04 5月 2024

438 Phuket Krabi Transport

349 条用户评论
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  • Reviews

438 Phuket Krabi Transport 计划 & 时间表

普吉岛 - 甲米
06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20, 18:00
甲米 - 普吉岛
06:00, 06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20
普吉岛 - 奧南
06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00
奧南 - 普吉岛
05:30, 06:10, 06:50, 07:30, 08:10, 08:50, 09:30, 10:10, 10:50, 11:30, 12:10, 12:50, 13:30, 14:10, 14:50, 15:30
普吉岛 - 攀牙
06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 18:00
攀牙 - 普吉岛
07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 16:40, 17:20, 18:00, 18:40
攀牙 - 甲米
08:20, 09:00, 09:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40, 12:20, 13:00, 13:40, 14:20, 15:00, 15:40, 16:20, 17:00, 17:40, 18:20, 19:00, 19:40
甲米 - 攀牙
06:00, 06:40, 07:20, 08:00, 08:40, 09:20, 10:00, 10:40, 11:20, 12:00, 12:40, 13:20, 14:00, 14:40, 15:20, 16:00, 17:20
奧南 - 攀牙
05:30, 06:10, 06:50, 07:30, 08:10, 08:50, 09:30, 10:10, 10:50, 11:30, 12:10, 12:50, 13:30, 14:10, 14:50, 15:30
攀牙 - 奧南
08:20, 09:00, 09:40, 10:20, 11:00, 11:40, 12:20, 13:00, 13:40, 14:20, 15:00, 15:40, 16:20, 17:00, 17:40

关于 438 Phuket Krabi Transport

438 Phuket Krabi Transport经营面包车业务,并提供便捷的网上订票服务。如果你正想坐面包车旅行,请查阅运营商的相关信息。

438 Phuket Krabi Transport 的主要车站是哪些?

438 Phuket Krabi Transport运营的面包车往返于以下车站:

  • 普吉岛汽车站1
  • 甲米巴士站
  • 奥南
  • 奥南任何一家酒店
  • 攀牙汽车站
  • 奥南任意酒店

438 Phuket Krabi Transport 最受欢迎的路线是哪些?

438 Phuket Krabi Transport 的面包车等级和价格是?

一般而言,面包车只有一种座位等级。不过,你可以通过运营商查询并选择面包车车型。一些面包车只能容纳9-10名乘客,另一些可容纳多达15名乘客。第一种面包车会有更大的伸腿空间、更宽的座位和更舒适的体验,而第二种面包车在手脚伸展和行李安放的空间方面都比较有限。查阅乘客对438 Phuket Krabi Transport面包车服务的评论,帮助你判定运营商的服务能否满足你的期望。



  • 面包车通常能够到达大巴和火车都不能到达的地方,包括二级城镇和小村庄
  • 通常情况,如果你的旅途距离相对较短,面包车因为比大巴小,更易操作,是你到达目的地最快的方式
  • 面包车可以让你在途中方便的地方下车——不一定要到终点站,这样可以为你节省大量的时间和费用。


  • 一些面包车空间狭小难以安放行李。实际上,几乎所有面包车的行李空间都比较有限,如果你有多个背包、双肩包或手提箱,可能最好单独为行李买个座位——是的,你要为旅行支付双倍费用
  • 务必核实面包车是按时刻运行还是满载运行。如果是满载运行,你可能会等很长时间,因为在某些路线上面包车需要花很长时间才能满载。
  • 众所周知,面包车司机以超速而臭名远扬。即便是声誉最好的公司有时也难以保证司机按照限速规定行驶。无论面包车司机是否要求你系安全带,坐面包车时都要系好安全带
  • 如果你很容易晕车,而你的旅途有蜿蜒曲折的道路,那么坐面包车比坐大巴更容易晕车。为了安全起见,请在出发前半小时服用晕车药。

438 Phuket Krabi Transport 公司评论

厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2024年3月2日
We were given the option to go on the bus at 14:45 instead of 16:00 which was nice, but the van stopped so many times that we ended up, arriving at the exact same time that we would have if we took 16:00 van. It turned from a 2 and 1/2 hour trip to a 4 1/2 hour trip. They also dropped us off way outside of Krabi town. And then wanted us to pay ฿100 more to get to Krabi town we did that, but they still didn't even drop us off at our hotel so we ended up paying again to get a taxi to take us to our hotel which was only about a five minute drive away from where we were. We ended up paying almost ฿300 more when they could have just dropped us off where we were intended to go.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2024年2月7日
Hat alles super geklappt. Hatten eigentlich eine Abfahrt um 15:20 Konnten jedoch schon früher nach Krabi fahren. Die Fahrt war einwandfrei und es gab keinerlei Probleme. In Krabi angekommen konnten wir für zusätzliche 100 baht direkt zu unserer Unterkunft gebracht werden. Wir können es problemlos weiterempfehlen.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2024年1月29日
The trip went well, and I was allowed to take an earlier bus instead of my scheduled one without any additional fee, which I appreciate. HOWEVER, the arrival was chaotic to say the least. The bus did not drop us off at the actual bus station in Krabi. Instead, the driver stopped in front of a random shop/cafe, where from the very first second we were harassed to take a "recommended" transport to Ao Nang. When I say harassed, I mean it - my arm was literally pulled towards one of their cars. Impossible to take a grab from there. Make sure you escape that chaos and walk up to the actual bus station (only few minutes walk), you can easily take a grab from there.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2024年1月26日
We were at pick up point on time but van wasn’t there. We called and were informed it was running 20 minutes late (which otherwise wouldn’t have known). It was only us in the van until at some point driver made us change to another van with more people. Trip was ok overall
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2024年1月4日
Pas le bon bus pour commencer et à mit bcp plus de temps que prévu Merci de faire un remboursement
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年12月2日
Nous avons été déposé devant un petit magasin géré par la mafia locale d'où il était impossible le de commander un grab. Il fallait marché jusqu'à la sortie de la rue pour sortir de ce territoire mafieu ! Décevant d'être encore une fois pris pour un billet vert ambulant et des accords entre la compagnie du van et eux. Nous avons marché sous la pluie! Notre chauffeur nous a expliqué tout cela ensuite!
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年11月27日
Van was super full, since everyone was brining a lot of luggage. Still the ride was smooth, we had a quick stop halfway and the Taxi driver was waiting for me for the transfer. Communication worked well. Overall Good experience
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年11月25日
On time, good driver, road went well, confortable van not over crowded
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年11月23日
The bus was almost empty, was an hour late. Part of the delay way because of the crazy trafic, but the driver kept stopping for locals and delivering packages, kinda an asian classic story. Seats were okay. Overall not great, not terrible.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年11月18日
Prise en charge à l'heure, van confortable pour 3h de route.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年10月23日
It was great! They dropped us directly to our hotel which was great and hassle free. The chauffeur was very helpful and professional. He took great care of our luggage as well, both while packing with other luggage and boarding-deboarding.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年9月24日
Bus arrived 20 minutes early and wet smoothly. We stopped once at a bus terminal to use the bathroom and there were some snacks for sale there.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年9月6日
Was Okey and not the first time I took this bus. But this time the driver was a fool. Smoking in the car, spitting half the way out the window,throwing trash out the window, burping half the way, making stops for personal purposes
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年9月4日
Bus 438 - 1h longer at the end but better than awaited. Very friendly driver.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年8月29日
Left on time and got to phuket on time. Driver is friendly.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年8月14日
On time When got to ao nang another driver picked me up to drop me at my hostel. Good service
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年8月12日
Driver used the trip to deliver goods so we made a lot of stops and it ended up being +1 hour. Apart from that the driver was all the time hitting the horn, with aggressive driving. At least it was cheap (7€)
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年8月3日
It was great, but 20 min to late on arrival, busdriver stopped for everything like for example; buying new flowers for on his window, picked up a package and dropped 20 min later. I could been better, but it also could much worser haha.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年7月17日
Goede bus met voldoende ruimte, ook voor je bagage. Pas om 7h40 vertrokken terwijl we om 7h20 geboekt hebben wegens ze een vollere bus wouden. Bedenking: vreemd dat je dan zoveel verschillende vertrekuren voorziet, had een rustigere ochtend kunnen hebben 😅 Daarnaast stopte de bus echt vaker dan gepland bij zijn kennissen. Uiteindelijk heeft de rit 1h langer geduurd.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年7月11日
Way cheaper, if you buy it in the bus stand. No space ag all. Very cramped. Booked extra ticket for luggage but eventually kept other peoples luggage on to ours. Very uncomfortable.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年7月7日
They accepted to change our reservation to leave earlier and let US near the airport
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年6月10日
Got to the bus station 40 minutes early, they were very well organised and directed us and didn’t have a single bit of stress. We ended up getting and earlier bus and the driver got us there safely and on time.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年6月2日
Good drive but driver forgott to drop me off at my Station. So he organised me a taxi to go backmit was all good.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年5月31日
We arrived at the bus station ahead of time, and they let us take an earlier bus. The journey was pleasant, and the driver was very friendly.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年4月27日
The driver is an absolute madness. Speaking at the phone the whole ride, the AC was barely working and the van had a really weird smell… Also we made 3-4 stops to get boxes with unknown content which delayed our trip…
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年3月27日
Bus was fine, not as shown in pictures but good enough for sure. Seats not super comfortable. The bus driver did not seem happy at all we booked with 12Go but the local operator helped to clear the situation.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年3月16日
We arrived half an hour late, but in the end everything went well
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年3月15日
All went fine to travel from A to B . The driver asked for continue trip from Bus terminal to Ao Nang another 150 baht , and of course this one’s without receipt and this was after traveling 200km with 220 baht 😉 . The system is in a way done to can do easy black money from tourists. The normal bus cost was 80 baht and took us exactly to the address , like a taxi.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年3月9日
We were in the back seats, and there was very little space for us with all the luggage and delivery boxes around. Otherwise all good.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年3月2日
Driver took many random brakes/stops where he picked up and also delivered stuff to small shops during the way ? Did not take many minutes, but felt kind of odd. The bus also picked up other passangers during the way which is ok but bus felt crowded. We got on an earlier ride which was good. Although it lacked information about the trip from both check in terminal aswel from driver. We got on the road quick which after all. The driver did drive very fast(over limit at most time) but was a good driver. Stopped for 5-10min toilet-break halfway, that was good. At the end we did not stop at terminal Krabi, we stopped in a industry-area first. There was a minivan waiting for us. They asked passengers who wanted to go to Ao Nang for 150 bath extra per person at that stop. We was heading that direction later and took the offer(6-8 other did aswell so it felt more safe). It was not in the description before travel and fel a bit weird, but it was good service from the minibus though. Notice if you are tall , you will not be able to sit comfy on the bus. Had to sit sideways with legs for the whole journey. (Im like 185cm, and even my wife around 166cm could not sit ok). It was ok for this ride and the price, but on a longer journey it could have been worse.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年3月1日
Die beiden Sitze im Kofferraum sind für die Dauer der Fahrt kaum auszuhalten. Sollten als Notsitze genutzt werden nicht als vollwertiger Platz.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年2月9日
Everything was good. Driver left the station on time.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年1月20日
put us on an earlier bus as we arrived early, comfortable and journey felt quick
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年1月20日
It was super cheap but if you wanted to go to Ao Nang it was 250 baht extra each which was never mentioned. It was very cramped on the bus at the back with all the bags, very warm on there too. Bus was on time which was great
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年1月12日
We could take one bus erlier, good van, good seats, comfortable enough for up to 5hours. Not more, because of the space to the seats in Front. Difficult with long legs. We were absolut in time, inside the bus normal temperature. Would book again
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年1月12日
Es war kein kleiner Van wie angegeben sondern ein kleinerer Bus und wir spielten auch noch Kurierdienst. Jedoch wurde die Zeit gut mit einkalkuliert, wir waren sogar 20 Minuten vor der angegebenen Zeit da. Die Plätze sind jedoch etwas klein und eng, für Korpulente Menschen etwas unbequem 😅
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2023年1月10日
Bon service mais conducteur davantage préoccupé par son téléphone que par la route.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年12月29日
I took a minivan from Phuket to Krabi. The bus driver was very polite and helpful, and the minivan was very comfortable. It was my second time with this minivan and definitely not the last one!
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年12月15日
As always good service, journey was good, stopped half way, nice views and on time
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年12月10日
Totally recommend, kind driver, the bus was comfortable, air conditioned, phone charger entrance .0147226144538E+34;
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年12月6日
The van left a few minutes earlier and arrived half an hour early with a break on the way. The air conditioning was excellent and really made the drive so much better, the seats were also pretty comfortable and the driver was nice. All in all a great drive!
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年12月3日
Lot of stops during the trip to drop on or to drop of people, we can not know about this information when booking.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年12月3日
Scheduled bus was canceled. We had to wait for next one.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年12月2日
Important! Not good if you have more than one backpacking pack! There is little room for baggage in the mini bus. Every seat but one was full, and every person had at least one large luggage, and some had 2 large luggages. We all only fit because my partner and I purchased 3 seats - that third seat was put down and used for several stacked bags. If you are traveling with a large luggage, purchase an extra seat and be assertive in safeguarding your space. We were not assertive and ended up in the back seats smooshed against everyone’s luggage despite having paid 3 seats for 2 people. The operator was kind and took us directly to our hotel for no additional fee; if we could have communicated I’m sure he would have helped us with the discomfort.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年12月1日
The journey was good, I sleep all the way to Phuket.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年11月28日
I booked with transfer to aonang beach. The driver was not servicial, not speaking about smileing. The feeling that he's transporting mercancy and not people. At the entrance of Krabi, he stopped and prended final stop. We were 5 passanger, told to him he has to continue till the beach Very bad service
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年11月25日
While I was able to get on an earlier van they did not drop me at my hotel and when I asked I was brushed aside and ignored. Was annoyed I had spend extra on a taxi to get to my hotel.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年11月24日
It was a great bus ride with proper air con, usb charging ports above the seasts. If you want better seats get to the bus right as the driver opens the door.
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年11月22日
Minibus Van was not spacious at all, could bearly fit in it. Stopped quite a few times along the road to pick up packages, which was fine since we arrived 45 Minutes early
厢型车 客货车13人组, 438 Phuket Krabi Transport, 2022年11月20日
First the good part: The travel time was accurate, we even got to have a 10 min break in Phang-Nga, the price of the ticket was also fantastic. Getting to the terminal is not complicated when using the instructions of the PDF. However, the busis very compact ), there are 14 passenger seats, which are