Sagada to Banaue

Sagada to Banaue

Thu, Aug 1
One Way
NaN Passengers

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How to get from Sagada to Banaue

Sitting approximately 200 km southeast of Sagada, Banaue is a logical stop in yout travel itinerary after you have done with the sea of clouds, hanging coffins and cave connections in Sagada. To reach Banaue overland, you should follow Talubin–Barlig–Paracelis Rd and Banaue–Mayoyao–Alfonso Lista–Isabela Boundary Road. Banaue can be reached either by bus, van, or jeepney.

Bus from Sagada to Banaue

The only bus operator which serves Sagada–Banaue–Manila route at the moment of writing is Coda Lines. Their buses travel via Bontoc and need around 3 hours to reach Banaue. It is the most comfortable and convenient way to travel but the main difficulty with getting a seat on Coda Lines buses is that they are often fully booked by passengers heading from Sagada all way down to Manila.

Coda Lines have at least three trips daily – at 10.30am, 4pm and 3pm.

Jeepney from Sagada to Banaue

The most common and popular way to travel between Sagada and Banaue is by jeepney. There is a direct departure to Banaue – expect to spend around 4 hours and be prepared for oh-not-so-comfy ride, but the view along the route compensates.

If you miss Sagada–Banaue jeepney, consider travelling via Bontoc. There are multiple departures until afternoon – check directly at the jeepney terminal located in front of Sagada Municipal Hall. The first jeepney of the day departs at 6.30am and then every 30 minutes until 9.30 am. After that the departures are less frequent and on most days there are no jeepneys to Bontoc after 1pm – plan accordingly. The fare should be around PHP50 per person and the trip takes from 45 minutes to an hour.

Do not expect brand-new vehicles – more than likely you are going to be packed as a sardine in a barrel in a crampy and worn-out jeep. If you don't want be cooped up in there, you always have an option to topload or get on the roof. For the adventurous, it's definitely the best seat in the house as you will have an unobstructed view of the stunning scenery along the route.

From Bontoc to Banaue

After you have reached Boctoc, hop onto a bus, a van or take another jeepney to Banaue. Check our dedicated article for more details. The whole trip should not cost you over PHP250.

If you are traveling as a group, a more convenient option is to hire a van – expect to pay PHP2000 for the whole vehicle.

General notes

We strongly recommend you to check the updates of the schedules – find them in the terminals, inns, and tourist offices – as these can change without a prior notice.

If you are planning a connecting trip from Banaue and have not booked your trip from Sagada to Banaue in advance, do come early to secure a seat.

Opt for morning trips whenever possible and do not rely too much on the afternoon departures – they can be cancelled due to weather conditions.

Transportation from Sagada to Banaue

  • Trains are not available
  • Buses are not available
  • Ferries are not available
  • Flights are not available
  • Taxis are not available
  • Vans are not available