02 5月 2024

Phuket Travel

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关于 Phuket Travel

大巴因其价格实惠、时间灵活、车站遍布全国而便于旅客安排行程。对预算有限和想旅行舒适的人来说,大巴是很好的选择。Phuket Travel提供网上订票服务。在订票前,请参阅其他旅客的评论并选择最佳方案。

Phuket Travel 的主要车站是哪些?

Phuket Travel运营往返于以下车站的大巴:

  • 普吉巴士站台2
  • 南部巴士站
  • 蒙奇

Phuket Travel 最受欢迎的路线是哪些?

Phuket Travel 的巴士等级和价格是?




  • 大巴覆盖的目的地范围最广,可以到达飞机和火车不能企及的地方。
  • 大巴出行方便-不用提前很多时间到达车站,和飞机相比检票手续也相当快捷
  • 大巴价格实惠。当然也有价格昂贵的一等大巴或者VIP大巴。不过对于预算有限的人而言,大巴是旅行的首选。
  • 此外,大巴多层次的服务可以满足不各种预算的需求。即便你追求高度的舒适感,大巴也能满足你的需求。


  • 城际大巴车站可能设在远离市中心的郊区,因而需要考虑到车站所需的时间和费用。有时候从车站到达目的地的费用可能比你预想的要高很多,因为仅有少数巴士公司运营这些线路而价格偏高。
  • 在繁忙的周末或者旅游旺季,车票可能会很快售罄因而需要提前预订。
  • 尽管大巴不像轮渡那样依赖天气,但要注意的是在某些季节或者某些地方,大巴也会因恶劣天气或者道路情况有所延误或者取消。

Phuket Travel 公司评论

公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年9月2日
Bus doesn't provide anything as they said in web site , and service also very bad
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年3月15日
Шикарные спальные сидения. Включён перекус, напитки и небольшая горячая еда на остановке. Кондиционер в этом автобусе был нормальнвй, не пришлось заклеевать скотчем.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年3月11日
Points positifs :Horaires respectés, fauteuils comfortables, climatisation et toilette. Points négatif : pas de vrai repas à bord. Pas de wifi, pas de pause pour prendre quelque chose a manger autre que les "deux petits" gâteaux la bouteille d'eau et le jus de multivitaminé. Prévoyez de manger !!
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年2月27日
Excellent bus right, very comfortable, The temperature in the bus was very convenient. Service was good. But the toilet need to improve. I can recommend it.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年2月17日
Sehr viel Beinfreiheit und Snacks und ein kleine Wasser umsonst. Bus hat paar mal angehalten um Thailänder abzuholen bzw. irgendwo abzusetzen. WLAN hat natürlich nicht geklappt. Warmes Essen gab es nicht umsonst. Fernseh war auch nicht vorhanden. Toilette dreckig und alles nass. Für die lange Strecke war es aber soweit zufrieden stellend. Wir würden es wieder buchen :)
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年2月15日
The driver didn't talk in any language except Thai, he left us in the middle of the night somewhere at the high way because he didn't stop at the proper bus station. It's ridiculous.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年2月11日
Overall trip was okay. Seat comfort 6/10 Stopped off for free food half way through. Snack and water also provided whilst on board. Only issues, the A/C had a faint smell of urine (fan located near the bathroom I presume) Wifi didn't work. Bathroom was dirty.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年2月8日
The bus had no on board WIFI. It was very cold during the night, because of uncontrolled AC.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年2月7日
Coches muy cómodos, espaciosos, dormí todo el viaje (elegí asiento abajo). Llegó a horario. El único detalle, el bocadillo tenía hormigas pero bueno, no quita todo el resto.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年2月5日
Hôtesse désagréable et impolie, une honte ! Comment avoir une bonne image de la compagnie après ça. Muffin avec 2/3 raisins en guise de snack pas bon. Conduite mouvementée. Personne ne vous le dira donc sachez que vous aurait le droit à un repas gratuit lors du seul stop qu'il y aura (il n'y a qu'un seul resto). Arrivee 1h30 à l'avance, donc 5h30 du matin.. On a eu de la chance que notre hotel soit ouvert pour déposer nos bagages sinon nous aurions été embêté! À l'aller nous avions pris une autre compagnie et pour exactement le même prix, s'était un trajet de luxe (sieges massants + snack de qualité) avec phuket travel c'est du bad gamme ! Et en principe le bus est supposé avoir la wifi, n'y comptez pas..
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年2月4日
Все хорошо , за исключением того что в автобусе сильно пахло туалетом
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月31日
Bus assez confortable quoique non récent. Pas de WiFi car changement de fournisseur. Horaires respectés, même en avance à Bangkok. Le vrai problème, c'est qu'il n'y a qu'un seul arrêt sur le parcours !
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月30日
Good ride. A little cold on bus. People at the bus station were very helpful. Bus stop was 6 hours later. Very good stop. They even feed us a local meal.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月27日
Все отлично, соотношение цена -качество! Пожалела , что на обратную дорогу уже купила авиа билет! Время в поездке пролетело незаметно , сиденья удобные, раскладываются, всю ночь спала , прибывает на станцию Рядом с чатучак рынком , куда мне и надо было ! Вайфай средний , на мессенджеры хватит , но не более того. Немного прохладно , но выдают плед . Прибыли на 2 часа раньше , все супер. я довольна , спасибо компании за приемлимые цены на билеты !!!
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月25日
Old Bus , No Cup Holders, No Wifi, Old Recliner Seats, No Sun Film on the window glass...please Upgrade the bus. Bus crew members were nice and very co operative.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月25日
Overall not bad. The seats were pretty comfortable, although mine didn’t recline quite as much as it should, but only by a little. The seatbelts worked, the driving wasn’t too bumpy, and the water and snacks were appreciated. Definitely not as comfortable as a sleeper train, but not as bad I expected for such a long bus ride.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月24日
Very good trip. Muy buen viaje, tomenlo de noche, asi no lo sentiran. El mio duro 15 horas.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月22日
Its was OK but we didn't get the dinner we were promised. The Snacks were cakes and very yummy
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月22日
Puntual , cordial , con alguna parada en medio del camino que vino bastante bien, buena conducción , y llegó al destino antes de tiempo.. el único pero es que la conexion wifi iba muy lenta, a quien no lleve datos le valdria para mensajeria instantánea y poco más.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月22日
Der Bus ist mit komfortablen Liegesitzen ausgestattet. Eine ideale Nachtreise ist es wert, Mann verliert keinen Tag, ruht sich über Nacht aus und ist am Morgen danach am neuen Ort. Es werden eine Flasche Wasser, Saft und etwas zu essen zur Verfügung gestellt. Liebend gerne wieder :)
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月19日
Bus ride was easy and smooth. Had good help at the bus station on how to get my ticket.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月16日
Canadian, female, solo traveller - Bus got in earlier than expected - Staff have limited English, important as you will need to be aware at the rest stop - Extremely cold air conditioning, blanket provided but is not enough - Small snack and water provided, nice touch - Seat belts broken - Almost 180 degree recline allowed decent rest
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月14日
The bus was nice. Large seats and clean. except for the toilet, very nasty. Made a lot of stops where the chauffeur loaded packages in and got money (and delivered them). Very strange, probably made 7+ stops. Were one and a half hour later than the “12 hours”. Overall decent tho.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月12日
Good service. Smooth, on time, good Wi-Fi. We decided to get off at mo chit (northern bus terminal) in Bangkok as it was closer to the MRT line.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月9日
Should be some vegiterian food or snacks for Indian or non Thai person. .. diner not good .
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月9日
Все супер, доехали быстрее на 2 часа
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月5日
Très bon voyage, attention tout de même le conducteur vous incite à descendre à Mochit Station, alors que le terminus du bus est bien Sai Tai Mai....Tous les passagers sont descendus à Mochit j étais la seule à aller jusqu au bout....
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月4日
Все очень чётко и по расписанию Билеты заказывали на сайте, а по прибытию на автовокзал нас уже ждали распечатанные билеты, нигде никаких задержек. Рекомендую.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月2日
Приехали в терминал «Mochit» вместо Южного терминала. Причем не в 9 часов, а в 7.30. Туалет в автобусе крошечный, не было воды. Сам салон хороший, удобные сиденья, отличный вай-фай, вода, сок, булочки и ужин включены в стоимость. Не холодно.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2020年1月2日
Все было хорошо, приехали на 1,5 часа раньше
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年12月23日
Good trip, seats are good, they provided us snacks, they changed the ticket easily because we made a mistake at reservation. Thanks !
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年12月20日
Comfortable seats, and we arrived 2 hours earlier than expected which was welcomed by most passengers as it was a 14 hour trip!
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年12月18日
Nice bus, they gave us a snack, water and blanket. WiFi worked, also aircon was OK.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年12月15日
Comfortable journey. Driver was very smooth. Bus was clean and comfortable. It was on time
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年12月2日
Again couldn't fault the driver and the overall comfort of the bus but the hostess has some problems... She Ripped the blankets from us when we got to northern terminal and awoke everyone abruptly screaming Bangkok, bangkok and told us to get off... Being English in Asia we nearly got off and took her word for it but had a hunch this wasn't our stop so managed to ask a kind girl next to us that rolled her eyes at the hostess and said not to worry about her but this isnt your stop... So after the hostess kept demanding we got off and we told her as best we could that we stop southern terminal we ignored her and the bus driver told us to stay on as he'd remembered when he checked us in and kindly took our luggage where we were going The hostess then began sweeping and made us move our bags and legs while the bus was in transit to southern terminal from northern terminal and poinyed at some rubbish by my feet and put her hand out for me to pass it to her... Whilst I appreciate differences in cultures I think she's a bit of an odd person and others weren't impressed by her otherwise lack of customer service either... Seeing past this, the drive itself and the driver couldn't fault for the price, just more to be desired from the hostess
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年12月1日
Доехали на 2 часа раньше. Несколько раз делали остановки, где-то что-то загружали, где-то кто-то выходил. Персонал приветливый. Wi-fi работал. Кондиционер можно над собой перекрыть + плед. Туалет небольшой, если сравнивать с таковыми в поездах, то примерно 1/2. По пути делали остановку у Khun Sarai Restaurant в провинции Chumphon. Не знаю входило ли питание в стоимость, но я заказывал и оплачивал сам. Было вкусно и недорого.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月30日
Bus très confortable, gros bémol les toilettes
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月26日
Seats quite comfortable as its not the newest bus model so you can have some rest. Air con works all the journey. Although a blanket is provided its a bit chilly at first and noise is annoying.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月23日
Collecting tickets is a pain! This happened 2 times in Phuket and Bangkok. I offered my name and booking reference and receipt and they tell me - “no have!”? This was with my Thai friend. In Phuket we were sent to 3 different ticket kiosk and the ticket was at the first Phuket Travel Kiosk. The ticket was on the desk in front of them?? They did not understand receipt, booking reference or my name. This system needs attention.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月23日
The journey was really smooth, I had concerns because of the 14 hours inside s bus, but all was good. The seats are comfortable very very big you can almost lay down and still have space to put the bagpack and plastic bags with snacks, the WC was decent. We where given in the beginning a bottle of water and a small cupcake. The bus stopped in the middle of the journey in a big station and we where offer a nice simple that warm meal. Definitely recommend this company. And the bus arrived 1 hour before shedule, Perfect
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月13日
Ехали семьей все было замечательно. Встречали на платформе, завели в автобус. Давали пироженки и воду. Были пледы, кондиционер, туалет внизу. Сидения раскладываются почти полностью, укрылись пледами и спали всю ночь. По дороге остановка в 12 ночи покормили в кафе (еда местная, есть можно) потом вышли и смогли прикупить фруктов, печенек и прочее. Спасибо перевозчику. Правда для тех кого укачивает 2й этаж все время покачивало, но правда нас не укачало.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月8日
Everything is okay. The bus is pretty comfortable. Driver can speak English. It was not like a race we drove slowly but confident and came in 90 mins before time. The only one problem is no information about how long is gonna to be the stop.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年11月5日
Специально ехали автобусом, а не самолетом. Самые приятные впечатления. семья довольна. Второй год таким маршрутом добираемся.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年10月29日
Удобный автобус, расстояние для ног очень большое. Можно разложить кресло почти до вертикального положения. Кондиционер работает, но не ужас как - был одет в футболку и джинсы, даже пледом не накрывался - было комфортно. В начале пути дают воду и десерт, в половине пути остановка на 20 минут, можно перекусить бесплатную еду в холле.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年10月26日
Comfortable and safe ride, enough space to stretch your legs, free wifi, usb charger. Good alternative to flying to Bangkok
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年10月25日
It was a nice journey. Very spaces even for well built person. Unless other than the time factor it is more comfortable than the flight.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年10月19日
It was a pleasant ride, we arrived 2 hours earlier. Fast WiFi on board and USB chargers makes the road goes faster. Complimentary drink and snack as well. Was a bit old bus, but comfy.
公共汽车 VIP 24, Phuket Travel, 2019年10月12日
Of course takes much longer than flying but my wife and I liked the experience. Comfortable seats even for someone of my height (184cm), we both got a reasonable amount of sleep on the trip. Get a metered taxi from the bus station.
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年10月7日
Driver was excellant bus was very comfortable and aircon perfect.The drivers assistant was wonderful also.THE Luggage check in at Phuket bus T was fast and excellant service..AGREAT TRIP WOW and 1 hour early Amazing driver
公共汽车 快速, Phuket Travel, 2019年9月26日
Bus was clean, we were given a slice of cake and a bottle of water at the start. Got there earlier than expected which was good. Our bags were safe and not tampered with despite reading that on earlier reviews. Hard to actually sleep but what do you expect on a night bus.