Cherry Bus

245 recenzija kupaca
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O Cherry Bus

Autobusi su najpovoljnije prijevozno sredstvo s velikim brojem terminala diljem zemlje i pogodnim voznim redovima koji će vam pomoći u planiranju putovanja. Autobusi su zgodna opcija i za one koji putuju s malim budžetom i za one koji ne žele napraviti kompromis u pogledu udobnosti. Cherry Bus nudi autobusnu uslugu s dostupnom online rezervacijom. Prije nego što rezervirate kartu, pročitajte recenzije drugih putnika kako biste odabrali najbolju opciju.

Apa Stasiun Utama Cherry Bus?

Cherry Bus prevozi autobusima do i od sljedećih stanica:

  • El Nido
  • Puerto Princesa

Apa Rute Terpopuler Cherry Bus?

Berapa Kelas & Harga Bus Cherry Bus?

Cijena vašeg putovanja autobusom ovisit će i o odredištu i o klasi vaše karte. Imajte na umu da na određenim rutama nisu dostupne sve klase karata, ali za duža putovanja gotovo uvijek postoji dobar izbor opcija. Odlučite se za autobus za spavanje za najprikladnije putovanje preko noći. Autobusi za spavanje obično su opremljeni ležajevima ili mekim naslonjenim sjedalima, imaju ugrađeni WC, a vaša karta može uključivati ​​i druge pogodnosti kao što su grickalice ili čak ručak. Noćni autobus također je dobra ideja ako želite uštedjeti na hotelskoj sobi. Tijekom dana ekspresna usluga često je najbolja vrijednost za novac, jer ima manje zaustavljanja od autobusa običnog ili standardnog razreda i putuje brže. Na nekim rutama može biti ključno odabrati pravu klasu jer, recimo, autobusu običnog ili drugog razreda može trebati nekih 6 sati da prijeđe udaljenost koju autobus prvog razreda ili ekspres prijeđe za dva sata!

Prednosti i nedostaci putovanja autobusom

Prednosti putovanja autobusom

  • Autobusi se obično mogu pohvaliti najširom mrežom pokrivenih destinacija. Putuju na mjesta do kojih ne možete doći avionom ili čak vlakom
  • Putovanje autobusom je jednostavno – nema potrebe da dolazite na autobusni kolodvor puno unaprijed, a prijava je obično vrlo brza formalnost za razliku od putovanja zrakoplovom
  • Autobusne karte su vrlo povoljne. Da, postoje skupe opcije prve klase ili VIP, ali ako imate ograničena financijska sredstva, autobus je prvo prijevozno sredstvo o kojem morate razmišljati
  • Istodobno, postoje različite klase usluga koje odgovaraju svakom proračunu. Ako tražite višu razinu udobnosti, autobusi će vam je također pružiti.

Nedostaci putovanja autobusom

  • Međugradski autobusni kolodvori mogu se nalaziti izvan centra grada na periferiji. To znači da ćete morati izračunati dodatno vrijeme i novac da biste stigli tamo. Na određenim destinacijama dolazak s autobusnog kolodvora može vas koštati više nego što biste očekivali, jer samo ograničenom broju prijevoznih tvrtki dopušteno je voziti ​​rutu – a cijene mogu biti napuhane.
  • Tijekom vikenda ili vrhunca sezone autobusi koji voze na neka turistička odredišta mogu ponestati u rasporedu i zahtijevaju rezerviranje unaprijed.
  • Iako autobusi ne ovise o vremenskim prilikama kao trajekti, autobusna putovanja također mogu biti odgođena ili otkazana zbog lošeg vremena ili uvjeta na cesti – imajte to na umu ako putujete tijekom određenih godišnjih doba ili na određena odredišta.
Pročitaj više

Cherry Bus Popularne Rute

Puerto Princesa - Palawan
Autobus Regularni s klimom
06:00, 10:00
Autobus Deluxe WC
El Nido - Puerto Princesa
Autobus Lazyboy WC
11:00, 21:00
Autobus Ekonomska klasa bez klimatizacije
Autobus Regularni s klimom
09:00, 13:00, 15:00, 15:30
Puerto Princesa - El Nido
Autobus Lazyboy WC
11:00, 21:30
Autobus Ekonomska klasa bez klimatizacije
06:45, 07:00
Autobus Regularni s klimom
09:00, 13:00, 15:00
NaN Putnika

Cherry Bus Raspored i Satnica

Autobus brojKlasaPolazna stanicaDolazna stanicaPolazakDolazakVrijeme putovanja
CB3Lazyboy WCEl NidoPuerto Princesa11:0016:075h 7m
CB5Lazyboy WCEl NidoPuerto Princesa21:0002:075h 7m
CB3Lazyboy WCPuerto PrincesaEl Nido11:0016:075h 7m
CB5Lazyboy WCPuerto PrincesaEl Nido21:3002:375h 7m
CB1Regularni s klimomPuerto PrincesaEl Nido09:0014:075h 7m
CB7Regularni s klimomPuerto PrincesaEl Nido13:0018:075h 7m
CB8Regularni s klimomPuerto PrincesaEl Nido15:0020:075h 7m
CB1Regularni s klimomEl NidoPuerto Princesa09:0014:075h 7m
CB7Regularni s klimomEl NidoPuerto Princesa13:0018:075h 7m
CB8Regularni s klimomEl NidoPuerto Princesa15:0020:075h 7m
CB8Regularni s klimomEl NidoPuerto Princesa15:3020:375h 7m
CB2Ekonomska klasa bez klimatizacijePuerto PrincesaEl Nido06:4511:525h 7m
CB2Ekonomska klasa bez klimatizacijePuerto PrincesaEl Nido07:0012:075h 7m
CB2Ekonomska klasa bez klimatizacijeEl NidoPuerto Princesa07:0012:075h 7m
CB6Deluxe WCPuerto PrincesaBuliluyan Port08:3015:256h 55m
CB4Regularni s klimomPuerto PrincesaSanta Teresita Dumaran06:0009:593h 59m
CB4Regularni s klimomPuerto PrincesaSanta Teresita Dumaran10:0013:593h 59m

Cherry Bus Stanice

El NidoPuerto Princesa

Cherry Bus Recenzije tvrtke

The guide is knowledgeable and speak clearly.
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 20. tra 2022.
Went all smoothly
Autobus Ekonomska klasa bez klimatizacije, Cherry Bus, 8. tra 2022.
Very reliable booking. Fast and easy. No problems at all. Best way to get to El Nido from PP. Definitely better than taking a van (vomit comet).
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 27. sij 2020.
Great! Comfortable, spacious, modern bus, clean, great view of the passing scenery. BYO tasty sandwiches or something for the trip before going to the bus depot, wouldn't want to rely on the food at the three truck stops.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 23. sij 2020.
Great service!
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 22. sij 2020.
The bus was fast, maybe too fast. Racing through tight mountain switchbacks at 50-80+ kmph left us on the verge of vomiting during most of the trip - and personally I never feel motion sickness so that is quite the feat! There is a speed readout above the driver and when it exceeds 75mph it flashes a light and beeps audibly - it was beeping often! Don't expect to sleep on the night bus, you are constantly thrown left to right and right to left making any semblance of sleep impossible. At least one passenger threw up and the gentleman beside me was sweating bullets despite the ac being fairly cold.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 12. sij 2020.
The chair was broken and the back rest jumped up and down through the entire trip
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 4. sij 2020.
Not to comfy, no armrest, and could not recline the seat
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 2. sij 2020.
In the bus there was a smell of urine coming out of the bathroom
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 27. pro 2019.
Great bus, but terrible music playing loud during the whole way
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 26. pro 2019.
Excellent, the bus is very comfy and has plenty of room
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 21. pro 2019.
good value, arrived early, not as comfortable as the 3 seats in a row bus we got going to El Nido, perhaps price/time difference?
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 18. pro 2019.
Description should say that this bus doesn't stop at the airport! Very bumpy ride in this old bus, at least we had AC
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 14. pro 2019.
Comfortable seats, a bit fast on corners, but we arrived early. Highly recommended
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 14. pro 2019.
We arrived only 15 minutes after schedule. It was a very comfortable air-conditioned trip
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 14. pro 2019.
Very good driver, thank you for carfully driving
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 12. pro 2019.
Had to tighten seatbelt to stay in seat. Driver goes to fast on curves and very rough road. Driver, conductor were friendly and helpful. Seating was good with lots of leg room. Bus needs better suspension for passenger comfort. Will travel on CHEERY again. Thank you.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 11. pro 2019.
The bus was very comfortable It took us 5 hours to reach el nido Which is exactly like planned We manage to sleep most of the time and we didn’t even feel it I recommend it
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 1. pro 2019.
Don't buy your ticket on 12go or online. The bus never fills up and it is 100 plus peso cheaper to book your ticket st the El nido bus terminal!
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 28. stu 2019.
Definitely worth spending a little extra for the elite class. The seats were huge with loads of legroom. The tv played decent movies but were still easy enough to ignore if you have earphones. The journey itself was much better being a bus, although I still got tossed around about it was better than the van. Would definitely do this again.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 24. stu 2019.
Very good. Comfortable. 2 welcome stops on the way. On time. Much better than a shuttle trip.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 21. stu 2019.
The bus was ok. Just stopping sometimes every few hundreds meters.. it took around 6.5 hours to get from Puerto Princesa to el Nido
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 17. stu 2019.
plenty of leg space and a well working AC. the TV was pretty loud. unfortunately the bus broke down just outside puerto princesa and it took an hour for a replacement bus to arrive
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 17. stu 2019.
Comfy seats and aircon was good. The driver just drove a little too fast for it to be a comfortable ride. Granted the journey only took 5hrs, but I'd have preferred it be 6hrs for it to have felt less travel sick and as if I'd been hurled around along the way.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 16. stu 2019.
Comfy air-con bus ride. Took about 6hrs in total. Stopped 3 times for toilet breaks + food for about 15mins. The driver didn't mind taking some corners a bit fast so you often are thrown about a bit, so put your bag up in the overhead storage rather than have it keep sliding around on the floor.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 3. stu 2019.
Decent ride
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 22. lis 2019.
That was my fist trip in a philipp. long distance bus ride. Picking pupils and farmers up for short distance rides was somehow heart warming.
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 19. lis 2019.
Trip took 30 minutes longer than posted time but made generous time stops (3) along the way so not too bad. Only violence movies are shown. Driver and staff were professional. Can buy tickets at station for reduced price versus websites.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 19. lis 2019.
Maybe I'm picking a little but I drive buses for a living and I know the road is windy but I would prefer a slightly slower trip to make the ride more comfortable, especially for the elite service. Otherwise all was good ????????
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 17. lis 2019.
Pictures showed a comfortable bus with comfortable reclining seats. Instead I ended up in an old line bus with worn down seats and little leg space. Stops every 50 meters to drop of the next person who doesn't want to walk 50 meters.
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 15. lis 2019.
i Give this hotel an excellent rating because of It’s cleanliness, location, WiFi and breakfast.
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 1. lis 2019.
Such a comfortable bus! Would totally ride again.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 11. ruj 2019.
Muy cómodo!
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 29. kol 2019.
very comfortable seats. bus has a bathroom
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 24. kol 2019.
Nice bus with AC. However, lots of mosquitoes
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 18. kol 2019.
The trip was fairly comfortable with movies, good legspace and they got us to el nido on time. They stopped alot, more than we expected, didn’t give alot of information in english so we didn’t know if we could go off or not. And they made us feel stressed to go on the bus even tho it was an hour left until take off.
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 7. kol 2019.
The bus is good (it was fairly new and the seats were comfortable), but it was driven too slowly to be given a higher star rating.
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 7. kol 2019.
El nido join tour A was really great. You’ll never regret to spend your time in El nido.
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 21. srp 2019.
Very confortable bus and check-in, however it is stated that the travel from El Nido to Puerto Princesa and vice-versa takes 3h25m, however it was performed in 5,5 hours. Consider a delay of 3 hours when booking your flights.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 15. srp 2019.
Great the movies kept me busy ! ????????????????
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 14. srp 2019.
Bus is very comfortable.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 5. srp 2019.
Not comfortable
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 3. srp 2019.
Confort seat, good bus, and arrive early
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 3. srp 2019.
I bought a ticket for el Nido from puerto princesa with a 3,5h duration and we spend 5,5h.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 26. lip 2019.
The seats are comfy and the leg room is pretty decent compared to other busses. I'd recommend buying tickets on site rather than online as it's way cheaper.
Autobus Elitni, Cherry Bus, 19. lip 2019.
Fast driving, was at our destination in less than 6 hours. Pretty comfy seats. TAKE CHERRY DO NOT TAKE THE VANS! The vans are crazy and packed. We took Cherry twice and were very happy
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 13. lip 2019.
The bus was full of insects and it was not really nice to travel in it
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 9. lip 2019.
I regret booking here because of the additional fees. Also, vans are more comfortable. I wish I hadn't booked here in 12go.
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 1. lip 2019.
I recommend this trip because it's relaxing and comfortable! Plus, it is also safe. Great value for your money!
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 30. svi 2019.
Took almost 1 hour longer than expected and there’s no entertainment system even though it’s a very long journey
Autobus Regularni, Cherry Bus, 19. svi 2019.
245 recenzija kupaca
93.9% od 245 putnika vjerojatno je bilo zadovoljno s Cherry Bus, jer su ostavili dobru ili nikakvu recenziju