

6月14日 週五
NaN 乘客


琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 Train 時刻表

琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 Train 時刻表
Vieng Chaleune Regional 14pax 07:30 - 13:30LAK 384,810
Naluang Regional 14pax 08:30 - 14:30LAK 357,054
Laos Railway by RG Adventure Second Class Seat 10:20 - 11:40LAK 455,069
Laos Railway by Soutchai Second Class Seat 13:00 - 15:38LAK 311,512
Laos Railway by Naluang Second Class 15:30 - 17:43LAK 412,763
Laos Railway by Naluang First Class 17:00 - 20:02LAK 550,501
Laos Railway by RG Adventure First Class Seat 19:52 - 20:42LAK 497,076

琅勃拉邦 和 萬榮之間的交通方式

從 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮火車資訊

最早的火車8:30 오전
最晚的火車7:52 오후
距離41 公里
火車Laos Railway by Naluang, Laos Railway by RG Adventure

從琅勃拉邦到目的地 萬榮 的評價

Train on time, clean. Check in very fast and no issues.
火車 #C97 二等座, Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure ), 2024年5月16日
Very comfy and the train has AC. Security at the station is strict, they don’t allow you to bring aerosols or alcohol - I had two snake whiskeys (for souvenirs) taken off me unfortunately.
火車 #C83 二等座, Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure ), 2024年5月15日
Really helpful and attentive. Was messaging Lee Na on wattsapp throughout and she was very helpful. we booked very late and were a big group of 11 and she made sure to get us all on the bus together and book us for private transfer. Thank you
火車 #D887 二等艙, Laos Railway by Naluang, 2024年3月27日
The travel was incredible! Fast train and the online ticket works well. Sadly I paid more then double via 12go then if I have bought at the train agency. But thats ok. Worth it
火車 #C85 一等座, Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure ), 2024年1月2日
I had to get my transportation to the railway station, which is 30m away from Luang Prabang. I'm not sure if you need to email 12go.asia in advance with pick up information. Well, the place where I was staying had a shuttle to the railway station, for cheap price, so I took it. Besides that detail, everything worked good, you get the e-ticket with QR code that you will need on the beginning of your trip and end of it, the train is new and it's on time and goes fast and stable.
火車 #C85 二等座, Laos Railway by RG Adventure (RG Adventure ), 2023年10月12日
Everything worked out perfect, the tickets and transfers arrived on time. The train arrived at the destination even earlier.
火車 頭等, Naluang (Naluang), 2023年2月5日
Overall, the booking with 12go Asia did work fine for us. It was convinient to book over the app instead of having to go to the Luang Prabang train station. The pick up and the train ride went very easy, and I think it is much more comfortable than a bumpy ride in a minibus. The description on the voucher however caused a little bit of confusion, as we were not sure about the pickup time and how to get the real train ticket. We finally called the operator, (over my skype account) Nualang, and from there on it was very easy. The operator brought us our ticket to the hotel, and confirmed the pick up time. The procedure is such, that the person who brings the ticket, makes a picture of the recipient, to ensure all is delivered and confirmed. The staff of the operator was helpful, friendly and spoke decent english.
火車 頭等, Naluang (Naluang), 2023年2月3日
Good communication from 12go company re confirmation. The ticket was delivered to my hotel (by Nualang (hadn't needed to print the voucher out which meant a waste of people's time getting hotel to do it). Minibus pickup was exactly on time. However, it was 90 mins earlier than necessary to catch the train - Luang Prabang train station is sterile and barren. Huge building but nothing inside but hard seats- can't even get water let alone snacks. The Chinese train is OK. Shame the only ticket bookable was after dark so no scenery to see. And there's a trick in the process where you end up with an 'insurance' price added - I didn't see an option way to 'unchoose' that in the process. There was a price printed on the ticket that is way less than I paid.
火車 頭等, Naluang (Naluang), 2023年1月21日
I found out I paid more than double for my transport (train) from Luang Prabang to Vientiane, booking it by 12go asia. I was used from this agency that the prices were very reasonable, but apparently not for this specific route. For the high price I could've expected a private car, but instead it was a fully booked minivan with a grumpy driver that had to stop at many places. I suggest you book the train via your hostel or hotel, that should be much cheaper and faster.
火車 二等艙, Naluang (Naluang), 2022年12月28日
The taxi never turned up to our hostel to pick us up. We had to repay for another form of transport to the train station and then had to pay for another ticket for the train. We are yet to be refunded!
火車 二等座, Soutchai Travel (ບໍລິສັດ ສຸດໃຈທ່ອງທ່ຽວ ຈໍາກັດຜູ້ດຽວ), 2022年12月10日
40 客戶評價

如何從 琅勃拉邦 搭火車到 萬榮 ?

從琅勃拉邦 搭火車到 萬榮是安全、快速,又風景好的交通方式。 某些路線每天有很多車次,間隔十到十五分鐘,通常是市區內的路線。如果是長途火車,發車班次會比較少 – 請提早規劃選擇適合你的班次。如果是長途旅行,我們建議你提早幾天訂票。透過我們的線上系統訂票,你可以選擇從t 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 最好的票。 線上買票不但可以確保你當天有座位而且也省下排隊時間。在周末或假日旅行時,因為旅行的人多我們建議更早訂票。旺季時的火車票很快就賣完 – 請盡早買票

從 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮有多遠? 做火車的話,從 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 是 26 哩。

在搭火車前,先看看地圖找出你會經過的景點或地標 – 也許值得下車一看?

從 琅勃拉邦 搭火車到 萬榮 要多久?

從 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 估計需要 49分鐘。火車是陸上最快的方式,因為通常不會塞車,火車車速穩定,停靠時間也不太長,所以火東幾乎是從 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮最快速最安全的方法。影響火車車程的最重要因素是火車種類。普通火車大概是每小時四十到六十五英里或者六十五到一百零五公里之間。有些短程的市內火車時速會低於四十英里。但即使是比較慢的火車,還是會比汽車、巴士、計程車快。 快車的時速可以到每小時一百英里或一百六十公里左右。 現代高速火車則可以快到超過一小時兩百五十英里或四百公里。這樣的速度再加上停靠站較少絕對能大幅縮短你的旅程。

從琅勃拉邦 搭火車到 萬榮 的花費多少?

從琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 的火車票價會視火車種類和車廂等級而不同 。有些火車標榜不同等級的車廂和座位選擇,分別提供不同的設備和舒適度。基本車廂通常沒有冷氣而且是木製的硬式座位,票價便宜。 特等或豪華車廂票價較高但有冷氣、洗手間,還有寬敞的軟座。從路程長短來看,火車是最划算的交通方式。而且,一個人的票價通常包括兩到三件行李 – 有時甚至更多。

從琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 時刻表 火車很適合長途旅行。

確認你的旅遊計畫,然後利用上面的 琅勃拉邦 到 萬榮 時刻表來找出最適合你的車班。

此路線的最佳火車業者 火車不像巴士或計程車一樣有很多公司提供服務,每個國家通常只會有一間主要鐵路公司。

由於鐵路服務需要打量基礎建設,大多數鐵路公司是國營企業,屬於國家運輸系統。 坐火車旅行的好處之一就是停靠站通常地點很方便,靠近市區。抵達目的地以後,已經很靠近重要的地點像是旅館、超市,和醫院。如果你的行李很多,火車也是最佳選擇。火車對行李的縣種相對彈性,而且可以帶好幾件。特殊或豪華火車標榜空間寬敞,可以伸展雙腿。就舒適度和空間大小來看,這些火車座位可以和飛機商務艙相比。和巴士一樣,火車也提供各種設施讓旅途更舒服。先進的火車會有網路服務、點心櫃台,和飲料吧。車上有洗手間對有些旅客來說也是不可或缺。最後,火車幾乎很少發生車禍,和巴士或其他陸上交通工具不同。