great.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 5. sij 2020.
The journey went smoothly and the drivers were very friendly. It only would be nice if we would have been informed at the bus station in Hanoi that the bus was on its way, but an hour late.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 4. sij 2020.
Bus arrived two hours later, but we arrived on final destination only 30 minutes late. The driver was very o.k., other local pasengers too. We had lunch together-it was not really for our taste, but it was nice to try something very local.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 30. pro 2019.
It's not a bus ride from Hell, but it's more like a bus ride from Purgatory. You travel with packages. Both food and restrooms are advertised, but they are not provided. There is no food provided on the bus. The company does pay for food at rest stops. There is no restroom on the bus, at all. You pull over and squat and hope the locals aren't trying to get a glimpse of you. The seats are all beds and you cannot sit up. The A.C. cannot be adjusted. This is how the locals travel, and the locals can be a little crass if you are female. I don't recommend this company.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 21. pro 2019.
Rude driver. Dirty seats.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 21. pro 2019.
A lot of cargo being dropped off on the way to Ho Chi Minh City but all in all, solid trip. Arrived earlier than expected and got to tour the city the way I wanted to. Cheers!
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 20. pro 2019.
They should move the Departure pick up point to somewhere else. It is in industrial or heavy truck area, even the texi driver hd difficulty finding it. Plus, for 21:00 pick up time, bus arrived at 22:25. We waited all alone in the dark for many hours. Driver was okay, passengers tried to help us. These two stars are for only the driver.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 19. pro 2019.
You need to know the way around to figure out the chaotic process at the bus station
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 14. pro 2019.
At all - not so bad :) Departure and arriving to destination was in time. One stop with meal included at about half of the trip from Ho Chi Mihn to Nha Trang. Bus was filled 1/4, AC sometimes was working, there isn't a kingsize bed, but for ticket cost - generally ok.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 14. pro 2019.
The times of pick up and arrival are completely out of whack. The beds are hard compared to other buses. The horn is loud early in the morning. Other than that it's fine. Only use if you can handle the chaos
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 12. pro 2019.
Bus was over 3 hours late to start with. The tickets state ‘include food’ which normally means, food is paid for... but it wasn’t. We arrived 3 hours later than expected in HCMC. Driving was typical, hitting every hole in the road and randomly turning the lights on during the trip. It was an experience. That’s the only way to describe it
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 8. pro 2019.
The bus was late for one hour but all in all the trip was a bit better than I expected. Chickens in a baggage area was a funny discovery. I got lucky the bus wasn't crowded. I was very tired so managed to sleep 90% of the trip. All in all it was dirty and the smell wasn't good but as an experience it was cool. Driver was friendly but didn't speak english. The only thing I didn't like actually was the fact he dropped me 10km from Dong Hoi center (maybe if I showed him on the map would have been different) so I had to find another way to the hotel.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 4. pro 2019.
Driver was safe, friendly and did a great job.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 16. stu 2019.
There needs to be a toilet facility on the coach. If there was one, it was not accessible as there were not enough stops to be able to go to the toilet. If there were one on the coach however I am unsure there was. There was one cupboard looking section at the back however had a lot of stuff in front of it so was no accessible whatever it was.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 7. stu 2019.
Big fancy bus. Friendly staff (though they do not speak english). I was allowed to board a bus that departed 1 hour earlier then my ticket. Very happy with the provider.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 31. lis 2019.
Delayed, dirty, not much help and dropped us in the middle of nowhere far away from where they said they would.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 29. lis 2019.
We are not going to complain about the poor bus conditions, the fact nobody spoke English or the crazy bus driver as these were of course expected and no different to many other journeys we've done in Asia. The issue is that 12go are not aware that buses are no longer allowed into Dong Hoi and the bus office they've provided is no longer accessible by bus. Hang Loang arranged for a (much more expensive than usual) taxi for us to get to another bus stop 10km away. We ended up catching the bus on the road and got on the bus on the side of the road. We spoke with those guys fine through google translate and was grateful for their help getting the bus. We did however arrive into Da Nang at 3am and not at the 6:45am advertised. Our accommodation was not open but fortunately there was a 24hour front desk hostel only a few km away which we were able to take a grab taxi to and spend the rest of the night until the following morning. 12go please speak with Hoang Long and consider updating the arrival time to 3am so people can take that into account with their accommodation and update the fact you can't actually board at Dong Hoi.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 27. lis 2019.
Pls note, must take off shoes before entering bus. The driver was very strict about this.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 17. lis 2019.
Everybody was helpful getting us to the bus. The bus itself was a expected very unclean. The driving was very dangerous.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 7. lis 2019.
Broken seats that wouldn’t change position, the bus driver smoking while driving leaving us to get his exhaled smoke, constantly beeping the horn which made sleep impossible and although advertised as going to the town required we were dumped on the side of the road 10km out of town. Avoid unless for small trips only.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 3. lis 2019.
Le bus de Haï Phong à Ninh Binh était un sleeper bus mais confortable. Le trajet à duré environ 3h.le chauffeur et le contrôleur ont été très gentils et patients avec moi malgré la barrière de la langue. Par contre : - l'adresse de pick up à Haï Phong indiquée lors de la réservation n'est pas la bonne. Il faut prendre le bus à la gare routière de Thuong Ly. -Arrivé à Ninh Binh, on vous dépose au milieu de nul part et 2 moto bike m'attendaient. Ils ont tenté un 150.000" Mais j'ai pu aller à Tam Coc pour 70 000.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 3. lis 2019.
super dirty, late and without socket to charge the phone. It’s a 16 hours travel, one should have certain commodities. Even the bathroom was out of use
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 21. ruj 2019.
The bus is a sleeper bus but no option to seat up, well you’re neither laying down nor seared, kind of half way. It’s comfortable enough, just happy it was a short trip less than 2h. I’m only putting 1 star because the driver was less than welcoming, we couldn’t pick our seat, we got dropped in the middle of nowhere outside Ninh Binh. There was 1 taxi car and 2 taxi bikes waiting. To top that up, the driver was smoking in the bus. So I wouldn’t call it a 5 star but if you to get from A to B( well nearly B) then it’s no too bad.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 21. ruj 2019.
Bus was late, but made it up on route, so we arrived at expected time. Instead of normal bus - which was supposed to show up - we were in a sleeper one, with beds, no normal seats.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 14. ruj 2019.
Small seat (bed) I was scared to fall The driver left us in the middle of nowhere
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 30. kol 2019.
Our bus was cancelled without noticing us, then the next was also late. We waited about 4h30! Otherwise the car was okay
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 23. kol 2019.
Easy and safe bus ride.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 20. kol 2019.
It wasn't too bad at all! A bit nervous at the station but once you're on the bus it's no trouble at all. Only a short trip for Da Nang to Hue but no complaints about the journey at all. My boyfriend actually enjoyed himself! :)
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 19. kol 2019.
Rude and not helping drivers. (X2). Toilets unavailable. Drivers didnt tell us when stops for toilets neither meal time. No Wi-Fi, no electric plugs neither tv as described on the website. But anyway, very comfortable because bus only half full. Good luck to your company. Stéphane
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 19. kol 2019.
We recently used your bus service, travelling from Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh on Monday the 12th of August. We were two adults and one 6 year old child . We booked with your company as it stated you had WIFI , Air Conditioning and most importantly a toilet of which this was a priority given the distance we were traveling and with a young child . Please see our list of grievances below. Firstly the departure time stated 10:48 , but the bus did not pick us up until 12:20 with no apology or explanation given . We were then greeted by the rudest and most aggressive bus driver. He shouted orders at us and was intimidating to both my wife and child. The bus had minimal air conditioning which did not provide the required temperature. There was no WIFI. The bus was filthy dirty with rubbish and general grime throughout. It appeared the bus had never been cleaned!!!!! As the journey proceeded my son and myself required the use of the toilet , when we went to use it I noticed that the door was pad locked shut! I politely pointed this out to the driver or drivers assistant and he aggressively gestured me to go away by placing his hand in my face. We did stop enroute , but this was only for 30 minutes. This was not adequate for a 20 hour journey , especially when there is a child on board . I asked the driver a second time into journey to please unlock the toilet to which again I was aggressively hand gestured away. The whole experience was distressing and degrading for my family and mostly my 6 year old son .
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 16. kol 2019.
The bus drive didn’t speak English, he locked up the toilet on the bus which was not available during our 16 hour bus ride with only 2 stops one was at 3am. He did not wake anyone up for the break either which most people slept through. We weren’t allow to put our luggage’s below the bus so it was cramped in the already tiny hallway of the bus. Would catch the bus if it was last option but definitely will avoid doing it again.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 11. kol 2019.
We are leaving 2* as we got to place where we should. Other than that it was one of our worst experience in Vietnam so far. You can’t blame them for not speaking english but they are just not nice (we usually met very nice and helpful people in this country but not the drivers here). Bus was extremely dirty, nothing like pictures on their website. No free meal as advertised either but in so dirty place you couldn’t eat anyway. It is cheap so we understand it is not the best by any means. You can take it if you are broke but we will not use this company again...
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 9. kol 2019.
The driver was rude. If you don’t ask for your free meal, they just give to vietnamise people, they treated the foreigners really bad. After that, i was drop 4 h and a half before, 2 am, in the middle of nowhere. I wss expecting to get there in the morning, and after that it was a complicated night
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 7. kol 2019.
I was charged 220000 dong for the so called hydrofoil. The boat that ferried me was not the hydrofoil and other passengers had cheaper tickets. The ferry didnt leave at 9am as stated. It took about 1.5 hours and should have taken 45 minutes on the hydrofoil.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 6. kol 2019.
Bus was old. Really dirty. And they forget to stop to let us out at the busstation.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 4. kol 2019.
Great beds. surprisingly comfortable for the 22 hour journey, food stops were of good quality and at good times. Only issue I have was the presence of some bed bugs that bit my friend quite badly, so please check your buses for these in the future. Overall great experience, would recommend for the price!
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 1. kol 2019.
Toilets where vile and had the seat above the toilet so half leg room was cut off and it smelt. Other than this was tolerable.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 31. srp 2019.
They were very rought in communicating with the people. A lot of shouting. Trip was also very bumpy, i am for sure he drove too fast. Also they dropped us off af a deserted gass station. We had to ask a local man to call a taxi from town.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 27. srp 2019.
The bus was average, a bit old. The people were ok, but nobody spoke English so I had a 24-hour ride without being able to make me understood at all. It was written that meal was included, but I didn't get any ticket. Local people were eating at stops, but all the places they stopped at were remote small businesses with no menu (and of course no English), just some street-food quality something, so I spent 25 hours without eating anything. The stops were pretty frequent and long enough. I am used to public toilets in this part of the world, so for me that was not a problem, but it might be if your expectations are high. All in all, not a bad experience, I felt safe, although alien, but I wouldn't repeat it if I had other choice.
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 20. srp 2019.
Very different arrival and departure times. No toilet on board as advertised. Very old bus, despite paying more for the ‘nicer’ bus. Minimal toilet stops offered. The dinner was nice
Autobus Standardna s klimom, Hoang Long, 17. srp 2019.
387 recenzija kupaca
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