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Buva Sea Cambodia

157 avis de clients
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Buva Sea Cambodia Horaire et calendrier

Sihanoukville - Koh Rong
08:30, 09:45, 11:30, 14:30, 17:00, 17:30
Koh Rong - Sihanoukville
06:30, 09:30, 12:30, 14:15, 15:30
Sihanoukville - Koh Rong Samloem
08:30, 09:45, 11:30, 14:00, 14:30, 17:00, 17:30
Koh Rong Samloem - Sihanoukville
06:30, 09:30, 12:30, 14:45, 15:30

A propos de Buva Sea Cambodia

Pour vous rendre sur les îles les plus pittoresques, vous n’avez pas d’autre choix que de prendre un ferry. Certaines destinations sont desservies par des car-ferries plus grands et plus stables, d'autres sont reliées par des bateaux à grande vitesse ou des catamarans plus petits mais plus rapides. Si vous avez tendance à avoir le mal de mer, évitez de voyager en catamaran, qui est plus sensible aux vagues lorsque la mer est agitée. Optez plutôt pour un bateau à grande vitesse, qui coupe l'eau, ce qui rend le voyage moins mouvementé. De plus, si vous prenez place sur le pont supérieur en plein air, vous pourrez mieux supporter les fortes vagues. Buva Sea Cambodia propose des billets en ligne pour les voyages en ferry - il n'est même pas nécessaire de vous rendre à leur bureau pour les acheter.

Quelles sont les gares principales de Buva Sea Cambodia ?

Les ferries de Buva Sea Cambodia desservent un certain nombre de destinations populaires. La liste des stations desservies par Buva Sea Cambodia comprend notamment :

  • Port Sihanoukville
  • Port de Ko Toch
  • Koh Rong Samloem
  • Long Set Plage
  • Koh Rong Port Île
  • Coconut Plage
  • 23 Village Plage
  • Sarrasine Bay
  • Koh Rong Orchid Jetée
  • Plage De Sandy

Quels sont les itinéraires les plus populaires de Buva Sea Cambodia ?

Voici quelques-uns des trajets les plus populaires desservis par Buva Sea Cambodia :

Quelles sont les classes et prix des traversées de Buva Sea Cambodia ?

En règle générale, plus le bateau est rapide, plus le prix est élevé. Avant de réserver, décidez si vous avez besoin d'un trajet express, ou si des traversées plus lentes sont également acceptables. Les tarifs de ces dernières sont beaucoup plus abordables. Il faut cependant prendre en compte que la différence de temps de trajet peut être vraiment énorme, alors vérifiez toujours la durée du voyage en ferry avant de réserver votre billet. En outre, la disponibilité de certaines classes peut être limitée, et nécessite toujours une réservation à l'avance. N'oubliez jamais de vérifier le quai d'où part votre bateau, et où il accoste, et faites le choix le plus pratique pour la suite de votre voyage. Lisez également les avis des autres voyageurs.

Avantages et Inconvénients du Voyage en Ferry

Avantages du Voyage en Ferry

  • Le bateau est le seul moyen d'atteindre certaines des îles. Et parmi celles-ci, il y a certaines des plus belles, des îles paradisiaques, de cartes postales, où vous avez toujours rêvé d’aller !
  • Plusieurs classes de billets sont souvent disponibles, ce qui vous permet de choisir le tarif, le niveau de confort, la durée du voyage et l'horaire qui vous conviennent le mieux.
  • Réservez en ligne pour gagner du temps - sur de nombreuses lignes, il est indispensable de réserver à l'avance. Cela concerne en premier lieu les trajets les plus longs, les voyages en période de forte affluence comme les fêtes nationales, les longs week-ends ou la haute saison. Il est également judicieux de réserver au moins plusieurs jours avant la date de votre voyage si votre destination est desservie par un nombre limité de trajets par jour.
  • Voyager en ferry est amusant. Il est toujours agréable d’admirer les endroits que vous avez déjà visités sous un autre angle – et dans ce cas, depuis la mer. Presque toutes les destinations sont magnifiques vues depuis l'eau, et vous aurez l'occasion de prendre de superbes photos.

Inconvénients du Voyage en Ferry

  • Le mal de mer est la principale crainte des voyageurs en ferry. Plus le voyage est long et plus la mer est agitée, plus vous avez de chances de sentir votre estomac protester. Pour rendre votre voyage plus agréable, prenez un médicament adapté une demi-heure avant votre embarquement, et suivez nos recommandations ci-dessus.
  • Les voyages en ferry dépendent fortement de la météo. Cela signifie que les jours de pluie, les départs peuvent être retardés, voire annulés. Il n'est pas rare que les liaisons par ferry, même avec les grandes îles, soient fermées pendant plusieurs jours en cas de tempête. Cela signifie que vous devez garder cette possibilité à l'esprit si votre voyage en ferry est associé à un vol - les risques d'arriver sur le continent plus tard que prévu peuvent être élevés à certaines périodes.
En savoir plus

Buva Sea Cambodia: Avis sur la société

157 avis client
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 16 avr. 2024
Bonne équipe
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 1 déc. 2023
the boat was new and comfortable and the team was competent, helping passengers board even with strong waves and working quickly to keep to schedule. However, the boat driver drove it at a crazy speed and the passengers were jumping the entire trip, as if we were on a roller coaster. As the windows were open we got wet, some people were soaked for the whole day. We arrived at our destination 01:30 after boarding, and not 45 minutes as it said on the ticket.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 1 janv. 2023
This was not rally a speed boat. More a ferry. There is speedboats so really check the travel time.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 23 mars 2020
Het was een ferry zoals we verwachten, geen cruiseschip. Beetje onduidelijk omdat ter plaatse lagen vier ferrys van dezelfde maatschappij. En het personeel sprak nergens engels . Beetje zoeken.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 24 déc. 2019
Positive: we left at around 14:15 and got to Coconut Beach on time. Negative: Service was as already mentioned in the other reviews not great. They almost forgot my suitcase at the peer, so double check when they load the boat. Everything was very chaotic. Obviously there is no alternative for traveling to Coconut Beach, so I guess we are just happy we got here.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 26 nov. 2019
Good Trip, 40 minutes too late to get to Koh Rong, but I'm in vacation, so that doesn't matters.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 25 nov. 2019
The boat was 30 mins late and we had a bus to catch at the destination port. But they reached in time , we didn't miss our bus though. The speed at which we were travelling was too high and there were no life jackets in the boat.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 25 nov. 2019
There are no life jackets provided in the boat. Life jackets are must when the we are travelling at that speed.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 25 nov. 2019
Обычно перевозчики забирают своих клиентов с отелей, в данном случае пришлось добираться самостоятельно
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 22 nov. 2019
I read the critics below and I find that is not fair. On that day there was a rough sea and there was no chance to hold an exact timetable. The boat captain drove as fast as possible and some of the passengers were sea-thick. In fact it was a terrible trip. The crew did their best and it was a really hard job. Thanks to the crew.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 20 nov. 2019
Nobody informed us that we had to confirm our tickets with the local agency even thou on the online ticket it said confirmed!
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 10 nov. 2019
The speed boat and the travel were great but we booked with pickup time at 12.00pm but the boat arrived 1 hour delayed. We never received any reschedule time message
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 29 oct. 2019
Départ avec 20mn de retard mais arrivée à l'heure.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 16 sept. 2019
Boat was 26 minutes late on schedule at 12:00 - 12:15 expected. I had a minivan bus in Sihanoukville at 14:00 p.m. sharp to Phnom Penh. I was quite angry getting on board, but could do nothing to expedite so besides throwing my backpack from the pier into the boat I just got in and kept my mouth out of respect to the other passengers and as to not "create an unnecessary scene". The boat crew looked puzzled, one of them asking me "What is (the) problem?" but I chose to ignore him because I did not wished to create any further delay. I was counting that the boat would take 45-50 minutes to get to shore but apparently managed this in under 40 minutes to another pier closer to the industrial / commercial port side. I was lucky to get to the bus station (CAT Mekong Express) by tuk-tuk 22 minutes prior to departure. Their company policy for customers is to arrive 30 mins in advance. Too late = ticket is void, so I was in fact rather stressed and uncomfortable due to the lateness of the captain of the boat.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 29 août 2019
Buva is the only fastboat operator that goes to Coconut Beach and the price is quite expensive so I thought the service would be great but it wasn‘t. The operators at the ticketing office were very loud although there were guests around and one guy particularly was rude to me when he spoke. My trip was at 2pm and they had absolutely no sense of urgency - told me they‘d take us to the other part of Sihanoukville where the pier is at for Coconut Beach at 1pm but we left at 1:15 and I had to remind them about it, they were always talking within themselves. It took us 35 mins to get to the pier and I got there at 1:50. It was an absolute inconvenience if I missed the trip. I would not recommend you to book with them at all. But if you‘re going to Coconut Beach then you have no other choice. Service could very much be improved.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 14 août 2019
It was supposed to he from ochetual port we went to the main port. 45 min delay in the return boat
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 23 juil. 2019
Speedboat? Das Boot war zwar pünktlich, aber von Coconut-Beach nach Sihanoukville dauerte der Trip fast 2 1/2 Stunden.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 20 juil. 2019
Es handelt sich um die gleiche Kompanie, die uns von Phnom Penh nach Sihanoukville gebracht hat. Fazit: völlig desorganisiert. Vom Bus Stop musste ich 10 $ Taxi bezahlen um zu dem Ticketschalter zu kommen. Von dort wurden wir mit einem völlig Verkehrs-und tauglichen Gefährt wieder zurück zur Bushaltestelle und dann weiter zum Hafen gefahren. Am Hafen mussten wir unser Gepäck durch schlammiges dreckiges Wasser bei strömendem Regen schleppen, um an den Pier mit dem Boot zu kommen. Von dort ging es dann relativ zügig zur Insel. Die Hafenanlage ist völlig verdreckt und voller Plastikmüll. Horror!
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 9 juil. 2019
Nice ferry trip. However, the operators will try to squeeze as many people into one ferry as possible. Also, don't trust timing on website. Remember to buffer as much time as possible before and after the ferry ride. We booked the 3pm ferry and upon reaching, they told us to board the 2pm one as the 3pm ferry is unavailable. Ferry from island back to sihanoukville will have to be confirmed with operator again on the day before departure.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 14 juin 2019
Bit of confusion on the pier as so many boats going at once but all worked out. Quick and speedy transfer.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 7 juin 2019
On plus side: we were late from our car from PP so we thought they were waiting 5 minutes for us. However the 14:00 did not leave until 14:30 then made an extra stop so the 45 minute ride turned into a 2 1/2 hr trip. Because of the unreliability of timing combined with question about weather conditions need to catch a ferry that leaves 7 hours before out flight - seems ridiculous to ruin a day on the beach simply because the service is unpredictable ...
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 13 avr. 2019
Overloaded personnel on the boat, pre-booking and seat selection have no meaning. None of organizing people to board the boat. Need a lot of improvement.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 28 mars 2019
Today after taking 2 trips on fast boat I simply say that the journey depends the driver. In this case my driver want to gives a little bit of adrenalina ???????????? ???? he drived very fast... Hold yourself because he's crazy... But we got to the land ???? always remember to ask if it is your boat /destination!!!
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 28 mars 2019
At the beginning is confusing knowing what boat is and where should we be. U have to ask the guys that work in the pier. Once you get the information is good... Every goes nice.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 22 févr. 2019
Please ASK people where there geusthouse is than you Will bring theme to the right Beach
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 11 févr. 2019
Organisation pour l’embarquement mal planifié
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 2 févr. 2019
Easy to book. However, very disorganized from the ticket /boarding pass to the actual boats. Even then at the dock not clear as to which boat to which island. Don't leave even close to on time. Boat was good and the trip across was smooth.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 29 janv. 2019
Из-за задержки автобусново рейса, по вине компании, опоздали на лодку до острова на 14 часа. Спасибо, что нас отправили на рейс в 17:00. Бесплатно довезли с одного причала на другой(30мин), но выехали мы в итоге в 18:00, час без приничы стояли на причале и непонятно чего или кого ждали
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 25 janv. 2019
The only thing this company does is getting you from A to B. Do not buy the ticket online as we got to enter the boat last, meaning sitting in the splash zone or standing the whole way. One of our luggages was quite wet as there was no room in the compartment. When we were going to the island first time we took Buva, there were multiple people completely soaked head to toe as the driver had no mercy or regard to slow down at least a bit from boats top speed. Needless to say bouncing around on the wavy sea was included, luckily no-one puked.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 14 janv. 2019
El operador muy majo, aunque el viaje duró unas 12 horas. Te tiran en la frontera sin más indicación de que “allí hay un bus”. Despues de un rato de nervios pensando que te has qiedado tirado en Cambodia ves unos conductores que van recogiendo gente. El bus viejo pero con aire acondicionado. El viaje mucho más largo de lo que dicen. Si quieres ir a Loh Rong no llegas al ferry ya que el último sale a las 17h.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 12 janv. 2019
The seat we booked was not available, also more people were coming, no seats at all for some of them.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 4 janv. 2019
Boot was overbooked. I Made the reservation 2 monts ago.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 15 déc. 2018
had an e ticket and went to the buva sea kiosk on the pier and was told boat no. 2, but when we went to get on were told this wasn't enough and we had to go to main office off the pier to get a neck tag as proof
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 12 déc. 2018
Driver was great. I THOUGHT I had purchased a semi sleeper bus the 13.5 hr trip. Next time I will fly!
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 2 déc. 2018
Was really nice, i think i book my departure from a wrong port, im staying in onederzt hostel, can i change this? Im leaving dec 3 at 3:30 pm
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 28 nov. 2018
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 19 nov. 2018
Bateau sale et pas à l'heure
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 15 nov. 2018
Goed en snel op plaats van bestemming en zelfs het laatste stukje word je bij je hotel afgezet
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 13 nov. 2018
Thank you! Buva Sea Cambodia ferry transportation for waiting for us for we are 10 minutes late and the smooth ferry ride. We hired a private taxi from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville. Informed that our ferry leave at 2 pm and the taxi company told us that will pick us at 9am. However, seeing that we couldn't make it to reach the terminal in time, we asked the driver to help us to call the Cambodia Buva Sea ferry. The Cambodia Buva Sea ferry staff noted that we are reaching and waited for us. Thank you so much for the great service. If not, we will need to waif for the next transportation at 5 pm.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 9 nov. 2018
Driver was too speed on the sea !! We were shaking to hard.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 29 oct. 2018
We arrived 3hrs earlier - no problem at all in getting an earlier boat. The guys left exactly on time. Not +/- 5mins but +/- 5 secs. Really impressing. Also told us exactly on which stop to leave on the island. We definitely recommend this company.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 25 oct. 2018
We left one the time. 5pm. But the trip was 1h45 min. I think before we go streight to Salomen but not we did 5 stop until freedom Beach. I don't now if usually it's like this but the girl tell me the first stop is freedom but not it was the last one
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 1 oct. 2018
I had cancelled the boat en asked for return our money to my account. No communication from staff,
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 26 sept. 2018
All went good with no problems. It took perhaps more 15 minutes than expected but it was due to the sea being a little bit more agitated than on our way to the island... Yet never felt unsafe..
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 22 sept. 2018
This was sold as a trip of 45 minutes, it departed on time but the last stop was our. It took 1h 15m to get there as it went to Koh Rong first. But don't forget this is Cambodia, they do whatever they want. In the end, you get to your destination...
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 14 sept. 2018
I was lucky to ask in the office near the pier where the ferry exactly would arrive. They told me that the last ferry went at 3pm instead of the 4.15pm I had already paid for. After the first confusion the managed to get me on board of a boat by another company. Almost missed my bus in sihanoukville.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 8 sept. 2018
The only good thing about the speedboat is the speed, the boat departed late and what was even worst was that they took us to a different port than the one it said in the ticket and because of that we had to walk 6km through streets full of garbage to get to the bus station and we lost the one we were supposed to get. It’s the second time a bad situation happens with this company, we will not hook with Buva sea again even if we have to pay more for a ticket.
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 29 août 2018
The ferry stopped in the middle of the sea and had to check the engine which didn’t started at the beginning, and the crew had no idea who’s bag was and started to take out from the ferry and everyone had to shout out that that was their bag or if not it was going to be unloaded from the boat
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 19 août 2018
The worst enterprise boat i ever booked!!!...when we arrived to our island, they don't let you know it, i asked for drop us, and they lie us!!!and drop us in other island. We got to extra pay another boat for bring us to our island wich we stopped before!!DON'T TAKE THAT BOAT ENTERPRISE EVER!!!
Ferry Hors-bord, Buva Sea Cambodia, 13 août 2018
Boat was good! Port and handling before the boat disgraceful...driver competent and careful!