11 Mai 2024
Einfacher Weg

Starlite Ferries

657 Kundenrezensionen
  • Schedule
  • Stations
  • Reviews

Starlite Ferries Zeitplan und Fahrplan

Batangas - Caticlan
Fähre Liegesitze
01:00, 07:30, 19:30
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
01:00, 07:30, 19:30
Fähre Economy Bett
07:30, 19:30
Fähre Kabine für 2
07:30, 19:30
Fähre Kabine für 5
07:30, 19:30
Cebu - Surigao
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
09:00, 21:00
Fähre Economy Bett
09:00, 21:00
Fähre Liegesitze
Caticlan - Batangas
Fähre Economy Bett
07:30, 19:30
Fähre Kabine für 2
07:30, 19:30
Fähre Kabine für 5
07:30, 19:30
Fähre Liegesitze
07:30, 13:00, 19:30
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
07:30, 13:00, 19:30
Surigao - Cebu
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
Fähre Liegesitze
Fähre Economy Bett
Batangas - Roxas City
Fähre Liegesitze
15:00, 16:00
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
15:00, 16:00
Fähre Economy Bett
Fähre Kabine für 4
Batangas - Oriental Mindoro
Fähre Business Klasse
01:00, 05:00, 11:00, 17:00, 23:00
Fähre Economy-Klasse
01:00, 03:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00
Fähre Touristenklasse
01:00, 03:00, 07:00, 09:00, 13:00, 15:00, 19:00, 21:00
Oriental Mindoro - Batangas
Fähre Touristenklasse
03:00, 05:00, 09:00, 11:00, 15:00, 17:00, 21:00, 23:00
Fähre Business
Fähre Economy-Klasse
01:00, 03:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00, 21:00, 23:00
Fähre Business Klasse
01:00, 05:00, 07:00, 09:00, 13:00, 19:00
Butuan - Cebu
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
Fähre Liegesitze
Fähre Economy Bett
Cebu - Butuan
Fähre Liegesitze
20:00, 21:00
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
20:00, 21:00
Fähre Economy Bett
20:00, 21:00
Batangas - Sibuyan
Fähre Kabine für 8
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
16:00, 21:00
Fähre Kabine für 4
Fähre Economy Bett
Fähre Liegesitze
16:00, 21:00
Roxas City - Batangas
Fähre Economy Bett
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
Fähre Liegesitze
13:00, 21:00
Batangas - Romblon
Fähre Liegesitze
Fähre Economy Bett
Fähre Kabine für 4
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
Sibuyan - Batangas
Fähre Kabine für 8
Fähre Economy Bett
Fähre Kabine für 4
Fähre Liegesitze
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
19:00, 21:00
Oriental Mindoro - Caticlan
Fähre Business Klasse
02:00, 11:00
Fähre Touristenklasse
02:00, 11:00
Fähre Economy-Klasse
02:00, 11:00
Caticlan - Oriental Mindoro
Fähre Business Klasse
05:00, 09:00
Fähre Touristenklasse
05:00, 09:00
Fähre Economy-Klasse
01:00, 05:00, 09:00
Romblon - Batangas
Fähre Liegesitze
Fähre Economy Bett
Fähre Kabine für 4
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
Roxas City - Sibuyan
Fähre Liegesitze
Fähre Kabine für 8
Fähre Economy Bett
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
13:00, 15:00
Sibuyan - Roxas City
Fähre Economy Bett
Fähre Liegesitze
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
05:00, 06:00
Roxas City - Romblon
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen
Fähre Liegesitze
Fähre Economy Bett

Über Starlite Ferries

Um zu den malerischsten Inseln zu gelangen, kommt man meist nicht darum herum, eine Fähre zu nehmen. Einige Ziele werden von größeren und stabileren Autofähren angefahren, andere werden von kleineren, aber schnelleren Hochgeschwindigkeitsbooten oder Katamaranen verbunden. Wenn Sie leicht seekrank werden, vermeiden Sie es, mit einem Katamaran zu reisen. Ein Katamaran reitet auf den Wellen, wenn das Meer rau ist – entscheiden Sie sich lieber für ein ordentliches Schiff, da es das Wasser schneidet, was zu einer weniger beschwerlichen Fahrt führt. Außerdem kann es hilfreich sein, auf einem oberen Freiluftdeck Platz zu nehmen, um hohe Wellen zu überstehen. Starlite Ferries bietet Online-Tickets für Fährfahrten an – und es ist nicht einmal notwendig, in deren Büro vorbeizuschauen, um eines zu kaufen.

Was sind die Hauptbahnhöfe von Starlite Ferries?

Starlite Ferries-Fähren fahren zu einer Reihe beliebter Ziele. Die Liste der Stationen, die von Starlite Ferries bedient werden, umfasst unter anderem:

  • Batangas Terminal
  • Cebu Starlite Ferries
  • Caticlan Jetty
  • Surigao Stadt Fährterminal
  • Calapan Pier
  • Nasipit Seehafen
  • Batangas Terminal 2
  • Dapitan Pier
  • Roxas Stadt Capiz Hafen
  • Sibuyan

Was sind die beliebtesten Routen von Starlite Ferries?

Was sind die Fährklassen und Preise von Starlite Ferries?

Als Faustregel gilt: je schneller das Boot, desto höher der Preis. Entscheiden Sie vor der Buchung, ob Sie einen Express-Service benötigen oder auch langsamere Optionen akzeptabel sind. Die Preise für letztere sind viel günstiger. Der Unterschied in der Reisezeit kann jedoch sehr groß sein, also prüfen Sie immer, wie lange die Fährfahrt dauert, bevor Sie Ihr Ticket buchen. Außerdem kann die Verfügbarkeit einiger Klassen begrenzt sein und erfordert immer eine Voranmeldung. Denken Sie immer daran, den Pier zu überprüfen, von dem Ihr Boot abfährt und an dem Sie anlegen, um den bequemsten Ort für Ihre Weiterreise auszuwählen. Und lesen Sie bitte die Bewertungen anderer Reisender.

Vor- und Nachteile von Fährreisen

Vorteile von Fährreisen

  • Ein Schiff ist die einzige Möglichkeit, einige der Inseln zu erreichen. Und in vielen Fällen sind das einige der schönsten Postkarten- und Paradiesinseln, die Sie sich schon immer gewünscht haben!
  • Oft sind verschiedene Ticketklassen verfügbar, sodass Sie den Tarif, das Komfortniveau, die Reisezeit und den Fahrplan auswählen können, der am besten zu Ihnen passt.
  • Zeitsparend online buchen – auf vielen Strecken ist eine Vorabbuchung ein absolutes Muss. In erster Linie handelt es sich um längere Reisen, Reisen zu Stoßzeiten wie Feiertagen, verlängerten Wochenenden oder in der Hochsaison. Es ist eine gute Idee, mindestens einige Tage vor Ihrem Reisedatum zu buchen, wenn Ihre Route auch von einer begrenzten Anzahl von Fahrten pro Tag bedient wird.
  • Reisen mit der Fähre macht Spaß. Es ist immer wieder schön, die besuchten Orte einmal aus einem anderen Blickwinkel zu betrachten – in diesem Fall also vom Wasser aus. Fast jedes Ziel sieht vom Wasser aus großartig aus und Sie haben eine großartige Gelegenheit, brillante Fotos zu machen.

Nachteile von Fährreisen

  • Seekrank zu werden ist die größte Sorge für Fährreisende. Je länger die Reise ist und je rauer das Meer ist, desto größer ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Ihr Magen protestiert. Um Ihre Reise angenehmer zu gestalten, nehmen Sie entsprechende Medikamente eine halbe Stunde vor Ihrer Reise ein und befolgen Sie unsere Empfehlungen von oben.
  • Fährfahrten sind stark wetterabhängig. Das bedeutet, dass sich an Regentagen Abfahrten verzögern oder sogar storniert werden können. Es ist keine Seltenheit, dass die Fährverbindungen auch zu größeren Inseln bei stürmischem Wetter für mehrere Tage geschlossen werden. Das bedeutet, dass Sie diese Möglichkeit im Hinterkopf behalten sollten, wenn Ihre Fährreise mit einem Flug verbunden ist – die Wahrscheinlichkeit, später als erwartet zum Festland zu gelangen, kann zu bestimmten Zeiten hoch sein.
Mehr erfahren

Starlite Ferries Stationen

Starlite Ferries Unternehmensbewertungen

657 Bewertungen von Kunden
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 05.03.2024
It was a great way to avoid the late booking of a flight which would have been 5x this. I had a comfortable and safe journey - recommend you come tired so that you can sleep, and bring earplugs and an eyemask. Totally safe and viable if not long alternative to get around PH.
Fähre Touristenklasse, Starlite Ferries, 13.01.2024
Paid an additional 91 pesos for the "text alerts/notification" before the trip but did not received any.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 13.01.2024
it was good
Fähre Touristenklasse, Starlite Ferries, 12.01.2024
Someone should remind passengers if they already paid terminal fee, not on the time of boarding, specially early morning trips, every one are not familiar with the process.
Fähre Business Klasse, Starlite Ferries, 05.01.2024
Time of departure is 1PM but the Ship left around 2:10PM.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 30.10.2023
The trip was delayed by 1 hr and 30minutes and there was no announcement of the cause of delay
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 19.10.2023
CR disgusting both areas. Bunks in tourist old need recovering. Other ferries better in cleanliness.
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 12.10.2023
the only thing to improve are the instruction to get to the port ( pier4 does not say anything if everybody need to go to gate 3 first, hard and confusing also for the taxi driver Everything else was very good
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 10.10.2023
Your tourist cabin airconditioning is not functioning creating a very warm to hot place.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 05.10.2023
Had difficulty changing online ticket to physical ticket better if instead use QR code scanning
Fähre Economy Bett, Starlite Ferries, 30.09.2023
the trip was ok. it was a little late when it left batangas city pier but still arrived on time in Caticlan
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 23.06.2023
The vessel crew were not so accomodating. No alternative provided for charging areas.
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 27.05.2023
Ferry on time, took AC tourist bed and they were comfortable with clean sheets, decent showers and toilets. Definitely worth the price instead of flight
Fähre Economy Bett, Starlite Ferries, 25.05.2023
Fast travel time good accomodation. Problem is charging electronics although it cost but always no available coins onboard
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 30.04.2023
Everything perfect, clean sheets but they kept the lights on all night
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 28.04.2023
They have 3 women toilet, but only one was open but the flush didn’t work. So u need to use timba. No tissue, no soap to wash your hands. I asked the crew, she said they are out of stock. I hope next time they make this right before ferry leaves the place.
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 07.03.2023
Arrived more or less on time. Cheap alternative to flying.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 27.02.2023
You have free meal .BUT you don't have free bootle water.....and you will wait for almost 2hours for the meal to be claim...
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 28.12.2022
Already bought a ticket online but has to line up for hours as the printed copy is not accepted
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 25.09.2022
The waiting room crowded and all indoors during Covid season. The port does not allow waiting in outdoors area. The seating area was much nicer than the bunk bed areas jammed with people. There were only ten of us in an area for 150! I guess people did not want to pay a bit extra for the reclining seating. Many seats were in bad repair, the Co. does not seem to care about the maintenance. The charging stations where you had to pay for charging your cellphones (Absurd) were mostly broken and no cables. The ones supposedly working, you dropped the money and your phone got no juice! waste of time and effort with people crowding the charging stations areas. Not a good idea for Covid era. I don't know why the company cannot have plugs everywhere for people to charge their phones. They have them in buses that cost 200, 300 pesos for 60 to 100 kilometers. You paid close to 1500 here and no charging free? Cafe was nice but once it closed it never opened for morning coffee. I WILL SAY THIS I LIKE THIS COMPANY BETTER THAN 2GO WHICH TREATS PEOPLE LIKE ANIMALS. MY LAST EXPEIRENCE WITH 2GO FERRY WAS THEY DELAYED THE FERRY FOR 5 HOURS WITH 1000 PASSENGERS SO THEY COULD LOAD A FEW MORE TRUCKS ON THE WAY. THE TIME FOR 1000 PEOPLE WAS DISPOSABLE FOR A FEW MORE PESOS FOR THE TRUCKS COMING!
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 25.08.2022
The ship left in time Surigao and arrived even earlier than expected in Cebu. The weather, the sea and the meal were fine.
Fähre Cabin, Starlite Ferries, 01.08.2022
The free linen provided was the fitted bed sheet. We had to rent and pay 60 pesos for a blanket to use in a cabin that was fully air conditioned & the temp was fixed. The free food did not include any type of beverage not even service water.
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 12.05.2022
Starlite: 2 dirty CR . 12Go: misleading information. I thought there was a free food
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 06.05.2022
We booked the Tourist option to have the food (dinner) & snack included in the payment. But during the trip, they informed us that those traveling to odiongan (8-10hr trip) do not have that option, even though it was reflected in the website.
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 05.05.2022
no blankets/ramp was not passable so we had to carry our luggages with our kids thru the stairs, crew members are rude. ticketing office crew in caticlan starlite was soooo rude. would not recommend
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 01.05.2022
It was a great travel, arrived at expected time...☺️ Till next travel...
Fähre Cabin, Starlite Ferries, 20.04.2022
We are supposed to be in tourist then you emailed us that the tourist slots are full already, so you came up with the solution that we have to book in cabin, so we did. Then when we were on board already, the crew said that their are no cabin available for us so they transferred us to tourists again and refund the money that we added for cabin. Your system is so poor and the crew had a hard time to fix the problem we encountered.
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 19.04.2022
We experienced a lot of delays before and during on board. The crews had a hard time to fixed the problem and led to confusion.
Fähre Economy Bett, Starlite Ferries, 12.03.2022
Super fast trip to iloilo city yung estimate time of arrival 8am pero naka dock na yung barko 630am. Kaya 10 star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ kayo sakin.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 07.01.2022
There is this crew at the Starbite Counter that is so rude to every passenger when he answered questions and provide service. His name is JAYVEE btw. He doesnt deserve a position in the hospitality industry. I am a waiter in a cruise ship and what he showed to every passenger is not tolerable for me. If he has a problem in private, he must hide it and not show anger and disrespect passenger at all. I observed him the whole time until he was changed by another crew that is better than him.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 27.12.2021
Starlite Management has no coordination with Port personnel. 6pm schedule was delayed of 3 hrs. and we were advised that it was resched to 9pm. We were not allowed to enter boarding due to overloaded passengers inside. We were advised to wait until they have called that vessel is ready for boarding and that was the time we will go inside. We were called to enter around 9pm, only to be disgusted that the vessel have left already. You have no idea of our struggles outside the boarding area. We have our online bookings and you're not checking if those who have booked were there inside before your captain left. SO UNPROFEESIONAL! Your crews don't even bother to offer a hand for passengers upon entering the vessel for their baggage. You should be checking your passengers list before boarding just like 2go travels. Make sure you have made a final call of your passengers. Comfort rooms are not comfortable. Nobody's cleaning from time to time and other doors were locked. Only 2 is operating.
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 26.12.2021
The free meal is not that good,and the water is not included on the free meal. But over all, its nice experience.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 21.12.2021
nice trip everythings is excellent from crew to the place .
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 06.12.2021
Very accomodating staff, and clean facilities...highly recommended
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 04.12.2021
I only booked my friend for it. But she said it was a great experience
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 22.11.2021
-Only one toilet was used -No shower -Booked online but there was actual discount for seafarer, i did not get any discount -Late departure
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 08.11.2021
Sorry but i just dont like to walk that far from the port to the ship itself Also, the short fat lady/receptionist (nov 6/ 7am in charge) on the deck checking/spraying alcohol her facial features is a bit disturbing maybe she is not in the mood to work or have a bad day while the rest of the staff and the tall firm lady receptionist is so nice
Fähre Economy Bett, Starlite Ferries, 01.11.2021
It's great for me to work with you and your team tks
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 28.10.2021
It was nice trip but it happens the arrival time was not followed. It adds 4 more hours based on the itinerary of the trip. Still thank you for the trip. God bless.
Fähre Economy Bett, Starlite Ferries, 16.10.2021
Very satisfying experience in booking. Love This app. Very helpful and easy to use.
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 20.09.2021
This Service was the best and has a quick response.. Shout out to my most patient attendant who response me.. May God Bless you a Good Health, Mr. Piyanart Buachan, 12Go Support Team, and to all 12Go Team. God bless Best Regards Charls Homer
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 13.09.2021
added a new requirement not referenced of a document on reason for travel
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 11.09.2021
I have very nice experience with Starlite Ferries. Thank you
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 27.07.2021
Our boat was late reportedly because of bad weather. There was someone texting us on our phones about the delay, but clearly she was not in the passenger terminal. There was nobody around to ask, so we had to ask the security and even the porters to update us on the actual arrival of the boat.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 27.06.2021
my trip was great the only thing that makes me a little disappointed is sana dinkayo nglalagay ng trip kpag wala nman plang barko na available.i book 1pm trip from batangas to caticlan i went there too early because wala nman abiso sa email or txt na not availble ang ship for that time.i was too early to batangas port when i check sa ticketing booth available lang daw nila n trip is 7:30 am trip and 6 pm trip.i waited too long at the port to wait for 6 pm trip.i dont have a choice kasi andun na ako.and my trip was not leisure its emergency.😔
Fähre Economy Bett, Starlite Ferries, 01.02.2021
Comfort room with tissue. Crew after duty all aver around with their sleeping clothes. Economy area totally wet from batangas to bacolod haven’t seen any crew to dry of mop. Crew seen some setting on chairs with phone and setting like home. Most it the crew are not approachable. Not like how you show on tv onboard. Sorry I am trying to be honest so we can emproved. Ship are totally brand new nothing to complain.
Fähre Touristenklasse, Starlite Ferries, 02.01.2021
We bought tourist ticket for 4 people in order to have less contact with others but we were iffered seats in the open ar because of " Ciovid"
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 01.01.2021
Its awesome, even im dying in coldness because if aircon
Fähre Bettkojen für Touristen, Starlite Ferries, 06.09.2020
food not appetizing,linen is torn need to replace, charging station not working, delay departure.
Fähre Liegesitze, Starlite Ferries, 05.09.2020
It's easy to book. Because they only have a few guests, my room was upgraded to a Superior room! I want to go back in Bora!