Sagada to Baguio

Sagada to Baguio

Wed, Jul 31
One Way
NaN Passengers

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How to get from Sagada to Baguio

The route between Sagada and Baguio is well travelled – especially during summer months – so getting out of there is not a problem. To head back to Baguio you can either take a direct bus or opt for a combination of a jeepney and a bus. The distance between Sagada and Baguio is approximately 150 kilometres via Halsema Highway. Travel time normally is between 5 and 6 hours including a couple of toilet and lunch stops.

Bus from Sagada to Baguio

There are two major bus lines that regularly ply the Sagada-to-Baguio route – GL Trans Bus and Lizardo Bus. Most of the buses from Sagada are passing through buses coming from the Municipality of Besao. They call to Sagada to pick up passengers for Baguio. This means you have to be at the terminal well before the scheduled stop if you want to catch the certain bus.

As a reference, the earliest bus departs at 5am followed by 6 more trips at 7am, 8am, 9am, 10am, 11.30am, and 1pm. One-way fare is PHP220. There is no need to book your bus tickets in advance. Just board the bus and the conductor will give you a ticket. In busier seasons, buses can be really packed. Sometimes, passengers even occupy the aisle space.

Please note that all these are ordinary buses. There are no A/C, onboard toilets and snacks provided. No A/C is not a problem, though – the mountain air is usually enough to cool you down; in fact, in cooler months you might need to bundle up.

For a higher level of comfort book the Coda Lines bus bound for Manila which travels via Baguio. There are several trips a day between 10.30am and 4pm.

You can also ride a jeepney from Sagada to Bontoc and board a bus to Baguio from there. The trip to Bontoc should take you only 45 minutes. Jeepneys bound for Bontoc leave Sagada every hour or half an hour from 6.30am till 1pm.

In Sagada, the bus terminal is conveniently located near the church in the town proper.

Road conditions between Sagada and Baguio

The road is generally paved and smooth and the scenery is one of the best in the country. With the road winding its way high up the mountains, you will see clouds below you, rice terraces, and rivers.

Transportation from Sagada to Baguio

  • Trains are not available
  • Buses are not available
  • Ferries are not available
  • Flights are not available
  • Taxis are not available
  • Vans are not available