03 5月 2024

Hanh Cafe

486 条用户评论
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  • Reviews

Hanh Cafe 计划 & 时间表

胡志明市 - 美奈
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34
05:15, 05:45, 11:00, 11:30, 14:30, 15:00, 17:00, 17:30
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 24
06:30, 07:00, 07:30, 12:00, 16:00, 18:30, 22:30
美奈 - 胡志明市
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34
00:30, 01:00, 01:30, 02:00, 10:00, 10:30, 12:00, 12:30
公共汽车 卧铺 41
01:00, 08:30, 12:30, 15:00, 16:30
慶和 - 會安
顺化 - 會安
岘港 - 顺化
08:00, 08:30
顺化 - 岘港
慶和 - 美奈
公共汽车 卧铺 41
07:30, 12:15, 20:00, 21:30
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34
會安 - 慶和
岘港 - 會安
藩切 - 胡志明市
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34
01:30, 02:00, 02:30, 11:00, 11:30, 13:00
公共汽车 卧铺 41
02:00, 09:30, 13:30, 16:00, 17:30
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 24
04:30, 08:00, 12:00, 14:30, 19:00
會安 - 顺化
06:30, 07:15, 07:30
胡志明市 - 慶和
公共汽车 卧铺 41
08:00, 08:30, 19:30, 20:00, 22:15, 23:00
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34
11:00, 11:30
慶和 - 胡志明市
公共汽车 卧铺 41
07:30, 12:15, 21:30
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34
美奈 - 會安
11:30, 12:00
胡志明市 - 藩切
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34
05:15, 05:45, 11:00, 11:30, 14:30, 15:00, 17:00, 17:30
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 24
06:30, 07:00, 07:30, 08:15, 12:00, 12:30, 16:00, 16:30, 18:30, 19:00, 22:30, 23:00
公共汽车 卧铺 41
08:00, 10:00, 10:30, 13:00, 13:30, 19:30, 20:00, 22:15, 22:45
美奈 - 慶和
公共汽车 卧铺 41
01:30, 02:00, 11:30, 12:00, 23:30, 23:50
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34
14:30, 15:00
岘港 - 美奈

关于 Hanh Cafe

大巴因其价格实惠、时间灵活、车站遍布全国而便于旅客安排行程。对预算有限和想旅行舒适的人来说,大巴是很好的选择。Hanh Cafe提供网上订票服务。在订票前,请参阅其他旅客的评论并选择最佳方案。

Hanh Cafe 的主要车站是哪些?

Hanh Cafe运营往返于以下车站的大巴:

  • 273 Pham Ngu Lao
  • 美奈 Hanh Cafe
  • 芽庄 Hanh Cafe
  • 106 Phong Chau
  • 胡志明 Hanh Cafe
  • 会安 Hanh Cafe
  • 大叻 Hanh Cafe
  • 岘港 Hanh Cafe
  • 129 Ton Duc Thang
  • 28 Chu Van An

Hanh Cafe 的巴士等级和价格是?




  • 大巴覆盖的目的地范围最广,可以到达飞机和火车不能企及的地方。
  • 大巴出行方便-不用提前很多时间到达车站,和飞机相比检票手续也相当快捷
  • 大巴价格实惠。当然也有价格昂贵的一等大巴或者VIP大巴。不过对于预算有限的人而言,大巴是旅行的首选。
  • 此外,大巴多层次的服务可以满足不各种预算的需求。即便你追求高度的舒适感,大巴也能满足你的需求。


  • 城际大巴车站可能设在远离市中心的郊区,因而需要考虑到车站所需的时间和费用。有时候从车站到达目的地的费用可能比你预想的要高很多,因为仅有少数巴士公司运营这些线路而价格偏高。
  • 在繁忙的周末或者旅游旺季,车票可能会很快售罄因而需要提前预订。
  • 尽管大巴不像轮渡那样依赖天气,但要注意的是在某些季节或者某些地方,大巴也会因恶劣天气或者道路情况有所延误或者取消。

Hanh Cafe 站

Hanh Cafe 公司评论

公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34, Hanh Cafe, 2024年4月3日
They could be more informative and let us know if we need to change busses. You are expected to know this!! Otherwise it was a comfortable journey and we were able to sleep.
公共汽车 卧铺 41, Hanh Cafe, 2024年3月18日
So I took the bus from HCMV to Mui Ne. And it’s important to read the previous reviews. Indeed, you first take a simple bus that will bring you to another station where you’ll take a second bus, with some reclining seat, bed-like. Indeed, nobody tells you anything. But that’s not so much a problem as long as you get where you need to. We left and arrived on time and you can be dropped off at your hotel as well, since they ask you at the departure station. Water is provided and the temperature in the bus is perfect.
公共汽车 卧铺 41, Hanh Cafe, 2024年3月18日
Excellent support service. Bus took 2h longer then scheduled.
公共汽车 Luxury Sleeper 34, Hanh Cafe, 2024年3月15日
Dropped off to hostel from cafe was great. Quick journey.
公共汽车 卧铺 41, Hanh Cafe, 2024年3月15日
Everything was good until the driver started driving the bus so fast. I mean it is full of people, especially tourists. It was a really scary for bus ride for me, could not sleep because of this. I cannot believe how they can risk everybody’s life like this. Yes we arrived to the destination way earlier, but is it really worth it? Other than this, everything was okay, staff were helpful.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年3月15日
Le voyage réservé a été annulé et reporté à l'après-midi. SI nous n'étions pas passés par l'agence la veille, nous n'en aurions rien su. Il a fallu batailler pour prouver l'achat de nos billets et que ceux-ci soient reportés sur le voyage suivant. Délai respecté.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年3月12日
Atención en recepción atentos. Salida y llegada del bus, muy puntual. Comidad para viajar un 9. Hace dos paradas de un trayecto de 7hrs para tus necesidades.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年3月5日
well,.. we left 10 min early, after first 50min we had 30min lunch break..then we arrived 30min sooner than expected and to totally different place - it was apx. 1.5km further away from the place 12go.asia had informed us in the ticket/their website. it looked like they deliberately made us go off the bus somewhere else so that their friends on motorbikes could earn some money by taking tourist to hotels (since we arrived to a totally different place).. luckily, nobody took the motorbikes :)) such scams should be avoided and the bus should end as anticipated in the ticket...
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年3月4日
Доехали быстро. Но автобус не новый, сиденье обшарпанное, столик пыльный. На сайте было указано, что отправление от офиса Hanh Cafe, но автобус находился в другом месте. До автобуса всех доставляли на автомобиле, было очень тесно (4человека сидели на заднем сиденье автомобиля, рассчитанном на троих максимум).
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年3月2日
They throw our backpacks inside and outside with no care, the bus wasn’t really clean and the trip was not really comfortable.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年3月2日
Остановка в полчаса через час после отъезда это слишком долго, ну и плевки водителя в окно никак не предавали ему уважения????????????
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年2月28日
La station de bus à Hoi an était assez difficile à trouver. Mais les gens locaux nous ont bien aidés. Merci pour eux! Bien plus cher lorsque vous réservez par internet avec des euros. Bonne idée d’enlever des chaussures pour garder le bus propre! Belle façon de découvrir le pays.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年2月28日
I actually enjoyed this trip. Would give this a five star rating if not for the two hour stop in Hoi An.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年2月28日
Автобус пришёл на 1 час раньше. Я планировала ещё зайти в кафе и случайно оказалась на остановке так рано. Сделав круг по городу он снова вернулся на остановку, но все равно отправился на 15 мин. раньше. Мне предложили место или в конце салона, или на 2-й полке, сказав, что у меня слишком дешёвый билет (на сайте не было указания на разницу в цене при выборе места). Но потом набили столько народу, что они лежали в проходах ли
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年2月26日
All worked fine but a 30 minute stop in an unheated open café on a morning of drizzle was excessive.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年2月25日
Our bus broke down halfway, but a new bus came an hour later. The drivers dont speak english and are rude.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年2月24日
Очень удобно и комфортно, но очень долго шел автобус.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年2月24日
We arrived 2 and a half hours late! and the attention from the staff was a bit rude ( usual in Vietnam) But the rest of the trip was ok
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2020年2月22日
Very comfortable ride. Driver stopped at out homestay. We enjoyed it a lot. Thank you
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月27日
the bus driver forced us to leave our back packs in the compartments. I asked him if I can bring the boiled corn which my partner and I supposed to eat as our breakfast since we have not ate our breakfast yet. He said NO.. then i asked him if i can bring soya milk.. he again said no in an irritated way.. okay, that's accepted. that's your rule... no food and drink allowed inside the bus. again, that's accepted even if we are really hungry. But what is not accepted was the reclining chair. the stopping joints are not working, like if I want to make into a sitting position it does not lock in. if i put a little force it goes all the way down. haaay.. it was not a good experience.. somebody must fix it so other tourist will experience a relaxing journey.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月26日
Departure was 45 mins late (yet the bus arrived on time to the destination). The bus apparently had no suspension. Seats were narrow and left little legroom as the passanger in front of me decided to tilt her seat back.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月25日
Comfortable enough, ok, some bus maintenance stops, no wi fi, should be in all busses but all ok arrived safe so was fine.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月25日
Le bus à fait des arrêts toute les 20 minutes soit pour récupérer ou déposer des personnes sur le chemin soit pour que le chauffeur s’achète à manger ... Nous sommes arrivé à 14h pour u lieu de 12h30 initialement prévu. Nous avons pris beaucoup de vus couchette du nord et sud du Vietnam sans soucis appart cette compagnie
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月23日
Dec 16 2019 at 2pm bus (HCM to Mui Ne) : The lady staff with specs at Hanh Cafe at Pham Ngu Lao station was very rude. Keep yelling to most passengers to take off our shoes. She should have pre-alerted us when we marked our attendance that we need to take off shoes. She herself didn't remove hers when registering our attendance. The Bus air conditioner is not working and stuffy. Dec 19 2019 830am(Mui Ne to HCM): we booked for 8am and bus rescehduled to 830am. Luckily we double.confirm the departure time the day before the trip. Everything fine till we reached Ho Chi Minh that the bus dropped us at different bus station than Pham Ngu Lao n driver chased us out. When we checked with the staff, she said it was the last station. We ended up taking taxi to our hotel at Pham Ngu Lao which was extra cost to us. The ticket should have stated clearly if different drop off location for our return trip.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月22日
bad bus. the whole road was heavily blown from the top air conditioner, and it was impossible to turn it off, it was broken. tall seats are very uncomfortable. the driver was nice, tidy. just dropped off at the wrong place
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月19日
We only drove 5 hours, during the day. Because we arrived early at the station we could take a bus1 hour earlier. That was great. The bus could be a little bit cleaner. And the view outside the window wasn't good, cause the were an big advertising sticker.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月7日
Wir buchten Hanhcafé Bus und sind mit Cameltourbus gefahren, mit einem anderen Reiseunternehmen, das auch als Kurierdienst fungierte. Die Gurte waren defekt, Koffer mussten aus Platzgründen im Gang stehen. Eine Stunde Wartezeit auf den verspäteten Bus.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月5日
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年12月2日
Автобус старенький. Кресла удобные. Дорога очень живописная! Серпантин, горы, ручьи и водопады. Одна остановка.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月27日
Bus was late, as we were trying to get on the bus as it was still moving and they were rushing us alot. Was comfy on the beds.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月25日
The seats are too small and uncomfortable if you are 1.8m or higher. No room for legs. Everything else was ok.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月24日
Départ à l’heure, personnel un peu rude, mais nous étions seulement huit dans l’autobus alors nous avions toute la place disponible. Aucune interaction ave le chauffeur qui a jasé tout le trajet avec quelqu’un assis en avant avec lui. Cependant la route est fabuleuse et les paysages a couper le souffle, a faire au moins un fois !!
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月22日
There was rotten banana on my place so it seems the company stuff doesn't check and doesn't clean the bus between the trips. As result my bag came derty.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月22日
1) On 12go.asia schedule my bus had to depart at 13.00 . I when i arrived to Han Cafe before 13.00 i saw the bus to Ho Chi Minh but women stuff said that this bus for VIP and i have sleeping bus at 13.30 but in 12go.asia my bus was standard bus at 13.00. But our bus eventually arrived at 14.00 !!! And it was some sleeping bus. 2) Also in 12go.asia it was told that the route will take 4 ours which in reality took more than 5 hours !!! 3) On the way the driver set the phone with some movie on the bus panel board and watched it while driving all the way !!! I am asking 12go.asia to clearify the information provided on the website because it incorrect and check the schedule and bus type with partners because it also incorrect
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月22日
We had to go out of the Bus around 1km away from Dalat Hanh Cafe
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月21日
Everything went well.Bus was on time.Only issue was that my seat did not recline.I certainly recommand Hanh Cafe.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月15日
Too many transfer and waiting for my taste, but still the service was not bad. Just regular for the price.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年11月11日
The things from previous people were in the bus when we got in. They should have clean in advance, they did the same when we got out for the next passengers. Extremely delayed according to the times they self you.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年10月27日
Bus was quite late and scheduled stop was just at the side of a road with no toilet facilities
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年10月23日
Beautiful bus ride. Great driver. Pit stop was good as well.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年10月22日
I have to transit at Na Trang and the bus from Dalat is another company so when they drop me. I have to walk a bit to hanh cafe but that is ok. Not far to go by walk. Bus is in a good condition and I have arrived safe.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年10月10日
Very good comfortable journey. The driver is very good safe driver very proffesional and polite. Good fun journey.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年10月7日
Travelled from Da Lat to Nha Trang in Oct 2019. Bus will get you from A to B however don't expect anything more. Hahn cafe will put you on a bus that picks up passengers all around Da Lat, taking extra time, Hanh cafe is just one of the stops on the route. Bus will stop for 30 minutes, 1hr from Nha Trang also. Drop off point was not Hanh cafe in Nha trang (rather close by). Bus itself was good.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年10月7日
Best bus ride I ever had. Very comfortable seats. All around drivers took care of us Even direct drop off to hotel as an added bonus.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年10月6日
Dangerously bumpy ride, flat tire in the middle of nowhere. Driver did not communicate any information. We arrived one hour late.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年9月24日
Ist pünktlich abgefahren, es wurde eine Pause gemacht und der Bus kam zügig voran.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年9月18日
We had good luck, everything worked fine. Busdriver was a little bit surly, bus was dirty.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年9月17日
It was ok because we arrived 1 hour before the time but the air conditioning was very cold and theres no seatbelt....
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年9月14日
The driver drive extremely slow until we are one hour behind our schedule and we missed almost all the attractions' operating time :( He also did not inform us anything about how long is the break time we can have when the bus stop at the R&R.
公共汽车 标准级带空调, Hanh Cafe, 2019年8月22日
The bus left right on time. On the way there was some trouble with a wheel so we stopped for like 40/50 minutes. Stopped again right outside of Nha Trang where we had to move to another smaller bus with not enough seats. The bus drove to Nha Trang city, but it died off a thousand times. The driver was more than angry about this and was very rude.