06 Mai 2024
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Hayreniq Tour

158 Kundenrezensionen
  • Schedule
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Hayreniq Tour Zeitplan und Fahrplan

Tiflis - Jerewan
07:30, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00
Jerewan - Tiflis
07:00, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:15, 17:00, 19:15
Tiflis - Dilijan
09:00, 13:00, 17:00, 19:00
Dilijan - Tiflis
08:30, 12:30, 14:30, 18:30
Sewan Stadt - Tiflis
08:00, 12:00, 14:00, 18:00
Tiflis - Sewan Stadt
09:00, 13:00, 17:00, 19:00
Tiflis - Tawusch
07:30, 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00
Idschewan - Tiflis
09:30, 13:30, 15:30, 19:30
Jerewan - Dilijan
07:00, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00
Jerewan - Sewan Stadt
07:00, 07:05, 11:00, 13:00, 17:00
Tiflis - Idschewan
09:00, 13:00, 17:00, 19:00
Sewan Stadt - Jerewan
18:05, 22:05

Über Hayreniq Tour

Busse sind das günstigste Transportmittel mit einer großen Anzahl von Terminals im ganzen Land und bequemen Fahrplänen, die Ihnen bei der Planung Ihrer Reise helfen. Busse sind eine angenehme Option sowohl für diejenigen, die mit einem knappen Budget reisen, als auch für diejenigen, die keine Kompromisse eingehen möchten beim Komfort. Hayreniq Tour bietet einen Busservice mit einer Online-Reservierung an. Bevor Sie Ihr Ticket buchen, lesen Sie bitte die Bewertungen anderer Reisender, um die beste Option auszuwählen.

Was sind die Hauptbahnhöfe von Hayreniq Tour?

Hayreniq Tour betreibt Busse zu und von den folgenden Bahnhöfen:

  • Avlabari Metro Station
  • Yerevan Hayreniq Tour-Büro
  • Flughafen Zvartnots
  • Dilijan
  • Sevan
  • Ijevan
  • Noyemberyan
  • Vanadzor Gas Station
  • Dilijan Mimino
  • Abovyan Shangri La Casino

Was sind die Busklassen und Preise von Hayreniq Tour?

Der Preis Ihrer Busfahrt hängt sowohl vom Zielort als auch von der Klasse Ihres Tickets ab. Bitte beachten Sie, dass auf bestimmten Strecken nicht alle Ticketklassen verfügbar sind, aber für längere Fahrten gibt es fast immer eine gute Auswahl an Optionen. Entscheiden Sie sich für einen Schlafwagen für die bequemste Nachtfahrt. Schlafbusse sind in der Regel mit Schlafkojen oder weichen Liegesitzen ausgestattet, verfügen über eine Bordtoilette und Ihr Ticket kann auch andere Vergünstigungen wie Snacks oder sogar ein Abendessen enthalten. Auch die Fahrt mit dem Nachtbus ist eine gute Idee, wenn Sie eine Nacht im einem Hotelzimmer sparen möchten. Tagsüber bietet ein Express-Service oft das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, da er weniger Zwischenstopps einlegt als ein Bus der normalen oder der Standardklasse und schneller fährt. Auf einigen Strecken kann es entscheidend sein, die richtige Klasse zu wählen, da beispielsweise ein normaler oder zweiter Klasse-Bus etwa 6 Stunden benötigt, um die Strecke zurückzulegen, die ein Erster Klasse- oder Expressbus in zwei Stunden zurücklegt!

Vor- und Nachteile von Busreisen

Vorteile von Busreisen

  • Busse bieten in der Regel das breiteste Netz an abgedeckten Zielen. Sie reisen an Orte, die man weder mit dem Flugzeug noch mit dem Zug erreichen kann
  • Das Reisen mit dem Bus ist einfach – Sie müssen nicht lange im Voraus am Busbahnhof ankommen, und das Einchecken ist im Gegensatz zu Flugreisen normalerweise eine sehr schnelle Formalität.
  • Bustickets sind sehr erschwinglich. Es gibt kostspielige First-Class- oder VIP-Optionen, aber wenn Sie ein begrenztes Budget haben, ist der Bus das erste Transportmittel Ihrer Wahl.
  • Gleichzeitig gibt es verschiedene Serviceklassen für jedes Budget. Wenn Sie nach einem höheren Maß an Komfort suchen, sind auch Busse für Sie da.

Nachteile von Busreisen

  • Überlandbusterminals können sich außerhalb des Stadtzentrums in den Außenbezirken befinden. Das bedeutet, dass Sie zusätzliche Zeit und Geld einplanen müssen, um dorthin zu gelangen. An bestimmten Zielen kann die Fahrt vom Busbahnhof mehr kosten als erwartet, da nur eine begrenzte Anzahl von Transportunternehmen die Strecke bedienen darf – und die Preise können überhöht sein.
  • An geschäftigen Wochenenden oder in der Hochsaison können Busse, die einige Touristenziele bedienen, außer Fahrplan kommen und eine Voranmeldung erfordern.
  • Obwohl Busse nicht so wetterabhängig sind wie Fähren, können sich Busfahrten aufgrund von schlechtem Wetter oder Straßenverhältnissen verzögern oder abgesagt werden – denken Sie daran, wenn Sie zu bestimmten Jahreszeiten oder zu bestimmten Zielen reisen
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Hayreniq Tour Stationen

Hayreniq Tour Unternehmensbewertungen

158 Bewertungen von Kunden
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 10.03.2024
Easy to find the bus station and it leaves on time. The journey was smooth and fast.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 11.11.2023
Friendly driver. Safe and sound arrival in Tbilisi.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 29.09.2023
It was okay, just times are confusing. In 12.go it said 7:30 am, reality was 7 am, but they did wait for me and good I went earlier. It was also faster, arrived before 1pm. Minibus had wifi in Armenia.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 10.09.2023
Gast and efficient service. Comfortable seating and easy border crossing.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 08.09.2023
In car missing safety belts, the driver is smoking in the car during the ride
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 04.09.2023
We had a good experience using Hahreniq tours to get from Tbilisi to Yerevan. We arrived 40 minutes early and left soon after once everyone was on board. Please note as others have said, the pickup location is behind the church on Dusheti Street, a short walk down the street from the Avlabari Metro station. The coordinator and driver spoke little English, but had our names noted on his phone and it was fairly easy to get into the right van, so they obviously are used to receiving 12go bookings. The van was quite comfy and had plenty of legroom. Air con was used most of the time, and it never felt too hot. Driving was of the standard Caucasus style, but no worse than any other transport we’d been in. Overall I’d certainly do this journey again, being able to book online is very convenient.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 13.08.2023
Hemos vivido una buena experiencia durante el viaje de Tbilisi a Erevan, el vehículo excelente y el conductor muy buena persona y con mucha experiencia. Totalmente recomendable!
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 09.08.2023
Trajet rapide, nous sommes arrivés bien en avance sur l'horaire prévu. Aucun arrêt sur la route sauf à la frontière. Par contre des fois en prenant des risques extrêmes sur la route (dépassement dans des virages sans aucune vision par exemple).
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 07.08.2023
It's a bit hard to find the departure area but the address shown was correct. Arrival was delayed by 1 hour. Buying experience online is super!
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 28.07.2023
The website was a little difficult to use so I accidentally booked my trip a day later than I wanted to go. The operator took care of this and got me on the next bus, two hours later. I couldn’t be happier. The ride is what it is. Driver was a little grumpy and the driving perhaps isn’t the safest but that’s just the way things are around here. The bus was really comfortable.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 27.07.2023
It was good, moved on time, driver was professional, van was comfortable, but the driver didn't stop at all throughout the trip except in border, moreover, my booking was in bus not in van.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 30.06.2023
Th driver had two moments of critical danger. Was fast and I understand, but in these two moments people were very scared.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 27.06.2023
Worked out well for us from Yerevan to Tbilisi. We booked online and showed up like 25 minutes early. Showing up so early is unnecessary as we just sat in the waiting room. The bus left about 30 minutes late, seemed like some passengers were late. The van itself was very nice. The seats for comfortable and the wifi actually worked well. The AC was in but it was still a little hot at times. The driver eventually opened the roof vent and that cooled things off. The driver did not speak English but there were a few people on board who helped translate so it was fine. We stopped for one restroom break at a supermarket and there are bathrooms on the Georgia side of the border crossing as well. Overall, I would use this company again as they got the job done!
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 19.06.2023
Hard to find starting point at Tbilisi, should be more informative. Vehicle on time, allready waiting at10.15, left at 10.30 for an 11.00 trip. Vehicle comfortable but a bit small. Driving above average for Georgian/ Armenian standards.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 02.06.2023
It was overall a nice drive. Very scenic. The driver even waited a bit longer at the border for some having passport issues.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 26.05.2023
Водитель был очень добр и помогающий. Рассказал, помог, показал, довёз отлично. Но приходите пораньше, мы выехали за полчаса ранее так как весь автобус был уже полон. С огромной благодарностью к вам
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 14.04.2023
Good overall, beautiful views on the way and arrived in Tbilisi on time. The vehicle was comfortable and fine. Would not recommend to anybody with an anxious disposition - driving norms are very different in this region compared to Western Europe and may make some people uncomfortable, e.g. there were no seatbelts in the vehicle.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 08.04.2023
The driver drove like crazy, very fast. He didnt respect the traffic rules and the route has a lot of curves. The van departed on time. There was wifi.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 29.10.2022
The driver stoped on the first of two spots in the destination city, and didn't want to drive further to the bus station, where we suggested to exit. No reasonable explanation was given.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 25.10.2022
Told to be there an hour early for paperwork/check in. Receptionist asked names and we sat in office - not necessary. Stopped for 40 break after just 1 hr 30 mins. Not necessary. Journey finished in a dug up back street surrounded by heavy construction. Difficult to walk with heavy bags. Need a better drop off point.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 23.10.2022
Good evening! My friend and I could not come because of our circumstances and no one call us and ask what happens. It shows the poor care about your customers
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 18.10.2022
I have ambivalent feeling regarding the trip. On the one hand, the company staff was very kind enough to meet me in the airport and transfer to the bus station when I wrote that my flight is being delayed for some time. In the other hand, I cannot say the trip was very comfortable as the van (8 seats including driver) was rather old and the driver wanted to sell out all the tickets before depature but the actual comportable number of passangers is six people maximum. Furthermore, the driving style is pretty daring amd may seem even dangerous. Lastly, there was no promised wifi access during the trip.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 18.10.2022
Ехала Тбилиси-Ереван. Автобус на 09.00 утра. Приходите раньше. Как только наполнили машину, уехали. На 30 мин раньше. Ехали на минивене, место с водителем, два пассажира, очень неудобно. От границы до Еревана ехали без остановок, так решил водитель, будто опаздывал. Неслись на полной скорости:( жутковато, учитывая, что никто не соблюдает правила. Приехали на два часа раньше.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 13.10.2022
The ride itself and the bus was fine. The annoying thing was the unfriendliness of the driver against the passengers.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 06.10.2022
The location on the conformation is wrong. There is construction. Should be updated to the real location behind the church
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 05.10.2022
The bus left on time and it was a good journey. However, I felt that it was poorly ventilated and really needed the a/c on as it was a very hot day. The driver did not stop at all except for the customs and immigration stops and I feel he should have asked if anyone wanted to stop for a toilet break or to buy some snacks. We arrived at out destination an hour early, so there would have been time for another stop.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 03.10.2022
Нас не довезли до конечной точки и высадили раньше
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 08.09.2022
Everything was perfect. Easy to find driver and vehicle in church’s backyard. Plaisant drive all the way to Yerevan.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 05.09.2022
bus was late on 1 hour but driver waited me untiö i go through a border
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 08.08.2022
В машине было 6 мест (по числу ремней безопасности), но посадили 7 человек. В целом сидеть втроем сзади было приемлемо, но только потому, что все были худыми Никакого кондиционера не было, wi-fi и подавно. Водитель вел в целом нормально, под конец только начал лихачить.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 08.08.2022
It was a great trip! Everything was done on time. We were given a bottle of cold water. The bus has a free WiFi and USB chargers. The only drawback was a chair that somehow made my back hurt. But maybe it's just me. Apart from that everything was great.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 06.08.2022
I arrived at 10:50 for the 11am bus I booked in advance. I met 2 french guys in the same situation
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 05.08.2022
Поездка прошла отлично, дорога совершенно нормальная, нет там никакого горного серпантина, о котором я читала в отзывах (либо тот, кто писал, никогда не ездил до этого по горным дорогам). Водитель адекватный, не лихачил, уверенно вел микроавтобус, есть wi-fi. С водителем нас было 9 человек. По пути две остановки: на заправке (там только туалет) и чуть дальше, у кафе, где можно перекусить. Единственный минус - это жара! Почему-то кондиционер в микроавтобусе не включался, горячий поток воздуха в открытые окна не освежал ни разу!
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 03.08.2022
1st Half Tbilisi to Yerevan - I got there over an hour early as instructed. There was no on around that could tell me anything about this tour bus, where I should go. No one spoke English - there was no effort to communicate with me. It wasn't until AFTER 9am (when we are supposed to be departing) that the driver showed up. 2nd Half Yerevan to Tbilisi - the air conditioning did not work. We were burning up in the back seat with no air, sitting on cloth seats in 38° heat. The back window was broken, so I had to continuously hold the window open to get some air. Both drivers were quite rude. (The only professional, nice man worked in the office in Yerevan)
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 31.07.2022
It was a complete disaster! We bought tickets from Tbilisi to Yerevan. We came to Avlabari metro station. There were people who gave seats to a bus. We asked if it was Hayreniq tour bus and we were told that it would be later. Then local operator said that the next bus will be in 2 hours. Also he said that he's not a Hayreniq team member and just a Hayreniq partner. I found a phone number in a voucher and called. The number was armenian so I had to pay for an international call. An operator told me that he would contact the local operator to sort things out. Then he didn't call back so I had to call again several times. After the 5th conversation he advised to use WhatsApp account. Finally after 1.5 hours we departed. I understand that some times you have miscommunication but it's never a good decision to leave a customer without support. Definitely not reliable company for me anymore.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 25.07.2022
Tour was on time - but the driver didn’t give much information. We were given 15 min. break. When we stopped to pick a passenger up along the way - we were refused to use the toilet for 5 min. Driver answered more than 10 handheld phone calls when driving down- uphill. Space for improvement.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 19.07.2022
Very excellent trip, the driver is super nice and the car is confortable
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 11.07.2022
Please, pay your attention to aggressive driving style of your drivers. Loud local music and driver's loud talking made our trip almost exhaustive. We slept 4 hours this day and wanted to have some rest. Maybe other passengers were happy with it, I don't know. I don't think you should punish anyone, but please just let your drivers know that people can be different. It was a hot day but a driver turned of an air conditioner from time to time, I have no idea why. Thank you.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 08.07.2022
I arrived early and was offered an earlier service. All worked well.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 27.06.2022
I was charged in Euro instead of Gel. Payed several hidden fees. If you want me to pay in Euro, why do you don't me to select a currency? Driving style should not be so aggressive. Hope my comment helps.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 09.06.2022
Good driver, little space in the car. Air condition was off. After the description of your company we expected more comfort. The price was compared to other passengers high: we payed 25 USD per person, the others around 16 USD
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 27.05.2022
Good car, good seats, on time. Friendly. Drive sometimes too hard and scary.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 12.05.2022
It was a bit dangerous, because the driver exceeded the speed limit and initiated emergency situations on the road overtaking other drivers. Also the driver smoked in the minibus during the ride, that was not so pleasant.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 01.05.2022
Вайфая не было, хотя вроде бумажка с паролем была.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 18.04.2024
Good trip. The meeting point in Tbilisi é behind the metro station and you have to look for a store written Tbilisi - Yerevan. They will send you to the minivan and you have to send your ticket to a WhatsApp (driver will help you). If you need exchange, say it to the driver, then he will stop in supermarket after Immigration for better rates, because at the bus station in Yerevan there’s no ATM or Exchange. Also take a photo of the minivan’s plate, because they will ask you in immigration (I wish to know this before…). The is spacious and wifi works well in Armenia. Make sure to have power in your phone, because the road is scenic! It was a good trip!
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 25.01.2023
Yerevan to Tbilisi. Excellent trip in a comfortable minibus with good wifi. The journey takes you through some fantastic mountain scenery.
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 03.10.2022
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 18.09.2022
The driver runs to fast, it was dangerous
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 26.06.2022
Confortable van and driver very good
Bus Minibus, Hayreniq Tour, 19.06.2022
Trip fine from Tbilisi to Erevan