05 5月 2024

Fame Tour

161 条用户评论
  • Schedule
  • Reviews

Fame Tour 计划 & 时间表

龜島 - 曼谷
龜島 - 考索
素叻他尼 镇 - 龜島
春蓬 - 龜島
厢型车 14 座区域厢型车
16:30, 20:00
厢型车 卧铺轮船
龜島 - 奧南
龜島 - 甲米
曼谷 - 龜島
龜島 - 普吉岛
春蓬 - 拉廊
出租车 9 座客货车,
出租车 14 座区域厢型车
龜島 - 素叻国际机场
龜島 - 皮皮島
龜島 - 春蓬
拉廊 - 帕延島
09:00, 09:30, 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 13:00, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30, 16:30
龜島 - 蘭塔島
龜島 - 萊利
春蓬 - 曼谷
出租车 9 座客货车,
出租车 客货车 + 客货车
春蓬 - 甲米
出租车 9 座客货车,
出租车 客货车 + 客货车
春蓬 - 普吉岛
出租车 9 座客货车,
出租车 本地的
春蓬 - 華欣
出租车 9 座客货车,
出租车 客货车 + 客货车
春蓬 - 考索
春蓬 - 素叻他尼 镇
07:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00
龜島 - 槟城
拉廊 - 春蓬
出租车 9 座客货车,
出租车 14 座区域厢型车
龜島 - 镐立
龜島 - 華欣
帕岸岛 - 皮皮島
春蓬 - 合艾
08:30, 21:00
春蓬 - 镐立
出租车 9 座客货车,
出租车 本地的
素叻 - 帕岸岛
春蓬 - 班武里
出租车 9 座客货车,
出租车 14 座区域厢型车

关于 Fame Tour

Fame Tour经营面包车业务,并提供便捷的网上订票服务。如果你正想坐面包车旅行,请查阅运营商的相关信息。

Fame Tour 的主要车站是哪些?

Fame Tour运营的面包车往返于以下车站:

  • 涛岛梅哈德
  • 春蓬镇
  • 素叻他尼夜游船码头
  • 春蓬施塔特
  • 考山路 Boonsiri
  • 拉廊码头
  • 通萨拉3号码头
  • 春蓬机场
  • 春蓬码头
  • Fame Tour 办公室

Fame Tour 的面包车等级和价格是?

一般而言,面包车只有一种座位等级。不过,你可以通过运营商查询并选择面包车车型。一些面包车只能容纳9-10名乘客,另一些可容纳多达15名乘客。第一种面包车会有更大的伸腿空间、更宽的座位和更舒适的体验,而第二种面包车在手脚伸展和行李安放的空间方面都比较有限。查阅乘客对Fame Tour面包车服务的评论,帮助你判定运营商的服务能否满足你的期望。



  • 面包车通常能够到达大巴和火车都不能到达的地方,包括二级城镇和小村庄
  • 通常情况,如果你的旅途距离相对较短,面包车因为比大巴小,更易操作,是你到达目的地最快的方式
  • 面包车可以让你在途中方便的地方下车——不一定要到终点站,这样可以为你节省大量的时间和费用。


  • 一些面包车空间狭小难以安放行李。实际上,几乎所有面包车的行李空间都比较有限,如果你有多个背包、双肩包或手提箱,可能最好单独为行李买个座位——是的,你要为旅行支付双倍费用
  • 务必核实面包车是按时刻运行还是满载运行。如果是满载运行,你可能会等很长时间,因为在某些路线上面包车需要花很长时间才能满载。
  • 众所周知,面包车司机以超速而臭名远扬。即便是声誉最好的公司有时也难以保证司机按照限速规定行驶。无论面包车司机是否要求你系安全带,坐面包车时都要系好安全带
  • 如果你很容易晕车,而你的旅途有蜿蜒曲折的道路,那么坐面包车比坐大巴更容易晕车。为了安全起见,请在出发前半小时服用晕车药。

Fame Tour 公司评论

轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2024年3月8日
Boat was comfortable enough and on time. Bus was A/C and transfer was easy. Driver was rude but we made it in good time.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2024年1月4日
The boat was very great, confy and clean beds, good toilet. The bus was overbooked, no room for everyone and luggage, 3 hour trip very uncomfortable
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2023年12月3日
Ferry was great, the minivan was a bit cramped and uncomfortable. But did the trick and got where we were going.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2023年9月8日
The boat was great and fun but the Van was pretty uncomfortable
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2023年8月27日
Boat not comfortable, mattresses were ridiculous, no space for adults. without air conditioning and with a precarious toilet. Very expensive price for the quality it has. The schedules were met.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2023年8月17日
The ticket we purchased was air conditioned and a bus. We received unconditioned and a van. Faulty advertising.
轮渡 Sleeper Boat + Van + Longtail Boat, Fame Tour, 2023年8月6日
Everything worked pretty flawlessly. The sleeper ferry is comfy, especially when not full. It does rock back and forth and up and down depending on the weather. Should usually be fine though, I slept pretty okay :) You should know that the boat to Railay just leaves whenermver there's enough people to make the trip so you wait there for awhile not knowing when things will happen but they usually do.
轮渡 Sleeper Boat + Van + Longtail Boat, Fame Tour, 2023年5月17日
The sleeper ferry was fully booked but they added some mattress directly on the floor between some beds. But I slept unexpectedly well. One issue was that there weren't many indication on the ticket/reservation for what to do after the first ferry to find the minivan but some people helped us find the was. Great overall. We got to the destination early. First ferry is approximately 8h then a bus for around 3h and a long tail boat of 15-20min.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2023年3月24日
You should know, if you take the nightboat, you're in rows of 30 people on very small little matrasses the whole night. There were no bunkbeds etc .
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2023年3月18日
Bien, mais ce serait bien de savoir qu’il n’est pas obligé de faire imprimer nos billets, car cela est compliqué et peut être qeulque peu stressant.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2023年2月26日
Passerngers who didn't book online only payed 150b whereas i payed 400b.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2023年2月20日
We were advised to get to the tour office 1 hour before, so arrived at about 7:10 for an 8 o clock bus. The bus didn’t actually get out of Chumphon until almost 9am so we basically waited around for 2 hours for no reason whatsoever. We changed to a different bus at Surat Thani and it didn’t seem like anyone knew what was going on.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2023年2月3日
The boat left on time, which was nice. Conditions were fine, not too good but also not bad. The bunkbeds were pretty small and short, but at least there were apart beds. The transfer to the ferry was a little chaotic, but fine in the end too. We got a flat tire on the way to Surat Thani, which can happen ofcourse. But the driver did not speak a word of English and there was no communication at all. We waited for 2.5 hours and had to tranfer to another bus, which was full. Have spend the last 1.5 hours on the floor in a crowded bus. Got where I wanted to be, but it was not as I expected. Communication lacks.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2023年1月25日
On time, bunk bed quite confortable, air conditioning not too high.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2023年1月10日
The bed in the train is very cool. The staff is cool too.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2023年1月1日
Die Fahrt war im Großen und Ganzen super, nur wurde einige Male unnötig angehalten, sodass wir zu spät angekommen sind und hetzen mussten.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2022年11月15日
The ferry was great. I was not aware that the last 9 HOURS were in a van. a VERY CROWDED van.
公共汽车 公共汽车, Fame Tour, 2022年11月1日
Make sure you’re at the „starting point“ early, because they drive you to the busstop in a minivan. Van left at 9.20, transit worked out fine for me. The actual bus ride is only 370, so quite a price to pay 330 for a 15 minute van ride. The main critique tho is that the bus did not stop at the shown bus stop in Phuket Town but rather 4km outside of town. Had to take a taxi for 200B to get to the actual stop. Ridiculous. Sadly the only option to get from Chumphon to Phuket (if you don’t want to spend 7000B for a taxi). Would not recommend.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2022年10月3日
The night boat was confortable. The van wasn’t. But everything went well and we arrived before schedule. Just the dropping point wasn’t nice. It was at the highway and nobody could tell you were to go, because nobody could speak English. I was expecting a bus station or Terminal. But with grab taxi it’s easy and cheap to move on. Don’t take the taxis that are waiting at the highway. It’s way too expensive!
公共汽车 公共汽车, Fame Tour, 2022年10月3日
All in all okay. Good service at getting to the busstation etc. The drivers didn’t speak English well which was complicated. We stopped very often (every 10 min) to pick people up or trade some packages which I found kind of weird. It was hard to know which were the “official” stops. I was told that eating is not allowed which bothered me because I had to be on the bus 7+ hrs. Also they said I am not allowed to use the toilet(?), which I did anyways but The toilet was very awful. But the bus was nice and everything very punctual.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2022年9月16日
Fame travel handled everything perfectly. My transfer were all done efficiently.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2022年9月8日
Dont necessary to be at 20.00pm on the boat. You can arrive later
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2022年8月29日
I loved how cozy the overnight boat was and the crew were polite, helpful and nice
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2022年8月18日
The trip was great. Just missed some care of the sanitary. Dirty, no toilet paper, no cleaning during the trip.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2022年8月14日
Der Zug ist suuuper: zuerst sitzt man sehr komfortabel, gegen 19.30 werden die Sitze vom Zugpersonal in bezogene Betten umgebaut in denen man super gut schläft. Der Zug fährt so ruhig, dass man kaum merkt, dass man fährt. Fast rund um die Uhr wird im Zug Essen und Trinken angeboten.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2022年7月31日
The boat was fine. It was an experience on it self ( but don't expect high level comfort). When we arrived at the pier everything was great. There was a lady organizing al the busses or taxi's. We where at the airport before the time that we expected, great!!
轮渡 Sleeper Boat + Van + Longtail Boat, Fame Tour, 2022年7月22日
Sleeper ferry was great, but my seat in the mini van had no leg room and was super uncomfortable.
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2022年3月26日
We were supposed to be on the ferry from 9pm-5am. The ferry arrived at 3:30am. We were woken up by a foghorn. We then had to wait two hours to be picked up by a mini van. At 6:00am we were taken to Chumphon town centre and had to wait here until 8am for our next van. At Chumphon we were taken on a taxi which virtually took us around the corner to another station. At 8am we were taken to another bus station in Surratani to wait until 11;00am. At 11:00am we were taken to Krabi by mini bus. The driver decided to do his own errands along the way and really squished too many people into the car which was very uncomfortable. We asked if we could stop at a toilet service station which we did, but only at the end of the 2.5 hour journey. While the driver went to the toilet a random Man Approached the van and proceeded to say that this service station for the toilet stop was the bus terminal and so we would need to pay him 100 baht to get to the bus terminal. The taxi driver was very pushy. Our bus driver proceeded to unload our stuff. Everybody on the bus protested and explained that we had already paid to the bus terminal as per our ticket and this service station was not the bus terminal. Luckily somebody on our bus had been to Krabi and knew exactly where the bus terminal was. It was throwing it down with rain and the bus driver had decided to put all our bags in the puddles of rain on the floor soaking our bags. So not only did they try to scam us they soaked our bags. Eventually they took us to the bus terminal. Really really disappointed. We wish the Lomprayah night ferry wasn’t broken as we will never travel with this company again. As for the night ferry the beds were comfortable and there was air conditioning which worked really well. But these are the only positives everything else was chaos!
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2022年1月7日
Nous faisions Chumpton vers Khao Soc. Nous avions notre van qui devait partir à 12h, nous avons été convoqué à 11h au bureau Fame Celui-ci nous a amené à la gare routière à 11h30 et notre van et parti avec une heure de retard c’est-à-dire à 13h, nous avons payé 200 bath en plus car nous avions soi-disant deux gros sacs. Nous pensions que le trajet était direct pas du tout on nous a laissé à la gare routière de Sura thani après avoir fait une quinzaine d arrêts car dans le van il y a aussi bien des personnes que des colis à déposer. A la gare de Sura Thani la personne voulait nous faire payer la suite du voyage, j ai été obligé de prouver que j avais déjà payé l intégralité du parcours malgré cela j ai été obligé une nouvelle fois de repayé 200 bath pour nos 2 sacs sous prétexte que ce n était pas le même Van. Nous avons dû attendre 1h30 pour repartir. Conclusion au lieu de 5h nous avons mis + de 7h de route sans pause toilette ni repas…
轮渡 轮渡, Fame Tour, 2021年12月24日
I took a night boat so that I do not waste time in transfer. The personel was kind and helpful. However instead of arriving at 10am, as was sold on 13Go, I arrived at 4pm (1 boat + 2 vans), which then make the whole thing not competitive compared to a day speed boat + van (Tao - Surat Thani - Krabi). We actually made a detour by going Tao - Chumphon - Surat Thani - Krabi.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2021年6月16日
Really good support from 12Go and Fame Tour and Service. They were really friendly
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2020年1月20日
This minivan stoped in all small places...not space for long legs...
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2020年1月4日
12go offered only chumphon - surat thani airport route, despite the van's destination was surat thani town which was my destination too. due to this misinformation the van with the 14 passengers took an unnecessary detour to the airport where nobody wanted to go.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年10月15日
The staff were efficient, on time and very friendly. I would highly recommend them for completing the task seamlessly.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年10月1日
Very efficient service. The company basically picks you up at Chumphon airport and delivers you to Mae Haad pier on Koh Tao...
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年9月3日
Alles bestens geklappt, nur das warten vor dem Treffen, 1 Std. vor Abfahrt ist nicht nötig
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年8月21日
A child placed at the front of the van without seatbelt. ???? No way!
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年8月21日
We left about 15 min early (which was good, they ask you to be there 1 hr in advance). Made 2 short stops, enough for bathroom and quick 7/11 shop for drinks and food. We arrived 30 min early in Bangkok. Speedy trip.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年8月17日
Tout c'est bien passé. 12Go est un facilitateur qui évite les files d'attentes pour les billets. Nickel
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年8月17日
Un peu d attente pour le transfert jusqu au port. Peu de place dans van et conducteur un peu trop rapide. Le trajet en bateau lui a été bien même si bateau surchargé.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年8月3日
Pas de sourire, le chauffeur ne voulait pas nous prendre à cause des bagages (20kg compris par personne). Il a roulé très vite et ça faisait que sonner.et il continuait à faire rentrer des personnes dans le van qui était plein, ces personnes étaient assisent par terre!
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年7月19日
Nous avons réservé un billet combiné pour un mini bus climatisé et un ferry. Nous avons voyagé dans un gros tuk tuk et dans un bateau de pêche avec quelques matelas posés au sol. Si vous voulez vous mettre dans la peau d’un migrant traversant la Méditerranée, ce voyage est fait pour vous !
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年7月12日
I had booked for the wrong day (the following day) but the "Fame Tour " guy managed to change the date for us without extra charge. That was great! The journey was in good time and we stopped at a nice place for a break. All in all, it was quite good for the price, however, I must either warn passengers or congratulate the driver for his speed and his driving/piloting skills. I guess we are just not used to this driving style which looks like a constant game of chicken...scary at times. But we got there and on time, so thank you!
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年7月4日
Too slow; the costumer-care was not excellent; the seats were too little.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年6月29日
perfect support everything like booked nothing to complain, bus on time and ship as well
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年6月14日
The service is good pick up point is covenant, the car is clean, the driver
公共汽车 公共汽车, Fame Tour, 2019年6月2日
Good company. Bus was nice and clean. The trip was good and the bus was on time.
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年4月3日
Pretty tight and fairly full. The luggage weight doesn't get checked, but they don't have a dedicated trunk in their vans. So can get crowed with big suitcases
厢型车 9 座客货车, Fame Tour, 2019年3月11日
Average trip as expected. Driver stopped too many times for various activities including a back and forth trip for petrol as well as getting some personal provisions of fruit from a road side stall.
公共汽车 公共汽车, Fame Tour, 2019年2月19日
Seats are quite small and no neck support, so it is difficult to fall asleep. I would take the sleeper train next time for the extra personal space and the ability to lie down.