08 Mai 2024
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VietJet Air

988 Kundenrezensionen
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VietJet Air Zeitplan und Fahrplan

Da Nang - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
07:05, 07:30, 09:00, 09:20, 10:05, 10:20, 10:30, 13:05, 13:10, 13:25, 15:05, 15:25, 15:40, 16:35, 16:40, 17:35, 17:40, 19:00, 20:20, 21:25, 21:45, 22:15, 22:25, 22:35, 22:40, 23:00
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Da Nang
05:05, 05:30, 05:35, 07:00, 07:05, 07:25, 11:05, 11:15, 11:30, 13:40, 14:40, 14:55, 15:00, 15:40, 16:15, 16:55, 17:10, 17:20, 17:40, 18:00, 19:00, 19:25, 19:40, 19:45, 20:15, 20:30, 21:55
Da Nang - Hanoi
06:15, 07:40, 07:55, 08:02, 08:20, 09:05, 09:25, 10:55, 11:05, 12:35, 12:55, 13:25, 13:35, 14:10, 15:15, 15:40, 17:40, 18:25, 20:05, 20:10, 20:30, 20:40, 20:50, 21:25, 21:40, 22:10, 22:15, 22:40
Hanoi - Da Nang
05:30, 05:40, 05:45, 06:25, 07:05, 07:30, 09:55, 10:20, 10:40, 10:55, 11:35, 13:10, 13:15, 13:35, 14:50, 15:40, 17:25, 18:10, 19:30, 19:40, 20:00, 20:15, 20:30, 20:40, 21:00, 21:05, 21:45
Hanoi - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
05:00, 05:10, 05:20, 06:00, 06:25, 07:00, 08:05, 08:10, 08:50, 09:00, 09:05, 09:35, 09:40, 09:50, 10:10, 11:05, 11:10, 13:20, 18:40, 20:00, 22:50, 23:55
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Kien Giang
05:40, 06:00, 06:25, 06:40, 07:30, 09:15, 09:20, 09:30, 10:10, 10:15, 10:25, 10:35, 12:20, 12:45, 12:55, 13:00, 14:20, 14:25, 14:45, 14:55, 15:15, 15:30, 15:35, 16:05, 16:10, 17:50, 21:15, 21:35
Kien Giang - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
07:15, 07:30, 08:00, 08:05, 08:15, 09:05, 11:05, 11:45, 11:50, 11:55, 12:10, 13:40, 13:55, 14:30, 15:10, 15:40, 15:55, 16:00, 16:05, 16:30, 16:50, 17:10, 17:50, 20:00, 20:40, 20:50
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Hanoi
04:30, 05:00, 05:15, 05:25, 06:00, 06:30, 06:40, 06:45, 07:00, 07:30, 07:35, 08:05, 08:10, 08:45, 09:25, 09:30, 10:00, 10:10, 10:25, 10:30, 12:30, 12:55, 14:25, 14:40, 18:10, 21:55, 23:30
Hue - Hanoi
07:50, 08:05, 12:15, 13:05, 13:30, 19:20, 21:10
Nha Trang - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
04:30, 04:45, 05:00, 05:25, 05:30, 06:05, 06:15, 06:30, 06:35, 06:36, 07:30, 08:35, 09:05, 09:55, 10:45, 13:45, 14:25, 17:30, 18:50, 19:00, 20:45, 21:00, 23:45
Hanoi - Hue
05:55, 06:00, 06:15, 10:30, 11:15, 11:40, 17:00, 17:35, 19:25
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Nha Trang
05:30, 05:45, 06:40, 06:45, 07:10, 07:30, 08:10, 08:55, 10:10, 11:55, 12:00, 12:10, 12:35, 12:40, 12:55, 13:40, 13:45, 14:00, 14:05, 14:10, 14:55, 15:45, 16:10, 17:05, 19:00, 19:15, 20:00, 20:20, 20:25
Da Nang - Nha Trang
13:15, 14:35
Hanoi - Bangkok
10:15, 11:10, 11:50, 12:15, 15:10, 15:45
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Bangkok
08:35, 09:15, 11:15, 11:30, 12:05, 17:15, 17:35
Hue - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
08:05, 08:30, 08:35, 09:45, 10:50, 12:05, 13:10, 13:50, 14:30, 15:50, 17:05, 17:30, 17:35, 17:55, 20:15, 20:40, 21:35, 22:00, 22:25, 22:55, 23:10
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Lam Dong
05:30, 05:45, 06:20, 07:55, 08:30, 16:30, 16:35, 17:25, 19:15, 20:15
Kien Giang - Hanoi
07:30, 07:55, 09:10, 10:35, 11:15, 11:50, 12:55, 13:25, 13:30, 14:05, 15:35, 16:15, 16:45, 17:35, 17:40, 18:00, 20:50
Lam Dong - Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
07:00, 07:15, 07:50, 09:35, 10:00, 18:05, 18:10, 18:20, 18:55, 20:50, 21:40
Da Nang - Can Tho
12:35, 13:45, 17:45, 21:15, 23:20
Lam Dong - Da Nang
17:25, 17:55, 20:35
Hai Phong - Da Nang
10:30, 10:50, 16:10, 18:45, 20:45
Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt - Phuket
08:50, 09:00, 11:05
Hanoi - Kien Giang
06:30, 07:25, 07:30, 08:35, 10:15, 10:45, 10:50, 11:50, 11:55, 12:05, 12:15, 12:50, 13:15, 13:55, 14:00, 14:05, 14:25, 14:55, 15:00, 15:25, 18:10, 18:15

Über VietJet Air

Die schnellste, aber nicht immer die teuerste Art zu reisen, ist das Fliegen. Da immer mehr Billigfluglinien auf den Markt kommen, wird das Fliegen zu vielen Zielen immer erschwinglicher. Wenn Sie ein Ticket buchen, ist es von entscheidender Bedeutung, alles genau zu Überprüfen. Prüfen Sie auch den Flughafen, von dem Ihr Flug abfliegt und wo er landet, da viele Ziele von mehr als einem Flughafen angeflogen werden, die weit voneinander entfernt sein können. Wenn Sie also einen Fehler machen und am falschen Flughafen ankommen, besteht die Gefahr, dass Sie Ihren Flug verpassen. Um dies zu vermeiden, studieren Sie den Flugplan gründlich.

VietJet Air führt Flüge zu verschiedenen Zielen durch und bietet einfache und unkomplizierte Online-Reservierungen. Überprüfen Sie vor der Buchung Ihres Tickets die Bewertungen anderer Reisender und vergewissern Sie sich, von welchem ​​Terminal der jeweilige Flug durchgeführt wird.

Was sind die Hauptbahnhöfe von VietJet Air?

Die Flugzeuge von VietJet Air pendeln sowohl zwischen internationalen als auch zwischen nationalen Flughäfen im ganzen Land. Zu den Hauptzielen des Unternehmens gehören:

  • Flughafen Da Nang
  • Flughafen Ho Chi Minh
  • Noi Bai Flughafen
  • Phu Quoc Flughafen
  • Flughafen Cam Ranh
  • Hue Flughafen
  • Flughafen Suvarnabhumi
  • Dalat Flughafen
  • Hải Phòng Flughafen
  • Flughafen Phuket

Was sind die Flugklassen und Preise von VietJet Air?

Der Preis und die verfügbaren Sitzplatzklassen sind in der Liste der verfügbaren Optionen angegeben. Die billigsten Plätze werden immer zuerst vergeben – um einen guten Preis zu bekommen, reservieren Sie bitte so früh wie möglich. Eine frühzeitige Buchung gibt Ihnen die Chance, das beste verfügbare Angebot zu ergattern. Abonnieren Sie die Social-Media-Konten der Fluggesellschaft – manchmal kündigen die Airlines dort Flash-Verkäufe oder wirklich gute Aktionen an, sodass Sie als erster davon erfahren.

Beachten Sie, dass es heutzutage durchaus üblich ist, Tickets anzubieten, die keine Extras wie Bordmahlzeiten oder sogar aufgegebenes Gepäck beinhalten. Um Enttäuschungen zu vermeiden, vergewissern Sie sich also immer, was in Ihrem Tarif enthalten ist. Mit leichtem Gepäck reisen, keinen Sitzplatz auswählen, sich für einen Flug entscheiden, der zu einer ungünstigeren Zeit abfliegt, sind einige der Tipps, die Ihnen helfen können, den niedrigsten Preis zu zahlen.

Vor- und Nachteile von Flugreisen

Vorteile von Flugreisen

  • Fliegen ist immer der schnellste Weg, um an Ihr Ziel zu gelangen, aber denken Sie daran, die Zeit zu berechnen, die Sie benötigen, um zum Flughafen zu gelangen und die Zoll- und/oder Sicherheitskontrollen zu durchlaufen.
  • Flugreisen sparen Ihnen die kostbare Zeit Ihres Urlaubs. Auch wenn Sie ein leidenschaftlicher Anhänger von Bus- oder Bahnreisen sind, geben Sie Flugreisen eine Chance. Dies betrifft insbesondere inländische Ziele.
  • Normalerweise gibt es einen günstigen Fahrplan mit genügend Auswahlmöglichkeiten, nicht nur in Bezug auf die Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeiten, sondern auch in Bezug auf den Preis.

Nachteile von Flugreisen

  • Flughäfen liegen manchmal weit außerhalb des Stadtzentrums. Und nicht alle bieten unkomplizierte, einfache und budgetfreundliche Lösungen für die An- und Abreise ins Stadtzentrum. Dies bedeutet, dass Sie am Ende möglicherweise mehr für die An- und Abreise zum Flughafen zahlen, als für das Ticket selbst.
  • Sie müssen rechtzeitig am Flughafen ankommen, was dazu führen kann, dass Sie ungefähr die gleiche Zeit für Ihre Reise benötigen, als wenn Sie auf einigen Kurzstrecken einen Zug oder Bus nehmen würden.
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VietJet Air Stationen

VietJet Air Unternehmensbewertungen

988 Bewertungen von Kunden
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 16.03.2024
Everything went smoothly. Plane was on schedule. We had great seats next to emergency exit with extra leg room which we much appreciated
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 17.02.2024
Was a nice flight and on reasonable time of departure.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 14.02.2024
They ran on time, confirmed the pick up location and time the day before and even dropped me off at the front of my hotel at no extra cost. I would have no hesitation in using them again.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 10.11.2023
Accidentally bought ticket for the wrong direction. Absolutely no grace period to cancel flight.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 26.10.2023
I almost missed my flight, gladly the staff are so attentive and help me to be on time.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 19.07.2023
The experience was excellent, aside from the 3-hour delay due to in-climate weather.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 15.06.2023
No delays, process was quick and easy, stewardess were professional and plane interior looks brand new. First time flying with VietJet and I’m impressed.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 07.05.2023
We were waiting in a transit bus for 30 minutes without the Vietjet staff telling us why. Very strange. The flight was also around 40 min late.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 20.03.2023
Very nice staff at the airport and on the plane. They willingly helped me with my travel.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 05.03.2023
The flight was supposed to take off at 10:35am, but we didn’t leave until 1245pm. We couldn’t even check in until after 11a. Therefore didn’t get into Ho Chi Minh until 245p, over the 12:10p scheduled arrival. Other than that the crew was great.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 05.02.2023
My issues arose at the airport. Luckily I was very early as it took 45 mins to work out I did have a booking. Firstly 12go instructions are not clear about where to go at the airport. The staff at Vietjet could not find my booking number. The one supplied by 12go did not match their requirements, a 6 piece alpha-numeric code. They kept telling me I wasn't booked. It was quite distressing. Eventually one clever lady used my name and email and found my booking so I was able to fly. Not sure I'd use the 12go service again
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 24.01.2023
I couldn’t write my whole name when I booked the ticket. I had to pay to change my name in the airport, because they couldn’t find my ticket
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 04.12.2022
The flight with VietJet Air went really well. The staff at the airport was really helpful and the flight boarded on time. There were 30 minutes delay on the runway but this was due to bad weather at the destination airport and we were not allowed to take off. HOWEVER, I need to express serius concerns about the 12GO webpage and their booking system. They issue so called booking confirmations/vouchers and not electronic tickets which will cause a lot of problems at the airport because their vouchers do not contain PNR number (six alphanumeric characters) which you need to do check in. So you have 2 options: Option 1: send email to 12GO and ask them to send it to you (this will take a lot of time) or Option 2: go to VietJet Air office before the flight and kindly ask them to search for you via passenger name (which I did) and then issue you a ticket. If you don't do that and just arrive on airport, good luck to you.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 29.11.2022
Your confirmation email contained a booking # but did not contain the necessary booking id#. This made it very complicated at the airport.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 21.11.2022
When we tried to check in on the ”self check in machine” , it said that our booking was cancelled and that was a source of big stress for us, as we had planned and booked all the hotel and activities in Saigon .. The employees couldn’t find our tickets neither, as if they were not used to 12Go Asia e-tickets .. but at last the customer service employee was able to help us and print the right ticket that the other employees could use to check us in… we booked many Times with 12Go Asia and it was the first time we faced this problem ..
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 07.11.2022
VietJet has great service
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 02.11.2022
Excellent fligth. Very smooth handling at the airport.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 07.10.2022
Took 2 hours longer than it should have, a lot of waiting around between each bus. We appereciated the staff and everything they did for us but feel like we got missold on the boat. However overall easy journeys and the night bus was great.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 21.09.2022
Boarded the plane and the A/C was not turned on until after we were in the air which made it unbearable for a long time as we boarded early but departed later due to waiting for passengers.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 12.09.2022
Flug von Hanoi nach Can Tho war super. Alles einfach. Voucher vorgelegt, Bordkarten erhalten. Alles easy. Meine Erfahrungen mit 12Goasia waren super. Vor 5 Jahren in Thailand, als auch jetzt 2022 in Vietnam. Alles einfach zu buchen. Rückzahlung wegen ausgebuchtem Zug sofort erhalten und alternative erhalten. Auf jeden Fall zu empfehlen.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 30.08.2022
Actual flight was fine, everything went smoothly. Only issue was that the booking confirmation from 12Go did not have the confirmation the airline needed although this was sorted by the staff at the airport.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 07.08.2022
Estupendo, el conductor ya nos estaba esperando en el aeropuerto, fue muy amable nos ha ayudado con el equipaje. Super reconendable!!
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 06.12.2021
Everything was smooth, perfect, really good
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 05.05.2021
Unfortunately, 1 hour late to go to Da Nang and 1 hour late to come back to Ho Chi Minh.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 25.03.2020
Perfect experience. Health decleration due to Corona was a bit of a hazle but is also something you can't do anything about.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 22.03.2020
поездка не состоялась ввиду принятия решения властей вьетнама о запрете вьезда на территорию вьетнама
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 19.03.2020
On time, easy to get onto flight and simple airport
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 16.03.2020
Très bonne ! C’est notre deuxième vol avec Vietjet et c’ était parfait. Personnel agréable, ponctualité (peu-être avons nous eu de la chance). En tout cas rien à dire. Merci
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 08.03.2020
because of a knee operation, I am walking with sticks. was brought on the plane with a wheelchair and a special vehicle. A lot of effort was made, thanks.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 06.03.2020
Everything was nice and on time. After the flight the baggage came extremely quickly.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 05.03.2020
Booked same day flight and it was confirmed instantly.. Vietjet seem good: left on time and arrived early
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 03.03.2020
The flight itself was really good! Unfortunately we had more than 30 minutes delay. Check in was really uncomplicated.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 03.03.2020
Super vol, tout a été parfait. Avion a moitié vide....je recommande
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 29.02.2020
Ein Flug, wie er sein sollte.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 21.02.2020
Last minute flight tkt. Due to cancellation by Vietnam air.thank you Vietjet. Superb flight and seats. 4 mature travellers.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 17.02.2020
A little late but everything was very smooth and staff were very good.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 12.02.2020
Perfect seamless flight, all staff respectful and everything on time and good value for money. Plus easy to book
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 11.02.2020
Le service client est bien, mais l'avion avait 1h de retard. Mais étant donné le coût du billet, on s'en accommode.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 08.02.2020
For me everything well went. Yes there has been a delay of 30mi. but that was it. For a low cost company I think it was a good quality-price value. I will flight with them again keeping in mind that there might be delays.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 07.02.2020
Schnelle Abfertigung beim Check in. Flug 30min Verspätung. Ansonsten problemlos
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 05.02.2020
We waited a very long time in the bus before we could get off to board the plane. There was a delay and the bus was cramped. Plane was also delayed but worth the price.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 31.01.2020
alles perfekt,gute kommunikation
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 30.01.2020
The flight was delayed by about half an hour but seemed to make up speed during the flight. The seats on VietJet planes are quite scruffy and not very comfortable. But we arrived OK.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 24.01.2020
I’ve used 12go.asia before and thought I’d use again. All went great. Booked flights Nha Trang to Danang. It’s tet so everything costs more at this time. But there wasn’t much available including trains/buses.The flight itself was delayed twice.So our flight didn’t actually leave until 14.45 instead of 12.25. But not 12go.asia at fault. I found website easy to use too.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 23.01.2020
Uur vertraging en vervolgens nog een half uur in vliegtuig gezeten en stilgestaan bij gate voor niks.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 21.01.2020
I booked a flight and same day of my flight they send me a message with different hour. When i arrive to the airport my new flight was delayed again... so. The flight i booked was deleayed twice. hours at the airport waiting. insted arriving to Hanoi at 10:30pm we arrive at 3 am next day.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 20.01.2020
Flight was delayed but other all went well and staff was nice
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 19.01.2020
Es buena, cumple su función para vuelos cortos y de bajo costo. Nos cambiaron el horario de vuelo estando en el aeropuerto pero me acerqué a la mesa de la aerolínea y me reubicaron en un nuevo avión más temprano
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 16.01.2020
As always, 12go makes booking so easy. The flight was delayed around 45 min but, as all travellers should, we had arrived early enough and had left loads of time on the other side that this was no problem. The flight was nice and the airports in both locations excellent. Catching a shuttle bus in Saigon to our hotel, no problem.
Flugzeug Economy, VietJet Air, 16.01.2020
Family travel in group and first time flying with VietJet airline.The flight was delayed by an hour plus and no announcement was made.