Tagaytay to Manila

Tagaytay to Manila

Fri, Jun 7
One Way
NaN Passengers

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Tagaytay to Manila Schedule

Tagaytay to Manila Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
EMRO Transport Services Minivan 5pax Any time₱ 7,249

How to get from Tagatay to Manila

When you are travelling from Tagatay to Manila your transport options are very limited indeed. When travelling north to Manila you may have to rely solely on the bus or taxi as your means of transport. Travelling in the opposite direction you have the option of hiring a private car, in Tagatay there is not that option.

How far is it from Tagaytay to Manila?

It is just 70 km from Tagaytay to Manila, should you take the expressway it is a little longer.

How long does it take to get from Tagaytay to Manila?

Regardless the 70 km distance, your road trip to Tagaytay is unlikely to take less than 2 hours by taxi due to the high volume of traffic in Manila. You should expect this journey by bus to take around three hours the least.

How much does it cost to travel between Tagaytay and Manila?

The bus from Tagaytay to Manila will cost about 200 PHP. These are standard non-aircon buses. Taxi is considerably more expensive – it is likely to set you back between 4000 PHP and 5000 PHP.

How to get from Tagaytay to Manila by bus

It is a bit of a quest to travel from Tagaytay to Manila by bus and this is why.

Where is the bus station in Tagaytay?

There is not a bus station in the town of Tagaytay and all the buses travelling to Manila are en-route from other cities within Luzon. You should wait at the bus stop on Oliveras Street, which is close to the town centre for the next bus to arrive.

How to find the right bus?

You should look out for buses with the destination sign showing Manila.

Are there many buses between Tagaytay and Manila?

Oh yes. Buses are operating to Manila every 30 minutes 24 hours every day. You may not get a seat and may have to stand for the entire journey.

Where do buses arrive to in Manila?

Once in Manila you can go to the Cubao Bus Terminal which is located in the north of Manila, in the Quezon area. If you know where you are heading next and wish to be dropped off elsewhere the bus stops just about anywhere you request it to.

How long does it take to get to Manila by bus from Tagaytay?

The journey into Manila can be very slow, taking up to three hours due to the busy toads into and in the capital city and how often the bus has to stop and drop people off or for more people to get onboard.

How much does it cost to get between Manila and Tagaytay by bus?

It costs about 200PHP to travel on the bus – and do not expect a too comfortable journey!

Bus travel tips

The majority of buses do not have air-conditioning and become oppressively sweaty during summer.

When waiting for the bus it is advisable to just get the first bus that is available and not be too choosy about comforts such as air-conditioning. This is especially true when there are lots of people travelling.

You should try to avoid travelling during the morning and evening rush hours, this will give you a greater chance of getting a seat.

The buses are scheduled to be operating at 30 minute intervals, although in reality they could be closer together or further apart than that due to the volume of traffic on the roads. Due to the weather bus schedules can and often do change at short notice.

How to get from Tagaytay to Manila by taxi or private car

A far more comfortable way to get to Manila from Tagaytay is by taxi, especially if you are heading to the airport.

Do book your car in advance – do not rely on finding one on the spot in Tagaytay, it is not a good idea.

Expect to pay between 4000 PHP to 5000 PHP for a ride what is not cheap. If you are travelling in a group of at least 3, ordering a van is a better option.

Transportation from Tagaytay to Manila

  • Taxis
    $ 86.74
  • Trains are not available
  • Buses are not available
  • Ferries are not available
  • Flights are not available
  • Vans are not available

Facts about the transport from Tagaytay to Manila

Cheapest Transport$87
Fastest Transport2h
Earliest Departure12:00 AM
Latest Departure12:00 AM
Departures per day9
Distance100 kilometers
Transport CompaniesAnis Transport, EMRO Transport Services