Autobusi od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok do Phuket

Autobusi od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok do Phuket

Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok
pon, 8. srp
NaN Putnika

Druge opcije

Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok do Phuket Bus Raspored

Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok do Phuket Bus Raspored
Naziv prijevozaVrijeme ruteCijena
BangkokTaxi24 SUV 4pax Bilo koje vrijeme฿ 16,940
Transport Co Express 06:45 - 21:12฿ 784
Lignite VIP 24 17:30 - 14:09฿ 1,202
Lignite Express 18:30 - 06:30฿ 727

Prijevoz od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok do Phuket

Činjenice o autobusu od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok do Phuket

Najjeftiniji autobus22 USD
Najbrži autobus12h
Najraniji autobus6:45 AM
Zadnji autobus7:20 PM
Dnevne autobusne linije13
Udaljenost584 kilometara
Autobusni prijevozniciLignite, Sombat Tour, Transport Co

Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok do Phuket Recenzije odredišta

the driver drives too slow. and was even late to where i was going.
Autobus Express, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 30. lip 2024.
The journey took 3 and a half hours longer than expected so was very long. Also we only stopped once. But we did get a free meal when we stopped and water and a snack while driving. I’d recommend taking some snacks and water with you
Autobus Express, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 18. lip 2024.
We were on the bus for 15 hours, and only got one stop at 11 o’clock which we weren’t told would be our only stop. There wasn’t much food there at all so couldn’t get lunch or anything to keep for dinner. Started at 6:45am and got there nearly 3 hours late at 9:30pm to Phuket, missing what we had planned that evening. The time needs to be changed for this trip as all the reviews say it’s 2+ hours late so clearly isn’t a one off.
Autobus Express, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 16. lip 2024.
not very comfortable
Autobus Express, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 12. lip 2024.
We had one break around half way through the trip where we had the chance to buy food and drinks. We arrived on time but I felt unsafe at times as the driver was driving quite fast. My seat was comfortable and the AC was working, we even got a small bottle of water and something small to eat (croissant or something). My seat neighbour's seat belt wasn't working, which I found pretty careless. The service woman seemed extremely annoyed and uninterested.
Autobus VIP 24, Andaman Sea Tour and Transport (Andaman Sea Tour and Transport), 1. svi 2024.
Easy to locate from bus terminal in Bangkok and was quite comfortable, we were given snacks and blankets along the way as well as a 30 minute stop for lunch time, however we did arrive 2 hours late into Phuket which was fine for us as we hadn’t pre booked a taxi or transfer, can’t fault it just a very long journey
Autobus Express, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 8. tra 2024.
Autobus VIP 24, Andaman Sea Tour and Transport (Andaman Sea Tour and Transport), 27. ožu 2024.
Not a comfy bus. Did not arrive on time. Made a lot of stops on the way
Autobus Express, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 15. ožu 2024.
Good and safe journey. Well done
Autobus VIP 33, Sombat Tour (บริษัท เทพสมบัติ จำกัด), 13. ožu 2024.
The AC wasn't working at first but the staff (who were very nice) stopped the bus a few times and brought a technician to fix it. The rest of the rode was pretty smooth, with a 30min stop for food. The AC is very strong, so bring something to cover up. They also bring you a blanket, juice box and bread. We didn't encounter too much traffic, yet arrived to phuket 3.5 hours later than planned, so bear that in mind. Overall, for the cost of it, it was worth it.
Autobus Express, Transport Co (บริษัท ขนส่ง จำกัด), 11. ožu 2024.
1088 recenzija kupaca

Popularne rute u Tajland

Kako doći od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket autobusom

Putovanje autobusom od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket sigurna je, udobna i jeftinija alternativa za putovanje ovom rutom. Do popularnih odredišta autobusne tvrtke voze više puta dnevno, često 24 sata dnevno u intervalima od 30-60 minuta. Na manje putovana odredišta može biti samo 1 planirano putovanje dnevno. Najčešći tipovi autobusa su neklimatizirani, klimatizirani i premium autobusi.

Najbolje je rezervirati karte barem nekoliko dana prije datuma putovanja. Provjerite naš popis autobusnih tvrtki koje su dostupne za online rezervacije koje nude karte od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket. Prilikom putovanja vikendom i praznicima preporučuje se rezervirati karte mnogo ranije zbog većeg broja putnika, kako turista tako i urbanih radnika koji se vraćaju kući u svoj provincijski dom.

Koliko je daleko od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket?

Putujući autobusom, udaljenost od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket ovisi o ruti kojom ste krenuli. Većina autobusnih tvrtki putuje brzim cestama ili cestama s plaćanjem cestarine. Ovo možda nije nužno najkraća ruta, ali je najbrža jer je obično manje prometa i nema semafora.

Da biste došli do određenih otočnih odredišta koja nisu povezana s kopnom mostom, autobusi se ukrcaju na velike automobilske trajekte. Putnike se obično traži da izađu iz autobusa, ali nije potrebno vaditi prtljagu iz autobusa. Udaljenost putovanja od luke do luke dodaje se ukupnoj udaljenosti.

Koliko dugo treba da se dođe od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket autobusom?

Procijenjeno vrijeme putovanja od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket je oko 12h. Imajte na umu da je putovanje autobusom sporije u odnosu na vožnju vlastitim automobilom ili vožnju taksijem. Ovisno o vremenu polaska, gužve između Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, i Phuket mogu se uvelike razlikovati. Obično je više prometa od jutra do poslijepodneva radnim danima nego tijekom vikenda.

Drugi važan čimbenik koji može utjecati na vrijeme putovanja je vrsta autobusa. Premium ili VIP autobusi obično su brži jer koriste autoceste i staju na manje autobusnih stanica (ako ih ima) na putu. Autobusi obično prave kratke pauze od 10-30 minuta nakon nekoliko sati neprekidnog putovanja kako bi putnici mogli koristiti toalete, opskrbiti se hranom i pustiti autobusne službenike i vozača da se odmore.

Neki premium autobusi imaju toalete i drugog vozača. Ipak, obično se na putu zaustavljaju radi brzog ručka ili dopune goriva.

Koliko košta prijevoz od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket autobusom?

Cijena karte od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket može varirati ovisno o vrsti autobusa koji odaberete. Za jeftiniju kartu razmotrite neklimatizirane ili obične autobuse. Premium ili luksuzni autobusi su skuplji, ali možete očekivati ​​više udobnosti i neke dodatne usluge poput priključaka za punjenje telefona, zaslona osobnog zabavnog sustava i toaleta.

Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket raspored

Kako bismo vam pomogli pri planiranju putovanja, evo rasporeda od Bus Terminal Southern Bangkok, do Phuket s vremenom polaska i dolaska autobusa.

Najbolje ocijenjene tvrtke za ovu rutu

Autobusne tvrtke se uvelike razlikuju po kvaliteti i uslugama koje pružaju. Kada birate autobusnu tvrtku za svoje putovanje, proučite osnovna istraživanja prije nego što kupite karte.

Sigurnost je jedan od najvažnijih aspekata koji treba uzeti u obzir. Također preporučujemo da provjerite recenzije o ukupnoj kvaliteti usluga autobusnih tvrtki koje nude ovu rutu.

Naša usluga surađuje samo s pouzdanim i pouzdanim autobusnim tvrtkama. Dajemo sve od sebe da vam omogućimo izbor najboljih operatera dostupnih na svakoj ruti.