Jaisalmer to Delhi

Jaisalmer to Delhi

Fri, Jun 7
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Jaisalmer to Delhi Schedule

Jaisalmer to Delhi Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
TravelODesk India Van 6pax Any time₹ 31,262
Indian Railways 1A - AC First Class Sleeper 02:40 - 21:15₹ 3,490
IndiGo Economy 15:55 - 23:25₹ 8,407
Shre Ganesh Travels AC Seater 19:00 - 13:00₹ 1,733
Indian Railways 3A - AC 3-Tier Sleeper 23:25 - 16:50₹ 1,645

How to get from Jaisalmer to Delhi

While there are not as many choices to get from Jaisalmer to Delhi as from, say, Jaipur, you still can consider a direct flight, direct trains or even bus though in the latter case you will have to change buses either in Bikaner or Jaipur, both in Rajasthan state.

How far is Delhi from Jaisalmer?

The stretch of the National Highway 11 Between Jaisalmer and Delhi is 840 km.

The railway and National Highway 48 both of which travel via Jaipur are longer – about 870 km.

The flying distance from Jaisalmer to Delhi in 645 km.

How long does it take to get to Delhi from Jaisalmer?

A direct flight reaches Delhi in 80-90 minutes. If you prefer to travel overland, expect to spend 18 hours on a train or up to 22 hours on a bus, including the time needed for changing buses.

What is the most budget-friendly and most expensive way to get to Delhi from Jaisalmer?

While travelling by several non-AC buses or similarly non-AC Sleeper Class on a train is the cheapest way to reach Delhi (INR900), neither of the two is really recommended.

Flying is the most expensive way to travel with one-way tickets staring from INR3,000.

AC berth options on trains fall in between with sample prices for the 3rd, 2nd and 1st class set at INR1,700/INR2,500/INR3,500.

How to get from Jaisalmer to Delhi by train?

There are two daily trains between Jaisalmer and Delhi plus a Superfast train which leaves once weekly on Thursday.

You can also consider connecting via Jaipur or Jodhpur as trains bound for these destinations from Jaisalmer offer slightly a wider choice of departures and both Jaipur and Jodhpur then have numerous departures to Delhi.

How long does it take to get to Delhi by train?

Direct trains JSM–DLI Express 14660 and Ranikhet Express 15013 need 18 and 19 hours respectively to reach Delhi.

The fastest direct train is Superfast JSM HWH SF Express but it has only one weekly departure on Thursday at 1.25 am and travels 13 hours.

If changing trains in Jodhpur or Jaipur, then your journey will be considerably longer.

Trains from Jaisalmer need from 5 to 7 hours to reach Jodhpur followed by another 10–12 hours from Jodhpur to Delhi.

It is 13 hours from Jaisalmer to Jaipur, while only five to seven hours between Jaipur and Delhi. If you consider changing trains, we would suggest travelling via Jaipur.

How much are train tickets?

Air-conditioned classes cost approximately INR1,700-INR3,500 with the latter buying you a berth in a private compartment for two.

Non air-conditioned Sleeper Class should not cost more than INR900.

Tips for a railway journey from Jaisalmer to Delhi

In Delhi, most trains call to several stations, Delhi Cnnt (DEC), Delhi Sarai Rohilla (DEE) and/or Delhi Junction (DLI). Check in advance which station comes handier for you and to which one your tickets are!

How to travel between Jaisalmer and Delhi by bus

No, there are no direct Jaisalmer–Delhi buses, but even if changing buses the travel is straightforward – but very long. You may want to make an overnight stop in Bikaner, Jodhpur or Jaipur before continuing your journey to the capital.

How long does it take from Jaisalmer to Delhi by bus?

It is five hours from Jaisalmer to Bikaner (with buses every two hours) and 10 hours from Bikaner to Delhi (buses every 4 hours), but this journey won’t take you less than 16 hours.

If travelling via Jodhpur, then you’ll spend 5–7 hours on the first bus plus another 13 hours on the second one to reach Delhi.

Via Jaipur, there is only one direct daily bus from Jaisalmer to Jaipur at 6 am taking about 12 hours. It is easier for the Jaipur-Delhi stretch as there are hourly buses round the clock with the ride taking six hours in media.

How expensive are Jaisalmer–Delhi bus tickets?

Bus tickets for the whole route, no matter the connecting station, should cost in the region of INR900-INR1,600.

How to get from Jaisalmer to Delhi by air

Jaisalmer airport is located 17 km southeast of the city and can be reached via a taxi ride. After a two-year hiatus, the airport Jaisalmer resumed commercial services and now offers one daily direct flight to Delhi. The flight is operated by SpiceJet and leaves at 10.35 am.

How long does a flight last?

It is a short 80-90 minute flight.

If you opt for connecting flights via Jaipur or Ahmedabad, the travel time can be four hours and up.

What is the airfare for Jaisalmer–Delhi route?

Normally it is possible to grab tickets for about INR3,300-INR4,000 and in any case INR7,000 will almost always help you get a last-minute deal. Flying via connecting airports in this case never comes cheaper, alas.

Transportation from Jaisalmer to Delhi

Facts about the transport from Jaisalmer to Delhi

Cheapest Transport$9
Fastest Transport1h 10m
Earliest Departure3:00 AM
Latest Departure7:00 PM
Departures per day8
Distance802 kilometers
Transport CompaniesIndian Railways, Shre Ganesh Travels, TravelODesk India