17 jun. 2024
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Ganggari Fast Boat

69 opiniones de clientes
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Ganggari Fast Boat Calendario y horario

Bali - Islas Gili
09:00, 09:30, 13:00, 14:00
Islas Gili - Bali
10:00, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 11:45, 12:00, 15:00, 16:00
Bali - Gili Trawangan
09:00, 09:15, 09:30, 13:00, 14:00
Lombok - Bali
10:15, 11:15, 11:45, 12:15, 12:30, 15:30, 16:30
Gili Trawangan - Bali
09:30, 11:00, 11:15, 11:30, 14:30, 15:30
Bali - Lombok
09:00, 09:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00

Quiénes Somos Ganggari Fast Boat

La única manera de llegar a las islas más bonitas es en ferry. A algunas de las islas se les puede llegar en ferrys que son grandes y estables, mientras que a otras se les llega en lanchas de alta velocidad o catamaranes, que son más pequeños pero más rápidos. Si te mareas con facilidad, evita viajar en catamarán, porque éstos cabalgan sobre las olas cuando el mar está movido. Opta más bien por una lancha de alta velocidad, que surca el agua con más facilidad y ofrece un viaje menos agitado. Otra cosa que puede ayudar a sobrellevar el oleaje es sentarse en la cubierta superior, al aire libre. Ganggari Fast Boat ofrece billetes online para viajes en ferry; no es necesario ir a sus oficinas para la reserva.

¿Cuáles son las estaciones principales de Ganggari Fast Boat?

Los ferrys de Ganggari Fast Boat viajan a varios de los destinos más populares. La lista de estaciones cubiertas por Ganggari Fast Boat incluye, entre otras, las siguientes:

  • Padang Bai Ganggari
  • Puerto Padang Bai
  • Gili Trawangan Ganggari
  • Muelle Aire Gili
  • Puerto Gili Trawangan
  • Bangsal Warung Sasak
  • Muelle Bangsal

¿Cuáles son las rutas más populares de Ganggari Fast Boat?

Estos son algunos de los embarcaderos más populares cubiertos en la programación de Ganggari Fast Boat:

¿Cuáles son las clases de ferry y los precios de Ganggari Fast Boat?

La regla general es que cuanto más rápido sea el barco, mayor es el precio. Antes de reservar, decide si necesitas un servicio express. Los servicios más lentos también son adecuados y las tarifas más económicas. Sin embargo, la diferencia en cuanto al tiempo de viaje puede ser muy grande, así que, antes de reservar tu billete en ferry, verifica siempre la duración del viaje. Además, la disponibilidad de algunas clases puede ser limitada y siempre requieren una reserva anticipada. Recuerda siempre verificar los muelles de salida y llegada del ferry, para que elijas el tramo mejor conectado con el viaje siguiente. Se recomienda también leer las opiniones de otros viajeros.

Ventajas y Desventajas de los Viajes en Ferry

Ventajas de los Viajes en Ferry

  • El único modo de llegar a algunas de las islas es tomando un ferry. Y a menudo se trata de islas paradisíacas, de gran belleza y dignas de postal, aquéllas que siempre has querido visitar.
  • A menudo hay diferentes clases de billetes disponibles y ésto te permite elegir la tarifa, el nivel de comodidad, la duración del viaje y el horario que más le convenga.
  • Reserva en línea para ahorrar tiempo: para muchas rutas, es imprescindible reservar con antelación. Nos referimos principalmente a los viajes largos y a los periodos de gran afluencia como fiestas nacionales, puentes o temporada alta. También es buena idea reservar con varios días de anticipación si el itinerario tiene un número limitado de viajes al día.
  • Viajar en ferry es divertido. Vale la pena darle una mirada desde otro ángulo a los lugares que ya se han visitado. En este caso, desde el mar. La vista es estupenda cuando se viaja por agua; tendrás oportunidad de tomar fotos espectaculares.

Desventajas de los Viajes en Ferry

  • La mayor preocupación de los viajeros de ferry es el mareo. Cuanto más largo y agitado el viaje, más posibilidades hay de que el estómago se resienta. Para que el viaje sea más agradable, tómate un medicamento media hora antes del viaje y sigue nuestras recomendaciones previas.
  • Los viajes en ferry son muy dependientes del estado del tiempo. Por ejemplo, en días de lluvia los viajes podrían retrasarse o incluso cancelarse. No es raro que en días de tormenta se cancelen los viajes de ferry por varios días, incluso los que van a las islas más grandes. Debes tener esto en cuenta si tu viaje en ferry está conectado con un vuelo ya que, en ciertos períodos, es muy probable llegar a tierra firme más tarde de lo esperado.
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Ganggari Fast Boat Opiniones sobre la Empresa

69 opiniones de clientes
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 13 dic. 2023
The Ferry was late. The ferry was hot inside with fans in front only. The windows were to high to see any scenery but the sky. Apart from that is was a good crossing.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 1 dic. 2023
Lots of people saying this boat is essentaly, a death trap! My experience was fine. Just go in with low expectations, the boat will be late but you’ve payed hardly anything compared to other boats. Locate the life jackets so you can grab one before everyone else and try to get on the boat first!
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 22 nov. 2023
They said it would take 2 hours on the website. It took 4 hours and they stopped in two other islands.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 6 nov. 2023
Llegó 1h tarde y el trayecto duró 3h…
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 5 nov. 2023
Departure were 50min after schedule, and arrival were 2hours after schedule, even though the sea were pretty calm, and almost no wind. But tickets were super-cheap and the check-in people were nice and smiling. Leg-room was normal for these types of boats.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 2 nov. 2023
An hour delay and no air inside the boat. Very hot and with turbulences
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 26 oct. 2023
Good experience
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 22 oct. 2023
The smoothest crossing I’ve had. There’s are 100s of people who cross this every day so don’t be put off by the 1 bad review every so often, most people are satisfied just don’t expect luxury. Seats are comfortable and if it’s sunny most people go up top so you can spread out. Don’t be afraid to ask people to close windows if you are getting splashed from the water as this happens. For Gili T it took 1 hour 45 minutes. Top tips: get there at least an hour before scheduled time. Look out for your boat resting away from the dock, as this will give you notice when they approach the dock but generally go to the dock 30 minutes before departure and pay the port tax (little office to the left of the port). It can seem a bit confusing and not well structured but just keep calm and buy some of the freshest fruit I’ve had in Indonesian from one of the lovely ladies selling them. Keep your bags on you I would because for speed they do just chuck them in the luggage compartment.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 20 oct. 2023
Too much delay!
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 14 oct. 2023
After reading all the bad reviews I was very worried before my trip. However, it wasn’t that bad. The boat departed 20mins after it was meant to and we arrived over an hour after we were meant to. So just keep this in mind before you book. I got a seat inside but there were others that had to seat outside the cabin. The boat did break down but they quickly fixed it. Overall, not as bad as I thought but also not excellent hahah hope that helps!
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 25 sept. 2023
We left 1 hour late and the travel was longer that said so we arrive 2:30 hours late. Overall not that bad, the see was calm, we were on the top of the boat outside so it was nice and not hot (even tough inside there was no AC) The worst part was waiting in the sun at the harbour before boarding
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 25 sept. 2023
The boat was a bit late but I was expecting that. Otherwise the journey went well
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 12 sept. 2023
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 9 sept. 2023
The boat left the harbour in Padangbai one hour late and we arrived at our destination of Gili Air two and a half hours after the time advertised.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 6 sept. 2023
2 hours delay at departure and journey took more than 2 hours instead of one hour as scheduled not enough seats, we bought 4 tickets and only two had a regular seat. Speedboat seemed therefore overbooked No AC, very hot inside the boat
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 7 ago. 2023
Late, no aircon et bad organisation with the luggage
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 3 jul. 2023
The journey was an hour longer than advertised (i.e. double the amount of time) and the boat was 30 mins delayed leaving the port. Limited legroom onboard and unable to see out of windows due to them being so high. There were many people sick on this boat (with staff giving out sick bags constantly) so if you’re prone to sea sickness, choose the slower boat over the fast boat.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 29 jun. 2023
On time and fast, which is great for a fast boat company.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 20 jun. 2023
Overall a good experience. The location on the booking confirmation is incorrect in Padang Bai - instead search on Google Maps and go to the Gangari location. It’s along the beach area. The boat set off around 5 minutes after schedule and we had a nice voyage. Around 70-80 % full, so still good room. Comfortable seats and some aircon/ocean breeze kept it cool in the passenger area. Arrived around 30 minutes after schedule in Gili Trawangan. Recommended.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 14 jun. 2023
We arrived 1 hour late but the trip was ok. There was no Aircon in the boat so we had to keep the windows open. I knew I would have to make compromise as I chose the cheapest company. The cruise was good.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 6 jun. 2023
Easy to use website, avoid the queue in port. Just make. Sure you exchange e-tiixket with paper one in port.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 3 jun. 2023
Everyone warns you about the boats to the Gili islands and you fear horror stories. My experience really wasn’t bad. There was no organised boarding and to begin with lots of people were standing in the cabin, then when the boat left they all went and sat on top deck. There was aircon, it did get quiet hot when we first boarded but once the boat was moving it was a decent temperature. Some spray does come in depending on wind direction but people but close the windows and it’s no issue. The boat left and arrived on time. Bags didn’t take long to come off.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 17 jun. 2024
Trip was ok, but we arrived +1.30h later than scheduled.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 17 jun. 2024
The trip took 1 hour and 50 min more than scheduled. When I asked the staff about the time delay he was very rude an arrogant.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 6 jun. 2024
They gave us beers on top deck
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 18 abr. 2024
Boat said I was at 1pm didn't leave till gone 3pm have to wait around in the scorching heat on top of that an aparent 1.30 hour journey took 2.30 was pretty fed up by the end of it to say the least.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 29 mar. 2024
Well organized. The ride Bali padang bai to Gili T. takes 1,5h.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 22 oct. 2023
Expected time to arrive 12:30 real time 15:30.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 21 jun. 2023
We have to wait from 1 hour in the Hot son
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 14 jun. 2024
De boot deed er 2x zo lang over dan bij de boeking stond aangegeven (150 minuten ipv. 75). Daarnaast was deze ook nog eens 45 minuten te laat.
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 6 oct. 2023
Goed alleen wel bijna een uur later vertrokken
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 26 sept. 2023
AC speed boat off, di dalam kapal jadi panas membara
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 9 may. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 16 jun. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 30 may. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 23 may. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 22 may. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 28 mar. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 12 mar. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 8 mar. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 27 ene. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 12 ene. 2024
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 23 nov. 2023
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 7 nov. 2023
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 1 nov. 2023
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 29 oct. 2023
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 25 oct. 2023
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 22 oct. 2023
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 22 oct. 2023
Ferry Lancha motora, Ganggari Fast Boat, 20 oct. 2023