Manila to Tagaytay

Manila to Tagaytay

Wed, May 22
One Way
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Manila to Tagaytay Schedule

Manila to Tagaytay Schedule
Transport NameRoute TimePrice
EMRO Transport Services Minivan 5pax Any time₱ 7,281

How to get from Manila to Tagaytay

From Manila to Tagaytay you are somewhat limited as to the transport options available to you. The fastest option is to hire a taxi/car with a driver or even rent a car and self drive. This might also be the most convenient option. The cheap option is to go by bus.

How far is it from Manila to Tagaytay?

The distance from Manila to Tagaytay is only about 70 km via S Luzon Expy/Pan-Philippine Hwy.

How long does it take to get from Manila to Tagaytay?

The short distance between these two locations can easily be covered in about 1.5 hours by car, double that by bus.

How much does it cost to travel between Manila and Tagaytay?

The bus costs about 200 PHP (prices can change at short notice), hiring a car and driver will cost you 4000 PHP up depending on the type of the vehicle. It will cost similar to that should you rent a self drive car.

How to get from Manila to Tagaytay by bus

In Manila the buses depart from the Cubao Bus Terminal in the Quezon area in the north of the city. In Tagaytay there is no bus station and passengers get off the bus in Oliveras Street, close to the centre of the town.

Are there many buses between Manila and Tagaytay?

There are several bus companies that operate on this route. San Augustin and Erjohn & Almark are two of those companies. You should look for Nagabus-Tagaytay on the destination sign. Buses operate about every 30 minutes 24 hours a day.

How long does it take to get from Manila to Tagaytay by bus?

The bus can and often does take up to 3 hours to reach its destination although this can be determined by how busy the roads are in Manila and how often it stops and how many people are getting on or off the bus at each stop.

How much does it cost to get between Manila and Tagaytay by bus?

Bus tickets cost about 200 PHP.

Bus travel tips

Bus schedules are liable to change at short notice due to the weather.

Another thing to be aware of is buses will depart early if they are full.

It is best to avoid the early morning or evening rush hours as you then have a better chance of getting a seat.

How to get from Manila to Tagaytay by taxi?

A popular choice in the Philippines is to hire a taxi or a private car. If opting for a taxi, check the price difference between a normal car and a van. Nornally it is not huge but travelling by van is a far way more comfortable.

How much does it cost to get to Tagaytay from Manila by taxi?

It can cost you anywhere from 4000 PHP to 5000 PHP. We encourage advanced booking and using certified taxi companies as voices have been heard telling about extra charges after negotiating the price with private drivers. Try Anis Transport as an idea.

Self-drive car rental

Car rentals cost from 2000 PHP per day, depending upon the size and model of vehicle you hire; add fuel; add tolls if any.

The best way to get to Tagaytay from Manila is to use the South Luzon Expressway or the SLE. It has the least amount of traffic getting away from Manila. You can exit the expressway at the Santa Rosa exit. You will need to pay a toll at this point. An ordinary sized car should not cost more than 60 PHP. A larger sized car may cost a little more. From the exit of the expressway, turn right and continue to the Tagaytay marketplace. This is the entrance to the town and should only take 20 minutes from the expressway exit.

Transportation from Manila to Tagaytay

  • Taxis
    $ 87.49
  • Trains are not available
  • Buses are not available
  • Ferries are not available
  • Flights are not available
  • Vans are not available

Facts about the transport from Manila to Tagaytay

Cheapest Transport$88
Fastest Transport2h
Earliest Departure12:00 凌晨
Latest Departure12:00 凌晨
Departures per day9
Distance100 kilometers
Transport CompaniesAnis Transport, EMRO Transport Services