Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur

Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur

Sawai Madhopur
Fri, Jun 7
One Way
NaN Passengers

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Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur Schedule

Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
Indian Railways 3A - AC 3-Tier Sleeper 00:35 - 03:10₹ 910
Indian Railways SL - Sleeper Class 02:35 - 05:00₹ 443
Indian Railways 2A - AC 2-Tier Sleeper 05:15 - 08:05₹ 1,165
Indian Railways 3E - AC 3-Tier Economy Sleeper 07:35 - 10:20₹ 925
Indian Railways SL - Sleeper Class 09:55 - 12:30₹ 443
Indian Railways 1A - AC First Class Sleeper 12:25 - 14:30₹ 1,740
Indian Railways 3A - AC 3-Tier Sleeper 14:00 - 15:50₹ 960
Indian Railways 2S - Second Sitting Class 16:35 - 18:40₹ 418
Indian Railways 1A - AC First Class Sleeper 19:35 - 21:25₹ 1,740
Indian Railways 3A - AC 3-Tier Sleeper 21:30 - 23:30₹ 1,505
Indian Railways SL - Sleeper Class 22:35 - 00:30₹ 413

How to get from Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur

Located in the same northern Indian state of Rajasthan where Jaipur is the capital, Sawai Madhopur is a gateway to the famous Ranthambhore National Park and serves as a convenient base for exploring the natural wonders and tiger reserve within the park.

Getting to Sawai Madhopur from Jaipur is possible via a short train journey or a bus or taxi ride.

There is an airstrip in Sawai Madhopur but currently the only commercial flight to Sawai Madhopur is from Delhi, operated by Supreme Airlines. So flying from Jaipur is not an option.

How far is Sawai Madhopur from Jaipur?

The driving distance between Jaipur and Sawai Madhopur is 150 km via national highway 52 or Rajasthan State Highway 24.

The rail distance is shorter at 130 km, going strain down south from Jaipur.

How long does a journey to Sawai Madhopur take?

Regardless the distance, it takes about six hours to reach Sawai Madhopur by bus due to numerous stops and not excellent road conditions.

Driving your own car or a taxi is faster but in any case will take not less than four hours.

Train needs between two and two and a half hours to reach Sawai Madhopur.

What means of transport to choose for Jaipur–Sawai Madhopur journey?

For this route, train is definitely the best option. It is faster than buses and taxis, more comfortable and totally affordable.

How much does Jaipur-Sawai Madhopur trip cost?

The trip can cost from INR200 up for a long and uncomfortable bus journey. Travelling by train, calculate to pay for your ticket from INR500.

How to get from Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur by train

There are six daily trains between Jaipur and Sawai Madhopur. They are complemented by another two dozen of trains which offer service between these destinations one, two or three times a week. That means there is always a reasonable choice of departures for this route.

How long does a train journey take?

In media, all trains need between two and two and a half hours to reach Sawai Madhopur, but watch out for the daily JU BPL Express 14813 which is super slow and travels 4 hours (and has only non air-conditioned carriages).

How much are the train tickets to Sawai Madhopur?

While all the existing classes of seats and berths are available for this route, taking into consideration the short duration of the journey, any of the sitting classes would do.

With seats, you should stay within INR500-INR700 range at maximum.

All tiered classes with berths including the non-AC Sleeper Class are more expensive but it makes little sense to opt for a berth for such a short journey.

Which trains are most convenient for this journey?

Two most convenient options are the early morning SGNR KOTA SF 22982 leaving Jaipur at 5.40 am and Intercity Express 12466 at 11.05 am. Both need only 2 hours 10 minutes to reach Sawai Madhopur and both have seats.

Which stations do trains depart from and arrive to?

In Jaipur, you can catch a train to Sawai Madhopur at the main Jaipur Junction railway station (JP). It is located on Railway Road and is easily reached via the pink line of Jaipur Metro.

In Sawai Madhopur, the railway station (SWM) is centrally located on – you guess it! – Railway Station Rd.

How to get from Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur by bus

Buses are less preferable than trains on this route.

Buses operated by the official Rajasthan state bus company, Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC), are ordinary express buses, non air-conditioned, cheap and not too comfortable.

They travel from Jaipur to Bonli, 45 km north of Sawai Madhopur, where it is necessary to find an onward transport. There is also an option to travel via Khilchipur, 11 km east. Khilchipur is served by modern AC sleeper buses.

How long does a bus ride take?

Expect to spend between five and seven hours.

How much are the bus tickets?

Buses to Bonli operated by RSRTC are cheap – about INR200, but you then need to calculate the cost of getting from Bonli to Sawai Madhopur.

Travelling by a plusher bus to Khilchipur can set you back over INR1,000.

Bus travel tip

The best tip here is to opt for a train.

How to get to Sawai Madhopur by taxi from Jaipur

As the distance between the two cities is not that big, travelling by taxi is also an option. Expect to pay from INR2,500 for a 4-seater and up to INR4,000 – for a 6-seater.

Transportation from Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur

Facts about the transport from Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur

Cheapest Transport$5
Fastest Transport1h 50m
Earliest Departure12:35 AM
Latest Departure5:20 PM
Departures per day32
Distance92 kilometers
Transport CompaniesIndian Railways, TravelODesk India

Jaipur to Sawai Madhopur Destination Reviews

Really good. No issues at all.
Train #12978 3A - AC 3-Tier Sleeper, Indian Railways, Sep 24, 2022
10 customer reviews