從 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮的小巴

從 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮的小巴

6月7日 週五
NaN 乘客


琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 Van 時刻表

琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 Van 時刻表
Vieng Chaleune Regional 14pax 07:30 - 13:30LAK 384,390
Naluang Regional 14pax 08:30 - 12:30LAK 351,086
Laos Railway by RG Adventure First Class Seat 11:41 - 13:30LAK 573,478
Laos Railway by RG Adventure Second Class Seat 12:30 - 15:38LAK 455,211
Laos Railway by RG Adventure Second Class Seat 15:00 - 17:43LAK 407,099
Laos Railway by RG Adventure Second Class Seat 17:30 - 19:52LAK 407,099
Laos Railway by RG Adventure First Class Seat 19:52 - 21:00LAK 562,672

琅勃拉邦 和 萬榮之間的交通方式

從 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮麵包車資訊

最早的麵包車7:30 AM
最晚的麵包車6:30 PM
距離41 公里
麵包車公司Naluang, Soutchai Travel, Vieng Chaleune

從琅勃拉邦到目的地 萬榮 的評價

这辆面包车应该载 14 个人。我们当时只有 21 个人。这种驾驶方式一点也不安全。
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Naluang (Naluang), 2023年6月26日
Minivan arrived on time. But too many people were squeezed into one minivan. Some had to sit on a stool for 6 hours. The minivan left 35 minutes late. You felt like an animal in a cage that was far too small.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Vieng Chaleune (เวียงเจริญ), 2024年2月13日
The bus left Luang Prabang 3.5 hours late and arrived in Vang Vieng 4 hours late. The bus service had more people packed in than seats available so we each had very little room and after picking up even more people on the route I ended up with a stranger sitting in my feet. The roads they drove down could barely even be called roads with us getting stuck multiple times but I guess that's not the bus's fault
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Naluang (Naluang), 2024年2月6日
Taking this van was a Great experience for us, but it is definitely mit for everyone. Being delayed shouldn't be a problem for you. It was the craziest drive of our life. As the street's' conditions were very bad, we we're shaked the whole 7h Trip. Most of the 20 People in our tiny van got more and more angry while driving. We also don't recommend it for tall or strongly built people - it was really tight. Do not get irritated If the driver stops to grab some locals. One time we had a break for Toilette and eating at a Restaurant. However, we we're glad we took this Option as we couldn't get Tickets for the train and want to have New experiences to enlargen put horizont.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Vieng Chaleune (เวียงเจริญ), 2023年11月1日
Squeezed into a 14 person bus with 20 people! Air con was very weak! The journey is very bumpy and windy roads! Would have been better off riding the train
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Naluang (Naluang), 2023年3月24日
There was extra stools added to the aisle that had no seatbelt or backsupport. We were told we would have a stop on the way to Vang Vieng for food/bathroom which we never got. We were stopped at a stop sign where there was construction and were left out there to climb over a ditch to pee. Not a fun trip but definitely an experience.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Vieng Chaleune (เวียงเจริญ), 2023年2月25日
Bus left late and the vehicle was different than the one I booked. No AC like promised and the driver had the most awful music on. Usually wouldn’t be bothered but for a 9 hour drive it was awful. For the money you pay you would expect better service and/or explanation.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Vieng Chaleune (เวียงเจริญ), 2023年2月23日
Easy to book and overall good ride, took only 5 hour with a toilet break. But the road was very bad and bumby so not the most comfy ride. The bus also has two extra seats/chairs (without back support) in the middle of the van so they can fit two extra people in the small van. Luckily I got in first so I got an propper seat.
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Vieng Chaleune (เวียงเจริญ), 2023年2月19日
The ride was okay! It was 5 hours, not 9 hours which was good! The van itself is small, and the driver squeezes 14 people in it, so if your at the back row then good luck, especially if your a bigger person. But the driver was friendly, stopped of once, and got here quick!
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Vieng Chaleune (เวียงเจริญ), 2023年2月8日
I came one hour before the time and the van departed half an hour late. The driver changed the van and when I realized, the locals that arrived way after me filled the van and only when the van was full they told me to go inside. I got the worst seat at the back, shoulder to shoulder with 3 local guys and could barely move my legs. The other people got fine seats and I had to stay 4 hours in that uncomfortable seat in a horrible road. Only when a man left, I could go to his place. I don't complain for the road, because it's not their fault, but the attitude of sending me to the worst seat, since I arrived first and probably payed way more
廂型車 十四人座地區車, Vieng Chaleune (เวียงเจริญ), 2022年12月1日
98 客戶評價

要如何從 琅勃拉邦 坐小巴到 萬榮?

小巴是從琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮的方便選擇。票價不算貴,通常比一般巴士快,而且可選擇的出發時間也多。每台小巴可以坐十二到十五人,看車種。但小巴的最大缺點是行李空間有限。 通常你必須把行李或背包放在腳下或走道。所以行李很多的旅客不適合小巴,你可以另外買座位放行李或是改搭巴士。某些路線沒有巴士、火車,或飛機,那小巴就是唯一選擇。很多人想知道小巴需不需要提早訂票。雖然有些路線的車班很多,但我們還是非常建議你提早訂票,尤其當你計畫搭乘末班車,在週末、國訂假日、旺季旅行,或者好幾個人結伴同行的時候。以下是 琅勃拉邦 和 萬榮之間有提供小巴服務並且可以線上訂票的公司

從How far is from 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮有多遠?

小巴和巴士的路線一樣,因此琅勃拉邦 開車到 萬榮 大概是 X公里。 有些小巴不會走最短的路線到 萬榮 因為要去其他地方載客或送客。如果是這樣,車程會比較久 – 你可以在訂票時看說明。

從琅勃拉邦 坐小巴到 萬榮 要多久?

大部分小巴從琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮的車程是6小時 到 6小時 小時。但車程長短主要是看交通狀況,這兩個地點的尖峰時段交通都滿擁擠的。天氣變化也通常會拉長時間,像是下大雨。在訂小巴票之前記得查一查每一家業者的時間,有些公司會走遠路到 萬榮,或是中間繞路。而且請注意,提供線上訂車的公司通常是依時間表發車,但也有些公司是等人坐滿了才發車,這種情況可能等候時間會很長。所以有發車時刻表的公司永遠是比較好的選擇。

從琅勃拉邦 坐小巴到 萬榮的花費多少?

通常 從琅勃拉邦 坐小巴到 萬榮是固定票價。價格裡包括了過路費、燃料,和人力費。但如果不確定,訂票前最好還是問清楚。小包的費用看起來不便宜,但你不用像巴士或火車一樣幫每位乘客買票。如果是十二人以上的團體,小巴比起好幾台計程車便宜許多。對團體來說是個划算的選擇。小巴也不會另外收行李費用,只要能放得下就可以。

從琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮的小巴時刻表。

如果是團體旅行,可以考慮整合行程然後只雇用一台小巴。請參考上面的 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮小巴時刻表

