08 may. 2024
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Nakhonchai Air

424 opiniones de clientes
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Nakhonchai Air Calendario y horario

Bangkok - Chiang Mai
Autobús Primera clase
10:00, 10:15, 20:01, 20:16, 20:30, 21:15, 21:30, 21:45
Autobús Gold Class
07:30, 07:45, 08:30, 08:45, 18:30, 18:45, 20:31, 20:46, 22:20, 22:30, 22:35, 22:45
Chiang Mai - Bangkok
Autobús Gold Class
08:30, 19:15, 20:10, 20:30
Autobús Primera clase
09:30, 19:46, 20:15, 20:20, 21:00
Bangkok - Nong Khai
Autobús Gold Class
10:15, 10:30, 20:30, 20:45
Autobús Primera clase
19:50, 20:05, 21:00
Khon Kaen - Bangkok
Autobús Gold Class
06:30, 08:00, 08:15, 08:45, 09:30, 09:31, 10:30, 10:45, 11:50, 14:15, 15:00, 17:00, 17:45, 20:00, 20:15, 20:30, 20:55, 21:10, 22:00, 22:10, 23:00
Autobús Primera clase
09:00, 09:05, 10:50, 10:55, 11:10, 11:31, 21:00, 22:16, 23:15
Bangkok - Khon Kaen
00:05, 07:00, 07:45, 08:30, 09:35, 10:00, 10:15, 10:30, 10:45, 11:00, 11:40, 12:30, 13:00, 14:00, 14:15, 15:30, 16:00, 17:00, 19:15, 20:45, 21:00, 21:10, 21:45, 22:00, 22:31, 22:45, 23:00, 23:30, 23:50, 23:55
Nong Khai - Bangkok
Autobús Gold Class
11:00, 18:35, 18:36, 18:37, 18:38, 18:39, 18:40, 18:41, 18:42, 18:43, 20:00
Autobús Primera clase
19:30, 19:40
Udon Thani - Bangkok
Autobús Gold Class
09:30, 12:05, 12:10, 13:00, 19:00, 20:15, 20:35, 21:30
Autobús Primera clase
08:30, 21:00, 21:45
Chiang Rai - Bangkok
17:46, 18:00
Bangkok - Buriram
Autobús Gold Class
08:40, 08:55, 09:31, 09:46, 10:45, 11:00, 13:31, 13:46, 15:15, 15:30, 17:15, 17:30, 21:00, 21:15, 21:40, 21:55, 22:30, 22:45, 23:00, 23:15
Autobús Primera clase
11:06, 11:21, 11:30, 11:45, 20:00, 20:15
Bangkok - Chiang Rai
19:01, 19:16, 19:40, 19:55
Mahasarakham - Bangkok
09:00, 10:50, 11:10, 13:50, 21:00, 21:30, 21:55, 22:00
Buriram - Bangkok
Autobús Gold Class
08:30, 09:10, 09:41, 10:40, 11:10, 11:30, 14:11, 17:10, 21:10, 21:30, 22:10, 23:30
Autobús Primera clase
11:00, 11:30, 23:50
Bangkok - Mahasarakham
08:00, 08:15, 10:00, 10:15, 10:50, 11:05, 12:10, 12:25, 13:30, 13:45, 19:30, 19:51, 20:10, 20:25, 20:30, 20:45, 22:15, 22:30
Bangkok - Mukdahan
08:00, 08:15, 17:15, 19:41, 19:56, 20:00, 20:15, 21:00, 21:15, 21:30, 21:35, 21:50
Bangkok - Udon Thani
Autobús Primera clase
09:40, 09:45, 09:50, 09:55, 20:55, 21:15, 22:45, 23:05
Autobús Gold Class
10:15, 10:30, 10:45, 10:55, 11:00, 16:00, 16:10, 20:00, 20:20, 20:30, 20:50, 21:10, 22:15, 22:35
Mukdahan - Bangkok
10:30, 18:45, 19:01, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30
Bangkok - Surin
Autobús Gold Class
08:25, 08:40, 08:45, 09:00, 09:45, 10:00, 10:15, 11:15, 11:30, 13:15, 13:30, 16:30, 16:45, 21:20, 21:35, 21:45, 22:00, 22:15, 23:15, 23:30
Autobús Primera clase
10:15, 10:30, 14:30, 14:45, 19:40, 19:55, 21:10, 21:25
Surin - Bangkok
Autobús Primera clase
09:30, 10:10, 23:01
Autobús Gold Class
08:25, 09:00, 10:00, 12:25, 14:25, 19:00, 19:45, 21:00, 22:00, 22:30
Bangkok - Nakhon Phanom
Autobús Gold Class
17:45, 18:00, 18:15, 18:20, 18:35, 18:40, 18:55, 19:00, 19:25, 19:30, 19:40, 19:45, 20:00, 20:30, 20:45
Autobús Primera clase
19:00, 19:15
Bangkok - Kalasin
09:15, 09:30, 10:15, 10:45, 11:00, 11:10, 12:10, 12:25, 13:30, 13:45, 18:40, 18:50, 18:55, 19:11, 19:25, 19:30, 19:40, 19:51, 20:10, 20:25, 20:30, 20:45, 21:00, 21:15, 22:00, 22:15, 22:20, 22:35
Nakhon Phanom - Bangkok
Autobús Gold Class
16:30, 17:25, 17:30, 17:35, 17:50, 18:10, 18:15, 19:30
Autobús Primera clase
Bangkok - Ubon Ratchathani
Autobús Gold Class
08:30, 08:45, 09:00, 09:18, 09:33, 13:00, 13:15, 19:00, 19:20, 19:30, 19:45, 20:15, 21:00, 21:15, 21:40, 21:55, 22:15, 22:30, 22:45
Autobús Primera clase
08:15, 08:30, 09:00, 19:31, 20:00, 20:40, 22:00, 22:15
Ubon Ratchathani - Bangkok
Autobús Gold Class
07:45, 09:37, 11:30, 18:00, 18:15, 18:25, 18:30, 18:45, 19:00, 19:30, 21:10, 21:45
Autobús Primera clase
08:15, 09:00, 20:05, 20:30, 21:30
Roi Et - Bangkok
09:30, 10:30, 13:10, 21:35, 22:00, 22:30
Bangkok - Uttaradit
09:46, 10:05, 10:06, 11:01, 11:10, 11:21, 20:51, 21:11, 21:31, 21:46, 22:15, 22:30
Sakon Nakhon - Bangkok
Autobús Gold Class
08:15, 18:27, 19:25, 19:27, 19:30, 19:46, 19:51, 20:10, 20:30, 21:01
Autobús Primera clase
Kalasin - Bangkok
08:10, 09:10, 09:40, 10:42, 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 21:30, 21:31, 22:00, 22:01, 22:06
Bangkok - Lampang
09:00, 09:15, 10:00, 10:15, 20:15, 20:30, 21:15, 21:30
Uttaradit - Bangkok
09:41, 10:40, 10:41, 21:41, 22:11, 22:41
Chiang Mai - Rayong
Autobús Gold Class
14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:30, 18:40, 19:00
Autobús Primera clase

Quiénes Somos Nakhonchai Air

Los autobuses son el medio de transporte más económico, con un gran número de terminales en todo el país y horarios convenientes que facilitan la planificación de tu viaje. Los autobuses son una opción conveniente tanto para los que viajan con un presupuesto reducido como para los que no quieren renunciar a la comodidad. Nakhonchai Air ofrece un servicio de autobuses con opción de reserva online. Antes de reservar tu billete, lee las opiniones de otros viajeros para ayudarte a elegir la mejor opción.

¿Cuáles son las estaciones principales de Nakhonchai Air?

Nakhonchai Air opera autobuses a partir de las siguientes estaciones:

  • Mo Chit
  • Chiang Mai Road to Angkor START
  • Nakhonchaiair Station Bangkok
  • Khon Kaen Bus Terminal 3
  • Nong Khai
  • Chiang Rai Nakhonchaiair
  • Udon Thani Nakhonchaiair
  • Buriram
  • Mahasarakham
  • Rangsit Nakhonchaiair

¿Cuáles son las clases de autobús y los precios de Nakhonchai Air?

El precio de tu viaje en autobús dependerá tanto del destino como de la clase de tu billete. Ten en cuenta que no todas las clases de billetes están disponibles para determinadas rutas, pero para los viajes más largos casi siempre hay una buena selección. Opta por un autobús Sleeper para un viaje nocturno más cómodo. Los autobuses nocturnos suelen estar equipados con literas o asientos blandos reclinables y cuentan con un baño a bordo. Puede que tu billete también incluya otros complementos como aperitivos o hasta una comida. Tomar un autobús nocturno es una buena opción si quieres ahorrarte la habitación de hotel. Durante el día, un servicio exprés ofrece la mejor relación calidad-precio, ya que hace menos paradas que un autobús de clase normal o estándar y viaja más rápido. Para algunas rutas es crucial elegir la clase correcta. Por ejemplo, un autobús de clase ordinaria o segunda clase puede tomar 6 horas para cubrir la misma distancia que recorre un autobús de primera clase o exprés en dos horas.

Ventajas y Desventajas de los Viajes en Autobús

Ventajas de los Viajes en Autobús

  • Los autobuses cubren a menudo una red más amplia de destinos. Viajan a lugares a los que no se les puede llegar en avión o incluso en tren
  • Viajar en autobús es fácil: no se necesita llegar con tanta anticipación a la terminal de autobuses y el check-in suele ser un trámite muy rápido comparado con el del avión
  • Los billetes de autobús son muy económicos. Es cierto que hay opciones que son costosas, como la primera clase o la VIP, pero si se tiene un presupuesto limitado, el autobús es el primer medio de transporte a considerar.
  • Igualmente, hay diferentes clases de servicio que se adaptan a cualquier presupuesto. Si lo que buscas es un mayor nivel de confort, los autobuses también lo ofrecen.

Desventajas de los Viajes en Autobús

  • Las terminales de autobuses interurbanos pueden estar situadas en las afueras de la ciudad. Esto significa que tendrás que calcular tiempo y dinero extra para el traslado. Llegar a tu destino final desde la terminal de autobuses puede costarte más de lo que esperas porque, a veces, sólo un número limitado de empresas de transporte está autorizado a prestar servicio en la ruta, y puede que los precios estén inflados.
  • Durante los fines de semana más concurridos o en temporada alta, los autobuses que prestan servicio a algunos destinos turísticos podrían viajar fuera de los horarios y requerir una reserva anticipada.
    Aunque los autobuses no dependan tanto de las condiciones meteorológicas como los ferrys, los viajes en autobús también pueden retrasarse o cancelarse debido al mal tiempo o a las condiciones de la carretera - tenlo en cuenta si viajas durante ciertas temporadas o a determinados lugares
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Estaciones del Nakhonchai Air

Nakhonchai Air Opiniones sobre la Empresa

424 opiniones de clientes
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 17 mar. 2024
Really a good trip! Comfortable bus and the 10 hours didn’t feel like it so worth it.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 15 mar. 2024
Nous avons voyagé dans un bus confortable.Un plateau repas nous a été servi,ainsi qu'un goûter,boissons Rapport qualité très bon
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 22 feb. 2024
Comfortable seats. Left on time and the journey went quickly.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 7 feb. 2024
They served snacks and water. Comfy seats. It was a very nice and easy ride. Recommend!
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 1 feb. 2024
Excelente, impecable. Buena atención, vianda con cómoda y bebida. 10 puntos.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 4 ene. 2024
Seats reclined well although very narrow, given a sandwich, water & snacks, could charge phone. Toulet on boatd. Better than expected.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 24 dic. 2023
Not enough room fo legs and the seat doesn’t recline enough
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 14 dic. 2023
Everything was good. Start and arrived in time. The staff was very friendly and bring us water snacks and some food.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 12 dic. 2023
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 11 dic. 2023
Loving it, on-time, nice couch, enough control for temperature, enough snack and drink which I can't finish all, ow I want to try the first class
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 24 nov. 2023
Comfy & relaxing. Everything was fine and the service was great! Thank you. ❤️
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 22 nov. 2023
I had the first seat, in 1.80 so still not enough room for my legs. The roads are bumpy so it’s not a smooth ride. There are also stops along the way, at bus stations with lots of light so make sure you bring something to cover your eyes. The ac is on so make sure you bring a sweater and socks too! You get dinner, a snack and breakfast.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 15 nov. 2023
The bus journey was comfortable. We were provided a meal as soon as we boarded, I assume this is because we took the overnight bus to allow the lights to be turned off. The meal was chicken and rice wjth a juice. The seats were comfortable but I often felt myself sliding off. It got a little chilly towards the end of the journey but nothing unbearable. Upon reaching our destination we were given a sandwich and milk.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 11 nov. 2023
traveled on the 9th / very essy to find the bus / well organised surprisingly included was not only water, juice & a snack, also warm nice quality food (rice chicken sausage) .. very smooth drive .. only too cold
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 11 nov. 2023
Bonjour votre application est super, facile, rapide ne changer rien. Tout est très bien.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 6 nov. 2023
Sadly no movies on board and the curtain between the seats was also missing….however the driver was very careful and we were even able to get some sleep because the seats were very confortable
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 1 nov. 2023
Other than the massage chair wasn’t functioning, everything else was up to expectation.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 27 oct. 2023
The seats are not comfy and I expected there to be beds not just seats as it was a VIP bus and I paid more than average. But the service and snacks/food was very good.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 26 oct. 2023
Wir waren angenehm überrascht von unserer Reise mit dem Bus nach Chiang Mai. Pünktliche Abfahrt und eine halbe Stunde eher Ankunft. Die Sitze waren super bequem (sogar mit Massagefunktion und auch groß genug für 1,92m-Menschen), es gab einen Bildschirm für Spiele/ Filme usw. und Service durch eine Art „Stewardess“ an Bord. Sogar Abendessen und Snack wurden uns gebracht. Ein WC befindet sich auch an Bord. Wir würden den Bus wieder nehmen!
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 25 oct. 2023
departure and arrival times as scheduled, impeccable on-board service and great comfort (first class TKT)
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 24 oct. 2023
It was surprisingly a lot of space for my legs, it was easy to find and the staff was amazing. Unfortunately the snacks were all not vegetarian friendly and if you are not used to ac you'll be freezing. But they gave you blanket, i was still wearing a scarf as well and therefore really comfortable. I would definitely do it again.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 13 oct. 2023
Gemütliche Sitze mit Massagefunktion, Verpflegung und Toilette, was will man mehr, absolute Empfehlung
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 12 oct. 2023
The seats were so small, I slept for maybe 1 hour on this 10 hour bus ride
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 11 oct. 2023
Lots of snacks provided, comfortable, and exactly on time. A/C was very cold so bring warm clothes to wear, and no stops so bring some extra water. Even the toilet onboard was clean.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 10 oct. 2023
Cramped uncomfortable seating unless your seated in the first row of seating.. Took a night bus planning on sleeping through the trip how wrong I was..
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 9 oct. 2023
Was a comfortable and smooth ride to Chiang Mai from Bangkok. Really great that there’s a lots of legspace, very comfy seat, friendly and helpful hostess speaking very good English, probably the best English I encountered so far. Snacks and lunch and water were served which I wasn’t expected at all but gave a nice extra touch to the experience. Only minus that the booking system of 12go Asia is not giving you the chance to choose your seats so are original seats were not next to each other however it got resolved with the help and care of the hostess. Overall we had an enjoyable and safe trip.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 30 sept. 2023
I would have given 5 stars if the air conditioning wasn't so cold I was cold I got sick I had to put on a sweater but it wasn't enough the problem is that I'm not alone in the bus and Thai people love living in a refrigerator... next time I'll take my ski suit
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 20 sept. 2023
There was excerrent except 12go's Non refundable or unchangable schedule polish.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 14 sept. 2023
When allocating seats, I hope they allocate seats to people of the same gender. I am a woman, however there was a man sitting next to me, and he was really big. His belly invaded my space. I was terrified.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 12 sept. 2023
Seats are uncomfortable for the long journey. Disappointing if you’ve been to Vietnam before.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 9 sept. 2023
Es war alles super. Regelmäßig gab es Wasser zu trinken und eine Toilette im Bus war vorhanden. Strom zum Handy laden gab’s auch. Habe nichts auszusetzen 😊
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 1 sept. 2023
Excellent service and we were surprised how much free food we were given.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 21 ago. 2023
The service left on time and arrived on time, the seats were comfortable and the bus had AC however we were sat in the emergency exit row and the door wasn’t sealed so all the hot air was coming in from outside which made it quite hot for the 10 hour journey! Also the bus has a toilet on board so they don’t make any stops so prior warning to stock up on snacks! They did provide us with regular snacks, drinks and 1 meal, however we were not asked before hand for any dietary requirements. I am vegetarian and my friend is vegan so we couldn’t eat any of the snacks or meal because it contained fish and meat which was a bit disappointing as it then all just went to waste! It would have been nice to get off and walk around when they made 1 stop to change driver but when a few people got up to get off they were told we weren’t allowed off the bus as it was just a driver change. However we were stopped for about 15/20 mins which would have been more than enough time to give people the chance to walk around, smoke or in our case purchase some food we could eat. Overall would use them again and recommend the service to others but I will make sure to take more snacks and a meal as 10 hours was a long time to go with not much food!
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 18 ago. 2023
Ride was comfortable but food was awful. Also, ran out of toilet paper in rest room.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 17 ago. 2023
The bus was on time and we had a pleasant ride. We even got dinner and breakfast, we did not expect that. With the seats you could lean back so that a sleeping position could be taken. There is a blanket, but you should still dress warmly because the air conditioning is running all the time.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 10 ago. 2023
The staff was nice, the bus however wasn’t. We had the seats next to the toilet and it really stunk. Behind us was placed also the trash can which made matters even worse. To top this all off, there was a huge cockroach next to our seat which we couldn’t find anymore. This caused my girlfriend to not close a single eye the whole night. Other than that the seats were comfortable.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 8 ago. 2023
The ride was dot on tome and was very comfortable. The staff was very polite and took good care of the passengers. The food was good too. Would recommend this service to everyone. Would go for this next time too.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 21 jul. 2023
10 hours straight, no breaks. Bring food and be prepared because if you forget anything in your bag you aren't going to be able to get it.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 19 jul. 2023
For the price, excellent. Comfortable seats with snacks, water and a meal included
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 6 jun. 2023
Spacious and was given food during the long journey which was nice. Air conditioning was very strong, so I was quite cold and the seat doesn't fully recline which can be a little uncomfortable for such a long trip.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 1 jun. 2023
I absolutely love the vehicle and service. But the coach is incredibly cold and I barely sleep during the trip. Please make sure you bring coats.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 29 may. 2023
Seats were really comfortable with electric recliner settings so u can adjust the seats. Seats also have back massager settings and are given a blanket as it can get quite chilly overnight. You are also given snacks and water. Can’t comment on the bathroom as we slept the entire way so didn’t have to use it. Highly recommend!
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 26 may. 2023
Booking on line when traveling is simple Maybe information about the route having no stops would be good to be more prepared
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 17 may. 2023
Safe and comfortable travel, although we had to wait for late passengers in KK; overall a great experience.
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 11 may. 2023
Had a very comfortable trip, the seats were great. You do not stop anywhere during the trip so make sure to bring enough snacks!
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 6 may. 2023
Everything went smoothly - It would be nice if the car takes a 15’-break that we can have a coffee on the way. And second, Informations were only given in Thai, so I did not understand anything. Apart from that: everything nicely done!
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 28 abr. 2023
El autobús muy cómodo. Tanto los asientos como el espacio. El problema que tuvimos fue el frío. El aire acondicionado estuvo todo el tiempo a 16 grados. Nos fue imposible dormir debido al frío que hacía.
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 26 abr. 2023
Best bus we’ve taken. So much room, toilet on board and free snacks. Very comfortable seats
Autobús Gold Class, Nakhonchai Air, 23 abr. 2023
Great value for money, trusted company and repeat customer. Thank you
Autobús Primera clase, Nakhonchai Air, 25 mar. 2023
We took the night bus from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. We are quite tall (195 & 183cm) so seats are always a bit small, but nevertheless the trip was comfortable. We could sleep a few hours and arrived very punctual in Chiang Mai.